Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Thursday, 2nd February 2006



DE Roberts

Ward Councillor

JR Cocker, George Davies, S Foulkes, Ann McLachlan

Community Representatives

Ray Rowland (Noctorum Residents Association)

Lead Officer

Kevin Miller

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Primary Care Trust(s)

Kathy Doran (Chief Executive, Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT), Ms C Maddaford (Director of Nursing and Quality), Dr Abhi Mantgani (Bebington & Wirral PCT)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Mark Smith

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Daryl Oprey

Council Officers

Andrew Brannan, Jan Johnson (Minute Taker), Joan Worthington (Community Safety Team)


Rev. Pat Billsborrow (Prenton Churches Together), Graham Cole (Business representative), Gary Cummings (Area Streetscene Manager), Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group), Collette McDonagh (Slatey Road Area Residents Association), Jean McIntosh, Alison Moulder (Bidston Community representative), Cllr Harry Smith, Shaun Stewart (Community Safety Team)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome and Introductions

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, welcomed forum members and 25 members of the public to the Area Forum for Bidston & Claughton, being held for the second time at The Discovery Learning Centre. The Chair informed people that there was a loop system available for anyone with sensory impairment. The meeting will include time for questions and, if not able to provide answers at the meeting, the Area Co-ordinator will follow up and feedback information on these.

Iain Smith (Secondary Curriculum Project Manager) from the Discovery Centre went through the housekeeping details, including location of fire alarm and toilets.

The forum members introduced themselves and apologies received were noted. The Chair informed the forum that Jean McIntosh, one of the community representatives, was not attending as her organisation - BNBEAG has been nominated for a Local Agenda 21 (LA21) award and she is attending the award ceremony this evening.

The presentation on WIRE will not be made to this meeting, as WIRE has also been nominated for a LA21 award. Michelle will try to re-arrange for WIRE to come to either the June or October 2006 Area Forums.

The Chair welcomed Ray Rowland, the newly appointed Community Representative for the Noctorum area, to his first meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Michelle to re-arrange WIRE presentation for a future meeting of the forum.

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Minute 2 - Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting (3 October 2005)

Minute Text :

The issue of teen shelters was raised at the previous meeting. The Area Co-ordinator mentioned that anyone who would like further information on this can contact Roger Calvert on 0151 637 6008 (full contact details are included on page 9 of the February Area Co-ordinators report).

Details of the proposal to upgrade Noctorum Road, an unadopted footpath, were minuted in the October meeting. Subject to agreement by all parties, the work will be scheduled for April-June this year. Further advice or information is available from Shaun Brady or John Sixsmith on 0151 606 2429 (full contact details are included on page 9 of the February Area Co-ordinators report).

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Minute 3 - Area Co-ordinators Report and Area Plan Update

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator talked through the sections of her report, copies of which were available on the evening.

Section 1 of the report contained minutes from the last meeting and any matters arising.

Section 2 contains press releases and local updates, including Neighbourhood Project; Recycling schemes; transport funding; results from consultations carried out in 2005; details of the Proposed Supplementary Planning Document - Designing for Development by Mobile Phone Operators – if anyone would like further information on this or wishes to comment on this please contact Eddie Fleming, Senior Planning Officer from Strategic Development on: 0151 691 8129, or

Section 3 provided information on funding progress, this will be a regular section of the report. It is anticipated that the funding for the new financial year – 2006 / 2007 will be advertised in the Wirral Globe during April 2006. If anyone wishes to receive an application pack please contact the Community Planning Team on 0151 691 8650. The forum was allocated £11,000.00 from the Community Initiatives Fund; £1,500.00 from the Local Agenda 21 Fund and £3,000.00 from the Community Safety Fund last year. The allocation for 2006/2007 is still to be agreed.

Section 4 included information on the Local Area Plan, and it is hoped that this will be completed by the end of March.

Section 5 included a press release aimed at young people/parents affected by crime, covering areas of victim inclusion and youth inclusion. Further information on this is available from Eddie Patterson, who can be contacted on 0151 929 7756.

Section 6 included information on the Arrowe Park roundabout, the expansion of the cycle network, approach to litter dropping, plans to remove footbridges, funding for transport schemes in Wirral and proposed environmental improvements.

Michelle mentioned the equal opportunities questionnaires, which had been placed on chairs, and asked if people could complete and return these, in the self addressed envelopes provided.

The Chair introduced a new forum member, Daryl Oprey from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service. Daryl provided a briefing on the service, which has recently been voted the best performing fire and rescue service in the country. Upton Community Fire Station is setting the standard for the rest of the country for fire response and community integration. The service is getting more involved in community work, a new community sensory garden has opened at the station, and is being used for meetings and events by both the Fire Service and the community. Daryl mentioned that if anyone requires a smoke detector please contact the service on 0800 731 5958. The following questions were raised:

Q – does the smoke detector scheme apply for businesses in the area?
A – it is mainly domestic.

Q – do you come out to home watch areas to talk to groups?
A – we are happy to come along to talk to groups when invited.

Councillor George Davies raised the issue of linking the Area Plan to the new Local Area Agreements (LAA). The community will be engaged in the challenging process of LAA and it is important that reference is made to housing needs within the 4 blocks of the priority areas. Michelle confirmed that the plan is currently being updated and will ensure that this is raised at the next meeting of the sub-group due to take place in March - April 2006.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area Co-ordinator to raise issue Re: importance of reference to housing needs in the Area Plan at the next sub-group meeting.

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Minute 4 - Friends of Flaybrick

Minute Text :

John Moffat, Secretary from Friends of Flaybrick attended the Forum to provide information on this scheme.

The group, which seeks and needs partnership with the community, currently has 70 paid up members. Frank Field is it’s patron, and Professor John Tarn was elected as the first president of the group on 28th March 2004.

Achievements made by the group include: site name change to Flaybrick Memorial Gardens; eradication of drug use from site; production of a CD-rom (with 582 inscriptions and summer guided walks); setting up of a website; and raising the awareness of Flaybrick’s importance on a national and European level. At the recent AGM in Berlin of the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, the group submitted a joint bid, with Wirral Council, to hold the 2008 AGM in Wirral and this bid was successful.

John briefed the forum on problems encountered, including vandalism and health and safety. A Safety Officer post is planned, to deal with memorial safety. Councillor Harry Smith had arranged a meeting of the Police, the Council and the Friends of Flaybrick to look at these issues. Subsequent meetings have taken place with Inspector Mark Smith and are scheduled to continue.

The group is currently seeking funding for thorn hedging/cctv cameras for the 26-acre site and is currently exploring funding options to finance a £1.25m project, proposed by the ranger for Flaybrick, for a National Bat Study Centre.

A copy of this presentation is attached to the agenda.

The following points / questions were raised:

A Member of the public remarked on the tireless work John carries out for the group and recommended people to go on one of the organised walks.

Member of the public - did Landican used to be a town cemetery, and are there any plans for a friends group for Landican?

John – yes Landican used to be a town cemetery, and I am not aware of any plans to set up a friends group.

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Minute 5 - Public Question Time

Minute Text :

The Chair asked for any questions from the audience.

Beechwood resident – raised concerns regarding the new WPC for the area, who has been asked to attend meetings but has still not made contact with the residents; the size of the area covered by Community Safety Officers (CSOs); and why aren’t crime reports being received?

Inspector Smith – contact should have been made by the WPC and she is also responsible for the crime reports in that area, I will ensure that these are remedied. With regard to the CSOs he explained about the new neighbourhood model, which had changed slightly since 30 January 2006, about community and enforcement covering 3 strands of neighbourhood policing:

Dedicated – there are 13 dedicated officers for Bidston/Oxton/Claughton, with a minimum of 3 per ward and they could not be pulled away to do anything else.

Support – there are 7 officers based at Laird St to support the activity of the dedicated officers. They can be called on to cover other activities and are extremely flexible.

Patrol – this is the traditional, 365-day 24/7 service, and these are the officers that attend when you call for service.

Q – if we have got 22 wards and have 3 dedicated officers per ward this means there are 66 officers. Have we got 66 new officers?
Inspector Smith – there are 66 dedicated officers on Wirral.

A comment was made on the effectiveness of the Area Forum as, following the previous Forum, the Police did make contact to look at issues raised. It was agreed to be an effective network.

Mr Garrett raised the following local transport issues. Will there be a park and ride in the vicinity for Birkenhead North railway station? What progress has been made on Bidston railway station and will there be a park and ride service? Can we ensure there will be disabled access? Can any of £170m for the tram scheme investment now be invested in Wirral schemes?

Councillor Foulkes commented that it now looks unlikely that the tram scheme will go ahead, although Merseytravel are appealing the decision. We will make a representation requesting that the money remain within the Mersey region and will be putting in a bid for the Bidston/Wrexham line. If Councillor Smith had been at this meeting he could have provided an update on the Local Transport Plan. However in his absence the Area Co-ordinator will pass on the questions raised and report back to Mr Garrett.

Q – could any money go towards the Flaybrick scheme?
A - no, as this is not a transport scheme. The Friends of Flaybrick should be congratulated for the work they have done to substantially raise the profile of the area.

Mr Garrett - what is the situation with regards to train station on Beechwood?
A – this links into the electrification of rail line, as Beechwood would be an extension to this. The first hurdle is to get the allocation of funding and further lines will follow.

Mr Garrett also informed the forum that the 437 bus is now operating on a 10-minute service enabling people to get from West Kirby to Liverpool.

Q – is there any money to provide a bus from Noctorum to Claughton 6th Form College, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening?
A – there was a service from Beechwood, that turned round at Park High, but members were not aware it had stopped running.

Councillor Foulkes informed the Forum that, since bus deregulation, Arriva decides which routes they want to run. Merseytravel subsidise some services but have a very small portion of their fund available for this. It is up to users to put a case together and present it to them. It was agreed that the Forum would contact Merseytravel, to inform them of the lack of bus services from the Noctorum to the College in Claughton.

Q – Angie Thompson, from the Noctorum area, raised the issue of a football pitch for the area.

A – Ray Rowland said he had been in touch with Sports Council for England and Wales. A bid will be submitted for a pitch and other areas of funding are currently been explored.

Councillor Davies also commented on this issue and said that the Councillors are also moving forward, and have contacted Alan Stennard - Head of Regeneration, to talk about the likely funding arrangements and have been given a positive response to this.

Councillor Foulkes briefed the Forum on the allocation set aside to develop a play area on the Noctorum. We are trying to seek a locality that will stay protected, possibly with a main road aspect or attached to a school with access to the public.

Councillor Davies updated the Forum on Housing Market Renewal Initiative (HMRI). We should have an idea of what the allocation is within the next two weeks. The three priorities are Fiveways – Rock Ferry, Crossways – Tranmere, and North End - Birkenhead.

In relation to HMRI, a member of the public commented on a meeting of residents where he obtained information that only two-thirds of the estate had been engaged. Residents are waiting for date in April when the bid submission will be made known. One-third had not yet commented.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Inspector Smith to contact the WPC for Beechwood re: attending meetings and the distribution of crime reports.

ii. the Area Co-ordinator to pass questions raised on transport issues to Councillor Smith and report back to Mr Garrett.

iii. the Area Co-ordinator to contact Merseytravel, on behalf of the Forum, regarding the lack of bus services from the Noctorum to the College in Claughton.

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Minute 6 - Primary Care Trust - Consultation on New Primary Care Trust Arrangements in Wirral

Minute Text :

Kathy Doran, Chief Executive, Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust (PCT) addressed the Area Forum on the consultation on the new PCTs in Wirral.

Kathy informed the forum that for the last 4/5 years there have been two PCTs covering Wirral. In July 2005 the Strategic Health Authorities asked the PCTs to develop proposals for the Trusts with an aim to improve how they work and save money and use these savings to increase resources for frontline services. Several options were considered, including leaving PCTs as they are, linking with the Wirral Council area, Linking Wirral / Chester / Ellesmere Port and linking Wirral / County of Cheshire. Cheshire and Merseyside have put forward proposals to reduce the existing PCTs from 15 to 7 and are consulting on this. The PCT felt that the best option was that linking the PCT to the Wirral Council area and the consultation is based on this. The consultation period will run until Wednesday 22 March 2006, a freepost consultation questionnaire (this can also be downloaded from the Strategic Health Authority website is available at this meeting, and we would welcome your views on these proposals. Comments can also be e-mailed to or via freephone at 0800 389 1366. All the comments received will be summarised and passed to the Health Minister. At the moment the majority of the PCTs do not link with the Local Councils. It is proposed that all the PCTs in Cheshire and Merseyside will have a one-to-one link (with the exception of St Helens and Halton as these will link as one PCT as they cover a small area).

The role of the PCTs

Health Improvements - to improve and protect the local population's health. This involves more than just visiting your local GPs and it is critical to link in with Local Councils on issues that may affect health - such as housing.

Commissioning - to buy in health care and balance priorities, the PCTs spent £450m on patients’ behalf.

Out of Hospital Care - to run care services - such as District Nurses, Health Visitors etc.

There are also consultations taking place on proposals to link Cheshire and Merseyside with Greater Manchester creating a reduction, in North West England, of the number of Strategic Health Authorities from three to one and of the number of Ambulance Service Trusts from four to one.

The Chair thanked Kathy for her presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:

Will this provide better services for patients, as it looks as though there would be more regional control?

Kathy – this is a managerial organisational change, not on how we provide services. It should result in a better-managed service, by having a Wirral wide view. There should be some savings in management costs, which would go into patient care. Wirral PCTs are attending all 11 Area Forums to debate the proposed changes and to engage with the community. By comparison, some other authorities are only having one public meeting.

A member of the public commented that mental health services were treated very differently and Kathy said that she would be happy to discuss this further outside the meeting.

Dr Mantgani confirmed that the 2 PCTs have worked very much together on the new proposal of forming 1 coterminous PCT that would have many benefits, including local directives.

Do you see, as a result of the change, your budget staying the same?

Kathy – yes, we have had allocations as 2 separate PCs until 2008. The Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT have received a better level of funding as it covers more areas of deprivation. We will have locality groups and practice based commissioning and as we move and those budgets will be based on weighted capitation.

Councillor Foulkes said that, in his view, the local authority would support 1 coterminous PCT. He also asked if there are any plans to draw Mental Health Services into the PCT?

A – There are no plans for this. The PCT commission services from the Cheshire & Wirral Partnership Trust for Wirral patients, and there were no proposals to change their boundaries.

The Lead Officer confirmed that a strong representation was made, at the time the Partnership Trust was formed, that we did have governance arrangements with them, to ensure that we are able to look at the needs of Wirral. There is a lot of common ground with Cheshire.

Councillor Cocker commented that the consultation is far more comprehensive than in other areas of Merseyside. This confirms that the Area Forum is one area of influence and is an important way of talking to real people.

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Minute 7 - WIRE Presentation

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator reported that Adrian Gill from WIRE had to cancel his presentation as WIRE has been nominated for an LA21 award and the ceremony is being held tonight. Michelle briefed the Forum on the WIRE - Wirral’s Independent Recycling Enterprise. It is based in Wallasey and takes and restores unwanted furniture, and sells it on at low cost to people. Adrian will be invited to give a presentation at a future meeting. Further details on this are included on page 15 of the February Area Co-ordinator’s report.

A member of the audience informed the Forum that WIRE has got an outlet in Grange Road West, Birkenhead and that you can see samples of work in there.

There is also a similar service for refurbished white goods, called CREATE.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that WIRE be invited to a future meeting.

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Minute 8 - Any Other Business

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator agreed to check the results of the LA21 awards and include details as an attachment to these minutes. Details of these are attached to the agenda.

The Chair reported that the next Area Forum would be held on Monday 12 June at Sixth Form College, in Claughton.

Thanks were extended to speakers, everyone who attended and the Discovery Learning Centre for use of the building.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

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(Minutes Published: 30 March 2006)