Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Tuesday, 22nd March 2005



Mrs F E F Anderson, D Hawkins, A Pritchard, Jean Quinn, SL Rowlands


SA Brown (for Cllr WJ Davies)

Co-opted members

Mr J P Haywood, Mr B Lowe


Mrs L M Rodgers

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

The Head of Legal and Member Services invited members to consider whether they had personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any of the items on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state what they were.

No such declarations were made.

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Minute 14 - MINUTES

Minute Text :

The Head of Legal and Member Services reported that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2004 had been approved by the Council on 20 December 2004 without amendment.

The Chair referred to minute 11 (Registering of Interests and Freemasonry) and requested that a further report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee upon the nature of the Freemasons Grand Charity.

Minute Decision :

Resolved -

(1) That the minutes be approved and adopted.

(2) That a further report on the nature of the Grand Charity be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

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Minute Text :

The Head of Legal and Member Services reported that the Standards Board for England was currently consulting on a review to examine the effectiveness of the Code of Conduct, and to address the issues that had given rise to debate within the local community. He submitted copies of a leaflet that introduced the consultation, and which included a number of questions that were expanded upon in the full consultation paper. The deadline for responses was 17 June 2005, and based on those responses the Standards Board would make recommendations to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Code of Conduct was founded on general principles set out in the Relevant Authorities (General Principles) Order 2001, and the key issues of consultation related to:

- Public interest defence in relation to disclosure of confidential information
- The duty for members to report misconduct by colleagues
- The line between public and private conduct
- Personal and prejudicial interests
- Registering interests

In response to comments, the Head of Legal and Member Services set out the current stance taken by the Code particularly in relation to public/private conduct and the duty to report breaches.

The Chair proposed that members consider their response to the consultation paper and a collective view be formulated at the next meeting of the Committee on areas of common ground. This would of course not preclude individuals from submitting their own views direct to the Standards Board.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That consideration of this matter be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee, to enable a collective response to be formulated.

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Minute Text :

The Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that he had intended to report upon the progress of the Corporate Governance review, both in terms of the Audit Commission report 2002/2003, and an ongoing review of Corporate Governance by the Council's Internal Audit Section. However, as a result of further meetings with Internal Audit, it was felt more appropriate to await the full report, which was expected in May/June, and deal with the matter at the next meeting of the Committee. To illustrate the various issues under scrutiny, he submitted a set of questionnaire forms for members consideration.

In response to a question from Mr Lowe, as to whether internal audit should consult with elected and independent members of the Standards Committee, the Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that he would make the offer of members known to the Chief Internal Auditor. For clarification, the Deputy Director of Finance outlined briefly the methodology adopted by the auditors.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That a further report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee.

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Minute Text :

The Head of Legal and Member Services submitted for members consideration, a note of a meeting held on 31 January 2005 at the request of the independent members of the Committee, to discuss a number of outstanding issues. He set out the key themes, viz: -

(i) Recommendations from the Audit Commission report 2002/2003 (see minute 16 ante)

(ii) Protocol and terms of reference of the Standards Committee
The Head of Legal and Member Services commented that these were contained within the Council's Constitution, and any amendment would need to be submitted to the Local Democracy Working Party (LDWP) and ultimately the Council. For the benefit of the independent members, he outlined briefly the role of the LDWP.

(iii) Induction and Training of Independent Members
The Head of Legal and Member Services advised members that a training seminar had been arranged on the Code of Conduct, and protocol and etiquette around Council, Cabinet and committee meeetings. The session would take place on 27 April 2005, and all Standards Committee members were encouraged to attend. He reported also that the Standards Board roadshow would take place in Manchester on 24 May 2005, and he requested the nomination for attendance of two members, in addition to the Monitoring Officer.

It was moved by Councillor Rowlands and seconded by Councillor Pritchard -

"That the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee be nominated for attendance at the Standards Board roadshow, in addition to the Monitoring Officer"

It was moved as an amendment by Mr B Lowe and seconded by Mr J Haywood -

"That one elected member and one independent member be nominated for attendance at the Standards Board roadshow, in addition to the Monitoring Officer"

The amendment was put and not carried (4:4)
The Motion was put and carried on the Chairs casting vote (5:4)

Mr B Lowe commented that he was prepared to attend one of the other roadshows elsewhere in the country at his own expense if it was possible. The Head of Legal and Member Services indicated that he would raise this with the Standards Board, if an additional place could not be obtained for the roadshow in Manchester.

(iv) Communications and dissemination of information
Mr Haywood commented that much of the information available for members online, was only readible accessible to those with a broadband internet connection. The Head of Legal and Member Services offered to help members register to receive the Standards Board bulletin by e-mail, and to be of further assistance he offered to obtain copies of large documents for members who had difficulty in accessing the information online.

(v) It was confirmed that the Standards Committee did not have a budget of its own.

(vi) A member commented on the lack of detail in the minutes of the Standards Committee.

(vii) A member commented also on a feeling that meetings were very political, and questioned whether voting in committees would not be better served by way of a written ballot, to ensure that a party whip could not be applied. In response, the Chair and other members expressed the view that voting by a show of hands was in the interest of clarity and openness, and that in addition, members were not subject to party whip in committees.

Minute Decision :

Resolved -

(1) That the note of the meeting, and the issues arising from it, be noted.

(2) That the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee in addition to the Monitoring Officer, be nominated for attendance at the Standards Board roadshow in Manchester on 24 May 2005.

(3) That the Head of Legal and Member Services be requested to ascertain whether an additional place for an independent member may be obtained at the roadshow, or if not, whether a place may be obtained at an alternative roadshow.

Footnote :

The Chair accepted consideration of this matter as an item of urgent business.

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Minute Text :

The independent members of the Committee requested a special meeting of the Committee, within 14 days, in accordance with Standing Order 26(2), to give consideration to the following items of business -

(i) make up and independence of the Standards Committee;
(ii) make up of "sub-committee" for determinations;
(iii) independent Members Forum;
(iv) public awareness of Standards Committee;
(v) amendments to the Constitution of the Council, where appropriate, to specifically include independent committee members as well as elected members.

The Head of Legal and Member Services commented that standing order 26(2) referred to a special meeting being called on the requisition of any two group spokespersons, and did not apply to independent members as they were not a political group. However, to be of assistance, the Chair agreed to call a special meeting in accordance with standing order 26(1), to give consideration to the matters listed together with the review of corporate governance (see minute 16 ante).

Minute Decision :

Resolved -

(1) That a special meeting of the Committee be arranged on a date to be agreed between the Chair, party spokespersons, and the Head of Legal and Member Services.

(2) That subject to all members being available to attend, future meetings of the Standards Committee be called for a 6.00pm start time.

Footnote :

The Chair agreed to consideration of this matter as an item of urgent business

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(Minutes Published: 29 March 2005)