Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Wednesday, 18th October 2006



D Hawkins

Ward Councillors

AER Jones, DT Knowles, G Leech

Community Representatives

John Drew (Seacombe LCP), Diane Ledder , Jo McCourt (Wallasey YMCA), Fr. Leon Ostaszewski, Carole Thomas (Liscard Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Mark Camborne (Health & Safety & Resilience Operations Manager)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Andrew Brannan

Street Scene Manager

Chris Jones (Area Streetscene Manager)

Primary Care Trust

Kathy Doran (Chief Executive), Iain Stewart

Merseyside Police

Inspector John Hogan

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Myles Platt

Council Officers

Fergus Adams (Technical Services), Russ Glennon (Head of Corporate Policy), Gareth Jones (Schools Co-ordinator), Chris Jones (Community Services, Regeneration), Carol Sharratt (Community Planning Assistant)


Cllr Leah Fraser, Bob Little (Community Safety Team), Cllr John Salter

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions

Minute Text :

Councillor Hawkins announced that he would be chairing the meeting for Councillor Jones as he was unable to be at the start of the meeting, but will be arriving later.

The Chair welcomed 18 members of the public to the meeting, went through the domestic arrangements for the building and asked the forum members to introduce themselves. He also requested that anyone wishing to raise a question please complete a question card and hand it to Carol Sharratt.

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Minute 2 - Area Co-ordinator's report (including minutes of the last meeting and matters arising)

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator gave an overview of his report, copies of which were available at the meeting, including:

- minutes of the last meeting and matters arising (page 3)
- local updates (page 13)
- Area Forum Funding, covering projects recently funded (page 39) and progress reports on previously funded projects (page 45)
- the Area Plan (copies of which were available at the meeting)
- Youth Update (page 48)
- Streetscene Update (page 49)
- Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service Update (page 49), this will be covered later in the meeting by Myles Platt
- Community Safety Update, and informed the forum that this was to be a verbal update, but that Bob Little sent his apologies as was unable to attend the meeting and will cover this at the next forum.
- Community Representatives Report, providing information on the local area from the Community and Voluntary Sector.

The Area Co-ordinator also mentioned an Older Peoples Parliament being set up to give older people a say on Council services and decisions (item 9 on the agenda) and informed the forum that application forms are available at the meeting. He also informed the forum that Area Forum Newsletters are also available at the meeting.

The Chair thanked the Area Co-ordinator and asked if there were any comments on the report.

Dave Hanlon - raised concern that the item on the Older Peoples Parliament at one of the forum meetings held the previous week was deferred to the next meeting. He also commented that "old" should not be used in the name of this, and asked who came up with the name.

Mark Camborne - the title includes the word "older" as opposed to old as we are now trying to give older people a voice, as we have done for younger people.

Russ Glennon - the Senior Citizens Forum came up with this title, and we have been assisting them with it (via Jack Cuffe). Will report this back and suggest that the group could name itself once it is up and running.

Dave Hale (Clara) - How much will the Older peoples Parliament cost and who will pay for this? Will an allowance be available to disabled pensioners that are interested in becoming involved?

Russ Glennon - there is a protocol under the Local Strategic Partnership for the claiming back of fares, and believe that the running costs will be very low and be covered by the Community Engagement Fund. Will clarify these points and report back on these.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for his report
(ii) Russ Glennon to discuss possible name change for Older Peoples Parliament with Jack Cuffe and report back on budget, funding body and allowances for Older Peoples Parliament

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Minute 3 - Public question time

Minute Text :

Father Leon - mentioned need for replacement road signage at Liscard Way, and tree branches covering road signs at Walton Drive and Warren Drive.

Streetscene Manager - thanked Father Leon for his help on this. He informed the forum that there is an Inspector for each ward and part of their duties is to pick up details of overhanging vegetation. It is an offence to leave vegetation hanging over road signs and we do write to people about such issues.

Diane Ledder - raised concern over a job that had been outstanding for two years re: keep clear sign on the road at the entrance to the Greenhey Road Allotments.

Streetscene Manager - am aware of this issue, the Inspector responsible for the highway has forwarded this to traffic for the Engineers to respond on this. He apologised for the lack of response on this and agreed to contact the Engineers about this.

John Drew - congratulated the Area Co-ordinator and everyone involved in producing the very instructive Action Plan, but requested that the plan be included to highlight regeneration funding spent in the area.

Dave Hanlon - informed the forum that there are now bus Nos. 10 and 11 running from New Brighton and Liscard to Arrowe Park. They are operated by Avon buses (formerly Happy Als). He also raised concern over the state of the pavements in Liscard (e.g. St Albans Road to Burtons). When cables are laid the replacement of the pavement is poorly done, these need to be repaired to improve Liscard.

Streetscene Manager - roads can be put forward under the Structural Maintenance Programme. Safety Inspections are done each year on all roads. There is a section in Technical Services that look after the works carried out by utility companies. If you provide further details of this at the end of the meeting I will ask for the area to be inspected.

John Drew - believe that it is for those employed by the Council to priorities and not for individuals such as myself.

Streetscene Manager - the area forum are asked to put forward roads for consideration, these are then assessed by consultants and an engineering judgement is made. The inspectors pass recommendations to elected members for approval.

Mark Camborne - we try to engage will all areas of the community and seek their views to help us prioritise schemes. I will give you more information on how this works at the end of the meeting.

Liz Jasper - why is there a different style of sleeping policeman in Trafalgar Road (don't go right across the road and are too low so are not a deterrent).

Streetscene Manager - this is within the current standard for the 20 mile per hour zone. Will take full details of this and arrange for a Traffic Engineer to contact you and explain the different styles of traffic calming used and why.

Cindy Austin - there are holes and broken tarmac at pavement outside St Georges Nursing Home in Croxteth Avenue, and it has been like this for two years.

Streetscene Manager - Agreed to take details of this at the end of the meeting and get an Inspector to look into this.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) the Streetscene Manager to contact the Engineers for a response to issue re: keep clear sign at Greenhey Road
(ii) the Area Co-ordinator to look at including information on regeneration in the Area Plan
(iii) the Streetscene Manager to arrange for a Traffic Engineer to provide information to Liz Jasper on traffic calming
(iv) the Streetscene Manager to arrange for an Inspector to look at condition of the pavement at Croxteth Avenue

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Minute 4 - Presentation on Liscard and Seacombe Extended Schools Service

Minute Text :

Gareth Jones, Extended Schools Co-ordinator, talked to the forum about a new extended schools initiative for Wallasey, Liscard and Seacombe, to be accessed through schools by 2010. These services may be provided by the schools themselves, by signposting to other schools or third party providers - in voluntary, community, local authority or private sectors.

This will consist of five core offers:
- a varied menu of activities (e.g. study support, catch up and stretch activities, homework clubs)
- quality childcare from 8-6 all year on site or through local providers
- parenting support including family learning
- swift and easy referral to specialised support services
- community access to facilities suitable for use by the wider community (e.g. sports facilities)

The schools that fall within this cluster are as follows:

Secondary Schools
- Oldershaw
- Weatherhead

- Egremont
- Kingsway
- Poulton
- St Josephs
- Riverside
- Park
- St. Albans
- Somerville
- Brentwood Early Years Centre

The Chair thanked Gareth for his presentation and asked if there were any questions / issues.

Carole Thomas - Liscard Primary School is not on this list and why is the system being changed?

Gareth - Liscard Primary falls within the New Brighton / Wallasey area. The system is being changed to provide a better service for the community.

Dave Hale - informed the forum of the experience re: Oldershaw operating as an extended school. Exam results have improved and children appear happier. The extended hours have not raised concerns for local residents and the change has been welcomed.

Gareth - thanks, the service is based on helping with achievements.

Ron Watson (retired teacher) - the issue of problems with young people not attending school, causing problems for teachers and parental responsibilities need to be addressed before these schemes are put in place.

Gareth - we are aiming to improve the working relationship by having closer links with parents.

Joe Lee - will there be provision for parents with very young children to enable them to take part in the parent and child learning and who will be responsible if the child is placed with an outside organisation?

Gareth - yes creche facilities will be available, and parental consent to allow the child to off the premises will be required.

Jo McCourt - what structures are already in place with the Voluntary and Community Sectors Network and the Youth Service and how will they become involved?

Gareth - a mapping exercise is being run at the moment, but the aim is to be more involved with youth groups. Cluster meetings will take place and representatives can start setting up local agreements.

Chris Jones - what are the timetables as Liscard Community Centre are not aware of the cluster groups.

Gareth - the cluster meetings have not opened out yet, but this will happen. It has taken a little longer than expected.

Councillor Hawkins - raised concerns over consultations and requested that Gareth meet with Jo McCourt, Chris Jones and Carole Thomas as soon as possible. Gareth agreed to arrange this.

Member of the Public - will this service include adult classes and will these just apply to secondary schools?

Gareth - will include both, if demand is established classes could take place in primary schools.

Councillor Knowles - schools run their own budgets and overtime costs for caretakers will be required, will there be new money to cover their costs?

Gareth - each cluster will have a pot of money, there may be external funding and some after school clubs will be charged.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Gareth Jones be thanked for his presentation
(ii) Gareth Jones to arrange meeting with Jo MCourt, Chris Jones and Carole Thomas to discuss partnerships re: service provision.

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Minute 5 - Presentation on Recycling Service

Minute Text :

Fergus Adams (Recycling Officer) briefed the forum on new recycling system being introduced in Wirral. We need to change the way we recycle to reduce amount of waste being placed in landfill. The bags are not efficient and we are aiming to make recycling as easy as possible for everyone.

There will be three bins per household:
- Brown for garden waste (for all households with gardens) - most of these are already in place
- Grey for paper and packaging (including cardboard, glass, tins, foil and plastic) - being rolled out now and should all be in place within 12 months
- Green for general household rubbish collection - already in place.

There will be information packs (that will include a calendar) with the new bins. The recyclable goods will be taken for sorting to the Bidston Facility, this is run by the Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority (MWDA).

A full audit has been done across Wirral looking at communal properties and options such as having mini bring site (similar to supermarkets). This is being rolled out in Prenton at the moment.

There will be smaller bins available for smaller properties and these are about half the size. If a small grey bin is requested then will also be given a small green bin, as we don't want to encourage waste. If anyone would like to request the smaller bins please contact the Streetscene call centre.

The Chair thanked Fergus and asked if there were any questions on this.

John Ledder (Poulton)

1.Have read articles on microchips being placed on bins and of residents being fined for placing the wrong items in bins. How will the Council ensure that the rubbish in the bins belongs to the owner?

2. The BBC did a programme on Bidston Moss machine and all goods passed through the machine has not passed the quality test and has gone to landfill. What is being done about this and when will this be resolved?


1. There are no plans re: microchips and if we did decide to do this the public would be notified. We have no maximum weight issues, the only cut off point that we have is that the wagon is able to lift the bin. The bins should be put out at 7am on the day of collection to avoid contamination and cut down the chance of others placing items in other bins.

2. This is an issue as need to ensure that there is no BSE in compost. The facility is run by the MWDA and the landfill costs relating to this are being paid by the MWDA. We are working with the MWDA to make this work, and will re-assess this if it is not sorted within the next 6-12 months.

2. Mark Camborne - green waste was always going to be an issue and would need testing. The length of time given for monitoring this is 10-12 months, and we want to ensure that waste collected is of a good enough quality to go back into the food stream.

Dave Hale - raised concern that if a small bin in requested then four weeks worth of rubbish would need to be stored in this before it is collected, possibly creating problems with smells. This could be seen as a scheme aimed at saving money by not having as many collections and having to use landfill. Have been suggesting that pick up points are set up for terraced houses at two sites with no success, and would welcome some help on this

Fergus - The new recycling scheme is not about saving money and the same amount of collections (weekly) will be made, will discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting. Am not aware of any communal collection points but will look into this.

Councillor Knowles requested confirmation of collection rota for the grey and blue bins. Fergus confirmed that these will be collected on alternate weeks and the brown bin will be collected fortnightly as at present.

Joe Lee - raised concern that some people will use the recycle bins as second rubbish bins and that rubbish may be placed in bins by people walking past, also concerned that new scheme may increase fly-tipping. How will this be enforced?

Fergus - an enforcement team will be used, they will contact residents where problems are found and try to resolve these. The enforcement team will have powers to take relative action when necessary.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Fergus be thanked for his presentation
(ii) Fergus to look into possibility of communal collection points requested by Dave Hale

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Minute 6 - Wirral MET College (New Projects for 16-19 year old NEET Group - Not in Employment, Education or Training) - Faith Everest

Minute Text :

Faith Everest Community Development Network Manager, Wirral Met College informed the forum that she would be providing information on the Rising Star Project. She also introduced Brendan McCarthy, from the Sixth Form College to talk about Enterprise Project and Community TV.

Rising Star Project - an innovative new training programme proposed through the Learning Skills Council based around 16-18 year olds that are not in employment, education or training (NEET). The project, where everyone is a star, aims to develop positive behaviours and higher self-esteem. There will be very little classroom-based activity. It will not be delivered to the main college sites, but to the community (e.g. the Allendale Centre). The training will include core activities (e.g. maths, literacy etc.) as well as childcare, cooking, healthy eating etc.

Brendan McCarthy informed the forum that the Enterprise Project and Community TV came out of Wirral Partnership Projects via Neighbourhood Renewal.

Enterprise Project - when commissioning this project we received a few proposals from a number of agencies. Non of these were suitable to reach the outcomes required, so the Wirral Learning Partnership decided to pick the best part of the projects and put together a new scheme. The majority of young people in NEET areas have not been engaging for 11 years so it was agreed that would need to look at new ways of engaging with them. There have been fewer new business start ups in this region than in other areas as young people do not see self-employment as an option, so came up with Enterprise Training.

The aim is to try and target 30 young people per year. Delivery will be in local community venues. The first area is the Allendale Youth Works and we also hope to run this at Wallasey YMCA. The Birkenhead Sixth Form College is acting as the Co-ordinator for the project, dealing with the bureaucracy and managing the cash flow for the voluntary sector. The college will provide bespoke training, including generating ideas, working on market research, finance etc.. Hands on experience of running a business without the risk will be offered. We will be producing publicity material and working with Connexions on this pilot scheme so please look out for this.

Community TV - this exciting project is gathering momentum. It was launched 18 months ago and the Job Centre promoted this. The Birkenhead Sixth Forum College became the accountable body for facilitating this, and the community will run the company. It has achieved funding form Neighbourhood Renewal, Wirral Waterfront and the European Social Fund.

The training on how to use local media kit will be held in local venues and be put on a website to be run by NTL (partner in this project). The content produced by the Wirral community will have a potential worldwide audience. Recording equipment will be put in neighbourhood renewal venues (e.g. CBED) making it accessible to members of the local community. Training up to level 2 in media skills will be aimed at NEET groups. Part of the project will be to link into other projects to help use and develop skills.

The Chair thanked Faith and Brendan for their updates, and welcomed the return of the college to Liscard.

The following questions / issues were raised:

Dave Hanlon - Area all the people that stay on at the school involved in the projects being managed by the Birkenhead Sixth Form College?

Brendan - the projects are not aimed at the college and its students as those at college are not involved in the NEET group. The aim is to try and re-engage with those not engaged in education, employment and training. The college is only acting as a co-ordinating and accounting body.

Chris Jones - How is the training and its value being marketed to employers?

Faith - this has not yet been marketed as funding has not yet been agreed. This will happen towards the end of the project when participants have skills and qualifications, Janet Triggs will be dealing with this area.

It was agreed that further updates would be provided on these projects as they progress.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Faith Everest and Brendan McCarthy be thanked for their presentations.
(ii) Faith Everest and Brendan McCarthy forward progress updates on these projects to the Area Co-ordinator for inclusion in his report.

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Minute 7 - Primary Care Trust Update

Minute Text :

Iain Stewart informed the forum that the new Primary Care Trust (PCT) for Wirral is 18 days old. The senior personnel with experience of health on Wirral have been appointed, ensuring continuity.

There will be a brand new PCT Centre at Victoria Central Hospital (VCH). The developers have just issued tenders for contractors and this should be confirmed by the end of 2006. This is a 12/18 month project and will consist of a three-storey building housing three GP practices.

If you know of any patients that would like to become involved in the patient participation group and offer advice and feedback on our services please ask them to contact the PCT.

The Chair thanked Iain and asked if there were any questions / issues on this.

Member of the Public - the phlebotomy clinic at VCH has been stopped. I now have to go to my GP and the clinic hours are less than at the VCH and now have to book in advance. Why has this stopped, is it a cost saving exercise?

Iain - the change was brought about following complaints from patients having difficulty making appointments using the appointments service. We spoke to the GPs to find the best way of dealing with this and the Wallasey GPs came up with this scheme to add phlebotomy to the practices. The practices also run a field system so that if one GP has no appointments left then could approach another surgery and see if they have any available appointments to offer the patient. Believe that this new system will work given more time.

Father Leon - would like confirmation that the foundation stones are preserved along with the war memorial at VCH.

Kathy Doran - confirmed that the foundation stones will be preserved and informed the forum that the war memorial is now on display.

John Drew - concern over poor practice re: warfarin injections being given at the Gorsey Lane practice, some of the staff have been trained up from receptionists to give injections and they are frightened of doing this.

Iain - health care assistants are trained to take blood and are overseen by a senior nurse. A warfarin INR kit (small machine involving just a pin prick) is now used at practice level with results available after ten minutes.

Dave Hale - what is the frequency for picking up blood samples from GP surgeries?

Iain - the blood tests are arranged in the mornings, collected just after lunch time and delivered mid afternoon to the laboratory at Arrowe Park each day.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Iain Stewart be thanked for his update

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Minute 8 - Community Safety Update - Merseyside Police - Merseyside Fire Service - Community Safety

Minute Text :

Police - Inspector Hogan informed the forum that since the last meeting the following has taken place in the Seacombe area:

- Dispersal orders have been implemented at flats in Borough Lane. Two of the flats have burnt down since then and one of the blocks still has a tenant remaining.

- A fence has been placed around the front of St Marys Church, Withens Lane and more attention has been given to the area to discourage youths from congregating and drinking there.

- Central Park area, action has been taken to reduce number of young people drinking and damaging cars.

- Brompton Avenue, a number of operations have been run and off-licences targeted. Three off-licences have been prosecuted and over 45 litres of alcohol has been confiscated.

- An Anti Social Behaviour Team has been set (Operation Cougar) with two sergeants and eight officers and they have been targeting the Earlston Road Library area. Burglary has been reduced by 43% and theft from motor vehicles by 56% in this area.

The Chair thanked Inspector Hogan and the following questions / issues raised:

Dave Hanlon - mentioned that a public meeting is to be held about vandalism at Rake Lane Cemetery and it is hoped that a Friends of Rake Lane Cemetery will be set up.

Inspector Hogan - not aware of the meeting but would look forward to attending any meetings set up about this. The cemetery has been in the press recently. Four young people have been arrested, and bailed, for this and are not looking for anyone else for this. This was a big operation with CID involvement. The total cost of the damage was £900,000 and some of the graves were so badly damaged that they can't be repaired.

Councillor Jones apologised to the forum for arriving late, and congratulated the Police on Wirral, who have the best record on Merseyside and the all round improvement against crime.

Fire and Rescue - Myles Platt informed the forum of the following:

- This is a very fire safe area and we intend to keep it that way in the lead up to bonfire night. A Bonfire Removal Initiative is in place and he requested that if anyone feels that there is a risk of potential bonfires or that premises are selling fireworks illegally please contact your local fire station.

- Fire station have visited 200 properties a month, running fire safety checks and fitting smoke alarms. 5,000 homes have been visited in the Wallasey area since April 2004.

- We have a responsibility for 10,000 dwellings and deal with 1.5 domestic home fires and 5 small fire per month.

The Chair thanked Myles and the following questions / issues raised:

Dave Hanlon - confirmed that there will not be a bonfire at Central Park this year as the Council are not holding bonfires in parks.

Myles - there will be approximately seven organised events this year, but no actual bonfires.

Chris Jones - informed the forum that there will be a bonfire at Leasowe Centre.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Inspector Hogan and Myles Platt be thanked for their presentations.

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Minute 9 - Older Peoples Parliament

Minute Text :

The Chair mentioned that this item had been covered earlier in the meeting, and asked that if anyone is interested to please take an application form from the welcome table.

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Minute 10 - Dates of future meetings / Presentations

Minute Text :

The Chair confirmed that the next meeting will be held on 14th February 2007.

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Minute 11 - Any other business

Minute Text :

There was no further business and the Chair closed the meeting at 9.05pm.

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(Minutes Published: 26 October 2006)