Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Thursday, 14th October 2004



AER Jones


D Hawkins, C M Jones, JJ Salter

Community Representatives

Margaret Allen (Seacombe Community Representative), Jo McCourt (Wallasey YMCA), Carole Thomas (Liscard Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Colin Walker (Assistant Director, Development Control)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Tracey Smith

Merseyside Police

Inspector Kate Aspinall

Council Officers

Bob Williams (Director of Personnel & Policy)

In attendance:

Andy Dams (Community Safety Co-ordinator), Ritchie Humphreys (DAAT), Chris Jones (Area Streetscene Manager), Jo McCourt (Wallasey YMCA), Sean Moonan (CBED), Margaret O'Donnell (Principal Officer, Licensing), Fr. Leon Ostaszewski


DT Knowles, Ann Matthews

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - WELCOME

Minute Text :

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.00 pm and welcomed the members of the Forum and approximately 25 members of the public. He explained that the Area Forums had been restructured and that the previous New Brighton members were now in the New Brighton Forum. However, they had been invited to tonight’s forum because of the close connections between Seacombe and New Brighton. The Chair also informed the meeting that the Forum had a new name – East Wallasey Area Forum - and also welcomed Carole Ann Thomas the new Liscard Community Representative.

As there was a very full agenda to get through during the evening only 15 minutes was available for public question time.

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Minute Text :

Copies of the Area Co-ordinator’s report for the new Forum had been distributed to Forum members in advance of the meeting. Tracey Smith, Area Co-ordinator, expanded on the points detailed below:

- CIF stood at £10,322 in this financial year. £332 had been donated to the CIF from the Poulton Community Association. Adverts would be placed on 10 and 24 November inviting applications for funding.

- Youth Forums

- Streetscene update

- Local update - The Area Co-ordinator drew attention to the update, Pride in our Promenades, a joint initiative to improve the promenades at Egremont and Otterspool. A team of consultants had been appointed to produce a business plan to support bids for European and North West Development Association funding.

The 'proms team' was keen to receive ideas and input from local people and would be available at the end of the meeting if anyone wished to speak to them.

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Minute 3 - AREA PLANS

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator explained that each Area Forum was charged with the responsibility for preparing a local area plan. Working with elected representatives and members of local communities, considerable progress had been made on the plan for this Area Forum. The community needs and priorities identified in the Wards covered by the former Area Forum had been incorporated into the Area Plan for the Liscard and Seacombe areas.

Copies of the plans for all Area Forums had been sent for consultation to all the Forum's partners, including Council Departments, the Police, Primary Care Trust and voluntary and community organisations. The feedback received would be incorporated into the report, prior to circulation to members of the public. The final draft report would be presented at this Area Forum’s meeting in February 2005.

Area plans were in process of consultation and the Area Co-ordinator would bring a full copy to the February 2005 meeting. The Area Plan would cover the work plan for the next 12 months and the Forum would be given the opportunity to agree or amend the Plan.

Future presentations – Liscard Hall. Perhaps this could be included as an item at a future Area Forum, possibly June 2005.

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Minute Text :

The Chair brought this item forward because Margaret O’Donnell, Principal Licensing Officer had another Forum to attend during the evening.

Margaret O’Donnell gave a presentation on the changes that would be introduced in the new year on how the licensing of premises would be dealt with. Entertainment licenses were administered and processed by the Council. She informed the Forum that there would be a transition period from 7 February 2005 which would be the start of transferring licences on premises which sell alcohol. At present there was no date set for the end of the transition period. All such premises would come under the jurisdiction of the Council. The council had to produce a Statement of Licensing Policy and the Forum was invited to collect a copy of the consultation document which was in draft form and let her have any comments they thought appropriate. The Final Policy document would be presented to Council in December 2004 and completed by 7 January 2005.

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Minute Text :

Father Leon asked if help could be given to the security at Liscard Hall from the time of end of school to midnight. The Chair asked if Inspector Kate Aspinall could look into this matter.

John Drew asked if there were any plans regarding the old Dale Inn site (next to Seacombe Library) for instance, flats. Colin Walker, Assistant Director of Planning, replied that he was not aware of any current application. However, Councillor Salter informed the meeting that an application has been made and everyone in the area notified, but that this had not yet been put to Planning.

The Sports Barn next to St. Joseph’s school had been discussed at a previous meeting as a possible project. It now looks as if it has been built. Is this facility for community use. Councillor Knowles will be asked for a response to this question.

A representative of Liscard Residents’ Association asked whether the Council would be prepared to change their position in respect of the times of use of Liscard Centre due to people parking. Would they be prepared to close at 5.00 or 5.30 pm and not open on Sundays? Chris Jones, Streetscene Manager responded - the question of parking in areas of Liscard was a problem, which was currently being reviewed. Chris Jones, Area Streetscene Manage reported that discussions had taken place with the Residents Association and a response was currently being prepared to the various queries raised by them.

Councillor Adrian Jones asked about the future of Seacombe House. It had now been empty for sometime. It is planned for demolition and at this time we do not know what will be happening to it, although increased security would be introduced.

Cllr Dave Hawkins said that the possible closure of two wards at the Victoria Central Hospital (VCH) and been discussed at Committee on 13 October 2004 (Health and Social Care). He felt that it was important that this Forum should participate and takes a view of the closure of the two wards. He had presented an 8,000-signature petition against the closure of the wards.

Jane Harvey of the PCT responded to the effect that the feelings of residents will be taken into account and the Forum would be welcome to participate. The Chair felt that there seemed to be a contradiction between getting involved in the consultation exercise and purchasing the beds before the consultation process had taken place. Margaret Allen felt that if beds were purchased beforehand this indicated that the consultation period was already a 'fait accompli'.

Dr Mukharjee, a local GP (he has worked in the area for 25 years as well as working at the VCH) advised that attempts had been made to save the Renal Unit from being transferred to Arrowe Park. The current beds are taken by caring for elderly patients who should be cared for in their own homes. He has been told that there will be no job losses at the VCH as a result of these closures. Seventeen practices have the same health contract and they will be opposing any loss of service. He fully supported the Area Forum’s wishes in being involved in the consultation.

Work on coronary heart disease in the Wallasey area has improved drastically. The care provided in this area should be improved and more spaces made available. Clinics are held here and consultants attend VCH. He would be happy to discuss these issues with the Forum in greater depth. He felt that we must not stand in the way of progress. The beds being bought do not mean that the consultation has already been agreed. We must improve the process and take it forward.

The Chair said that Dr. Mukharjee had explained everything clearly. He felt that it would be a good idea to call a special forum just for this item. Bob Williams suggested that perhaps other Area Forums might wish to be involved in this Special Forum. The Chair agreed with this suggestion.

Colin Walker, Assistant Director, Deveolopment Control who has planning responsibilities reported that a report had been put to Committee last night and there was a 12 week consultation period before putting it to the Select Committee in February 2005. Although this date was outside the consultation period views could be taken to the Select Committee.

Jane Harvey pointed out that if the Forum wanted to take part in the consultation it should do so before the 12-week consultation period was up.

The Chair suggested that if the Resolution were for debate at a future meeting he would be happy for this evening’s forum not to vote tonight. The Forum agreed with the Chair’s suggestion and the proposition would be debated at this area forum in about one month’s time and that it will be the only or significant item on the agenda.

Tracey Smith, Area Co-ordinator will arrange this meeting.

Cllr Dave Hawkins raised concerns about the long-term future of the YMCA in Manor Road. Although meetings with Jim Lester and council officers had been very useful we are no further forward on the future of the YMCA than we were when we started to discuss this matter.

Jo McCourt agreed that the YMCA board had made a decision to become
a Joint Management Committee but the lease would be owned by Wirral Borough Council and a decision by the Estates Department still has not been made as to who is responsible for the upkeep of the building.

Bob Williams felt that it would be appropriate for this Forum to sustain the viability of the YMCA. There are liabilities on the building that will pass to Education and Cultural services should they take over the lease. This means financial liability and they will have to thoroughly investigate this matter. Bob Williams offered to take this matter up with Jim Lester to find out what action would be necessary to unblock the impasse that we are now facing. Jo McCourt believed that this building would fall into disrepair without the work the volunteers did. YMCA volunteers were excellent only asking for materials to do the work.

Minute Decision :


1.That the East Wallasey Area Forum opposes the closure of the two wards and welcomes the views of other members of the Forum. The Chair suggested that the Area Forum add to the resolution that we would like to be consulted and to take part in the consultation.

2.That this Area Forum supports the YMCA and asks the Council to do all it can to support the YMCA and move matters forward.

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Minute Text :

The Chair welcomed Andy Damns - from Community Safety team and Ritchy Humphries from DAAT [Drug & Alcohol Action Team
The Officers presented statistical information based on issues identified in the Wirral Crime and Disorder Audit for 2001/2004. The findings from the Audit would inform the Crime and Disorder Plan for 2005/2008. The two key priorities would be violence [including domestic violence] and anti-social behavior [including youth issues]; although other problems, [eg burglary] would not be ignored.
In their presentation, the Officers explained that the work of the Drugs & Alcohol Team was primarily concerned with -
· preventing today's young people from becoming tomorrow's problematic drug users;
· reducing the availability of illegal drugs
· reducing drug-related crime and its effects on communities;
· reducing drug use and drug-related offending through treatment and support.

The two Officers explained that members of the team had visited all the Area Forums to inform the public about the work of DAAT, and to provide opportunities for Forum members and the general public to air their views on issues that affected their families and neighborhoods. Comments would be welcome at Forum meetings, or questionnaires could be taken away for completion.

Margie Allen praised all the work that had been done by the DAT but asked what help could be given to the parents and families of those receiving drug treatment. She felt that DAT needed to work with parents at the start of the programme and to be shown how they can resist drugs.

Sean Moonan reported that there was an organisation in the voluntary sector that worked to address these issues, but we did not seem to be developing this area very well.

Andy Damns reported that Community Safety support a post in Education (Terry White) and work closely with the Response Teams, but we will take any help we can.

Ken Harrison queried the accuracy of the figures that have been presented on the prioritising of calls to the police. If response is not prioritised then people will not continue to report incidents.

Andy Damns reported that there has been concern about this matter, but the Police have to make their own decisions on prioritising. The figures are reasonably accurate although there is some under-reporting.

Ken Harrison agreed with Andy Damns’ reporting - there were only limited resources just as in other public services. Inspector Kate Aspinall responded that there were occasions when we do not make it to an incident. Operators work hard to prioritise and to make sure resources available were deployed appropriately. She was aware that everyone would not be satisfied at all times. Everyone was working towards improving the situation, and that all should be aware that the Wirral Response was one of the best on Merseyside.

The Chair informed the Forum that he had recently attended a Police call centre in Garston and was impressed by the vast amount of work being undertaken in this area.

The Forum members appreciated that the local police were extremely good, that there were not enough police, but this was a problem for central government.

A member of the public referred to the drinking of alcohol by underage young people at the Allotments, particularly young girls aged from about 13 to 17.

Andy Damns and Kate Aspinall would look at this area.

David Hale reported that they had a very fast response in the Liscard area. Behaviour Improvement Programme has had a dramatic effect on the young people there.

Inspector Kate Aspinall and Andy Damns – This programme was one of the many programmes that were running to address this particular problem, and were aware how important it was to provide preventative activities in order that young people’s energies could be channelled into other areas.

Sean Moonan felt that these programmes should take try to include the whole of Central Park. The Central Park Forum had recognised this and had been approaching the Police and Community Safety Patrol.

Andy Damns said with the Joint Agency working there had been significant successes and he explained some of the activities they had been undertaking. Although not able to put the same resources into this area this year there had still been some successes.

Minute Decision :

The Chair thanked Andy Damns and Ritchy Humphries for their presentation.

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Minute Text :

Tracey Smith asked if the same priorities as last year for the disbursement of the funds available could be adopted. She also asked if there were any organisation that anyone wanted to recommend to apply for the funding and asked them to contact her to apply for an application form as soon as possible.

Minute Decision :

Resolved –

1. That it be agreed that the CIF Panel will not have any councillors on it.

2. The Panel will consist of:

Jo McCourt - Liscard Community Representative
Margie Allen - Seacombe Community Representative
Carole Thomas - Liscard Community Representative
Ann Mather - Seacombe Community Representative

The panel will meet again on 10 January 2005 during the day.

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Minute 8 - PCT UPDATE

Minute Text :

Jane Harvey of the PCT reported that it was the first time she had had the opportunity to visit an Area Forum. The PCT were working hard to improve services in this area. As this was the first time she had had an item on the agenda she took the opportunity of asking the Forum what they would like her to concentrate on and a report would be brought to a future Forum.

If anyone had any specific views could they take the time to talk to Jane at the end of the meeting or make Tracey Smith aware of them.

John Drew from Seacombe Neighbourhood Partnership explained that previously Trish Maguire attended their monthly meetings and asked could a representative from the PCT attend the Seacombe Neighbourhood Partnership. Jane would refer back to her colleagues and report back to the Forum on this matter. Egremont and Liscard Partnerships would also need to be included.

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Minute Text :

A Special meeting in about one month’s time would be required to discuss the future of VCH.

The next Forum meetings would be held on the following dates:

3rd February 2005 and 15 June 2005.

Margie Allen would be interested to hear a presentation by the Community Support Officers and requested that Bob Little make this presentation.

Jane Harvey (PCT) agreed to attend the special meeting on Thursday 25 November.

Ron Jones referred to the Chair’s invitation to continue the links with other Area Forums and thanked him for the consideration.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9.15 pm and thanked everyone for attending.

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(Minutes Published: 16 November 2004)