Meeting documents

Area Forum (Heswall and Pensby & Thingwall)
Tuesday, 28th February 2006



O W Adam

Ward Councillor

IJ Mackenzie, Mrs J McKelvie, SL Rowlands

Community Representatives

J Birch (Pensby and Thingwall Community Representative), A Garrett (Heswall Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Chris Batman (Head of Branch, Planning and Resources, Children and Young People's Department)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Janet Triggs

Bebington & West Wirral PCT

Pauline Johnson (Acting Chief Executive), Janet Lees (Project Manager)

Merseyside Police

Sergeant Chris Hitchell

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Myles Platt


John Smith (Merseytravel)

Council Officers

Phil Miner (Street Scene Area Manager)


Cllr Andrew Hodson, Mrs M Johnson, Councillor PSC Johnson, Stephen Maddox (Chief Executive)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - The Chief Executive of Wirral Council will be present as part of the Annual Review of Area Forums to invite views, comments and observations on the Forum and any suggestions for improvement or development

Minute Text :

The Chair informed the Forum that Wirral Council's Chief Executive, Steve Maddox, sent his apologies. He had intended to attend the meeting to get opinions on the area forums, and welcomes comments on the area forums and possible improvements. If anyone wishes to comment on the forums they can contact Steve or Janet at Wallasey Town Hall.

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Minute 1 - Welcome and Introductions

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Councillor Adam welcomed 26 members of the public to the meeting and introduced the Forum members.

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Minute 2 - Area Co-ordinators Report / Community Initiatives Fund / Area Plan

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The document contains the minutes of the last meeting, which took place on 19th October 2005. Janet highlighted some of the matters which arose from those minutes.

Minute 3 Irby Road Cemetery - Mr Kinlan raised this issue. He was concerned about damage to headstones and the problem of youths congregating in the cemetery of an evening. Janet contacted the Parks & Open Spaces Section who advised her that unfortunately, although gates could be fitted, the Council would not be able to undertake to lock & unlock them each evening. Mr Kinlan has since raised the matter with Merseyside Police. Sgt. Hitchell informed the meeting that there had been no reported incidents since the last Forum meeting. Mr Kinlan said that he would pursue the matter with Health & Safety. Councillor Rowlands also agreed to follow this matter up.

Downham Road South. Mrs Skillicorn raised this issue and submitted a petition regarding the safety of this road. I have been advised that Following a meeting arranged on 11 January with Mrs Skillicorn it was agreed that her petition, along with every other petition received for traffic calming this financial year, be reported to the Councils Environment and Transportation Select Committee on 28 March 2006. Mrs Skillicorn will receive an invitation from the Borough Solicitor and Secretary requesting her attendance, should she wish, at this meeting.

Additionally, Mrs Skillicorn requested that we investigate the upgrading of the street lighting in Downham Road South to which she received a response from our Street Lighting Division informing her that upgrading will occur once funding becomes available.

Bus Service 175. Mrs Pritchard raised concern that the service, which had been operated on a commercial basis, was now operated under a temporary contract from MerseyTravel. John Smith confirmed that a new 5-year contract is waiting Executive Board approval at the meeting on 6th March, after which, tenders will be invited. Mr Garrett added that he felt that a small Mini bus as had been requested by Mrs Skillicorn would not be suitable.

Cars Parked for sale on public highway. This issue has been raised several times at previous meetings. There have been two developments. The introduction of the 'Clean Neighbourhood & Environment Act and the proposal by Wirral Council to make every street a 'Consent Street', which will require anyone trading on the public highway to apply for a permit to do so - further details are contained within the Co-ordinators Report on page 36..

Trees in Greenbank Drive. Mr Kinlan was concerned that following tarmac work, the trees were deteriorating and some roots were exposed. It is understood that the Tree Preservation Officer is looking into the matter.

Following the last meeting.

Mr Garrett raised concerns over resident parking in Heswall Station Car Park and incidents of fly tipping there. There has been some delay in determining responsibility for the property, however, the land is owned by Network Rail and leased to Arriva Wales, therefore, requests for signage will have to be submitted with them.

Also, a letter from Mr Robinson regarding traffic problems in Thurstaston Road has been forwarded to Street Scene for their attention.

Local Updates. On page 23, there is a copy of a Proposed Supplementary Planning Document, concerning Designing for Development by Mobile phone operators. Unfortunately, as there are three Area Forum Meetings taking place this evening, the Senior Planning Officer is unable to be present. However, if anyone would like to discuss this issue with him, he can be contacted on;

Eddie Fleming, Senior Planning Officer
Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Corporate Services Department
(Forward Planning Section)
Wallasey Town Hall, North Annex, Wirral CH44 8ED
Tel (0151) 691 8129 Fax (0151) 691 8273

Community Initiatives Fund.

As all of the funds allocated to this Forum, were awarded in September, there was no need to undertake a second round of applications. An update report is contained on page 31.

Local Area Plan.

A Sub-group formed to look at refreshing the plan has met twice since the last forum meeting. It is intended that we shall meet again towards the end of March. A more detailed report regarding the Area Plan is contained on page 32.

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Minute 3 - Establish a 'Friends of Gayton Park' Group

Minute Text :

Cllr Rowlands stated that following the recent renewal of the children's play area and hopefully further improvements, he would like to see the formation of a Friends Group. This would enable the community to have greater involvement in the future of the park, hopefully helping to improve and maintain it.

Cllr. Rowlands will be looking into the process for forming such a group and requested that anyone interested in joining should contact him. Cllr McKelvie suggested that the Friends of Coronation Gardens were a good example of how such a group could be established.

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Minute 4 - Presentation: Local Transport Plan 2

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John Smith spoke about the development of the 2nd Local Transport Plan for Merseyside (LTP2), he explained that is a 5 year programme, the final version of which is due for submission in March 2006.

He outlined the national and regional priorities of the plan and how it could support the wider social agenda. The programme will receive approximately £145m over the 5 years, of which £50m will be used for maintenance. The programme priorities are;
- Support for Regeneration
- City Centre
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport
- Mersey Ports
- Investment Areas
- Tourism & Capital of Culture
- Prosperous & Healthy Communities
- Housing Renewal
- Good Accessibility
- Avoid negative aspects of traffic
- Managing Growth
- Avoiding Traffic Congestion

He also detailed the following potential investment for Wirral.
- Bidston – Wrexham Line Electrification
- Detailed studies currently ongoing
- Potential subject of Major Scheme funding application
- Improved Public Transport
- Revised Merseyside bus Strategy
- Rail Station Improvements
- New Station proposals – Woodchurch, Beechwood & Town Meadow
- Continued investment in Merseyferries – Spaceport
- Cycling & Walking
- Merseyside Cycling & Walking Strategies
- Partners developing new implementation plans for active travel
- Expansion of Park & Ride
- New sites in line with Bidston - Wrexham proposals.

Councillor Adam thanked John Smith for his presentation.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that John Smith be thanked for his presentation.

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Minute 5 - Consultation on New Primary Care Trust Arrangements in Wirral

Minute Text :

Pauline Johnson from the Primary Care Trust (PCT) gave a presentation on the consultation arrangements in Wirral on the new PCT arrangements. She explained that following a government announcement in July 2005, Strategic Health Authorities had asked PCT’s to look at new arrangements for their future set up. PCT’s in Cheshire and Merseyside have proposed to reduce from 15 down to 7. The consultation period runs from 14 December 2005 till 22 March 2006.

She explained there were 4 options for Wirral:
Option 1 – no change
Option 2 – a new PCT covering the Borough of Wirral
Option 3 – a combined PCT for Wirral, City of Chester, Crewe & Nantwich, Ellesmere Port & Neston and Vale Royal
Option 4 – a new PCT covering Wirral and the County of Cheshire

She explained that the preferred option was a new PCT covering the Borough of Wirral (option 2). Depending on the outcome a new organisation will be established between 1 July 2006 and 1 October 2006.

She explained that the public could make their views known by completing the form in the consultation document, several copies of which she had brought with her. In addition there were consultations on the future of the Strategic Health Authority and Ambulance Trusts and he gave information on their proposals for change.

Councillor Adam thanked Pauline Johnson for her presentation.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Pauline Johnson be thanked for her presentation.

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Minute 6 - Public Question Time

Minute Text :

Mrs Rafferty asked about the reported reduction in the numbers of police based at Heswall Police Station.
Sgt. Hitchell replied that although 4 officers had now been re-located to Bromborough, they would now be covering 24 hour shifts and would result in improved community policing within the Heswall Area. The remaining 9 officers based at Heswall will now be dedicated to neighbourhood policing within specific wards and they would not be called to other areas.

Mr Clinch asked about CCTV coverage within Heswall. Sgt Hitchell advised him that the main camera was located in Heswall with a further traffic-monitoring camera. Both cameras are monitored by the control room, presently located at Westminster House although soon to relocate to Cheshire Lines building. They are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mr Byrne asked if the existing camera had been of use in following up any of the recent serious crimes that had taken place in Heswall. Sgt Hitchell responded that they had not.

A question was asked about whether as a result of new housing developments within the area, the revenue received from Council Tax had increased. Cllr McKelvie advised that as the overall population within Wirral had fallen over recent years, this was unlikely. Chris Batman agreed to look into this and report back at the next meeting.

Mrs Rafferty raised an issue regarding a recent traffic incident on Barnston Road, which caused an obstruction. She said that the police had failed to attend & assist. Sgt Hitchel responded that the police should attend incidents where an obstruction to traffic is an issue.

Mr Kinlan raised the issue of the gates at Frankby Road Cemetery. Councillor Rowlands said that he would look into the matter.

Route 174/5 Mrs Pritchard expressed concern that a suggestion to make Downham Rd South one way would not be appropriate. Cllr Rowland said that upgrading of the Road would be a better option. Mrs Pritchard also suggested that a mirror to assist traffic turning a blind bend would improve safety. Phil Miner stated that the Authority did not erect mirrors.

Mr Byrne thanked the council for banning HGV’s on Barnston Road but said that signage was poor. Cllr. Adam agreed to investigate this.

Cllr Rowlands raised an issue regarding the poor signage in advance of the low bridge on Brimstage Road, where HGV’s were having to manoeuvre in order to find an alternative route. Phil Miner agreed to look into this.

Mr Garrett raised several issues, they were;
What are the plans for the refurbishment of Heswall Railway Station & Park & Ride extension? John Smith will look into this and report back.

Rocky Lane/Telegraph Rd. Cashier's office moved to Heswall Library & then closed. Are there plans for this vacant section?
Janet Triggs agreed to look into this and report back.

Traffic Lights on Telegraph Rd. Cars are waiting in the Box Junction. Phil Miner has responded to Mr Garrett to advise him that the Box Junction has been inspected and is up to standard.

Golf. What measures will be implemented to ensure that services run smoothly & residents are not inconvenienced, particularly along Telegraph Rd and also Barnston/Pensby Road?

Mr Kinlan asked whether there were any plans to alter the traffic Lights at Downham Road?Telegraph Road in order to alleviate queues. Cllr McKelvie asked Phil Miner to look into this.

A member of the public requested an update regarding the proposal to re-locate the West Wirral GP Practice. Pauline Johnson and Janet Lees responded to several issues during a lengthy debate. Janet Lees reported that regarding the Warrens Nursery site, progress was slow as the PCT were still in negotiation with Wirral Council regarding the possible use of the site. Comments were made that green belt land should not be used in this way. A member of the public also suggested that as the site were so close to Arrowe Park Hospital, patients might choose to go there instead if using public transport. Another opinion expressed was that the proposed site was not accessible, as it was on the far side of the area.

Concerns were raised about a recent survey, seeking patient's views about the use of the Warrens site. This survey was conducted by the Patient Focus Group, purely to ascertain patients views regarding the use of the Warrens site, it did not ask where patients would prefer to see the GP Practice located. Pauline Johnson responded that the Warrens site was the only suitable site, which could accommodate the practice.
Mr Bailey suggested that land might become available following the forthcoming school review, which would not require the use of greenbelt land. Cllr Rowlands suggested that if this were the case, the site might be large enough to accommodate the GP practice and a Children’s Centre, which will also be required.

A member of the Heswall Society expressed the view that he disagreed with the use of greenbelt land in this way. He said that he did not accept that the Warrens nursery Site was the only suitable site and feels that the land should not be released for this purpose.

Cllr McKelvie suggested that due to the delays over the West Wirral Practice, the PCT should move on with re-developing the Heswall Practice where there were no problems. Pauline Johnson responded that the size of the site in Heswall limited the level of services that could be located there and it could become overloaded unless services at West Wirral were also improved.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Chris Batman to look into whether the revenue received from Council Tax has increased as a result of new housing developments in the area, and report back on this at the next meeting.
ii. Councillor Rowlands to look into the issue re: gates at Frankby Road Cemetery and report back on this.
iii. Councillor Adam to investigate poor signage at Barnston Road.
iv. Phil Miner to look into issue re: the poor signage in advance of the low bridge on Brimstage Road and report back on this.
v. John Smith to look into plans for the refurbishment of Heswall Railway Station & Park & Ride extension and report back on this.
vi. Janet Triggs to look into issue re: proposals for former cashier's office Rocky Lane/Telegraph Rd and report back on this.
vii. Phil Miner to look into issue re: traffic Lights at Downham Road/Telegraph Road and report back on this.

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Minute 7 - Dates of Future Meetings / Presentations

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The next meeting will be held on Monday19th June 2006, 7pm at Pensby Recreation Centre

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Minute 8 - Any Other Business

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There was no further business and Councillor Adam thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9pm.

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(Minutes Published: 21 March 2006)