Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Thursday, 11th October 2007



Cllr Dave Hawkins

Ward Councillors

Karen Hayes, Adrian Jones, Denis Knowles, John Salter

Community Representatives

Margaret Allen (Seacombe Community Representative), Diane Ledder , Jo McCourt (Wallasey YMCA), Fr. Leon Ostaszewski, Carole Thomas (Liscard Community Representative)

Older People's Parliament Representative

Geoffrey Dormand, Joe Lee, Audrey Moore

Lead Officer

Mark Camborne (Health & Safety & Resilience Operations Manager)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Street Scene Manager

Chris Jones

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Iain Stewart

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Jo Goodfellow (Div. General Manager for Women and Children)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Julie Fletcher, Sergeant Ian McEwan

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Tony Mooney

Council Officers

Tara Dumas (Recycling Officer), Christina Jones (Education & Cultural Services), Howard Mortimer (Special Initiatives Team), Carol Sharratt (Community Planning Assistant)

British Sign Language Interpreters

Ken Butterfield, Ian Duncan


John Drew (Seacombe LCP), Cllr Leah Fraser, Bernadette Howson (Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Dave Hawkins, welcomed forum members and 32 members of the public to the meeting of the East Wallasey [Liscard/Seacombe] Area Forum in Wallasey Town Hall. He also introduced Ian Duncan and Ken Butterfield, British Sign Language Interpreters to the forum and asked if anyone required this service, and thanked them for their attendance at this meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Ian Duncan and Ken Butterfield be thanked for attending this forum meeting.

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Minute 2 - Minutes and matters arising from previous June forum meeting

Minute Text :

Minute 5:

Dave Hanlon informed the forum that the bus stop outside the Queens Hotel has now been re-instated 30 yards further on from the original stop.

Margaret Allen - Mark Camborne gave an update on unlicensed private landlords. Mark informed the forum that he was not aware of any further progress on this but will keep the forum informed of any developments.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Mark Camborne to keep the forum informed of future developments on unlicensed private landlords.

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Minute 3 - Area Co-ordinator's report update

Minute Text :

The Chair requested that if anyone has any questions or comments on the report could they pass these to Michelle Gray at the end of the meeting, due to the number of items on the agenda.

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Minute 4 - Fair shares lottery

Minute Text :

The Chair introduced Carolyn Boyce, Operations Director, Community Foundation, who had been invited to give a presentation on the Fair Shares Lottery.

Carolyn informed the forum that the Foundation is a charitable organisation that raises funds to provide a grant making service across Merseyside. The Fair Shares Trust Programme was launched by the Big Lottery in 2002 from a pot of £50m to ensure that a larger share of total lottery funding is received in the fair share areas and that a sustainable impact is made on the lives of disadvantaged people in these areas. There are 77 fair share area in the UK and the programme will run until March 2013.

The Foundation's vision for Wirral is in line with the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and the Foundation work closely with the LSP, the Community and Council Leaders on this. The vision is to:

- create a neighbourhood where people want to live and spend time, where its residents are proud of their neighbourhood and their surroundings
- invest in the provision of opportunities for young people and to engage them in community life to promote a sense of ownership and pride
- improve the local environment making it a safer and healthier place to live
- invest in and support existing community facilities for the benefit of all residents in the neighbourhood.

The current local priorities (these may be revised next year) for the Liscard neighbourhood are:

- providing opportunities for children and young people (aged between 5 and 18 years) to develop as individuals (all opportunities based upon consultation)
- improving the local environment, promoting a sense of pride and a feeling of security and investing in existing community facilities to ensure they are meeting the needs of all residents
- supporting the community and voluntary sector within Liscard to deliver their core services.

How will grants make an impact?

- commissioning process
- fund strategic projects
- they will contribute to specific goals identified by the areas Fair Share Trust Priorities Document
- projects will contribute towards agreed outputs or indicators set within funding application
- monitoring visit and performance management by panel.

The panels are at local level and work with other partnerships, look for matched funding for projects and work strategically.

Projects that have been funded so far:

1. Liscard Communities Facilities Complex - the Grosvenor Ballrooms - £170,000. This was brought about through issues raised at the forum. The project included the completion of kitchen refurbishment to enable catering training and income generation to ensure sustainability. The priority was community and voluntary sector development and the issues were poor training opportunities in the ward and lack of inter-generational training. The indicators for this project were to provide:
- basic catering training for 30 beneficiaries from Liscard ward
- accredited training for 20 beneficiaries from Liscard ward
- volunteering opportunity for one local resident.

The Catering for Life Project which hosted the Community Foundation Network National Conference Delegates to Merseyside – September 2007. This brought delegates to Wirral and was very successful.

The Community Garden Project - the aim of the project was to transform an unused parking area adjacent to the community centre into an environmentally friendly sensory garden that could be used for educational purposes for children, as a peaceful area for older residents and as an extension of facilities for centre user groups. This was an extension of the current centre based there and was only launched recently. The priority - community and voluntary sector development. The indicators for this project were to:
- encourage 150 new users
- employ a local gardener
- provide training for 2 local volunteers.

2. CBED Wirral Wide Development Trust - £172,975. The panel commissioned them to improve accessibility to the facility. Priority - children & young people and the aim was to:
- improve accessibility of facility to young people through the extension of opening hours by a minimum of 10 per week.
- increase users by a minimum of 48 with 50% being young people
- increase the number of volunteers by 2.

The range of projects included First Time Online, Basic PC Courses, Myguide, Taste of English, Wirral Community TV Video Course, Job search facilities and CV assistance.

3. YMCA - £187,354 The project was to appoint staff to expand and develop the delivery of a wide range of services and opportunities for children, young people and adults whilst providing local people with new and improved facilities and services in the Liscard ward. Priority - children and young people. The indicators were to:
- increase users of facilities by 200 - the majority being Young People
- expand and develop new services for Children and young people
- provide opportunities for partners to develop preventative/ innovatory projects using the facility as a resource
- expand services, projects and programmes for children, young people and the wider community in a safe environment.

4. Maritime Warden Project - £120,000 The project was to improve community safety and to foster social inclusion issues raised at the Area Forum with regards to Safer Communities and to achieve cleaner and safer environment. The priority - Local Environment. The indicators include: neighbourhood nuisance, vandalism, anti social behaviour, alleygating schemes, and the lack of Police presence. The Key Issues: anti social behaviour and youths causing annoyance, Criminal damage and arson, violent offences, theft and handling stolen goods. This is a successful project where we do feel that we are making a positive impact on anti-social behaviour and the local environment.

The next steps for the panel:

- £758,931 spent
- £100,447 remaining
- quarterly meetings
- monitoring and performance visits
- ringfenced and/or revisit priorities/further allocations?
- sustainability and partnership working

The panel have been looking at a project they wish to commission with the remaining funds available, but external funding may be obtained for this and the funding may come back into the pot, if so then the panel will revisit the priorities to decide how to allocate the remaining funds.

It is hoped that the partnership may stay involved in the area, now that the Government has recognised Fair Share.

Carolyn was given a round of applause and the Chair thanked her for her presentation and no issues / questions were raised on this.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Carolyn Boyce be thanked for her presentation.

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Minute 5 - Liscard Hall update

Minute Text :

The Chair introduced Howard Mortimer, Special Initiatives Officer, Corporate Services Department, who had been invited to give an update on the proposals for Liscard Hall.

Howard informed the forum that he had been usurped by the Wallasey News (copy of this attached to agenda under item 5) and expressed his disappointment on seeing confidential information on the front page of the paper.

Two bids had been received and shared with the steering group, but these have yet to be put forward to the Council's Cabinet who will decide how it wishes to proceed and whether it wishes to see both or either schemes encouraged to detailed stage. We are aware of the poor condition of the hall, that has not been in use for seven years. We have tried hard over the last two years to secure its use for public sector, but this has not been possible, so we then tried to get interest from the private sector. We will closely control any development to safeguard the park and are looking at a long term lease arrangement.
We are preparing a report, which we hope to place before Cabinet in November, on the two bids as outlined below:

1. An investment proposal - principally residential with a modest amount of leisure use with a possible value of £3-4m.

2. A more ambitious scheme proposing approximately 50% commercial leisure development / 50% residential apartments and mews development, with a possible value of £9-10m.

The steering group declared themselves in favour of option 2. If Cabinet is minded ultimately to a point a preferred developer, Council Officers will work with the nominated company. The local community will then have an opportunity to get involved and give their views are part of the public consultation process.

The Chair thanked Howard Mortimer for his update and informed the forum that Howard would not be able to answer questions on the specific developments, and that only questions that would have been raised prior to the newspaper article the following issues / questions were raised:

Councillor Adrian Jones - it is wonderful that this Grade II listed building will be preserved for the future and will include continual use for the community, with covenants to preserve control over future developments / uses. He congratulated the officers for their professionalism, but expressed dismay over confidential meetings between councillors and officers being leaked.

Councillor Denis Knowles - the meeting last week also included leading members of the community.

Carole Thomas - raised concern that the above remark intimated that it was a member of the community that leaked the information. Councillor Knowles confirmed that he was just clarifying who was at the meeting, and apologised for any misunderstanding this may have caused.

Diane Ledder - there was a discussion at the end of the meeting on what information was / was not allowable to be disclosed, but it became obvious at the next meeting that most of the information from this meeting was already known. I had previously declined to comment and was given a lot of grief about this, which is unfair when I am representing the communities interests.

David Hale - what level of public consultation will be carried out this?
A. there will be meetings, workshops etc. giving members of the community opportunities to inspect the plans for the scheme and input ideas and comments on these. The programme has not yet been developed, but it will be a vigorous and open and inclusive programme.

Jean (Vice Chair of Friends Group) - it is good to know that one of the schemes is likely to be taken up, how soon will things start to move from when the decision is made and can we be involved with the developers?
A. After Cabinet have made a decision and the ten day call in period has ended we will contact the developers to start working on the details. Developments like this do take time to get going, and the timescale is also dependant on how fast the developers wish to move. It is not likely that development would start on site before next Autumn. Comments and ideas from the community will be taken on board wherever possible.

Chair asked if the forum would like to arrange a special meeting to discuss this when a clear understanding on the preferences / project is available. David Hale congratulated the Chair on this suggestion. It was agreed that the area co-ordinator organise this.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Howard Mortimer be thanked for his update.
ii. Area Co-ordinator to arrange special forum meeting to discuss Liscard Hall development proposals.

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Minute 6 - Streetscene/recycling/bins - public question time

Minute Text :

Recycling - Tara Dumas, Recycling Officer informed the forum that there was an update in the area co-ordinators report, and gave a further update on this:

- 32% of household waste was recycled in August and this increased to 36% in September. The overall prediction for the year was 28%. Grey bins are really successful and trips to the recycling plant has nearly doubled.

- Garden waste, there are still about 3,000 properties that are not on this scheme (some of these are in Liscard). This cannot be expanded further at this time, but the properties will be included by the end of March 2008. If anyone knows of any streets or parts of streets that are not on the scheme please report these to the Streetscene call centre on 0151 606 2004.

- Christmas, the grey/green bin calendars run out during the second week of December. the new calendars will be issued six weeks up to Christmas and new stickers will be placed on the bins. There are no plans to change the collection days, but some Saturday collections will be made during the Christmas period.

- Flytipping, 100 streets in the Neighbourhood Renewal area will be included in a special project to reduce flytipping. A list of the streets will be published in the next area co-ordinators report and this will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.

The following issues / questions were raised:

Diane Ledder
1. Who controls the bin collection service employees, as after the green bins in Ladywood Road and Silverbeech Road had been emptied they were left across the pavement with no room left for people to walk past and was particularly dangerous for disabled people?
A. Tara agreed to raise this issue with Biffa.

2. If you live in a terrace and have a garden do you have to have a brown bin.
A. No, some residents with small gardens share bins, if you have been given a bin but do not want this let Streetscene know and this will be collected.

David Hale
1. Pleased with the service, but that not all houses have brown bins.
A. You have to have a garden to have a brown bin. Some brown bins were given out accidentally, if you let Streetscene know about these they will be collected.

2. When call Streetscene the choice includes kerbside collection which causes confusion, suggest that it could just refer to collection point.
A. This is the first time this issue has been raised, the term used is a universal one used by all authorities, will look into this.

Audrey Moore - is items being placed in the wrong bins a common problem?
A. It is more of a problem in some areas, but on the whole the scheme is understood by the Public. Participation officers will visit properties where this occurs to try and solve this, including looking at alternative solutions to bins being placed on the pavement.

Tony Forder - Marlowe Road URC, Torrington Road, has been told that are not entitled to a free brown bin.
A. If the garden is tended by the community then the church can be issued with a free brown bin. Tony confirmed that the garden is tended to by the community and Tara agreed to arrange for a bin to be provided.

Christina Jones - is there a discount scheme for kitchen bins where waste can be separated for recycling?
A. Will look into this and report back at next forum.

Streetscene - Chris Jones, Streetscene Manager

David Hanlon - when cable TV was installed in Wallasey the pavement replacement was very poor and it has been like this for 12 years, will this be replaced?
A. Am aware of the condition of the footpaths. The Council has certain powers over works carried out by utility companies, but this has gone past the date when the council can get them to rectify this. Safety inspections are carried out in this area, but will put this forward for possible inclusion for works.

Diane Ledder - the keep clear markings at the entrance to Love Lane allotments has still not been repainted.
A. Chris apologised that this has not yet been done and agreed to discuss this further at the end of the meeting.

David Hale - thanked Chris Jones / Streetscene for doing the impossible at Moseley Avenue.

Father Ostaszewski
1. The traffic lights on the route from Duke Street through Wallasey need to be re-timed before 6am
A. There are currently several sets of signals with vehicle detectors damaged on the route from, Duke Street north through Wallasey. This affects the operation of the signals which is more, noticeable at quiet times. The detectors will be repaired as soon as possible and in the mean, time the overnight signal timings will be reviewed.

2. The pedestrian light at Seaview Road by Edinburgh Road is not functioning properly.
A. The Puffin crossing at Seaview Road near Edinburgh Road was checked in August and September and no faults have been found.

3. The sign ‘Poulton’ when approaching Liscard from Penny Bridge, Clare Mount Road and Wallasey Road, has been removed and needs to be replaced, preferably on a lamp post nearby where it is not so accessible to vandalism.
A. A new sign will be ordered.

4. All dock signs leading from the A54 should state Wirral docks, to avoid confusion for drivers who wish to access the docks on the Liverpool side.
A. This issue has been raised previously but Liverpool is clearly signed and anybody who wants the "Docks" whether they be in Liverpool / Birkenhead or Wallasey will be aware of the River Mersey and consequently realise that any docks in Liverpool will be signposted once over the river.

5. There is a crack in Belvedere to Rolleston Road that is getting worse, can this be looked into?
A. Are aware of this, it is from a gas re-instatement, will contact the streetworks officers to see where this is up to and report back on this at the next forum.

6. A meeting was held with David Ball about a year ago re: improving Egremont Kings Street area and have heard nothing since.
A. Mark Camborne - will discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting, but can arrange for responses to be brought to these meetings.

Resident - Mariners Park

1. There are pot holes in Manor Lane and by the Magazine PH that have been filled, but the fillings have been gouged out by vehicles, can this be looked into?
A. Will revisit the work and get the contractor to re-do the work if it has not been done satisfactorily.

2. A petition was submitted for a crossing to be placed outside Manor Road Church, but the application was turned down as unnecessary. There are many elderly residents at Mariners Park and it is dangerous trying to get from one bus stop to the other, particularly during peak hour, this will become even worse with the new development in New Brighton.
A. The Chair asked Chris Jones to look into this again in the light of the number of elderly residents in the vicinity. Chris agreed to ask the traffic engineers to revisit this.

3. Suggest that parking wardens look at vehicles, particularly large vans, parking on the corner of minor roads leading onto Seabank Road as they are a hazard.
A. Inspector Julie Fletcher - it is an offence to park within 15 metres of a junction. Sergeant Ian McEwan - we have carried out a number of road safety campaigns and issued 60 prosecutions in this area. It is an ongoing project and PCSOs can target vehicles parked on corners.

Councillor Denis Knowles - The building site at Borough Road has had scaffolding around it for 12 months now and is an obstacle for pedestrians, can anything be done about this?
A. Will send an inspector out to see if the scaffolding permit is in order.

Audrey Moore - are private hire drivers responsible for ensuring passengers wear seatbelts?
A. Inspector Julie Fletcher - children should wear seatbelts, private hire drivers can be reported to the licensing authority.

Carole Thomas - cars are also parking on junction of Seaview Road and Rake Lane.
A. Inspector Julie Fletcher - the Police can look at obstruction offences, will discuss this further at the end of the meeting. Chris Jones agreed to highlight this area to enforcement officers who can give out fixed penalties.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Tara Dumas to:
- produce list of roads to be included in special project to tackle flytipping for the next area co-ordinators report.
- raise issue re: bins blocking pavements in Ladywood Road and Silverbeech Road with Biffa
- look at choices available on the Streetscene call centre phone service
- arrange for a brown bin to provided at the Marlowe URC
- look into possibility of discount scheme for kitchen recycling bins and report back on this at next forum.

ii. Chris Jones to:
- put forward footpaths in Wallasey on the proposed Road Maintenance Programme list
- look into repainting of keep clear signage at the entrance to Love Lane allotments
- arrange for traffic lights at Duke Street to be repaired and the signal timings to be reviewed
- order a new sign for Poulton
- report back at the next forum on progress re: repair to Belvedere Road following gas re-instatement
- check work carried out in Manor Lane and arrange for the contractors to re-do the work if it has not been carried out satisfactorily
- arrange for the traffic engineers to look at need for a crossing at Manor Road
- arrange for an inspector to visit building site in Borough Road and check if scaffolding permit is in order
- arrange for enforcement officers to target cars parking on junction of Seaview Road and Rake Lane.

iii. Mark Camborne to arrange for information on progress re: road improvements in Egremont to be brought to future forum meetings.

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Minute 7 - General public Question Time

Minute Text :

Member of Public - is the doctors surgery in King Street moving?
A. Iain Stewart - confirmed that the Egremont development centre is not being moved.

David Hanlon - there were four youths drinking alcohol at the side of the football pitch during a match at Wallacre Park, could the Police have done anything about this if they had been called?
A. Inspector Julie Fletcher - if they were under age the Police could have seized the alcohol, but could only have them removed if they were causing a problem. Sergeant Ian McEwan - it is an alcohol free zone so we could enforce this.

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Minute 8 - Partner updates - Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Wirral Primary Care Trust and the Older People's Parliament

Minute Text :

Merseyside Police

Resident of Mariners Park thanked the Police and the CSOs for work on reducing incidents over the summer.

Councillor Adrian Jones informed the forum that he was heartened by the praise for the Police and welcomed Inspector Julie Fletcher to the forum. We have lost our Area Commander, Colin Matthews, who has been promoted. Twenty officers have been diverted to Liverpool to assist in gun crime problems, and some of these may be from Wirral, but they will be replaced. I am very proud of our local police and their successes, such as drugs raids.

The Police were given a round of applause.

Inspector Julie Fletcher thanked the forum and explained that she has been in post for four weeks, and is from a response background. She will be tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) and an ASB Co-ordinator has been appointed. Contact details will be sent out to Councillors and local residents for report problems / crimes. She is impressed with the team and the PCSOs. Operation Fonthill resulted in four drugs warrants being issued at Leasowe Hotel and nearby properties, four arrests were made and a machete was recovered - these operations will continue.

Fire and Rescue Service

Tony Mooney gave the forum the following information:

- 700 homes have had fire safety checks
- 300 electric blankets have been replaced and over 700 tested through the winter warm campaign. Age Concern are holding a blanket testing day on 15 October 2007, appointments can be made by telephoning 0845 6760031.
- a bonfire reduction strategy has been put in place to reduce nuisance bonfires, in partnership with the Anti-social Behaviour Team and the Probation Service. The Fire Service will supply the vehicles and equipment and will go and clear any hazards over the bonfire period (between 15/10/07 and 08/11/07). If anyone spots any hazards please report these to the Birkenhead Fire Station (0800 731 5958).
- a fireworks strategy is also in place and daily briefings are held with partners to reduce ASB around Bonfire Night. There are limited periods when fireworks can be sold (starting Monday). If there are any concerns re: fireworks please phone the police in the first instance.

The Chair thanked Tony for his update, no issues / questions were raised on this.

Wirral Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Iain Stewart informed the forum that there was an update from the PCT in the Area Co-ordinators report and highlighted the following:

- The PCT are supporting the Community Initiatives Fund by making £5,000 available for this forum area for projects based on health. Application packs can be obtained from the Community Engagement Team (0151 691 8650 /
- Commissioning Strategy, there are 7-8 priority areas re: health which will be concentrated on over the next few years, the full strategy will be available on our website in the near future.
- Have Your Say, this is a new tool to gather your comments on any aspect of the PCT. The leaflets area available at this meeting, in libraries, doctors surgeries and on our website.

The Chair thanked Iain for his update and the following issues / questions were raised:

Councillor Denis Knowles - are there any drug outreach areas in the Wallasey area to tackle drug misuse in Seacombe and Liscard?
A. I am not aware of any in the area, but will take this back to the drug/alcohol team and report back at the next meeting. Alcohol is the biggest issue and there are long-term strategies to reduce alcohol problems.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust NHS Foundation Trust

Jo Goodfellow informed the forum that Clatterbridge and the Women's at Arrowe Park are free from MRSA bug. We take this very seriously and practice cleanliness. An external assessment rated us as good/excellent for environment/food. We still have some mixed assessment bays, but we are working on this.

Margaret Allen - praised the hospitals for the treatment received whilst a patient at Arrowe Park.
Chair - have nothing but praise for the NHS, the service is first class.
Jo - Thanks - will feed this back to the staff.

Resident, Mariners Park - when I was an outpatient in a day ward at Arrowe Park I witnessed a secretary and a staff nurse licking their fingers to turn pages of files. I wrote to the Chief Executive about this and received a satisfactory reply, so please report any concerns you have.
A. Thank you for reporting this, we need this input and examples such as this have real impact.

Older Peoples Parliament (OPP)

Audrey Moore - there is a update on the OPP in the Area Co-ordinators report. The OPP was established in January 2007, and we now have eight sub-committees. We have looked at concerns such as theft of blue badges. We will be looking at a major report on human rights for elderly people in care and setting up a group to monitor homes in Wirral; access to stations (e.g. Wallasey), education issues - IT skills for elderly people and distance learning for those who do not wish to leave their homes.

David Hanlon - thanked Audrey and informed the forum that from next April there will be free transport on the buses for OAPs. Merseytravel plans will be issued in the near future.
Member of the Public - will the start time for bus passes still be 9.30 am?
A. Chair asked Councillor Denis Knowles to report on this at the next meeting.

Joyce Woosley - the bus service from Brighton Street / Arrowe Park / Liverpool is appalling and getting worse. I have sent a letter complaining about this and have received an acknowledgement but no response. Stand 10 at the new bus station in Birkenhead has no seats and the bus only comes along every half hour.
A. Councillor Knowles agreed to take these details back to Merseytravel.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Tony Mooney, Inspector Julie Fletcher, Sergeant Ian McEwan, Iain Stewart and Jo Goodfellow and Audrey Moor be thanked for their updates.

ii. Iain Stewart to report back on drug outreach areas in Wallasey at the next forum.

iii. Councillor Denis Knowles to report on Merseytravel's plans for free bus journeys for OAPs at next meeting and pass information re: Wallasey bus service / Birkenhead bus station to Merseytravel.

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Minute 9 - Date of next meeting Wednesday - 6 February 2008 at Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral

Minute Text :

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 6 February 2008 at Wallasey Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED. There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9pm.

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(Minutes Published: 29 October 2007)