Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Monday, 12th June 2006



Cllr Denise Roberts

Ward Councillor

JR Cocker, George Davies, S Foulkes, Ann McLachlan

Community Representatives

Graham Cole (Business representative), Collette McDonagh , Jean McIntosh, Alison Moulder (Bidston Community representative), Ray Rowland (Noctorum Residents Association)

Chief Executive

S Maddox

Lead Officer

Kevin Miller

Street Scene Manager

Gary Cummings (Area Streetscene Manager)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT

Ms C Maddaford (Director of Nursing and Quality)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Peter Kolokotroni, Inspector Mark Smith

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Daryl Oprey

Council Officers

Geoff Bell (Assistant Director, Traffic Management), Jan Johnson (Minute Taker), Cathy Newman ( Community Safety Team)


Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group), Cllr Harry Smith

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - The Chief Executive of Wirral Council will be present as part of the Annual Review of Area Forums to invite views, comments and observations on the Forum and any suggestions for improvement or development

Minute Text :

The Chair introduced the Chief Executive of Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Steve Maddox. The Chief Executive briefed on the local authority’s commitment to the development and effectiveness of Wirral’s 11 Area Forums. Elected members require an annual report on the workings of the area forums and this annual visit was an opportunity to discuss things that are going well, that could be improved and that might be included on the agenda. Comments from all of the area forums would go into a report for Elected Members in the summer. The Chief Executive also welcomed any direct comments that can be sent to him at Wallasey Town Hall.

Councillor Foulkes referred to changes made to the constitution of the forum giving everybody equal voting rights. This extends powers to all community members and came about through discussions with community groups, to ensure that forums do have an impact.

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Minute 1 - Welcome and Introductions

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, welcomed members and 16 members of the public to the Area Forum for Bidston & Claughton, being held for the second time at the 6th Form College, Claughton. The Chair informed people that there was a loop system available for anyone with sensory impairment. The meeting would include time for questions and, if not able to provide an answer this evening, the Area Co-ordinator would follow this up.

A round table introduction was held to ensure members of the public were aware who was present.

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Minute 2 - Minutes and matters arising from previous meeting (February 2006)

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator informed the forum that work on the un-adopted footpath in Noctorum Road has nearly been competed.

The Area Co-ordinator has written to Merseytravel, on behalf of the forum, about the lack of bus services on the Noctorum Estate.

Councillor Davies commented that the service still stops at 6.00 pm and that the Forum needs to contact Merseytravel again about having buses running in this area later in the evening.

Q – Has planning permission been forwarded on the two train stations on the Bidston and Wrexham Line?
A – Councillor Foulkes confirmed there was going to be a park and ride scheme for Birkenhead North Station and agreed the Forum would check records to see if this has been through planning committee.

Q – The Local Transport Plan 2011 refers to the Bidston/Wrexham electrification line, what is being done to try and bring that work forward?
A – We have informed Neil Scales, in regular discussions with Merseytravel, that we want this issue bringing forward, and will continue to do so. There is a firm commitment to progress this, although it is a lengthy process.

There was a query about progress with the electrification of the Bidston-Wrexham line and the local authority confirmed its commitment to achieve the electrification of that line.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. the forum contact Merseytravel re: having buses running after 6pm at the Noctorum Estate.
ii. the forum check if the park and ride scheme for Birkenhead North Station has been through planning committee.

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Minute 3 - Area Co-ordinators Report

Minute Text :

Michelle Gray, the Area Co-ordinator, went through the report and informed the forum that it is available on line and at libraries. If anyone wishes to receive a copy before next meeting please call the Community Planning Team on 0151 691 8213.

Section 1 – Minutes and matters arising
Section 2 – Local updates, giving information about projects and initiatives going on in local area
Section 3 – Area Forum funding progress report.
Section 4 – Local Area Plan update, detailing what the Area Plan is about, what it will do, the next steps, and who the sub group members are. All 11 Area Forums are committed to producing a plan by the end of June. It is hoped that they will be available locally by July/August.
Section 5 – Youth Update
Section 6 – Street Scene Update
Section 7 - Citizen Panel Consultation Results
Section 8 – Highways Maintenance Programme
Section 9 – Community Safety Update.

The Area Co-ordinator informed the forum that application packs are available at the meeting for small environmental grants, up to the value of £250 that are available via ‘Wirral Open to All’. There is no closing date and all applications will be considered on a first come-first served basis.

There are also packs of free energy saving light-bulbs available, as part of an initiative by Powergen.

Q – query on page 37 of the report about the percentages on how people had heard about the Area Forums.
A – Councillor Roberts agreed the Council still had a long way to go with letting people know about Area Forums and what benefit they can get from attending them.

Kevin Miller commented that this linked to the question raised by the Chief Executive, about how the forums could be improved. This is an important part of the consultation, but forums are only effective if we can engage more with the community. We need to be a bit more imaginative in the way we promote the forums.

The following comments were made:

Collette McDonagh – Many people that attend these meetings use public transport and people, and will only go to them if they are accessible. Maybe a community transport bus could be made available for people in the other areas, or that taxi fares could be re-imbursed (to people with a taxi receipt).

A question was raised about the Loop system. - Michelle confirmed that she always checks that venues used have a loop available. Colette McDonagh informed the forum that Mike Philips (653 7111) could be contacted re: provision of portable loop systems.

The Chief Executive agreed that we do need to do some work around the figures, but is not sure they are truly reflective, and that would be included in the report to members. If anyone has any ideas of how to advertise or improve the forums please feedback to us. We are aware that some people do take the time to come to the forums, however there were real issues generally about people’s involvement. On the positive side, each of the Area Forums I have attended over past 2 months have been well attended, people who do come attend on a regular basis and consist of forum members who show an interest in being part of the local community.

Jean McIntosh – Bidston Rise don’t receive free papers at all, so are not informed about the Area Forum.

Councillor Foulkes asked the audience whether they thought the venues should still move around and it was agreed that they should, in order to cover as wide an area as possible. He also informed the forum that he had received feedback that some people think Area Forums are not public meetings.

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Minute 4 - Public Question Time

Minute Text :

The following points / issues were raised by members of the public:

Q – In March Wirral was the first local authority in the country to achieve Fair Trading Status. This had not received a mention anywhere and should be acknowledged.

A – Councillor Roberts agreed it was a good suggestion for a future presentation.

Q – Maybe the Forum was an opportunity to highlight the positives of Wirral. For example, Bidston was considered a tremendous success, with Police and community groups coming together to work and make a difference. There was a long-term strategy and people were feeling more positive about what was happening, and it would be useful to have this as a regular item at each Forum.

Colette McDonagh briefed the forum on another positive note. We have managed to obtain funding for free youth activities during school holidays through to next April, based at Grange Road West Sports Centre, and part funding to set up a Saturday evening project for 13 –18 year olds involving the Army and the Fire Brigade. Have also set up project at St Werbergh’s for 4 -7 year olds, in liaison with Sure Start Birkenhead, during school holidays.

The Veg and Flower Show, run by BCRP and Gordale, would be held on 20 August in Birkenhead Park and invitations would be sent to the Forum.

Ray Rowland commented that people on Noctorum are pleased that they now have the 492 and 497 bus service in place. He requested that any audit be commenced after the start of next school year during term time. It was agreed the Forum would write to Merseytravel and raise this request formally.

Q – Don Charlton raised concerns about the non-policing in the forum area, and an open invitation was extended to Inspector Peter Kolokotroni to meet, with a delegation of residents from Bidston Rise and the surrounding area, to talk about local issues.

Inspector Kolokotoni responded that he would welcome that opportunity and asked that Don liaise with PC Tony Buckman to arrange a date.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. a presentation on Wirral’s Fair Trading Status be arranged for a future forum.
ii. the forum write to Merseytravel formally requesting that any audit of the 492 and 497 bus service be commenced after the start of next school year during term time.

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Minute 5 - Family Safety Unit

Minute Text :

It was agreed that Cathy Newman would give this presentation to the next meeting of the area forum, as there were technical problems with the equipment.

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Minute 6 - Streetscene Update - Transport Capital Monitoring, Integrated Transport Block 2007/08

Minute Text :

Geoff Bell, Technical Services, informed the forum that the Environment and Transportation Select Committee had asked for consultation on a proposal to involve Area Forums in drawing up programmes for the allocation of the Integrated Transport Block element of the Transport Capital Programme.

Area Forums were being asked whether -

a. from 2007/08, each Area Forum should be given an equal share of the Integrated Transport Block to allocate as they wish; or
b. whether the status quo should be maintained with the total amount being managed centrally and allocated against the Council's criteria; or
c. the money continues to be managed centrally and allocated on a Wirral-wide basis, with the views of the Forums being fed into the decision-making process.

The amount available to each Area Forum [£16,300 for 2005/06] would be insufficient to fund a speed reduction scheme. The sum would allow a very modest road programme comprising some elements of parking schemes, dropped crossings, refuges and sign posting.

All of the area forums are being asked for their views on this and these will be fed back to Cabinet.

The following questions were raised:

Q - could the funding be divided so that some is kept centrally for larger projects and some allocated to the forum area (as local people are aware of problems that need attention within their area)?
A – £70k could be taken from the £180k and kept centrally for Committee to decide which schemes are done. The balance of £111k would give £10k per Forum.

Q - Colette McDonagh asked how successful the questionnaires were and how many of the schemes listed have been implemented?
A – The questionnaire has been successful. If the forum decided to have a share of the funding the priorities in the area would become area decisions.

Geoff informed the forum that when considering proposals public safety is given priority.

Q – Will the cycle paths be completed in the future, so that they actually lead somewhere?
A – The Council has a dedicated cycling officer who is trying to link the cycle paths, officers would be willing to visit and assess an area if requested.

Q – Two members of the audience felt that it would be better to keep the fund centrally, but asked how the Council looks at the roads and decide which have priority?
A – There are two sources – the structure of the roads and feedback. Consideration is given to schemes where facilities can easily be put in place. Some schemes have been chosen as they have received the most requests, via a variety of sources, for improvements to be carried out.

A general comment was made about traffic calming and the problems facing the Police in relation to claims for damage to vehicles, etc. It was reported that there would be a report about traffic calming submitted to Committee in due course.

Councillor Foulkes agreed that it was a difficult subject, as the majority of people believe the most important road is the one that they live in. Judgements that are made have to be measured using an agreed set of criteria. Another difficulty is that it is very rare that you can implement a scheme on one road in isolation.

Proposal 1 – to keep funding central, liaising with Area Forums to raise awareness of problems within areas
Proposal 2 – to keep a percentage of the funding central, and to allocate £11k to each Area Forum.

The first motion was carried.

Gary Cummings, Streetscene Manager, informed the forum that he would be available at the end of the meeting to discuss any Streetscene issues.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Geoff Bell to report the views of the Area Forum re: Integrated Transport Block element of the Transport Capital Programme to the Select Committee.

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Minute 7 - Primary Care Trust

Minute Text :

Cathy Maddaford, Director of Nursing and Quality, Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust (BKWPCT) referred to the previous minutes where Kathy Doran, the Chief Executive of the BKWPCT, gave information on the proposed reorganisation of the PCTs on Wirral.

Following the consultation it has been agreed that from 1 October 2006 there would be one PCT for Wirral, following the Wirral Council boundary. Recruitment is taking place for the new PCT Board.

Cathy also briefed on the reorganisation of the Strategic Health Authority and ambulance service.

Cathy informed the forum that copies of a newsletter from Health Links providing information on variety of things were available at the meeting, including the following:

- Expert Patient Programme for people with long term conditions advising on programmes to learn more about their condition and its management.
- information on breast screening
- a programme for individuals who have got mild to middle anxiety or depression to support individuals to have a more positive outlook on their mental health.

If anyone wanted to receive the newsletter on regular basis Cathy would bring copies along to future Forums.

Q – Is there any update on the resource allocation under new Trust Board mentioned at the last meeting?
A – Cathy agreed to report back with this information.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Cathy Maddaford to provide update on the resource allocation under the new Trust Board.

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Minute 8 - Updates from: - Police / Community Safety - Fire and Rescue Service

Minute Text :

Police - Inspector Mark Smith introduced Inspector Peter Kolokotroni who would represent the Police at future forums.

An update was given on events since the previous Area Forum, including:

Wirral (including Laird Street) has been within the top performing area and has now been set more challenging targets to achieve.

Anti social behaviour was a major issue raised at the last meeting, and was one of main priorities on the Chief Constable’s agenda. The Police had some successes to report:

- Action has been stepped up on alcohol seizures

- A two-week operation (Cougar) to address anti social behaviour and criminal damage (e.g. bus shelter damage, broken windows etc.), part of this operation is to address anti social behaviour hot spots. The hours being targeted are 4pm – 4am or later over the weekend. I will report back on the success of this at the next meeting, but am extremely pleased with the results so far.

- A one-week operation, to address anti social behaviour on transport, has been run on certain bus routes. There have been some successes, including about 35 arrests.

- Crime trends include auto theft and burglary. People need to be vigilant when leaving windows open and being in the back garden with door unlocked. One method of gaining entry is by using a hook and cane, so it was important not to leave them within reach.

- Road policing – there had been a couple of successful operations targeting drivers over last months to tackle speeding, wearing of seat belts, use of mobile phones, and driving without insurance. These have included a Spotlight Day, covering pockets in the Wirral area where 160-200 vehicles been stopped. There would also be a Drink Driving Campaign later this month.

- There have been some successes at Flaybrick / Lennox Lane, but we need to keep improving. It is important that the community speak to the Police to ensure we work with each other. We have been running Neighbourhood Action Groups, which provide an opportunity for the community to have a voice and work with us to the same common aims. A Citizens Panel for Laird Street had commenced and details of this would be left at the end of the meeting for anyone interested in this.

Q. Councillor Roberts - had there been many prosecutions re: mobile phones?
A. Inspector Smith - the success rate differed on different days, and £60 fines are given.

Q. If Police call on a regular basis to a certain address would that alert the ASB Team?
A. Inspector Smith confirmed they would look at problem solving, which may involve working with the ASB Team, and that progress could sometimes appear to be slow because we have to follow protocol.

Q. Have confidence in you and your job, but not as much with local police, who don’t seem to respond or listen to people. This doesn’t give people a great deal of confidence in their local police. A specific incident was raised of a group of youths kicking a man where the Police didn’t even get out of their car.
A. Inspector Smith confirmed that the Police would always deal with poor performance and he would discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.

Q. Councillor Foulkes briefed on harassment problems being experienced at Tam O’Shanter Farm and at Anselms Sports ground. He requested that they be given extra support.
A. Inspector Smith – am aware of this and in constant contact with the relevant people.

Q. Were minutes recorded from NAG meetings?
A. Inspector Smith - yes minutes are taken at every NAG meeting. He agreed to put out a questionnaire and get some feedback from people on what operations are running in their area and asking if these are what people want the Police to do.

Q. Is the videoing of anti social behaviour on mobile phones becoming a trend?
A. Inspector smith confirmed that in some cases people were videoing what they were doing so they could show other mates. Unfortunately legislation doesn’t allow spot checks on people’s phones.

Colette McDonagah reported that scramble bikes had been seen in Birkenhead Park with total disregard to vandalism and this needs to be addressed quickly.

Fire – Daryl Oprey, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, presented a detailed update. Wirral was one of safest areas within Merseyside, with the help of our partners (Council/PCTs/Schools/Community Safety/Voluntary Sector).

Fires stations within Wirral are putting their buildings to good use and co-hosting other organisations, trying to work together to pull groups in, with schemes developing month by month.

Achievements include a reduction in malicious house fires and vehicle fires, and working with partners to maintain level of community safety.

Merseyside Fire Service also provides free home safety fire checks.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Inspector Smith to report back on results of operation
ii. Inspector Smith to put out a questionnaire to get feedback on views of Policing operations.

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Minute 9 - Any Other Business / Public Question Time

Minute Text :

The next meeting of the Bidston and Claughton Area Forum would be held on Tuesday, 3rd October 2006 at St James Centre.

The Chair thanked the speakers, everyone who attended the Forum and the 6th Form College in Claughton for the use of the venue, and closed the meeting at 9pm.

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(Minutes Published: 20 July 2006)