Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Wednesday, 7th February 2001



B Gilfoyle


RG Paterson


DM Elderton, LC Jones, SE Kelly, WD Nock


PJ Corcoran (for Cllr DW Christian)

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

The Borough Solicitor and Secretary, in the report now submitted, sought the views of members on a number of questions set out in a DETR consultation paper on proposed new regulations relating to Standards Committees and generally on the scope and content of such regulations.

The Local Government Act 2000 provided for a new statutory framework governing the conduct of local government members and employees. As part of that framework, all local authorities were now required to set up Standards Committees although many, including Wirral, had set up such committees in advance of legislation. The Government now proposed to make regulations in the Spring governing the composition of Standards Committees, the way in which independent members should be appointed and the procedural rules under which committees should operate. The Government was consulting on the draft regulations which were attached to the report now submitted as an annexe to the consultation paper and the DETR was seeking responses by 9 March 2001.

The specific questions raised in the consultation paper were set out in the Borough Solicitor and Secretary's report together with his observations.

Minute Decision :

RECOMMENDED - That the Committee supports the proposals in the consultation paper, with the following exceptions:-

1. There should be no Executive members on the Standards Committee.
2. There is no need for regulations 4(b) (c) and (d) if there is to be a requirement in 4(a) for a 75% majority of the Council to approve the appointment of independent members.
3. With regard to the rules on validity, the quorum of two is too low and the requirement for two independent members to be part of the quorum for larger meetings is excessive if proper notice has been given.

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Minute Text :

Further to minute (10) (27/11/00) the Borough Solicitor and Secretary reported orally on the present position regarding the co-option of two independent members to serve on the Committee. The party spokespersons had met to discuss the five applications received and three applicants had then been interviewed by a panel consisting of the Chair, the Chief Executive and the Borough Solicitor and Secretary.

The Borough Solicitor and Secretary reported on a late application which had since been received.

Minute Decision :


(1) That Mrs V Robertson and Mr J P Haywood be co-opted as independent members of the Committee.

(2) That the other applications be considered at a later date if appropriate when the new regulations relating to the composition of Standards Committee come into force; and that the applicants be advised accordingly.

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(Minutes Published: 8 February 2001)