Meeting documents

Area Forum (Heswall and Pensby & Thingwall)
Tuesday, 21st June 2005



O W Adam

Ward Councillor

AC Hodson, PSC Johnson, Mrs J McKelvie

Community Representatives

Steve Beal (Youth representative), J Birch (Pensby and Thingwall Community Representative), P Duffy (Heswall Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Chris Batman (Head of Branch, Planning and Resources, Children and Young People's Department)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Maxine Joynson

Bebington & West Wirral PCT

Geraldine Murphy-Walkden

Merseyside Police

Inspector Howard Fazakerley

Council Officers

Kenny Bradshaw (Technical Services), Cathy McNulty (Cycling Officer), Phil Miner (Street Scene Area Manager), Joe Smith (Technical Services)


Cllr Ian Mackenzie , Cllr Les Rowlands

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions

Minute Text :

Chris Batman introduced all the members above, and welcomed 42 members of the public to the meeting. He reported that as Cllr. Peter Johnson is Deputy Mayor this year, he will not be taking the Chair, and it has been agreed that Cllr. Oliver Adam will take the Chair.

A presentation by Technical Services Department regarding the change to the roundabout at Arrowe Park, and the installation of traffic lights on Arrowe Park Road will be the last item on the Agenda, as the people involved are giving a presentation at one of the other Forums first.

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Minute 2 - Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

Minute Text :

i. Concern was again raised about the long term parking of cars for sale in a local lay-by.

Chris Batman reported there will be new legislation shortly to give the Council powers to obtain the names of owners of these cars and contact the DVLC, who will then contact the owners to check whether they are private sellers. Once identified, a notice will be put on the car to say that it is under investigation, and that the car will be removed if necessary. He asked that the public please contact Street Scene if they think that a car is being advertised for sale in this way.

ii. Concern was expressed about the lighting over the ATM machines belonging to the Co-op Bank.

It was reported that they have now put a new light there.

iii. Phil Miner reported that they have investigated the accidents reported in Gills Lane, and it seems that the accidents are mostly at the traffic lights. If necessary there might be a possibility of installing an advance warning notice that motorists are travelling at more than 30 miles per hour, and also counting the number of vehicles using Gills Lane. There are no plans for traffic calming.

iv. Of the 20 suggested roads requiring repair, seven have been agreed for this area.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

Maxine Joynson reported that she was covering for Janet Triggs, who will be the new Area Co-ordinator for this area.

Area Plans. The statistical information in the first part of the plan is based on the old ward boundaries and therefore does not give an accurate reflection of the new wards.

This is now a working document for the forum over the next 12 months and will be refreshed in December to align with the Community Strategy’s 4 new themes, which are:
- Worklessness
- Access and Equity
- Cohesive and Sustainable Communities
- a Quality Environment.

It is anticipated that a sub group will need to be formed to take the area plan forward and address the issues section of the plan which will be the work plan for the forum for the next 12 months.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that - an area plan sub group be set up.

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Minute 4 - Community Initiatives Fund

Minute Text :

Maxine reported the Community Initiative Fund stands at £15,500, due to additional funding of £3000 from Community Safety for community safety projects and £1500 from Local Agenda 21 for environmental projects and any local organisations should apply for funding. Adverts will be placed in the Wirral Globe on 6th and 20th July with a closing date of 15th August. It was agreed that the priorities set would be kept the same as they cover a broad range of projects and services, which will benefit the local community.

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Minute 5 - Public question time

Minute Text :

The following questions / issues were raised by members of the public:

Will the pavements outside homes be reinstated after the new water main has been installed?
Cllr. Jackie McKelvie said that she would check this is to be included.

Many cracked paving stones have been located and a white spot has been put on them. Paving stones, however, are being tarmaced over instead of replacing the paving slabs, and it is not sufficiently strong to carry the HGVs, and is a waste of time and money.
Phil Miner replied that they do identify the repairs to be carried out by the Utility Companies, and they will repair any damage done by them. He agreed that the tarmac was not heavy enough to carry the HGVs.

Mr. Graham Davies asked that the Council clarify exactly where the boundary lines are between The Moorings and the foreshore.
Cllr. Andrew Hodson agreed to investigate and report back where the Council responsibility ends and residents’ responsibility begins.

Mr. Cranny asked why the re-cycling bottle bank had been removed from Fishers Lane?
It was reported that due to complaints from the people at the end of Southwood Drive, about the noise, the bank had been re-sited to the end near the shops.

Where can dry batteries be deposited?.
This is possible at Greenbank Drive, Clatterbridge tip and Asda in Wallasey.

A comment was made about the dreadful state of the tip at Clatterbridge.
Phil Miner understands that representatives of the Council are in touch with the owners of the site to amend the access and tidy up the site.

Why do the collectors of the garden rubbish only take one bag?
It was pointed out that if they took more, some people may not get any taken at all, and that the budget for the services was finite.

The question of the Aldi traffic through Barnston was raised.
Cllr. Jackie McKelvie stated there is still no further information at present.

Mr. Collinson asked whether some provision could be made to see children safely across the road at the Glegg Arms. They are dropped off by the school bus at an extremely busy time, and there are no safety facilities at all. A further point raised by him, is the short pathway through from the Chester High Road to Dunster Grove, which has no light at all. This will be used more when the proposed skateboard park is opened near the football fields.

The question of the urgent need for a site for a Health Centre for three practices was raised.
This is proving very difficult due to the high cost of land locally, and the need for it to be central. If as many as possible fill in a form (available at most practices) this will give more weight to the need.

Why are the barriers there ready to be erected at the entrance to Arrowe Park hospital. The barriers are also there ready for the rest of the hospital, but what happens to the footballers that use the Park?
There is already considerable parking on the road up to the Arrowe Park Hospital entrance, and this will only make it worse.

Mr. McDonough raised the question of extended licensing hours. He understands that there are not many applications, and as they have to be in by the 1st August, does this mean none are likely to be agreed?

Cllr. Andrew Hodson replied that they must apply by 8th August to come into effect in November. They have advertised and held a meeting in the Town Hall. New Committees have been formed to take on the vast numbers who might apply. A great many will be applying for the existing hours. Only about 20% have made applications nationally, but the paperwork is something like 200 pages, which have to be completed before application. Anyone who has not put an application in will not be allowed to continue in business.


Mrs. McGurk wanted to know whether the Forum was going to discuss a letter from Mr. Garrett addressed to Janet Triggs, as she wished to air her grave concerns.

Maxine reported that to her knowledge the Community Planning Team had not received the letter. The matter was the condition of the Deeside Caravan site, formerly owned by Mr. Mathias. Mr. Mathias became ill last year, and the site was sold to William Hill and others. They have got rid of all the people on the site, and the caravans have been smashed, trees have been cleared and there has been rubbish burnt. They own another site in Meols, and although they have been written to, they have not replied.

Cllr. Peter Johnson reported he had a site visit with the Enforcement Officer, who did say that, whilst the local residents do not like what is going on, there is nothing the Council can do, and they do not need Planning permission. They have cleared a part of the site which is not theirs, but this is a matter between them and the owner of the strip of land involved.

The question of the rubbish and possible misuse of the site by people using drugs was raised, also the question of rats.
If there is evidence of either of these, it should be reported to the Council who should deal with it.

Mrs. McGurk also mentioned a poplar tree, which is damaging her drive, but this is a civil matter.

Inspector Fazakerley stated that if the owner of a site is aware of a drug problem, he is responsible for it. He asked for the telephone number of the owner in order that he may contact him and report back.

Mr. Smith asked why the owner of the caravan site destroyed the caravans.
The Planning Moratorium could still be in force in ten years’ time (18 months into it). The current Development Plan is still in force, but a new one is expected. It was pointed out that he is not breaking any laws, but causing distress, and if you want to sell a property nearby, it will affect the price.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that -

i. Cllr. Andrew Hodson investigate and report back on where the Council responsibility ends and residents’ responsibility begins re: the Moorings and the foreshore.

ii. Inspector Fazakerley report back on drug use at Deeside Caravan Site.

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Minute 6 - Development of Cycle Networks Presentation

Minute Text :

Cathy McNulty gave an interesting and informative presentation in three parts:

1. Why we should cycle more.
2. Cycling in the UK and in the Wirral.
3. Proposals.

The truth of the matter is we are not healthy enough, the cost to the National Health Service is prohibitive, and one way of assisting this, is to cycle. The A.A. has done a survey, which suggests that people would cycle more if there were better facilities. The environment would improve greatly, and children are more alert in school after cycling or walking to school. When 50% of car journeys are less than five miles, this could make a huge impact on the health of the nation, as well as the environment.

The Council are looking to extend the cycle paths in Wirral, and want us all to use them.

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Minute 7 - Primary Care Trust update

Minute Text :

Geraldine Murphy Walkden gave an update of Local Deliver Plan (LDP) 2005 to 2008 for the Bebington and West Wirral PCT, covering the following:

All Primary Care Trusts have to write a LDP, which says what the PCT will do over the coming three years to improve the health and health care services for its residents. It is a mixture of national standards and local priorities.

The LDP targets cover four areas:

-Health and Well Being of our Residents -
-Supporting People with Long Term Conditions to live Healthy Lives
-Improving Access
-Improving the Experience of People Using Services

The key priorities for Bebington and West Wirral PCT for 2005-2008 under each of these are as follows:


Over the next 3 years we will:

-Make it easier to get support to give up smoking
-Work with all local school pupils, staff and parents to promote positive changes in healthy eating, sex and relationships, emotional health and well-being, and physical exercise.
-Promote mental health and well-being in new ways, such as supporting the Wirral Walking Festival


*e.g. diabetes , asthma, coronary heart disease, chronic chest problems

Over the next 3 years we will:

-Reduce the number of emergency admissions to hospital by improving the level of support for people with long term conditions.
-Appoint Community Matrons to co-ordinate care between hospital and home
-Establish a Clinical Decision Unit at Arrowe Park Hospital to speed up assessment by a senior doctor.


Over the next 3 years we will:

-Work with primary care staff to enable people to book appointments in advance, have telephone advice from their GP and greater support with managing their own health.
-Work with local GPs to review health services currently provided at hospital and consider primary care developments more convenient to patients.
-Ensure that by 2008 no one waits more than 18 weeks from being referred by their GP to receiving treatment.


Over the next 3 years we will:

-By December 2005, if a GP decides a patient needs further treatment, they will be offered a number of choices about where and when to receive it.
-Open a newly refurbished surgery in Hoylake and Meols to deliver 21st century primary care services.
-We will help all staff in contact with patients to offer further support and advice to help people improve their quality of life, e.g. Expert Patient Programme, Health and Lifestyle Service.

The PCT’s Plans and Achievements are checked in a number of ways:

-By the PCT Board
-By the Cheshire & Merseyside Strategic Health Authority
-By the newly established Healthcare Commission.
-By the Local Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee
-By the various Patient and Public Involvement initiatives that ensure that NHS staff take careful account of the views of patients, carers and other PCT residents in the planning and delivery of health services.

More information about Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) can be obtained by contacting our PPI Co-ordinators:

Nici Campbell, Tel: 0151 643 5371, e-mail

Chris Fergusson, Tel: 0151 643 5370, e-mail

If you would like to give your views about the Primary Care services you receive, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) via:

Tracey Nolan, Tel: 0151 643 5305, e-mail

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Minute 8 - Arrowe Park Road Revisions

Minute Text :

Joe Smith and Kenny Bradshaw gave a concise picture of the proposals for Arrowe Park Roundabout and the approach roads. This work is out for public consultation, and this was only the second presentation. The work will involve the installation of traffic lights at the Arrowe Park roundabout, at the entrance to Landican cemetery and at the entrance to the Arrowe Country Park. It is hoped that the work will start in August, and be completed before the Open Golf Tournament in 2006.

There was some heated discussion over the proposals, and a member of the audience asked that there be an assurance that no other major works would take place at the same time on main roads to other parts of the Borough.

There will be plans available to view at Heswall, Pensby and Irby Libraries, and also a bus will be positioned at the Arrowe Park Hotel and near the Arrowe Park Hospital so that questions can be asked.

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Minute 9 - Dates of Future meetings/Presentations

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The following dates have been set for the forum meetings:

- Wednesday, 19th October 2005. Venue - Greenbank School, Greenbank Road, Pensby. (Following the meeting, it was discovered that Greenbank School does not have adult toilet facilities on the ground floor, therefore an alternative venue within the Pensby Area is being sought).

- Tuesday, 28th February 2006. Venue - St. Peter’s C. of E. School, Heswall.

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Minute 10 - Any other business

Minute Text :

No other issues were raised and the meeting was closed at 8.50pm, to allow extra time for members of the public to look at the Arrowe park proposals.

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(Minutes Published: 28 July 2005)