Register of interests

Councillor Angela Davies

This register of interests was published on Monday, 5th June 2023, 2.28 p.m..

I, Councillor Angela Davies a Member of Wirral Borough Council agree to abide by the Members' Code of Conduct and give notice of the following disclosable pecuniary interests in accordance with Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Yourself Your Partner
Deputy Clinical Service Manager for Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Labourer
2. Sponsorship
Yourself Your Partner
Leasowe and Moreton East Labour Party
3. Contracts
Yourself Your Partner
4. Land
Yourself Your Partner
190 Prenton Hall Road, Wirral 190 Prenton Hall Road, Wirral
5. Licences
Yourself Your Partner
6. Corporate Tenancies
Yourself Your Partner
7. Securities
Yourself Your Partner

I also give notice of the following personal interests

8. any body of which you are in general control or management and to which you are nominated or appointed by your authority
Joint Management Committee of Leasowe Play Youth and Community Association (unremunerated)
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Scrutiny Panel
9. any body exercising functions of a public nature
School Governor - Unity Federation
10. any body directed to charitable purposes
Advisory Board of Journeymen (unremunerated)
Director of The Revival Hub CIC (unremunerated)
Board of Wirral Development Trust (unremunerated)
11. any body whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union)
Labour Party
Christians on the Left
Managers in Partnership, part of Unison
Vegan Society
Cat Protection League
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Member of Holmlands Medical Centre Patient Participation Group

Sensitive Interests