Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Wednesday, 25th June 2008



Cllr Denise Roberts

Ward Councillors

Jim Crabtree, George Davies, Steve Foulkes , Ann McLachlan

Community Representatives

Graham Cole (Business representative), Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group)

Older People's Parliament Representative

Edith Niblock

Lead Officer

Russ Glennon (Head of Corporate Policy)

Street Scene Manager

Gary Cummings

Area Service Co-ordinator

Louise Harland-Davies

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Marie Armitage

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Joyce Magennis

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Ben Ryder

Council Officers

Jan Johnson (Minute Taker), Jim Thompson (Community Safety Team)


Michelle Gray, Jean McIntosh, Cllr Harry Smith, John Webb (Director of Adult Services)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions & apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, welcomed forum members and 18 members of the public to the Bidston & Claughton Area Forum meeting being held for the first time in St Bede’s Chapel and Community Centre. A loop system was available for anyone with a hearing impairment. There was a presentation on the agenda of the Area Forum DVD Launch and, following that, there would be plenty of time for people to ask questions.

Apologies noted from Michelle Gray, John Webb, Jean McIntosh and Councillor Harry Smith

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Minute 2 - Minutes & any matters arising

Minute Text :

The minutes of the Area Forum meeting of 12 February 2008 were agreed and there were no matters arising.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that: Minutes of the Forum held on 12 February 2008 be agreed.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators update

Minute Text :

Louise Harland-Davies, provided an overview on behalf of Michelle Gray, the Area Co-ordinator’s report:

Page 11 – Louise drew attention, under Sustainable Appropriate Housing, to affordable renovated houses for sale. Details were given for anyone interested in purchasing a property that has been refurbished to extremely high standard at an affordable price.

Page 12 – Good news item. Celebrating the achievements of 13 young people across the borough and the positive contribution they have made.

Page 15 - Safer Communities and partner updates from Police and Community Safety, both of which are on the agenda this evening.

Page 19 – Wirral Council’s sign up to the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy

Page 31 –Progress report for all projects funded during 2006-2007.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: To thank the Area Co-ordinator for the report.

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Minute 4 - Area Forum DVD Launch

Minute Text :

Area Forums were established to provide an opportunity for people who live and work in the area to have a say in local issues to be more active in decision making and shaping local services that affect their lives.

Each area forum is allocated money each year and local community groups can apply for funding. Six local schools filmed projects across Wirral that had been funded through Area Forum money. The schools went to visit and film the projects and then edited and produced the DVD. Every year funding enables voluntary groups to undertake projects to meet the needs of local people and the purpose of DVD is to promote and encourage people to apply to their local area forum for funding, by showing projects that have already been funded.

Many areas in Wirral have excellent quality of life, excellent housing, schools and high level of employment, however for some people it is a very different picture with high unemployment, high levels of anti social behaviour and unacceptable levels of ill health. The DVD showcases six projects:

Wirral High Flyers
A trampolining club: as recommended by occupational therapists as a great exercise for children with special needs. Funding from the Area Forum enabled the club to carry on running.

Wirral Society for Blind and Partially Sighted
Applied for funding to purchase equipment to take into the community and funding also helped with their outreach service.

Safeguarding Children’s Services
A year’s funding for this children’s charity helped in organising groups and planning a timetable for the whole year. The aim of the charity is to work with young people at risk and who have been abused. Children are usually referred by Connexions and Social Services in the 13-18 age group. Funding helped to twice run a successful 10 week programme, in conjunction with

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.

Merseyside Victim Support and Witness Service
This service helps support people in the community who have been a victim of crime and those giving evidence at trial. This voluntary organisation is funded by the Home Office, with each area being run by volunteers, referrals come from the police and other agencies. Here on Wirral there are 22 volunteers.

Ellerary Park School
There are 82 children with special needs at this school. Funding from Area Forum will help towards building a new playground which will form a rich and stimulating environment in which to learn as well as having fun.

West Kirby Light Operatic Society
Formed 58 years ago with members from all over the Borough. The Society perform musicals and operettas. Funding helps with overheads and performance expenditure.

The Lead Officer pointed out that if anyone wanted any more information around any of the projects or the Community Initiative Fund, they should contact Michelle Gray, the Area Co-ordinator who would be happy to help.

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Minute 5 - Partner Information/Updates

Minute Text :

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison updated the forum on recent actions. Since the last forum police had made 788 arrests in the Laird Street location, which covers Noctorum, Claughton, Beechwood, Ballantyne and Oxton.
- They were successful with a crack house closure recently. They applied to the courts to evict tenants and this then sent a message out to the public that anti social behaviour would not be tolerated.
- In the last year a substantial amount of drugs and fire arms had been recovered. Police agenda was moving away from burglaries, robberies, wounding with violence, towards anti social behaviour and they were trying to put more resources into this new initiative.
- Closed down brothels in Oxton area.
- In the past couple of weeks police were successful in breaking a vehicle thieving ring. They executed a number of warrants, recovered 30 stolen vehicles, made 5 arrests and the investigation was still ongoing.
One of the 4 local dedicated officers was present tonight to assist with questions relevant to this particular area. One current issue of concern was stone throwing, smashing windows etc in the Ballatyne Estate with the potential to kill someone. Officers were working really hard with the resources available to try and combat this.

Q – Would the recent announcement of anonymous witnesses not going to be allowed, affect some of the work you are doing?
A –It will affect witnesses at this present time and Police were concerned about whether they would come forward or not, although it was difficult to gauge what the impact would be. The Government was trying to bring some emergency legislation to plug that gap.

Q – There have been a number of incidents recently on Bidston Hill, what are you doing to control that anti social behaviour?
A – This is one area causing some issues and police would be putting in extra patrols. Wirral Anti Social Behaviour Team were looking to put their bus in the area, which was a youth club resource on wheels. Wirral wardens are aware of the issue and have promised more resources up there, so there were sorts of organisations trying to make difference.

Jim Thompson, Community Safety Team, confirmed there are other areas suffering from upsurges in anti social behaviour and there were a whole array of resources to help address those issues.

Q – Would like to thank Paul Harrison for work done around Bidston village traffic. Following a recent meeting with Cllr Harry Smith and community members, regarding a footpath and corner of land, could the Area Forum help look at this issue with a view to having the footpath transferred? This would be at a nominal cost, but would make a big difference.
A – Noted. The Area Forum, whenever they could, would support Ward Councillors

Q – A rep from Thornton Allotment Association, Vyner Rd North, raised a query about fencing around the site.
A – Operation Safe Space would be running through the summer to help with our hot spot areas, utilising extra officers to patrol hot spot areas - open areas including allotments. Give particular details after the Area Forum to dedicated officer who works in your area.

Q – Three weeks ago on Friday night phoned to say burglary in process and was informed that would not be able to send anyone out because police were dealing with anti social behaviour in town centre.
A – Burglary in process does take priority. Pass on details and I would investigate that.

Wirral Community Safety Team

Jim Thompson, Community Safety Team, reiterated Paul’s comments. Wirral Community Safety Team was formed in 2000 and since that time we have seen dramatic falls in crime, burglary, wounding, car crime. Last year less than 1000 burglaries in whole of the Borough, with 142,000 households, making Wirral an even safer place now. Resources were being focused on anti social behaviour issues that blight people’s lives and affect your daily quality of life.

Q – To what extent has CCTV contributed to Wirral being a safer place?
A – There are two factors, first they help with detection and secondly they make people feel safer and provide reassurance. There have been improvements in CCTV technology, with mobile units being a great asset.

Q – Is the alleygate scheme a help?
A – Yes, average reduction was 56%, rising in some cases to 70%.
Q – We initiated this scheme in Bidston Avenue and since then helped to reduce crime by 40%, but have now been informed that we have to pay insurers. Are we being victimized?
A – Closing alleyway takes it out of public responsibility, putting the emphasis on residents who have right on alleyway. Councillor George Davies had been trying to negotiate with the Council to negotiate a way of addressing this. The Area Forum supported the view that those who initiated this scheme should not be penalised.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

Ben Ryder, District Manager drew attention to the comprehensive information provided in the pack. The Service had been given Beacon wide status for its work in improving public health and are continually trying to work with partners to push in areas that you wouldn’t consider to be Fire and Rescue Service remit. They were working to improve communities in all different ways.
- Still trying to fit every home in Merseyside with smoke alarms and if you know of anyone who hasn’t had home advice please let them know this is available.
- Looking to put strategy in place for grass fires.
- Two Beacon courses running for young people in Wirral.
- In conjunction with World Fire Fighter Games, firefighters from all over the world coming to Merseyside for this very prestigious event. Many events will be held in the Echo Arena but some will also be held in Wirral. Everything will be free of charge for spectators and all money raised goes to charity. They were hoping to raise over £1m. The Games were being held over a 2 week period - 24 August to 7 September.

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Marie Armitage, Joint Director of Public Health, updated the Forum on activities within Wirral PCT. At the last Area Forum there was a presentation on the consultation that PCT did earlier in the year. There had been a very positive response with over 8000 people feeding back and 2,500 people who have said they would like to become more involved. The PCT would be making people aware of their proposes actions as a result of that feedback. On the whole people were very supportive and made some very helpful comments, particularly around GP opening hours which have been extended. There would be a wrap around on the local free paper next week which coincides with the 60th anniversary of the NHS.

PCT would put together their plan of health needs in Wirral area. There are currently high levels of cancer deaths and also specific problems with alcohol and these would be looked at in detail. This reflects what was shown earlier in the DVD about the comparisons in life expectancy in different areas of Wirral and what contributes to that. The plan would invest in things like:
- healthy eating
- childhood obesity
- smoking cessation
- improving physical activity
- ways of managing alcohol
and a whole range of services for children and also older people because we know of the increasing number of older people in Wirral. This would include looking at preventative screening, bowel cancer, etc and how to improve services in areas with the greatest health needs.

Q – How much money has been invested into celiac disease, especially in children?
A – Cannot answer in depth, but would be happy to go away and look at that if you would give me details at the end of the meeting. Looking at investing in alternative sources of help, such as phone lines, where people have got similar long term health conditions and are keen to work with groups of people living with those conditions who could help and advise others. The aim is to help people to be as well as possible and support people in managing their day to day lives.

Q –Why hasn’t Wirral expanded on departments so don’t have to travel to places some distance away like Fazakerley? Why aren’t services available in Wirral?
A – Some of this is about us spending that money carefully. Where there is a specialist unit, in order to get the best quality of service, e.g. Clatterbridge CCO, where people from other parts of the regional travel to Wirral to have that treatment it makes more sense to concentrate that expertise e in a particular place. However every condition and every service involve patients feeding back and PCT welcome their input when designing and commissioning services. If you let me have details afterwards and I will give you a specific response.

Q – GP practices. Change of medication, think it because a cheaper produce but reason given was inhaler spoiling atmosphere. Had it for 10 years.
A – Would be very disappointed if not given the correct reason. Know what the issue is about. One of things have to consider is that NHS is huge organization, have a enormous impact n things like climate change. Content of inhaler – suggest that if have ill effects or doesn’t suit you go back, there are a range of different products that can be tried.

NHS - Wirral University Teaching Hospital

Dr Joyce Magennis from WUTH drew attention to highlights on the information sheet provided:
- Huge problem with infection in all hospitals which was getting worse due to the increasing use of antibiotics and WUTH working with GPs to try reducing the overall number of antibiotics and types that are prescribed. Infection was one of top priorities over the last year and had seen a huge reduction. Clatterbridge Hospital was infection free as was the Maternity Unit at WUTH
- Waiting times for treatment had come down significantly over the last few years. Tough government targets to meet and we do meet them.
- Recent inspections - Women’s Services attained level 3 accreditation. Out of 156 maternity units only 17 other achieved level 3, unit at APH is only one to get 100% at every standard at every level, according to National Survey at end of 2007. WUTH in top 40 performing hospitals, by independent benchmarking company.
- Developments this year – various projects including upgrading IT system, patients accommodation, medical equipment, upgrade of surgical wards. WUTH now a urology cancer centre, with patients travelling here for specialized treatment. New Stroke accommodation was being developed and WUTH keen to become one of the centres involved and also to become a centre of excellence for cardiac services.
- We would like to increase number of public members having an input into how the hospital run and what it does.

Q – Why are nurses allowed to go out in uniforms and go back into hospital? Should there be a change in procedure?
A – When I trained it was forbidden for staff to go out of hospital in uniforms, however the position has changed. One problem being lack of changing accommodation as all available space is used. Another factor is that infection control guidance says this would not make a difference, however I think there may soon be a change of thinking.

Q – You mentioned Macular Regeneration was now being treated at WUTH now.
A – Yes, there are 2 different drugs being used and treatment for anyone who needs it locally. This is as a result of feedback from patients.

Q – Does money follow through if patients coming from other health authority?
A – Yes it should do. The money follows the patient.

Q – On the infection issue, is there a way of sending older people away from main hospital so they don’t pick it up?
A – One of things trying to do is preventing people having to be admitted to hospital if at all possible. So looking at preventative initiatives for older people, however if people need to be treated looking at alternative ways of providing services, i.e home or GP practice. Also looking at the use and development of St Catherine’s site.

Wirral Older People’s Parliament

Edith Niblock, Older People’s Parliament rep, reported to the Forum on retirement villages. The OPP had visited two villages for OP, one in Rainhill and one in Orford. Edith reported that they were excellent facilities with everything on site. However there were additional charges which included payment for services, maintenance, supporting people. There were currently long waiting lists.

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Minute 6 - Open forum/public question time

Minute Text :

Q – Query around an allotment site to the rear of Sumner Road that was being cleared. When I questioned council worker I was told the land was being sold for single storey units for the homeless.
A – Councillor Foulkes commented that residents had requested the allotments to be cleared because of fly tipping etc there was no plans of any description other than to clear it on behalf of residents. Councillor Foulkes emphasised that anyone who represented the council should always be truthful and if anyone had any doubts they should report them.

Q – Bidston Hill is a green belt area. A few houses have been built, are there plans to build any more?
A – Bidston Hill is a site of Significant Scientific Interest and also an Urban Green site. In terms of housing development the council is concentrating on housing market renewal sites.

Q – In view of the situation with fuel shortage, why doesn’t Wirral take the initiative to bring alternative technology and make use of little businesses setting up producing fuel by alternative methods? Think about having our own diesel green station for police cars, fire engines etc. This could be a savings initiative and I would ask you to think about it.
A – Councillor Foulkes responded that the previous minutes mentioned the Corporate Plan, one of the 5 priorities of which was to reduce the carbon footprint. The council’s energy bill was likely to increase in the region of 40%, in cash terms this amounted to £4.5m over the next 4 years, so anything we could do to reduce would be considered. In terms of waste, the council has invested lot of money into refuge collection contract and our record is good.

Q – In line with the docklands development, why doesn’t the Council consider bringing an alternative technology park and encourage alternative technology firms to come to Wirral? A further issue is the destruction of houses now. Building regs mandate certain standards, why not get a footprint for Wirral?
A – This was a very competitive market and the Council is committed to get the higher end of investment for Wirral.

Q – Questions about the new Tesco development.
A – This is on the site of a petrol filling station and is a retail outlet in a retail centre. Councillor Foulkes updated the Forum of the process that had been undertaken via Planning Committee and the developer. Currently there was an application for reduced opening hours and an appeal on the original application going in at the same time and these would be heard on 31 July.

Q – Will they sell alcohol?
A – Yes.
Q – Surely talking about ASB issue of licence could it be revised?
A – It is not an issue of whether they can sell alcohol, the licence is about whether the person holding the license is a fit person to sell alcohol.

Councillor Foulkes commented that if anyone wanted to continue the debate with ward councillors, they were available 6-7 every Friday Birkenhead Sixth Form College, and would be happy to continue representation at Planning Committee.

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Minute 7 - Date of next meetings

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The Chair thanked people for attending and St Bede’s Centre for the use of the venue.

The next Area Forum would take place on 16 October in Bidston/St James, venue to be confirmed.

Councillor Foulkes emphasised the new opportunity coming via Area Forums, drawing attention to the You Decide campaign, which allocates £20,000 for Area Forums to buy specific council services. A report would go to Cabinet on 23 July. More details at the next forum but details would also be in the local press.

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(Minutes Published: 22 July 2008)