Meeting documents

Area Forum (Oxton and Prenton)
Monday, 12th June 2006



FM Doyle

Ward Councillor

A Bridson, SA Holbrook, PM Southwood, Mrs P M Williams

Community Representatives

Alan Dollery (Prenton Tenants & Residents Assoc.), June Foster (Wirral Fed. of Tenants & Residents Assocs.), Patrick Toosey (Oxton Society)

Lead Officer

Bob Beresford (Deputy Director of Housing & Environmental Protection)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Maxine Joynson

Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT

Richard Jones (Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Ian Shaw

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Keith LePoidevin (Station Manager, Birkenhead Fire Station)

Council Officers

John Davies (Wirral Youth Service), David Green (Director of Technical Services), Mark Traynor (Streetscene Manager), Mike Walker (Community Safety Officer)


Cllr SE Kelly, Alan Stennard (Director of Regeneration)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

Minute Text :

Cllr Frank Doyle (Chair) welcomed everybody to the meeting of the Oxton and Prenton Area Forum. He informed the audience that for the benefit of those using a hearing aid; a loop system was in operation. There were approximately 46 members of the public present. Apologies had been received from Cllr Stuart Kelly who was attending a briefing at the Town Hall, Wallasey.

Cllr Doyle explained to anyone present who was new to the Forum that around the table were elected members, representatives of the community and representatives of our service providers – Police, Health and Fire service. He also wished to welcome Cllr Paula Southwood who had been elected councillor for Oxton in the May elections. He also wished to record his thanks to the retiring councillor, Freda Anderson for all the excellent work she had done as both a councillor and a forum member.

Cllr Doyle also pointed out to the public that there were packs of free energy efficient light bulbs which had been provided courtesy of Powergen which could be taken at the end of the meeting, all he asked was that they complete a very brief questionnaire.

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Minute 2 - Minutes of last meeting / matters arising

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that the matters arising from the previous meeting were dealt with in the Area Co-Ordinator’s Report under Section 1. He explained that if any members of the public were dissatisfied with the explanations provided, they would have an opportunity later in the evening under public question time to revisit matters.

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Minute 3 - Correspondence

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that Maxine Joynson, Area Co-ordinator, had received correspondence, but this was in the form of questions submitted in advance of the meeting and it was agreed that they be taken under item 5, Public Question Time.

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Minute 4 - Area co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle said he wished to vary the format slightly as it had been over three months since the last meeting and would like a councillor from each ward, plus each of the Community Reps to give a very brief report of what was going on in their areas.

Cllr Bridson commented on various items including the Mendip Road Playing Field – this area is normally kept locked, but over the last few months young people have been causing a nuisance by gaining access via broken fencing. Working in conjunction with June Foster, they managed to get the fence repaired and the problem was resolved; however, a recent telephone caller said that there is still part of the fence where the young people are gaining access and this will be followed up.

Walker Park has now got five-a-side goal posts for junior footballers.

The brown bins pilot scheme in parts of Prenton has been going quite well although there are a number of issues. As this is a pilot scheme, everyone will be asked their opinions at the end of the scheme.

Dog fouling has been high on the list of complaints and this issue has been discussed at Select Committee this week; however, the report is not yet complete and it is now in the scrutiny system – we are obtaining information on how other boroughs manage dog fouling.

Prenton Dell Community Nature Reserve – we would like to encourage children and young people to be volunteers.

We have recently had travellers in the Ward and it only took two days to move them on which was good news.

June Foster – she has recently attended a conference at the Lauries Centre re: cold calling. There have been problems with this in Mendip Road and although she has been in touch with Trading Standards, unfortunately there is not much they can do unless people are actually robbed. Merseyside Travel Advisory Service has informed that it is expanding Birkenhead Bus Station and the park and ride service will be extended.

Cllr. Pat Williams – expressed her delight that the new play area at Duck Pond Lane appears to be well used but disappointed to learn that a couple of trees have recently been damaged; hopefully, they will be replaced. Although she felt it was good that we have now got something for the children, we do need something for older children and young people to get involved in.

She hoped to encourage a “Friends of the Arno” group so that people would have an interest and an ownership in the area and measures taken to contact the local schools to ask the children to be involved. She is also wondering if it would be possible to have a football cage and would like to ask for people’s views on this. She has asked the Youth Service to make contact with the young people and they said they would do this but the Contactabus is in demand. Regarding Friends of the Arno, Cllr Williams asked if there was anyone at the meeting who would be interested, could they please give their names to Maxine Joynson or herself after the meeting. She envisages it would be similar to the Ashton Park scheme and that a proper management plan is needed for the area.

Vagrants have been living in the bushes of the Arno rose garden and clothing has had to be removed from the area. The area is also used by people walking their dogs and dog owners need to clean up properly after their dogs. Most people do but have been putting plastic bags containing dog dirt in litter bins or hanging them on branches which is a potential health risk – we therefore need larger bins or more frequent emptying.

Cllr Williams closed her report by commenting on the problem of drinking of alcohol in the play area, which needs to be addressed. She also offered her congratulations to Patrick Toosey on this year’s successful Secret Gardens event.

Patrick Toosey, from the Oxton Society, reported that the Secret Gardens event had raised a considerable amount of money that has been distributed to various charities and organisations. They have been very successful in getting businesses to come to the area, but this has caused parking problems for local residents. The HSBC Bank has now closed but since then they have been very co-operative and may put a condition on the sale regarding the retention of the ATM. The post box in the Post Office wall is too small and Cllrs Southwood and Kelly have met with the Royal Mail; it is hoped to introduce a free-standing post box into the Village with the possibility of a small building to house a post box and an ATM.

Alan Dollery gave a brief history of the Prenton Residents and Tenants Association, commenting on the good rapport they have developed with the Council and the Police, and the fact that they have been successful in most of their aims; however, the future now lies with the youth. Unfortunately, the Youth Club had to close but they are aiming to be able to use the local school playing area in the future. They are also trying to get CCTV cameras for the shopping area; there are problems on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings with youths drinking alcohol. They have gone into partnership with the Rehab Centre in Prenton Hall Road and are allowed two hours every Monday and Thursday evening for young people; however, they need more support as they have only got four local volunteers. They particularly need someone with knowledge of I.T. to look after the computers. Alan appealed for anyone who can spare a couple of hours on Monday or Thursday evenings.

Cllr Pat Williams added to her report that the new play area has been renamed Duck Pond Lane Play Area and the signs will shortly be replaced to reflect this. Cllr Frank Doyle highlighted that there are several positive projects currently happening in the area.

Maxine Joynson reported that the Community Initiative Funding Assessment Panel met last Thursday and has made recommendations for Cabinet on 29 June. All applicants will be written to on 17 July with the outcome. The Local Area Plan is well under way and Maxine thanked all those people who have contributed to its development. It will be finished around the end of June; copies will be sent out to all Forum members and will also be available in One-Stop Shops, Libraries and can be accessed via the Council’s website. If anyone cannot gain copies by any of these means, please contact the Community Planning Team who will arrange for hard copies to be sent out.

Cllr Doyle said he wished to thank Maxine Joynson, Area Co-ordinator, for her detailed report and the work she had put into it and suggested to the public that they take the time to read it following the meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for her report.

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Minute 5 - Public question time

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that if satisfactory answers could not be given on the night, Maxine would follow this up in writing before the next meeting but would reply to the Forum in her Area Report at the next meeting. He also pointed out to the public that they did not have to wait till the forum to ask their questions they could at any time contact their local councillors, Streetscene or Maxine. Submitting them at the last minute did not give much time for a detailed response.

The following written questions were received:

Mr Dowling

i. what is happening with leisure/swimming charges (which he raised at the last meeting)?

Cllr Doyle explained that Jim Lester had replied to this question since the last area forum meeting, members have agreed additional funding for free swimming for over 60’s at all public sessions.

ii. with regard to the amalgamation of Forces possibly with Lancashire, what are Police thoughts on this?

Inspector Shaw said he did not wish to comment on the proposed merger of the forces as he did not see it as something he felt appropriate to the forum. Cllr Holbrook felt it unfair to ask a serving officer to comment on something that was essentially a political decision. His own personal opinion was that with all the troubles currently besetting the Home Office he did not think this was a top priority and would not happen.

iii. who is responsible for cleaning back entries, as most houses put their wheelie bins in front so there is no need to go into the entries, however they are messy, untidy and full of litter?

David Green, Director of Technical Services, said he was the Officer responsible. He accepted that things have not gone well over the last few years. The contract with Onyx is ending in August; it has not reflected the level of service they wanted to give to the people of Wirral. The new contract which takes effect on 22nd August 2006 requires the new contractor to clean all back alleys on a four week cycle.

Mr Dowling said he would like some more clarification regarding the decision to give free swimming to over 60’s which appeared at odds with what he had been told by Cllr Kelly at the February meeting of the forum. Cllr Doyle explained that a full explanation was provided in the co-ordinators report on page 28 in that there had been a Pilot involving Wirral, funded by Sport England. Cllr Doyle read a brief extract from the report and informed Mr Dowling that one of the Councillors would give him a more detailed answer if required.

Mr Lennon

i. Could the representative from Police give a verbal update to Forum on the results of their response to his notification of cars abusing footway in Downing Close by using it as a car park on Tranmere Rovers home match days?
ii. Could you also confirm the number of Officers deployed at these matches; those who are on duty as part of their normal duties and those who volunteer. Do those volunteering receive any payments, and what is the typical proportion and actual amount of the liability to public funds for their attendance at these events?

Inspector Shaw said that he had deployed officers to the Downing Close area on the match day following the last area forum and they did not see that a problem was being caused by the parked cars. Also he had deployed officers in the last couple of days and they had called on nine households, none of whom perceived parking on match days to be a problem. The football season has now finished but they will be monitoring the situation when the new season starts. With regard to the second question Insp Shaw said he only received this question in the last couple of days and it would have taken a great deal of time and resources but he was prepared to discuss the matter with Mr Lennon at the end of the meeting.

iii. what are the additional costs to the rate payers for the replacement sign at Belfield Drive, Oxton, arising from the spelling error and if the liability was met by the Authority, is this due to the Authority’s error.

David Green said that the error was down to his Department and was due to an accidental spelling of Belfield Drive with an extra letter L. When the error was discovered it was amended at a cost of £110. He apologised for the error.

Mr Lennon accepted the spelling mistake was down to human error but did involve a considerable cost. He expressed his disappointment that Merseyside Police do not consider that the parking difficulties and obstructions caused in the whole area by T.R.F.C. are not a problem. He had a list of all the vehicles that were parking in Downing Close and Storeton Road and feels that the Police are not doing enough and that this is poor service to the public. He also complained about people parking in the bus stop. Inspector Shaw had offered to take evidence previously although Mr Lennon had stated that he did not want anyone prosecuted and the residents of Downing Close did not feel it was an issue.

Andrew Taylor, who was unable to attend the meeting, wanted to inform the forum that he didn’t receive any feedback, as noted at the last meeting, about queues at the Clatterbridge waste disposal centre. He had suggested the possibility of a road sign saying ‘queues likely’ may be useful for motorists coming off Clatterbridge roundabout.

David Green suggested that this problem would be alleviated by the new waste contract and the greater push for recycling which he would touch on in his presentation under item 8.

Cllr Doyle explained that there had also been an anonymous phone call regarding the derelict bakery at St George’s Avenue. The caller considered it to be a blight to the environment. Cllr Doyle said he had some knowledge of this issue and has been working with officers to attempt to get the owner to clear the site. Officers have now issued a Section 79 notice obliging the owners to clear the site. If this is not done within 30 days then the owner could be prosecuted and the Council can then undertake the repairs and charge the owner for this.

Alan Dollery, Prenton Tenants and Residents Association, expressed concerns over a tenant who had moved into Melrose flats in Prenton Dell on the previous Monday as the tenant had been evicted several years ago. He was happy that the problem is being addressed by a variety of agencies. He still has concerns over the new allocation system for council tenants and is in contact with Wirral Partnership Homes about ensuring that the Residents Associations are informed about new tenants.

Cllr Frank Doyle then invited questions from the floor.

Mr Holmes raised a query about anti-social behaviour and Inspector Shaw agreed to discuss this issue with him at the end of the meeting.

Kathy Byrne raised a query about overgrown bushes near her home; June Foster replied that Wirral Partnership Homes have taken over all the former Council properties and Streetscene are responsible for the footpaths and that she needs to direct any queries to them.

Mr Dowling asked what the Police’s attitude would be to residents in the Mendip Road area confronting youths themselves? He also wanted to know what the Shaftesbury Youth Club was offering local youths following Patrick Toosey’s report that they had been given £4000 from the Oxton Secret Garden event?

June Foster replied that the Police have been asked to patrol the area around the Mendip Road Playing Field and there should not be any further problems as the fence has been repaired. Regarding the Shaftesbury Youth Club, both June and Cllr Doyle agreed that it is an excellent club but young people can’t be forced to go if they don’t want to.

There followed several questions, from various residents from Kingsland Road who were having particular difficulties with youths gathering near the local shop on the corner of Woodchurch Road and Kingsland Road. There was also concern over one particular family and the alleyway at the top of Kingsland Road.

Mike Walker, from the Community Safety Team, said that he is responsible for the installation of alley gates, which are based on recorded crime from statistics provided by the Police. It was agreed, at Cllr Doyle’s suggestion, that the local residents would speak to Councillors, the Police and council officials at the end of the meeting to try to find a solution.

Following general discussions on vandalism and the problem of children causing public nuisance by playing football, Cllr Doyle suggested it might be an issue for the Anti Social Behaviour Team and offered to discuss this with them further at the end of the meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:
i. Inspector Shaw to discuss issue re: policing at football matches with Mr Lennon
and to liase with Mr Holmes with regard to anti social behaviour
ii. Councillors, Police and the Anti Social Behaviour Team carry out further discussions with the residents of Kingsland Road.

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Minute 6 - PCT update

Minute Text :

Richard Jones from the PCT gave a brief update. Following on from the last meeting he explained that the new Wirral PCT had been given the go ahead and would come in to effect on 1st October 2006. He also explained that in the future the PCT’s would also be covering such issues, such as:

- Mental Health;
- Preventative Health Measures, such as encouraging people to give up smoking (all NHS sites are now non-smoking areas);
- Healthy Lifestyles, the Public Health Team are running a programme of walks in various sites over four weeks.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Richard Jones be thanked for his update.

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Minute 7 - Youth Participation at Area Forums

Minute Text :

John Davies gave a presentation titled Participation by Wirral’s Children and Young People. He explained that there is already a great deal of participation by Wirral’s children in many areas including:

- Youth Forums
- Connect-uz Connexions
- Play Schemes
- Schools Councils
- Children and Youth Voice Conference
- Pupil Panels

He said that whilst tonight there had been a lot of negative comments about youths across the whole of the borough, there is a lot of positive contributions to society being made by young people.

Mr Davies answered various queries from members of the public.

Cllr Paula Southwood added that she is a member of a Scrutiny Committee for Children and one of their aims over the next year is to look at reasons why some children don’t join in organised activities.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that John Davies be thanked for his presentation.

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Minute 8 - Recycling update

Minute Text :

David Green, Director of Technical Services, gave the Forum an update on the new recycling pilot scheme and the new waste contract.

He explained that on 22 August the new waste contract would begin, lasting 21 years at a cost of £250 million. Each household would have 3 wheelie bins, one for Kitchen and Garden waste, one for dry recyclates and one for Residual waste. The aim is to get Wirral’s recycling rate up to 50% in the next 4/5 years. There has been a 96% participation rate in the pilot that is being run across this Forum area. Garden waste weight has gone up from an average of 2.4 kg per household to 7.5Kg, which is very encouraging. At present there are too many grass cuttings, as opposed to household waste, which is not helping the decomposition process, but this is a learning experience and this is the whole idea of a pilot.

A member of the public commented that a two weekly collection was causing problems with rotting food, causing there to be maggots and a nasty smell.

David Green suggested that food should be wrapped in Newspaper, which was acceptable and then covered with garden waste. The Council have also been able to find a supplier of biodegradable bags for the kitchen food caddy which would help.

Alan Dollery asked what are the plans for the multi occupancy buildings and recycling?

David Green explained that the current contract holder Onyx who would remove them on The 22nd August supplied the existing bins. New ones would then be supplied to replace them. Discussions would then have to be entered into with residents as to how they wanted to approach recycling, but in the short term the idea was to get he greatest amount of uptake from the households with the 3 bins.

A member of the public, Mr Garrett, asked what would be happening to households that currently had a bag collection because of collection problems?

David Green said that in the short term there would be no change but in the long term it would have to be reviewed, and he informed the forum that an Officer from the recycling team will provide information on recycling at the next forum.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. David Green be thanked for his report and update.
ii.Tara Dumas be invited to the next meeting to give a Recycling report/presentation

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Minute 9 - Partner updates (Community Safety Initiatives) - Fire Service - Police - Community Safety

Minute Text :

Fire Service

Keith LePoidevin welcomed the opportunity to explain to the Forum the kind of activities that the Fire Service is now engaged in, and the Service is already working with many of the other providers present at the forum. He explained the financial costs of various types of fires, injuries and deaths caused by fire, and to combat this the Service is involved in more preventative work.

Cllr Doyle thanked him for this presentation and invited him to come back in the future to give a more detailed presentation.


Inspector Ian Shaw explained that his force is currently concentrating much of their efforts in to combating fatalities caused as a result of motoring offences. He said that he did not want to blind the public with statistics, but of the 178 of motoring deaths in the last year 78% were caused by speeding. There are currently a number of initiatives, which have been running across the Borough, to try to reduce the number of accidents - including speeding fines, and targeting people using mobiles whilst driving and not wearing seatbelts. We are also addressing the drugs problem and working in partnership with drug and alcohol services, and have been successful in getting people into treatment. This has impacted positively on drug-related burglaries. There has been a spate of walk-in burglaries due to the recent hot weather and he advised people to be more careful with home security.

Community Safety

Mike Walker from the Community Safety Team explained that he was responsible for CCTV cameras, community patrol and alley gating (which are based on burglaries information from the Police). His job is to look after the CCTV system and cameras which monitor nightlife and traffic cameras. The control room is linked to Manor Road Police Station. They patrol schools, colleges and parks with 24/7 cover and answer alarm calls on public buildings. Mr Walker then answered queries and points raised from members of the public.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Keith LePoidevin, Inspector Shaw and Mike Walker be thanked for their updates.
ii.Keith LePoidevin be invited to give a more detailed presentation to a future meeting.

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Minute 10 - Streetscene update - Transport Capital Monitoring, Integrated Transport Block 2007/08

Minute Text :

Mark Traynor from Streetscene covered the updates listed on pages 54-58 in the Area Co-ordinators Report.

Cllr Doyle said that the Forum needed to make a decision re: the Transport Capital Programme 2007/08 Integrated Transport Block (covered on pages 65 –67 of the Area Co-ordinators Report).

David Green explained that there are three options available to the Forum:
i. to allocate a share of the allocated sum of £180,000 in each of the eleven Forums on an equal basis for the Forum to choose how to allocate the money.
ii. for the money to continue to be spent on a Borough-wide basis, with the views of the Forums fed into the decision-making process.
iii. to leave things as they stand at present.

Cllrs Holbrook and Williams expressed the opinion that they hadn’t had enough time to consider the matter fully and whether it could be deferred to the next meeting.

David Green replied that a decision could not be put off until the next meeting, as this was not due to be held till October.

Cllr Bridson asked whether each Forum member could be sent details individually and whether they could reply by post.

David Green agreed stated this had been requested at another area forum and could be done.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area Co-ordinator write to all forum members detailing the options and requesting a response (with a freepost envelope).

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Minute 11 - Future meetings / presentations

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle informed the meeting that after discussions with Councillors and the Area Plan sub committee it was felt that the forum should change from holding it’s meeting at one particular venue. It was suggested that the next meeting could be held at the Shaftsbury Youth Club, Tranmere Rovers FC or in that area of Prenton if these are not available.

Cllr Doyle also suggested that, prior to the meeting, Councillors, Community Reps, Council Officials and Service Providers should hold a 30-minute surgery, to take some pressure off the Public Question Time session.

He also explained that, as there were no outstanding presentations, the forum could experiment by having a series of workshops, possibly at the February 2007 meeting, to see how best we could take the forums forward and what the public want / expect from them.


Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. the Area Co-ordinator make the necessary arrangements for a drop in session prior to the next forum meeting.
ii. the Area Co-ordinator look at alternative venues for the next meeting, including Tranmere Rovers Football Club.
iii. the Area Co-ordinator explore a workshop approach for a future Area Forum.

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Minute 12 - Any other business

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle said he had received no notified business and closed the meeting at 9.10 p.m.

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(Minutes Published: 5 July 2006)