Meeting documents

Housing and Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 23rd October 2007


Vice-Chair in the Chair

MG Redfern


L Fraser, Brian Kenny, Ann McLachlan


C Blakeley (for Cllr A Pritchard)
JR Cocker (for Cllr RL Abbey)
CM Teggin (for Cllr A Taylor)

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

Members were asked to consider whether they had personal or prejudicial interests in connection with any item(s) on this agenda and, if so, to declare them and state what they were. No such declarations were made.

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Minute Text :

At its meeting held on 4 October 2007, the Cabinet (minute 268 refers) agreed a number of savings and budgetary measures. The Leader of the Council had requested that the savings be considered by the relevant overview and scrutiny committee prior to the meeting of the Council on 29 October 2007, and the Director of Regeneration reported upon a proposal to reduce the operating hours within the Council's Control Room.

It was moved by the Councillor Blakeley and seconded -
"That in view of the essential role of the control room in combating anti-social behaviour in Wirral, the report of the Director of Regeneration be withdrawn."
The Motion was put and lost (2:4)

The Director reported that currently the control room operated 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, and he set out the variety of activities that were dealt with. Current staffing levels were the Control Room Manager and 11 full-time and 4 part-time staff, working a three shift system 9.00am - 5.00pm, 4.00pm - 11.00pm and 11.00pm - 9.00am. He commented that during the hours 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday, the Control Room received 6 to 8 calls a day from Merseyside Police requesting that cameras be moved and focussed upon various incidents, such as road traffic accidents, criminal incidents or stolen vehicles. Over the last 12 months a similar number of alarm calls had also been received in the control room between those hours, and he indicated that the remainder of that duty period was taken up with routine monitoring of the 101 CCTV cameras in Wirral.

The Director commented that there was already a need to consider staffing arrangements in the Control Room, arising from the termination of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Wirral Partnership Homes (WPH), which would result in a loss of income of £100,000. This affected the funding equivalent of four posts and substantially affected the viability of the shift rota. Consequently, it was now proposed that the rotas were fundamentally reviewed and the day shift covered elsewhere, which would allow for a further reduction of two FTE posts taking the establishment to nine FTE and one Control Room Manager. He indicated that this would then allow the release of an additional saving of £51,000. The review would require a new shift pattern and a revision of existing duties, which would allow the Control Room cover arrangements to be varied between the hours of 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday, but with full 24-hour cover at weekends and bank holidays throughout the year.

The Director had given consideration to retaining a day shift in spite of the reduced staff numbers. However, to achieve this would require changes to existing staffing levels, by reducing the number of staff on night duty to one, thereby leaving no capacity within the system to cover staff absence due to leave or sickness. Gaps in staffing levels during times of greatest demand would require a variation in the rostered day shift onto evening duty, and as such changes would occur at short notice, would result in a negative impact upon the quality of life of staff and could result in an increased risk of incurring overtime costs.

The Director commented that in order to provide a monitoring service during weekday daytime hours, consultation had been undertaken with regard to enabling Merseyside Police remote access to the system. Feedback from the police had been positive and discussions were ongoing with police IT staff. The Director outlined the changes to the way some services would be delivered as a result of the proposed reduction in operating hours, and he indicated that the reduction of staff would be through the use of the Council's Redeployment Policy. In response to a comment from a member, the Director confirmed that the investment in the control room was substantial and he was confident that it would continue to provide significant protection for Wirral.

It was moved by Councillor Blakeley and seconded -
"That in view of the Directors comments with regard to the involvement of Merseyside Police, consideration of this matter be deferred, so as to allow the attendance police representatives for scrutiny."
The Motion was put and lost (2:4)

Mr G Bradfield (Wirral UNISON) addressed the Committee. He questioned whether the proposal could achieve the anticipated saving of £51,000 and whether the remaining two shifts could be covered by those staff who would remain in post. He expressed concern with regard to health and safety risks to staff and suggested that as an alternative to the proposal, that there was scope to increase the income of the section from a variety of initiatives. He commented that any reduction in staffing levels should be done following consultation with the trade union and should ensure adequately staffed full-time coverage.

The Director confirmed that full-time coverage of the control room was not a viable option in the light of the reduction in income as a result of the termination of the SLA with WPH. He was satisfied that working with Merseyside Police would at least match the service currently provided, and confirmed that the remaining shifts would be adequately covered. He was not in a position to provide detailed shift information, as changed shift patterns would be achieved following negotiations with the union.

It was moved by Councillor Blakeley and seconded -
"That this Committee advises the Cabinet that the proposed reduction in CCTV control room operating hours is not supported, and requests that the Cabinet review the proposal."
The Motion was put and lost (2:4)

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the proposed savings of £51,000, identified following a fundamental review of the Control Room service as a result of the decision of Wirral Partnership Homes to terminate the Service Level Agreement, be supported. (4:2)

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(Minutes Published: 26 October 2007)