Meeting documents

Hilbre Islands Nature Reserve Management Committee
Wednesday, 13th July 2005



GJ Ellis, A Taylor

Council Officers

Dave Cavanagh (Ranger, Hilbre Islands), Dave Cowling (Head of Parks & Open Spaces)

In attendance:

Sue Craggs (Friends of Hilbre)


SA Brown, G Gardiner, JE Green, J Hale, GCJ Watt

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

Councillor Ellis took the Chair for this meeting

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Minute 18 - MINUTES

Minute Text :

The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 22 April 2005, were accepted as a true record.

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Minute 19 - RANGER'S REPORT: FEB 2005 TO JULY 2005

Minute Text :

Dave Cavanagh, Ranger for Hilbre Island, introduced his report for the period February - July 2005, and drew attention to the following issues:

(a) Measures to protect the important habitats and species of the reserve.

(b) The repairs to the lifeboat slipway were being constantly monitored and they were holding up well at present.

(c) The Mersey Waterfront Regional Park bid was progressing well and there was positive backing from groups associated with Hilbre. The Hilbre bid would be presented as part of a co-ordinated, extensive bid for the whole of the Wirral coastline.

(d) A request had been received from Liverpool Museum to do a geophysical survey of all three islands within the reserve. A date would be set for the latter part of 2005.

(e) Repairs to the Buoy Master's complex caused by winter storms were ongoing.

(f) The storm damage, which had occurred to fences at various sites around the island, had proved to be more extensive. Fencing contractors had provided quotes and they would be repairing sections of fencing in early autumn when the work would cause less disruption to visitors.

(g) The reprinted Hilbre leaflet available again and it was proving very popular with visitors to the reserve.

(h) The webcam, sighted on the tower on Hilbre, was proving popular with 3,346 hits since mid-January.

(i) Continuing in-house Ranger training relating to Hilbre had been carried out.

(j) Efforts to promote voluntary and community involvement in Hilbre. Groups such as Guides and the Wirral Countryside Volunteers and have stayed in the bunkhouse overnight and have carried out environmental work on the reserve. The Friends of Hilbre continue to do environmental, public relation and fundraising on and for the reserve.

Sue Craggs, Friends of Hilbre, reported upon her committee's activities:-

(i) They were hoping to raise some of the funding for the Lifeboat slipway, in time for summer 2006. The council officers, the local CVS and the Friends were actively working on applications for suitable funding to adapt the Buoy Master's buildings for community educational use.

(ii) Volunteers were helping to prepare the Hilbre Island Centre in the former Buoy Master's complex, for community use, cleaning the buildings, removing weeds, and helping to clear debris from the island.

(iii) They had contacted 25 local community organisations (adult, youth, multi-cultural), and local schools through the schools bulletin. Replies had been received from 8 organisations, including Wirral Metropolitan College. It was envisaged that the Hilbre Island Centre might be able to host some of these groups as soon as the buildings were ready for public use. The survey would be extended in September, with invitations to selected schools to record the project in writing and pictures.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That Dave Cavanagh and Sue Craggs be thanked for their reports.

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Minute 20 - NEXT MEETING

Minute Text :

To be arranged during October 2005.

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(Minutes Published: 18 July 2005)