Meeting documents

Area Forum (Oxton and Prenton)
Wednesday, 15th February 2006



FM Doyle

Ward Councillor

Mrs F E F Anderson, SA Holbrook, SE Kelly, Mrs P M Williams

Community Representatives

Alan Dollery (Prenton Tenants & Residents Assoc.), June Foster (Wirral Fed. of Tenants & Residents Assocs.), Patrick Toosey (Oxton Society)

Chief Executive

S Maddox

Lead Officer

Bob Beresford (Deputy Director of Housing & Environmental Protection), Alan Stennard (Director of Regeneration)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Maxine Joynson

Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT

Richard Jones (Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Ian Shaw, Inspector Mark Smith

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Keith LePoidevin (Station Manager, Birkenhead Fire Station)

Council Officers

Roger Calvert (Principal Officer, Parks & Open Spaces), David Green (Director of Technical Services), Jim Lester (Senior Inspector, Cultural Services), Mark Traynor (Streetscene Manager), Mike Walker (Community Safety Officer)


Councillor Ann Bridson

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - The Chief Executive of Wirral Council will be present as part of the Annual Review of Area Forums to invite views, comments and observations on the Forum and any suggestions for improvement or development

Minute Text :

Minute Decision :

Cllr Doyle welcomed Steve Maddox, Chief Executive for Wirral MBC to the meeting, who wanted to speak briefly about the area forums.

Steve Maddox introduced himself, emphasising that the Local Authority is committed to the process of developing area forums. Forums are an effective way for people to access the Council and its elected members, and the Authority want to continually develop and improve them. He has undertaken to visit each of the area forums at least once a year to monitor how they are developing, and would like the public’s views on what they think we should and should not do. He invited members of the public to speak to him at the end of the meeting, if there were any issues they wished to bring up. He also invited people to let him have any comments at the Town Hall or through their local councillors. He stated that he will be producing a report of his visits to the area forums with a series of recommendations. He stressed that the views of individuals do make a difference and that he wanted both positive and negative comments.

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Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

Minute Text :

Cllr Frank Doyle (Chair) welcomed everybody to the meeting of the Oxton and Prenton Area Forum. He informed the audience that for the benefit of those using a hearing aid; a loop system was in operation. There were approximately 42 members of the public present.

Cllr Doyle introduced Keith LePoidevin from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, a new member of the Forum, to the panel. The Service will be represented at all of the area forums and are warmly welcomed as a valuable asset to the forums, as are already undertaking work within the community.

Cllr Doyle also pointed out to the public that a questionnaire had been left on their seats titled Equal Opportunities in Area Forums. He asked if they would complete the forms and pass them to Maxine at the end of the meeting.

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Minute 2 - Minutes of the last meeting / matters arising

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that the issues raised and matters arising from the previous meeting have been dealt with in the Area Co-Ordinator’s Report under Section 1. He explained that members of the public would have an opportunity to comment on these later in the evening, under public question time.

A member of the Public, Mr Lennon said he wanted to challenge the minute on page 12 of the co-ordinators report. He had not said that what had been minuted. He had said that:

“The basis of concern was the likelihood that any decision by the Authority to conduct an investigation into an extension of the Oxton Conservation Area would be either influenced or dependant on the offer of a financial contribution by the Oxton Society towards the cost of such an investigation."

It was agreed to amend the minute to the wording provided by Mr Lennon.

Maxine explained that since her report had been compiled she had received an update on Eaton Place (the former site of the Met College on Borough Road). Mr Dade was unable to attend the meeting but had contacted Maxine on several of the issues raised, most of which have now been resolved.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Area Forum held on 12 October 2005 be confirmed, following the amendment to the wording requested by Mr Lennon.

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Minute 3 - Correspondence

Minute Text :

Maxine Joynson, Area Co-ordinator explained that she had received correspondence, as questions submitted in advance of the meeting, and it was agreed that they be dealt with under Public Question Time.

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Minute 4 - Area co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle said he wished to thank Maxine Joynson, Area Co-ordinator, for her detailed report and the work she had put into it.

Maxine referred to local updates on pages 25-50, particularly those from the Oxton Society, Prenton Tenants and Residents Association and the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

With reference to the Community Initiative Fund, this funding has been fully allocated for this financial year; the next allocation will be available from mid-April. If anyone wishes to receive an application pack please give your details to Maxine who would arrange this.

The Local Area Plan sub-group has met twice and is working to align the issues section of the document with the identified four priority areas within the Local Area Agreement. These are:

- Safer and Stronger Communities
- Healthier Communities and Older People
- Children and Young People
- Economic Development and Enterprise.

Cllr Doyle asked if there were any questions on Maxine’s report but there were none.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for her report.

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Minute 5 - Public question time

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that if full answers could not be given on the night, Maxine would follow these up in writing before the next meeting and include details in the next Area Co-ordinator’s Report.

The following questions / issues were raised:

Alan Dollery - explained that he had raised the issue regarding drivers making U turns into Palmwood Close at the Forum 12 months ago. Part of the problem was due to lack of signage in the Asda supermarket and the refusal of a right-hand turn out of the carpark. He wondered if, as part of the Arrowe Park roundabout improvement works the possibility of a right turn out of Asda could be looked at again, as circumstances have not changed.

David Green – commented that he was disappointed to hear that, despite the alterations already made, circumstances have not changed. He agreed to contact ASDA and discuss this issue further.

Mr Richard Neale – raised issues concerning parking in the Woodchurch Road shopping and residential areas. He explained that retail businesses in Woodchurch Road are closing down (two since November and one in March) and that there are two for sale. He asked why the wardens only operated in a restricted area and asked if something was going to be done about this. He had personally seen the NCP wardens waiting to issue tickets, and feels that the local businesses have been penalised by their activities. Some leeway has been given with the proprietor of the newsagents, but this problem is continuing to cause a downward trend in this shopping area.

Cllr Doyle - explained that Maxine had also received an issue from a local shopkeeper, Mr McGregor, re: a recent incident where NCP wardens were booking cars whilst an armed robbery was taking on Woodchurch Road.

David Green - stated that there is nothing to suggest that NCP wardens are victimising people, they are just enforcing regulations. Although he is aware that local shopkeepers and residents do not agree with these regulations. For a number of years the Council has wondered how to come up with a solution, and now has clear directions from the Select Committee. A list of 400 requests is being prioritised and has identified funding for a full time traffic officer to undertake a review.

He did not agree that NCP wardens were standing around while a robbery was taking place and did nothing about it. They were unaware that this was happening, as it was on the opposite side of the road. He informed the Forum that he had photographs, at the time of the incident, of members of the public walking past the pizza shop, themselves unaware that an armed robbery was taking place.

Inspector Ian Shaw - confirmed that the Police do not have any information regarding traffic wardens being aware of the robbery and they are not in any case in radio contact with the Police. He reported that an armed response vehicle was deployed from Liverpool, an arrest was made and there has been a review of this incident which has not yet been completed.

Mr Neale thanked the Inspector for giving that explanation. He then commented further on residents parking, stating that in the road where he lives there are two different signs, which lead to confusion, and that the whole matter needed resolving.

Mrs Percy (member of the public) – commented that the pizza shop owner was a personal friend of hers and expressed her gratitude for the handling of the situation, but wondered why an armed response vehicle had been deployed from Liverpool.

Inspector Shaw - the vehicle normally located in the Wirral was assisting in the North Liverpool area, due to ongoing armed offences that had been happening there.

Mrs Percy asked what would have happened if there were four separate armed incidents in Wirral at one time.

Inspector Shaw - if required four vehicles would be deployed from Liverpool.

Cllr Holbrook - agreed with Mr Neale’s assessment of the parking problems, due to the three separate systems in place within a few yards of each other. The Council has failed to get a grip of this problem and it will continue to be an issue until it is dealt with, and feels that this is a problem which should be placed near to the top of the list of priorities.

Cllr Doyle - commented that he had attended the Select Committee when the matter of the parking had been discussed, and there were many members of the public present from the Prenton area who were looking for a solution to the problem.

Mr Lennon had submitted two questions via Maxine:
i. it has recently become common practice for supporters of Tranmere Rovers to use the footway in Downing Close, off Fairview Road, as a car park. Is this an offence and possibly subject to a fixed penalty notice?
ii. he enquired about the proposed use of the now closed HSBC bank in Oxton village, and wondered if the General Practice operating on the busy Storeton Road/Woodchurch Road junction could consider relocating there?

i. Inspector Ian Shaw - explained that he is often the duty inspector on match days at Tranmere, and this was the first time that this issue had been brought to his attention. He would ensure that officers would be deployed to review the situation and, if necessary, issue penalty notices. Cllr Williams stated that this problem has been referred to her in the past, although not recently.
ii. Patrick Toosey - explained that he had asked his neighbour, who is a doctor from the practice, about this and he explained that it was not possible as they were close to locating to new premises in Townfield Lane. He added that it is hoped that the site can be used for some form of community use.

Pat Boyd had contacted Maxine about the proposed re-development of the Ingleborough Road playing fields by Tranmere Rovers F.C. It is their intention to develop their training ground at Ingleborough Road and she reported that the local residents have had meetings with Peter Johnson, Chairman of T.R.F.C. The plan incorporated daylight level floodlighting, with the training ground in use seven days a week, and car parking spaces on the field. They already experience problems with the training ground and wondered how the area would cope with these new proposals.

Cllr Holbrook replied that he had been invited to attend a meeting of the residents committee at which these proposals were outlined, and gave them some advice on:
- the processes and procedures that T.R.F.C. would have to go through to get approval for this development
- the planning policies which such an application would have to satisfy to go ahead.

At the moment T.R.F.C. are unwilling to share any information on this; they may have been sounding out local reaction before submitting an application. However, a planning application would be needed and, from his knowledge of the local planning policies, there would be considerable policy difficulties to overcome for a development of that scale and scope. Cllr Holbrook stated that it is difficult to say much more, as until an application is received from T.R.F.C., it is only speculation. If and when an application is made, then all the plans will come into the public domain and there will be an opportunity for everybody to put forward their cases. From the scale of the proposals, he believes that a development of that scale would be difficult to achieve, but may be scope for a modest application. T.R.F.C. are currently trying to upgrade their youth service; however, he reiterated it is only speculation at this stage and all we can do is wait for T.R.F.C. to make a planning application and deal with it when it arises.

Andrew Taylor, from the Tranmere Hall Estate Tenants and Residents Association, stated that T.R.F.C. had only consulted the residents because there was a covenant on the playing fields saying they must do so. The proposals meant that the field would be floodlit until ten o’clock at night seven days a week. In a secret ballot of local residents, 384 residents had voted against the proposals and only two were in favour. He emphasised that local residents are extremely angry by the proposal and that the Club’s staff working on the site has not been told anything. They are due to meet again on 20th February and are hoping to get the Club to drop the proposal. He said there is no other sports field with floodlights on Merseyside in such close proximity to residential housing. The proposals included the widening of Ingleborough Road, the destruction of trees and a war memorial; The trees have only recently been planted by the Council and the pavements have only recently been repaired. T.R.F.C. are going to submit their plan on the basis that it will benefit the whole of Wirral, and the local residents are worried about this argument.

Mr Neale - wondered whether T.R.F.C. could upgrade their current facilities at Raby and use that. He also asked whether the current sponsorship of Tranmere Rovers by the Council would create any problems.

Steve Maddox - replied that this problem should be directed to the elected members.

Cllr Holbrook - said that everybody in the Borough would be happy to have this facility, but it would have to be located in a position where it would not cause any problems to local residents.

Steve Maddox - stated that the integrity of the planning system is important. Wirral Borough Council deal with planning issues solely on planning grounds. The sponsorship of Tranmere Rovers exists because of all the benefits and enjoyment which it brings to the Wirral. However, any planning application would have to take into account the impact that such a development would have on local residents.

Mr Taylor - complained that if a petition is given to the planning officers, it never reaches the Councillors.

Steve Maddox - offered to discuss this with Mr Taylor after the meeting, explaining that if the planning officers receive a petition, the substance of that petition is passed to the appropriate committee.

Cllr Doyle - reported that that was the end of the pre-submitted questions and invited questions from the floor:

Mr Dowling - queried the recent increase in charges to use the Council’s leisure facilities. He had recently been charged £1.90 to use the Woodchurch swimming pool (instead of the usual £1.40). He wondered why there has been such an increase at a time when the public is being encouraged to exercise. He also commented that a member of his family, who works for the Council, has only received a 2.3% annual pay increase.

Cllr Kelly explained that the Council have to set a balanced budget and, although people tend to think in terms of wage rises and the rate of inflation, a large proportion of the Council’s expenditure is in other areas. He also stated that the leisure services budget is overspent by £11,000,000 and the Council has had to take measures to correct this. He also pointed out that swimming pools are expensive to heat and that he was expecting to receive a report to bring energy costs under control.

Mrs Percy - queried the £30,000,000 budget for staff wages as displayed in the Council’s budget literature.

Steve Maddox - explained that in the pie chart she was referring to, 85% goes on the workforce. The Council ensures that its workforce receive the nationally agreed rate of pay, this is necessary to secure the best people for the jobs or and to ensure retention of good staff.

Mr Higgins (member of the public) wondered if the increase in sports facilities across the Borough was being used to fund the cost of works to accommodate traffic for The Open golf tournament in the summer.

Mr Jim Lester - replied that prices have risen above inflation to meet a deficit in the budget. The increase of around 38% was a difficult decision to make but it has increased income. Other measures taken have included staff reductions and cuts in staff working hours. He explained that leisure facilities raise £8,000,000 per year and is aware that they are in a competitive market.

Mr Higgins - pointed out that a large proportion of the people using the leisure services are pensioners.

Mr Lester - reiterated that the price increase had been a difficult decision but that this is the first year that there has been a rise above inflation.

Mr Alan Dollery - stated that a new youth group is due to open on 2nd March in Prenton Dell, thanks to the Community Initiative Funding. He also commented on the state of the area around the Prenton Dell shops (a problem he has raised previously). It is an unadopted area and the Council have not had the money to restore it to an acceptable standard. Wirral Partnership Homes are taking this over and it will be adopted but he wondered how long this is likely to be?

Mr David Green - it will be in the near future but am unsure of exactly when. It will cost approximately £500,000 to bring the area up to standard and inspectors will be recruited, to take over responsibility. This will be implemented in the next few months.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. David Green to
- contact Asda for further discussion regarding ongoing issues at Palmwood Close
- keep the forum informed of developments about the transfer of the Prenton Dell area;

ii. members of the public be requested to contact their local ward Councillors regarding areas of concern about TRFC;

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Minute 6 - Primary Care Trust - Consultation on New Primary Care Trust Arrangements in Wirral

Minute Text :

Richard Jones from the Primary Care Trust (PCT) gave a presentation on the consultation arrangements in Wirral on the new PCT arrangements. He explained that following a government announcement in July 2005, Strategic Health Authorities had asked PCT’s to look at new arrangements for their future set up. PCT’s in Cheshire and Merseyside have proposed to reduce from 15 down to 7. The consultation period runs from 14 December 2005 till 22 March 2006.

He explained there were 3 options for Wirral:
Option 1 – no change
Option 2 – a new PCT covering the Borough of Wirral
Option 3 – a combined PCT for Wirral, City of Chester, Crewe & Nantwich, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal
Option 4 – a new PCT covering Wirral and the County of Cheshire

He explained that the preferred option was a new PCT covering the Borough of Wirral. Depending on the outcome a new organisation will be established between 1 July 2006 and 1 October 2006.

He explained that the public could make their views known by completing the form in the consultation document, several copies of which he had brought with him. In addition there were consultations on the future of the Strategic Health Authority and Ambulance Trusts and he gave information on their proposals for change.

Members of the public raised the following questions:

What difference will this make to patients?

Richard - there would be considerable cost savings, of approximately £250 million, across the board, which could be fed back into patient care, choice, etc. There will also be greater powers for G.P.s in commissioning services.

How will this maximise patient choice?

Richard - there is a national strategy around patient choice, which will be at G.P. level.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Richard Jones be thanked for his presentation.

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Minute 7 - Opportunities in Waste Recycling

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle introduced Geof Kaufman, to give a presentation on recycling.

Geof explained that these were very interesting times for the people of Wirral, and that we were at the forefront of recycling on Merseyside. He pointed out that the current recyling target for Wirral is 26% by 2006, and that if this is not met then there will be financial penalties for Wirral.

Recycling is currently being carried out in Wirral and includes:

• Tranmere Box Scheme – covering 15,000 households where the waste is sorted at the kerb-side
• Borough wide Paper Scheme
• 95,000 Sack Garden Waste Service
• 21 Bring Sites
• 45 Bottle Banks

He explained there is a short-term strategy starting with a pilot scheme, that will include parts of both the Oxton and Prenton wards, which will begin on 18 April 2006, and a medium-term strategy, covering the same area, starting in September 2006.

The short-term strategy includes the start of Bio-bin Phase 1 (kitchen/garden waste) and involves
– 20,000 properties
– 16 Service Rounds
– An additional 240 litre wheeled bins (brown) – opt in
– No change to collection day
– Kitchen-caddy provided
– Material to feed In Vessel Composter (IVC)
– MRF facility.

He explained that the IVC is a means of speeding up the way green waste decomposes, and that the MRF is a means of sorting glass, plastic, paper, cardboard and metal - dealt with at Bidston. There is also an educational centre for the public and schools.

The medium-term strategy will include alternate weekly collection of Dry Recyclables & Residual Waste, including 240 litre wheeled bins for dry recyclates and no change to collection day.

Dry recyclates include

• Paper
• Glass
• Cans
• Cardboard
• Plastics

The medium-term aim is to:

- Extend the bio-bin service to a maximum 40,000 properties
- Replace all sack collections of green waste to 55,000 properties
- Introduce new dry recyclate collections to 150,000 properties
- Provide approximately 120,000 wheeled bins
- Provide approximately 30,000 boxes

It is therefore very important that the pilot is a success, and every effort will be put in to advertising and promoting it. Hopefully, as a result of all the measures being taken, the recycling figure will be in excess of 30%.

Geof then answered the following questions from members of the public:

Has the Council looked at other authorities when deciding on their own scheme (have recently moved to the area - in previous area the recyling bins were bigger than the non recyling bins).

Geoff - confirmed that other areas had been looked at. He welcomed this information and explained that this would hopefully be Wirral’s longer-term aim.

Alan Dollery - what would happen at flats that had communal bins?

Geoff - explained that the aim initially is to deal with the majority of households, followed by a scheme for the flats.

Andrew Taylor - asked for comments on the large queues at the Clatterbridge waste site, which he feels is due to its poor design. He has seen cars leaving the queue and wondered where they are going to leave their rubbish.

Geoff – I am unable to answer this as am new to the Borough; however, I am in regular contact with the Waste Disposal Authority and will take this issue up with them. He offered to take Mr Taylor’s full details and promised to get back to him.

Cllr Doyle - explained that there would be extensive advertising to help promote the scheme to the public, including visits to local schools.

Geof – commented that there would be information in the local press, radio and area forums. He also stressed that it should be a two-way communication, not just about telling people but about listening to people’s views.

Denise Realey (member of the public) - queried why pubs and clubs are not recycling their glass bottles.

Geof - they are being encouraged to recycle but that the commercial side could do much more. Commercial waste is dealt with by the private sector; and feels that the Government could do more to pressurise the private sector to do more to recycle.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Geof Kaufman be thanked for his presentation;
ii. an update be provided to the forum at the next meeting about the scheme;
iii. Geof Kaufman to liaise with Andrew Taylor over the issue at Clatterbridge

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Minute 8 - Wirral Healthy Communities

Minute Text :

It was agreed not to cover this item as no one from Wirral Healthy Communities was at the forum.

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Minute 9 - Community Safety Questions

Minute Text :

Mike Walker informed the forum that literature on Community Safety would be made available at the end of the meeting. He said that Wirral is still a safe place to live.

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Minute 10 - Dates of future meetings

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle pointed out that there was a typing error in the co-ordinator’s report which read the next meeting was to be held on Monday 12th June 2005 not 2006.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 12th June 2006 at Woodchurch Road Primary School.

It was agreed to have two presentations, from the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and on Youth Participation through the Area Forums and New Children’s Services.

An update on the Recycling scheme would also be welcomed.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that presentations on Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and the Youth
Participation through the Area Forums and New Children’s Services be arranged.

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Minute 11 - Any other business Oxton Festival

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle announced that on the following weekend the Rangers Service are giving away British native trees free of charge, whilst stocks last. He gave out two phone numbers for information purposes.

Cllr Doyle informed the forum that he had received one item of any other business concerning the proposed Oxton Festival.

Mr Jim Lester confirmed that an application has been received for a two-day festival on 1st and 2nd July 2006. He is aware that there have been complaints about this in the past therefore it was suggested that this issue be brought up at the Area Forum. He has also received a letter, signed by some local residents, objecting to the proposal, with a request for feedback. He feels a decision should be made on this as soon as possible.

Cllr Doyle asked if anybody wished to comment on the proposal.

A member of the public (from Storeton Road) - stated that is affected by the noise. There is strong feeling from other people living in Storeton Road that it is the wrong location for that level of noise.

A member of the public - asked if an alternative location could be found?

Mr Realey - replied that he wants to create a music and art event, which will give people access to art forms that they would not normally go to see. The original application was to hold the event in the quarry area of The Arno, but that was objected to. And it was suggested it be moved down to Storeton Road – leading to the Storeton Road playing fields being chosen. He feels it has worked well, as it is in a good central position, with good access for public transport, its only other use is for dog walking, and it only has houses on one side of the road. He accepts that it can cause some disruption but asks for tolerance. He has done what he can to rectify previous complaints, for example, the toilets. He requested that a decision be made on this soon to enable the event to be planned.

Jim Lester replied that there are a number of sites across the Borough and that there would be no problem holding the festival in Birkenhead Park.

Mr Poole (member of the public) said that he believes that the noise is cited too close to the houses and suggested it be moved further down the field away from the houses.

Mr Realey said there were half hour intervals between bands, denying claims of constant thumping. With regard to the suggestion of holding the festival in Birkenhead Park, he stated that he doesn’t think it would work in Birkenhead Park and feels that an Oxton Festival should be held in Oxton.

A member of the public wanted it minuted that the mobile phone mast at the Shaftsbury Club has now been removed, thanks mainly to the Mount Residents and Tenants Association petition and all concerned who objected to the company who put up the mast without permission. Perhaps in the future, the powers that be should consider that the ordinary members of the public should be listened to.

As there was no further business Cllr Doyle closed the meeting at 9.10 p.m.

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(Minutes Published: 1 March 2006)