Election results for New Brighton

Local election - Thursday, 5th May 2016

New Brighton - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Tony Jones Labour 2214 52% Elected
Tony Pritchard Conservative 1452 34% Not elected
Paula Walters UK Independence Party 257 6% Not elected
Cynthia Stonall Green Party 197 5% Not elected
Jackie Usher Liberal Democrats 93 2% Not elected
Gregory William North Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 51 1% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 4264
Electorate 10946
Number of ballot papers issued 4280
Number of ballot papers rejected 16
Turnout 39%
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Tony Jones 52% Elected
Tony Pritchard 34% Not elected
Paula Walters 6% Not elected
Cynthia Stonall 5% Not elected
Jackie Usher 2% Not elected
Gregory William North 1% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Rejected ballot papers16
Total rejected16