Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Tuesday, 2nd October 2007



Cllr Denise Roberts

Ward Councillors

George Davies, Steve Foulkes , Ann McLachlan, Harry Smith

Older People's Parliament Representative

Edith Niblock

Area Service Co-ordinator

Louise Harland-Davies

Street Scene Manager

Mark Traynor

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Nina Birt

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Inspector Patrick McElhinney

Council Officers

Jan Johnson (Minute Taker)


Cllr J Cocker, Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group), Collette McDonagh (Slatey Road Area Residents Association), Jean McIntosh (Community Representative), Kevin Miller (Director of Adult Social Services), Alison Moulder (Bidston Community representative)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, opened the meeting and welcomed forum members and 6 members of the public to the Bidston & Claughton Area Forum meeting in the Discovery Centre. A loop system was available for anyone with a hearing impairment. There would be public question time at the end of the meeting for people to raise any other issues.

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Minute 2 - Minutes & matters arising from previous June forum

Minute Text :

The minutes of the Area Forum meeting of 5 June 2007 had been incorporated into the Area Co-ordinator’s report and agreed as a true record.

There were no matters arising from the previous Forum.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that: Minutes of the Forum held on 5 June 2007 be agreed.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report update

Minute Text :

Louise Harland-Davies presented this agenda item, in the absence of Bidston & Claughton Area Forum Co-ordinator, Michelle Gray. Contact details for the area co-ordinator could be found at the beginning of the report, Louise drew attention to the following:

- Page 14, included a newsletter from Wirral Older People’s Parliament and Wirral Youth Service opportunities.
- Page 20 looking for public consultation regarding the Licensing Act. Deadline for comments was 17 November and a contact number given if anybody would like to raise any concerns or have any comments they would like to make.
- Page 21-26 partner updates.
- Page 27-34 local transport update
- Page 35-41 Community Initiative Funding. There was £3k still in the fund, so if anyone knew of any local groups that would like to apply for funding they should contact Michelle for an application form. Deadline is 2 November. The money would roll over to following year if not used.
- Page 42-43 report on Area Plan which Michelle raised at the last meeting.
- Page 45-50 update report from Streetscene covered parking zones, road safety schemes, etc.
- Page 51-53 detailed the Equality & Diversity Strategy that Wirral Council is introducing.

Councillor Foulkes confirmed that any feedback from forums highlighting roads that needed attention would be fed back into the system.

The agenda and Area Co-ordinator’s report could be downloaded from the Internet at; alternatively, a paper version would be sent on request to any member of the public who wished to attend a future meeting.

Minute Decision :

To thank the Area Co-ordinator for the report.

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Minute 4 - Partner updates - Merseyside Police - Merseyside Fire & Rescue service - Wirral Primary Care Trust - Older peoples parliament

Minute Text :

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison, based at Laird Street updated the Forum on recent activities:

- the main areas of emphasis was on vehicle crime and anti social behaviour, progress has been made since the last Forum report. In the last 14 weeks dedicated street teams have become well established. The teams, which consist of 1 dedicated police constable and CSOs, have the remit to provide assistance in each ward. In North Birkenhead the use of bicycles for high visibility has been effective. Teams are supported by a further 9 constables and 3 sergeants.

Inspector Harrison provided an overview of how the area is policed at the moment.

- Neighbourhood Surgeries. Dedicated teams were currently undergoing training for home watch schemes and were looking for residents to take ownership of where they live.
- Initiatives were in place. In Beechwood/Ballantyne, the 14 recomemndations of the Jill Dando Institute were being used to make the lives of people on estate better. These included graffiti removal, home watch, street lighting, ASBOs being progressed. There was also a mobile police station in the locality.
- Noctorum Alliance where Police were working in partnership with Wirral Anti Social Behaviour Team and Housing Associations to target individuals with problems on the estate. If successful this would be rolled out to other wards.
- Bidston/St James area was currently involved in Respect Week. There was high visibility policing with a lot of activity including a truancy sweep today and Streetscene cleaning up.
- Initiatives in place for Halloween, Mischief Night and Bonfire Night. Diversionary tactics would be used with local businesses giving prizes to reduce some of the issues that we all face. Dedicated teams would be going into schools to educate.
- Stats in last 14 weeks since last Forum. 268 arrests made in this neighbourhood. 66 vehicles had been ceased with no insurance. ASBOs were being progressed. Crime team executed 19 search warrants and made various arrests for robbery, burglary and supply of substances. Criminal damage had reduced by 31%, with violence down by 25%.

Questions were raised as follows:

Q - Councillor Harry Smith – Beechwood used to have a police surgery at the Community Association, but not held there now. Can you consider going there? A contact name and number were given
A - Inspector Harrison would look into it.

Q – Query about an arrest made on Monday and whether this could be made into a Crack House Order.
A – Inspector Harrison explained this Order involved different legislation about class A drugs.

Q – Acknowledgement of an improvement in the area, particularly with CSOs and policing on horseback. There was an issue recently where a license was removed for serving alcohol to underage drinkers, however this had been given back within 24hours. Could you explain why?
A - On occasion a license would be suspended for a particular time, with the person getting a fixed penalty notice. Agreed to check out what happened in this case.

Q – Councillor George Davies – referred to comment earlier about 268 arrests and asked how many were repeat offenders?
A - About 30% would be multiple arrests, when get to Court they are released.
Member of public – Magistrates should come to these meetings to see what they are putting up with.

This led to a discussion about the power of magistrates and possible changes. Councillor Foulkes verified that when sentences are given out all previous arrests and charges are taken into account.

Fire & Rescue Service

Pat McElhinney, who holds responsibility for all 6 sites in Wirral, updated the Forum on recent activities.

- Fire risk assessments had been held, resulting in over 2100 smoke detectors being fitted by operational crews, working with the community. Language/culture issues were being assisted by working in conjunction with lot of partnerships.
- In regard to this area specifically, there had been reduction in dwellings fires, with numbers well below the national target.
- Anti Social Behaviour vehicle fires were well below the national target for this area and showed a continued trend of reduction.
- If any local residents were concerned about any explosion risks within their area, they should contact their local station and they would go out to check.
- If people are building bonfires let local station know and they would go out and inspect.
- Working with the Police on the Drive to Arrive Initiative which was helping to reduce the amount of people injured in Road Traffic Accidents and bringing awareness of driving at speed.
- Another scheme was the Winter Warm Campaign, which had resulted in replacement of 300 faulty blankets.
- Adopt a Block Initiative where crews go out to high rises.
- Involved with Respect Week. Raising awareness of anti social behaviour in the community.

Questions were raised as follows.

Q – Do the public have access to the gym at Upton fire station?
A - Would get contact details, but they are there to give an opportunity to vulnerable groups who would not be able to afford a gym.

Q – What if somebody injured themselves in one of your gyms?
A - People have to be formally inducted, and there is a qualified trainer on site. Councillor Foulkes confirmed that Birkenhead Fire Station has relationship with Wirral Heartbeat.

Q - Is it a national thing?
A – It is regional to Merseyside, working with partners and other agencies and crews also use the gyms.

Q – Councillor Roberts asked what proportion of electric blankets were found to be unsafe when tested?
A – Would find out and report back. The main problem was that insulation was broken when put in airing cupboards. Blankets should be plugged in before opening them up and ideally should be tested every year.

Q – Councillor McLachlan asked how specific areas were targeted for smoke alarm installation.
A - Look at hot spot areas where getting call out to either small fires or vehicle fires. Then hit with leaflets asking if they want a smoke alarm.
Councillor Davies briefed that in 1999 he had been involved with installing smoke alarms in every house in the north end of Birkenhead. They were now fitted with sealed batteries, with a 5 year guarantee.

Q - Are carbon monoxide tests coming in?
A – Fire Service could not advise on that but would forward any queries.

Primary Care Trust Update

Nina Birt, Wirral PCT, attended to provide an update. Nina drew the Forum’s attention to 2 main areas which the PCT were asking for participation.

Firstly, a small grants programme to support some community initiatives. £5k was available for the forthcoming year and Area Co-ordinator would have details. The key target areas were to encourage people to get active, to promote smoke free environments and to assist in moving young people away from alcohol use.

The other major issue was the development of the commissioning strategy and the PCT need to know, from people who use the service, what things work and what things you would like to see improved. Feedback could be forwarded via the PALs office, freephone, freepost, dedicated email address or phone text ideas through to Nina Birt at the PCT.

Questions were raised as follows.

Q – Councillor Foulkes referred to the more preventative/public health agenda now in place. He asked Nina to clarify the key priorities for applying for the grant.
A – The first strand is about improving health communities, e.g. 5 portions of fruit/vegetables a day, size of portions and trying to get people to participate in activities. Looking at smoke free activities and protecting children from second-hand smoking. The Alcohol Strategy would be launched in the next couple of weeks and activities to support young people to keep away from the temptation and become engaged in more productive activities would be welcomed. Open to any suggestions that the community feel can be advantageous.

Q – Edith asked whether her local Allotment Group which was trying to get young people or those in ethnic minorities involved, would be eligible to apply.
A – Yes certainly.

Q – The Chair, Councillor Roberts, asked how this would be publicised in the Forum.
A – Area Co-ordinator confirmed it would be probably be a section within the Area Co-ordinator’s report, alongside the Communities Initiative Fund.

Older People’s Parliament

Edith Niblock, Older People’s Parliament representative briefed the Forum on a report produced by Age Concern. The Parliament has an Executive Committee and various sub-committees and meetings are held every quarter at Wallasey Town Hall. They were looking to form further sub groups to cover safety in the community and other relevant issues and planned to produce guides to nursing homes etc. They would like to invite people to join and for anyone interested contact details could be found on page 14 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report.

Councillor Foulkes confirmed that the Older People’s Parliament is an amalgamation of all organisations associated with older people.

Councillor Roberts suggested that the use of a website would be another outlet for the public to access information on the Parliament.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Partner representatives be thanked for their updates

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Minute 5 - Public open forum

Minute Text :

The following questions were raised by members of the public.

Q – A member of the audience commented that he had removed rubbish that was covering a ‘Dangerous Bend’ road sign and asked who was responsible?
A – Mark Traynor, Streetscene Manager said it should be reported to Streetscene.

The Forum discussed this issue and it was agreed that everyone has a collective responsibility to report such problems. The key lesson was that if you see something report it and the responsible officer would get back to you.

Q – A member of the public reported on a recent incident which had led to him requesting adaptations to his bathroom. He wanted to register a compliment to Peter O’Shaughnessy, an officer he had contacted at Wallasey Town Hall who had helped to resolve his problem.
A – The Forum agreed to produce a letter of thanks.

A member of the public provided a follow up from the previous Forum. This referred to a local shop which had now had its license removed.

Q – Edith Niblock reported that alleygates, had been requested at bottom of Mather Street and they still hadn’t come.
A – Councillor Davies would deal with this tomorrow.

Councillor Smith referred to page 28 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report, the electrification of Wrexham to Bidston Line. Deeside and Woodchurch are to have new stations however there was no mention of Beechwood. Councillor Smith would make contact with Julie Barnes.

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Minute 6 - Any other business / suggestions for future presentations

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Roberts, reported that unfortunately the Chief Officer, Kevin Miller, was not able to be present this evening. He was retiring from Wirral Council at the end of the month. The Forum wished him all the best for the future.

The Chair then thanked everyone for coming and confirmed that the next meeting would be held at St James Centre on Tuesday 12 February 2008 Many thanks for use of venue tonight.

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(Minutes Published: 29 October 2007)