Committee attendance

Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Phil Gilchrist 1
Councillor Simon R Mountney 1
Councillor Kathy Hodson 0
Councillor Julie McManus 0
Councillor Mary Jordan 1
Councillor Paul Martin 1
Councillor Kieran Murphy 1
Councillor Paul Jobson 1
Councillor Colin Baldwin 1
Councillor Mike Sullivan 1
Councillor Craig Walsh - McDonald 1
Councillor Tony Murphy 1
Councillor Brenda Hall 1
Children Young People and Education Committee, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Ian Lewis 1
Councillor Sue Powell-Wilde 0
Councillor Chris Carubia 1
Councillor Judith Grier 1
Councillor Vida Wilson 1
Councillor Stephen Bennett 1
Councillor Amanda Onwuemene 1
Councillor Paul Jobson 1
Councillor Colin Baldwin 1
Councillor Paula Basnett 1
Councillor Tony Murphy 1
Council, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Jerry Williams 5
Councillor Steve Foulkes 4
Councillor Phil Gilchrist 5
Councillor Jeff Green 5
Councillor Lesley Rennie 5
Councillor Stuart Kelly 5
Councillor Simon R Mountney 4
Councillor Ian Lewis 5
Councillor Andrew Hodson 4
Councillor Cherry Povall, JP 5
Councillor George Davies 5
Councillor Janette Williamson 3
Councillor Kathy Hodson 5
Councillor Sue Powell-Wilde 3
Councillor Chris Carubia 3
Councillor Pat Cleary 3
Councillor Angela Davies 5
Councillor Brian Kenny 5
Councillor Tony Jones 4
Councillor Paul Stuart 5
Councillor Julie McManus 3
Councillor Gillian Wood 2
Councillor Elizabeth Grey 2
Councillor Mary Jordan 5
Councillor Tony Cox 4
Councillor Andrew Gardner 3
Councillor Allan Brame 5
Councillor Jo Bird 3
Councillor Jean Robinson 2
Councillor Helen Cameron 5
Councillor Christopher Cooke 3
Councillor Jennifer Johnson 4
Councillor Jason Walsh - McDonald 3
Councillor Max Booth 5
Councillor Paul Martin 3
Councillor Harry Gorman 3
Councillor Daisy M Kenny 1
Councillor Judith Grier 5
Councillor Vida Wilson 3
Councillor Naomi Graham 2
Councillor Stephen Bennett 5
Councillor Amanda Onwuemene 3
Councillor James Stewart Laing 2
Councillor Ed Lamb 3
Councillor Ewan Tomeny 5
Councillor Ruth Molyneux 3
Councillor Kieran Murphy 3
Councillor Helen Raymond 5
Councillor Gail Jenkinson 4
Councillor Grahame McManus 3
Councillor Mark Skillicorn 2
Councillor Graham Davies 1
Councillor Paul Jobson 5
Councillor Louise Luxon-Kewley 5
Councillor Colin Baldwin 4
Councillor Gary Bennett 5
Councillor Mike Redfern 5
Councillor Ann Ainsworth 2
Councillor Richie Pitt 4
Councillor Mike Sullivan 5
Councillor Paula Basnett 2
Councillor Craig Walsh - McDonald 5
Councillor Tony Murphy 4
Councillor Tom Laing 5
Councillor Kaitlin Stuart 5
Councillor Brenda Hall 5
Councillor Graeme Cooper 2
Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Foulkes 2
Councillor Andrew Hodson 1
Councillor Janette Williamson 1
Councillor Gillian Wood 1
Councillor Elizabeth Grey 2
Councillor Andrew Gardner 1
Councillor Allan Brame 2
Councillor Jason Walsh - McDonald 1
Councillor Max Booth 2
Councillor Vida Wilson 2
Councillor Naomi Graham 2
Councillor Gail Jenkinson 1
Councillor Graham Davies 0
Councillor Paul Jobson 1
Councillor Ann Ainsworth 1
Councillor Richie Pitt 1
Planning Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Foulkes 3
Councillor Stuart Kelly 3
Councillor George Davies 1
Councillor Kathy Hodson 2
Councillor Sue Powell-Wilde 1
Councillor Brian Kenny 2
Councillor Mary Jordan 1
Councillor Andrew Gardner 2
Councillor Jason Walsh - McDonald 3
Councillor Max Booth 2
Councillor Harry Gorman 3
Councillor James Stewart Laing 1
Councillor Grahame McManus 3
Councillor Louise Luxon-Kewley 2
Councillor Colin Baldwin 1
Councillor Kaitlin Stuart 2