Meeting documents

Area Forum (New Brighton and Wallasey)
Tuesday, 6th June 2006



PJ Hackett

Ward Councillor

WA Duffey, DJ Hunt, A Pritchard, Mrs LA Rennie, Mrs K Wood

Community Representatives

Rita Fraser (New Brighton Community Partnership), I Lewis , Major Roy Tipping (Faith Representative), Mark Williams

Business Representative

Martin Revans

Chief Executive

S Maddox

Lead Officer

David Green (Director of Technical Services)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Andrew Brannan

Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT

Kathy Doran (Chief Executive, Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Ian Hassall, Inspector John Hogan

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Tony Buratti

Council Officers

Lindsay Davidson (Deputy Head of Youth Service: Policy Development), Sue Davies (Children and Young People's Department), Chris Jones (Area Streetscene Manager), Bob Little (Community Safety Team)


Dr Shymal Mukherjee, Medical Director, Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - The Chief Executive of Wirral Council will be present as part of the Annual Review of Area Forums to invite views, comments and observations on the Forum and any suggestions for improvement or development

Minute Text :

The Chair introduced Steve Maddox, Chief Executive, Wirral Borough Council, and invited him to address the meeting.

Steve Maddox stated that the Local Authority remained committed to the Area Forum structure and to demonstrate that commitment elected members had asked him to visit a meeting of each Area Forum on their behalf to receive views and comments about any aspects of the Area Forum. The feedback received would be incorporated into a report and taken to Cabinet in July/July. The Council would respond positively to any suggestions made to improve the process for the benefit of local communities.

Comments or questions could be raised at the meeting, sent directly to Steve Maddox at the Town Hall, Wallasey, or via the Area Co-ordinator.

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Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor P J Hackett, welcomed Area Forum members and 22 members of the public to the Area Forum meeting in Wallasey. He invited members of the Area Forum to introduce themselves. A microphone was available for use at the meeting if required.

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Minute 2 - Area Co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

Area Forum members had received the Area Co-ordinator's report in advance of the meeting. Copies had been posted on the Council website at Paper copies were provided for members of the public at the meeting. The minutes of the meeting of 28 February 2006 had been incorporated into the Area Co-ordinator’s report.

Matters arising:

Football facilities: The Chair advised that as the Wallacre Road recreational area was in the Liscard Ward it would be more appropriate for the member of the public to raise the query about drainage work on the field through the Area Forum for Liscard.

The Area Co-ordinator explained that ‘Open for All’ funding was available to any local organisation, business or person who was interested in organising an environmental project, eg a litter pick, cleaning up a street, or painting a school room. Information packs were available on request.

Councillor Rennie responded to a request for information on the ‘message in a bottle scheme,’ and on the justification for awarding £1,000 CIF money towards the scheme. The member of the public replied that, in her view, the allocation was not appropriate for the purpose provided.

Another member of the public stated that a grant application for a neighbourhood watch scheme had been misrepresented in the submission, and had been refused. An application had been re-submitted.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: That –

i the minutes of the meeting of 28 February 2006 be confirmed.

ii the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for his report.

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Minute 3 - Presentation on Youth Participation at Area Forums

Minute Text :

Lindsey Davidson, Deputy Head of Policy Development, had been invited to describe Youth Participation in general and to discuss ways in which Area Forums could form links with young people in Wirral. She presented information under the headings - Participation by Wirral's Children and Young People - What is happening in Wirral at the moment? Achievements to date. Participation to date What do we know from having young people participate? Participation in Wirral; and the Next Steps.

The many links that existed with young people needed to be strengthened and developed to make them more accessible both for adults and young people. One way to promote discussion and dialogue with young people on the best way forward would be to hold an area forum meeting after a youth forum meeting. The next area youth forum for the whole of the Wallasey would be on Tuesday, 27 June at the Allandale Youth Club.

Dave Hanlon referred to the many Church-based youth clubs that operated in Wallasey in the past, and to the monthly meetings of the North West Area Youth Council that had previously taken place. Each youth organisation/club had been entitled to send two people to the monthly meetings.

Lindsey Davidson replied that youth councils were still operating in some areas but in Wirral they had evolved into the Youth Forum concept. Youth Forums operated in a similar way to Youth Councils but promoted a more open membership that allowed opportunities for all young people to express their views. She concluded her presentation by stating that the whole concept of youth participation had started quite small but had been built up gradually and was gaining momentum. The achievements so far had been recognised by the award of Beacon status.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Lindsey Davidson be thanked for her presentation.

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Minute 4 - Presentation on New Brighton and Wallasey Children Centre

Minute Text :

Sue Davies, Children's Centre Development Manager, explained that the development of Children's Centres was a Central Government initiative that would be funded and implemented in three phases, starting in 2004 and ending in 2010. In locating children's centres, local authorities must follow the principles of reducing child poverty and in the first phase meet the needs of families with children under five. In Wirral, the Authority had identified the most disadvantaged Wards in which to set up Children's Centres and to establish satellite centres to develop outreach services. The funding available to 2008 would be focussed on those areas. By 2010, there would be a children's centre in every locality. A map identifying the first phase of children's centres and satellite centres was displayed at the meeting.

At a local level, building work on the Children's Centre for New Brighton located at Mount Primary School would be completed by the end of June and the 50-place day nursery would be opened in September. A full-time Centre Manager had been appointed to support both New Brighton and Liscard Children's Centres. Care staff and other support staff were being recruited.

Sue Davies responded to queries raised by Area Forum members on -

Parking: An additional 11 parking spaces had been created as part of the Children's Centre. Officers in the Council’s Technical Services Dept. were looking at the whole issue of car parking in the area and at the possibility of installing an additional road crossing.

Traffic: Traffic surveys had been undertaken in the area to ensure the safety of people who walk to the Centre.

Child Safety and Protection: The gates would be locked and security fencing would be erected around the building. There would be a double-entry, electronic access and egress, ensuring that children are very safe once they are in the building. High levels of supervision would be provided at all times when children are present.

Sure Start: The Sure Start programme had now ceased. The team of staff and the delivery of services had been integrated into the Children's Centre.

Impact on local residents: The School's Headteacher and the Centre Manager were looking at ways to keep the local community informed of developments and to address any issues or concerns they may have.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Sue Davies be thanked for her presentation.

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Minute 5 - Streetscene Update - Transport Capital Monitoring, Integrated Transport Block 2007/08

Minute Text :

(a) Street Scene: Chris Jones, Street Scene Manager, drew attention to Streetscene update in Section Six of the Area Co-ordinator's report, and to Section Eight, the Structural Maintenance Programme 2006/07. He reminded the Area Forum that members of the public could report any aspects of the Street Scene environment via the Street Scene Centre on 606 2004.

Councillor Wood commented that the overall report was very informative and reflected some very good work in Wallasey as a whole. She requested that the main focus for future reports should be events and developments in the New Brighton and Wallasey Wards.

Doug Wright drew attention to long-standing problems concerned with speeding, problems with the tarmac, and the absence of kerbing for about 40/50 feet in Dalmorton Road and advised that the road has been in a poor state for 25 years. The issues had been brought to the attention of elected Members, senior Council Officers and the local MP, on numerous occasions in the past, all without effect.

David Green, the Director of Technical Services, undertook to accompany the member of the public to the area and to inspect the road, at the end of the meeting.

b) Transport Capital Programme 2007/08/Integrated Transport Block.

The Environment and Transportation Select Committee had asked for Area Forums to be consulted on a proposal to involve Area Forums in drawing up programmes within the Integrated Transport Block element of the Transport Capital Programme.

Area Forums were being asked whether -

a from 2007/08, each Area Forum should be given an equal share of the Integrated Transport Block to allocate as they wish; or

b whether the status quo should be maintained with the total amount being managed centrally and allocated against the Council's criteria; or

c the money continues to be managed centrally and allocated on a Wirral-wide basis, with the views of the Forums being fed into the decision-making process.

The amount available to each Area Forum [£16,300 for 2005/06] would be insufficient to fund a speed reduction scheme, but would allow a very modest road programme comprising some elements of parking schemes, dropped crossings, refuges and sign posting to be carried out.

It was PROPOSED by Councillor Wood, SECONDED by Ian Lewis, that -

The New Brighton/Wallasey Area Forum would prefer the funding available in the Integrated Transport Block to be used on a borough-wide basis as at present, and that Area Forums nominate areas where funding should be allocated.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that: -

i this Area Forum recommends that the funding in the Integrated Transport Block continues to be centrally managed and allocated on a Wirral-wide basis, and that Area Forums nominate the areas where the funding should be allocated.

ii David Green and Chris Jones be thanked for their updates.

iii. David Green to visit Dalmorton Road, with Doug Wright, to inspect the road re: long-standing problems there.

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Minute 6 - Primary Care Trust Update

Minute Text :

Kathy Doran updated the Area Forum on -

Restructuring of the Health Service: The public consultation had closed and the Secretary of State or Health had approved the proposal for one Wirral Primary Care Trust to be established from 1 October 2006. The positions of Chair and non-executive members of the Board were currently being advertised. The independent body, the NHS Appointments Commission, would make all the appointments.

Re-location of Seabank Road medical centre: A consultation would be launched on 1 September and last for 12 weeks on a proposal to re-locate and merge the Seabank Road medical centre with St George's medical centre.

In response to comments, Kathy Doran stated that it was becoming increasingly difficult for a surgery with only one doctor to deliver the services that ought to be available to people in the community. The premises at St George's would be extended to enable the patients from both practices to access a wider range of services than the two centres can provide in their existing premises. The issue of car parking in St George's area was being address in conjunction with the Council.

Members of the Forum and members of the public highlighted problems that would be experienced by people who are elderly and disabled negotiating the hill to St George's to access the services; the high costs of travel that would be incurred by those who would need to travel by taxi; and the increased demands for parking in an area that already has high traffic levels and severe congestion.

Kathy Doran continued that there would be two public consultation meetings at the New Brighton Community Centre on 30 July, and on 31 July. The presentation would include an analysis of where current patients live and how they will be affected by the move. People's views on the proposal would be most welcome throughout the consultation period. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, a planning application to extend the St George's premises would be submitted to the Council in due course.

Wirral Health Communities initiatives: Wirral Healthy Communities are currently delivering its second 'Brighter Futures' course, which aims to support people's positive mental health. [tel. 647 1703, or the website]

Further Expert Patient Programme courses would be running throughout the year as part of the self-care programme. [tel. 647 1703, or the website]

The PCT have secured a bid worth £140,000 to increase swimming activity in older people who have a long-term health condition.

A smoking cessation service run by the NHS can be accessed via GP practices and over 30 pharmacies. [more information from Support 0151 647 0211.

Walk On is a local programme of short walks led by a trained volunteer leader. There are four weekly walks:
Birkenhead Park Mondays. 11 am Grand Entrance, Conway Street
Moreton Shore Wednesdays, 12.30 corner Leasowe Road/Pasture Road
Royden Park Thursdays. 2.30 from car park
Port Sunlight Wednesday, 11 am Port Sunlight Station.
[More information from Birkenhead Park 652 5197]

A Wirral Walking Festival involving twelve walks has been organised to encourage people to become active over the summer and enjoy some of the local parks in Wirral. All walks would be led by a Council Ranger and last approximately 1.5 hours.

Copies of the publication, ‘Health Links Newsletter, were distributed to members of the public.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Kathy Doran be thanked for her update.

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Minute 7 - Community Safety Update: - Merseyside Police - Merseyside Fire Service - Community Safety

Minute Text :

Merseyside Police: Inspector John Hogan, Neighbourhood Inspector for Wallasey, reported on the setting up of a number of neighbourhood action groups with the aim of community representatives meeting with the Police to identify priorities for their area and to gain an understanding of how Police resources are used. . The group for this area comprised community representatives from Liscard, Seacombe and New Brighton. At the meeting on 24 April, the priorities identified for New Brighton included Rake Lane cemetery, graffiti, under-age drinking around the War memorial, youth disorder, the promenade, and congestion. The next meeting had been scheduled for 8 June 2006.

Following re-organisation, there were now dedicated Officers attached to Wards who could meet with members of Area Forums to identify issues and assess priorities.

Inspector Ian Hall, Lead Inspector for Wallasey and Moreton area expanded on the wider role of the neighbourhood community action groups. In relation to areas in and around Wallasey, the three key issues were under-age drinking, youth disorder and criminal damage, especially in the areas around Leasowe Road and Grove Road. A section 30 Dispersal Order had been invoked for the Grove Road area, which had just concluded. Local Councillors would be advised on the outcome when the results have been analysed.

The Police were keen to receive information from the public, particularly in relation to off-licences selling alcohol to under-aged young people, via Crimestoppers 0800 551 111 or local police stations.

Merseyside Fire Service: Tony Buratti, Fire Station Manager for Wallasey and West Kirby, reported that services offered by the Fire Service to the local community included free home safety checks, advice on risk assessments and a home fire plan, and the fitting of smoke alarms; the identification of and support for vulnerable, elderly, disabled people in re-generation areas; youth engagement aimed at reducing anti-social activities; advice to youth clubs and schools; the use of fire service premises, free of charge, for meetings of local neighbourhood groups, health seminars and training courses.

Merseyside Fire Service had achieved Beacon status in recognition of its participation with young people.

Tony Buratti responded to a query from a member of the public on legislation to control the sale and storage of fireworks.

Community Safety: Bob Little, Information Officer, Community Safety Team, drew attention to the report on Community Safety on pages 50/52 of the Area Co-ordinator's report, and to the statistical analysis of Crime for New Brighton/Wallasey April 2005 to March 2006. He commented on the effectiveness of the working partnership between Officers in the Community [mobile] Police Station and the Crime and Disorder Reduction team.

Responding to a question by the Chair, Bob Little explained that the Community Safety Team is responsible for evaluating and advising on the Alleygate scheme. A report on the effectiveness of the Alleygate scheme was currently being compiled.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Tony Buratti, Inspector Ian Hassall, Inspector John Hogan, and Bob Little be thanked for their updates.

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Minute 8 - Public question time

Minute Text :

The following issues were raised by members of the public:

Bus stop near Liscard Shopping Precinct: People waiting long periods for buses have to stand on narrow strip of pavement at the back of McDonalds in Liscard. The waiting area is located between two busy two lanes of traffic on one side, and diesel buses, which belch toxic fumes, on the other, suggesting that the one-way system had been installed the wrong way round. If the route could be altered, the bus stop could be relocated on the shops' side avoiding the necessity for people to weave between traffic and wait for buses in the middle of a busy road.

David Green stated that re-routing the one-way system would be a major undertaking. He would arrange for a Traffic Engineer to visit the area with a representative from Merseytravel and assess the improvements that can be made.

Bus stop on Mount Pleasant Road. The removal of the bus stop in Mount Pleasant Road had caused considerable difficulty and inconvenience, particularly for elderly people who had to negotiate the hill.

Supermarket on Marine Lane: The Chair advised that Area Forums had agreed a policy that the New Brighton regeneration would not be discussed at area forum meetings. He was able to state that the public enquiry had ended and the Council was awaiting the outcome.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that David Green to arrange a visit with Traffic Engineer and a representative from Merseytravel to look at possible improvements to bus stop area near Liscard Shopping Precinct.

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Minute 9 - Date of future meetings / presentations

Minute Text :

The next meeting will be held on 9 October 2006.

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Minute 10 - Any other business

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Low Energy Bulbs. The Area Co-ordinator would issue packs of low energy light bulbs to members of the public, at no charge, at the end of the meeting.

The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.05 pm.

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(Minutes Published: 10 July 2006)