Meeting documents

Wirral Schools Forum
Wednesday, 6th June 2007



Steve Dainty


Les Maxim

Primary Headteachers

Sue Cotton, Barry Dawson, Morag Kophamel, Gordon Lester

Secondary Headteachers

Neil Dyment, Paul Heitzman, Steve Hyden, Jan Levenson

Primary Governors

Ken Frost, Alison Hardy, Paul Haywood, John Weise

Secondary Governors

Dr Ian Cubbin, Elizabeth Renshaw, Jean Roberts, Sandra Wall

Special Schools Representatives

Andre Baird, Richard Longster

Non-Schools Group

Pauline Hogan (Non-teacher representative), Tom McBeath (Shrewsbury Diocese), Neville Reilly (Teacher representative)

In attendance:

Cllr Sheila Clarke, Cllr Frank Doyle


Beryl Holt, Jean Quinn, Phil Sheridan

Index to Minutes

Minute 43 - APOLOGIES

Minute Text :

The Clerk reported the resignation of Mr Pat Landsborough, primary school governor, owing to work commitments.

Other apologies - shown as above

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the Forum record its appreciation of Pat Landsborough's contribution to its work.

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Minute 44 - MINUTES

Minute Text :

The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 7 March 2007, were accepted as a correct record.

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Minute Text :

Further to minute 36, Peter Edmondson, Head of Branch (Participation and Inclusion), reported that trial education inclusion bases had been established at Manor Primary and Riverside Primary Schools.

Further to minute 38, Barry Dawson asked whether any figures were available to show where Wirral stood nationally in its funding for primary schools. He felt the information was important for assisting in deliberations on the distribution of formula funding. Chris Batman, Head of Branch (Planning and Resources) explained that there were different elements in the figures quoted for per-pupil allocations. The amount provided through the formula was basic information, but other government grants were distributed to schools and sometimes added in; SEN funding was also distributed under different headings, and the key question was how much was actually delegated?

Minute Decision :

Resolved - (12:6, with 4 abstentions) That, in order to assist its deliberations on the application of the formula and to help address anomalies, the Forum receive information on how each local authority divides its resources between primary and secondary schools, so that members can be clear as to where Wirral's primary schools stand in relation to the amount of funding per pupil, both nationally and in comparison with secondary schools.

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Minute Text :

The Chair submitted a letter signed by the Headteacher and Chair and Vice-Chair of Governors of St George's Primary School. They wished to bring to the attention of the schools forum their “frustration and total disbelief” regarding existing arrangements, which, when applied, resulted in St George's being the "least funded school on Wirral", in terms of the allocation per pupil. Comparisons with some of the larger primary schools indicated that, if St George's received the same amount per pupil as those schools, it would have increases in funding ranging from £69,000 to £247,000. Comparison was also made with a similarly sized school in Sefton, which showed that St George's received £113,000 less. They believed that insufficient account was taken of the fact that the school was on a split site, which resulted in increased overheads.

The Governors had requested the Forum to ask the Local Authority for answers to the following questions:

- Why does the funding mechanism not recognise a split-site school and the extra costs incurred?
- Will the Local Authority consider in the new formula review prior to 2008 the above issues to avoid further disadvantage?
- Does the Local Authority accept that the present formula disadvantages the children at St George's in light of the evidence provided?

A number of members sought clarification of the information provided. Chris Batman explained that it was reasonable to consider including an element for a split site. However, the aim had always been to keep the formula simple. It used to be the case that several secondary schools were on one or more sites, but they had been consolidated. It would be possible to identify what were additional and unavoidable costs and look at the matter in the context of the Autumn consultation on the formula. With regard to the comparison of costs with other schools, he stated that most of the funding was allocated through average pupil weighting, but St George's had a higher proportion dependent on that. Also, the fixed cost that was recognised for all schools and covered by a lump sum of £66,000 per school had to be divided among a larger number of pupils at St George's (Bromborough Pool Primary, with some 50 pupils, would have received the same). However, overall, the figures provided did not give the most accurate comparison - elements of deprivation also needed to be taken into account.

The Forum was provided with further details of what costs might be exaggerated as a result of the split site. Richard Longster queried whether any other schools, though not on split sites, might have unique factors that increased their costs, which, in fairness, would also have to be considered.

Barry Dawson stated that the comparison with the school in Sefton reinforced the reasons for his requesting information on how Wirral primary schools stood in relation to others.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the Governors of St George's Primary School be advised that the Forum notes their comments and, in answer to the three questions raised would
(i) ask the Director to review the costs associated with the School's being on a split site;
(ii) take into account the points raised in relation to application of the formula for 2008;
(iii) advise that, given the principles on which the formula is based, of fairness, reasonableness and the need to ensure stability, the Forum would hope that individual schools did not feel aggrieved by the way in which it was applied.

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Minute Text :

The Chair circulated the response that he had sent to the DfES, on behalf of the Forum, to the consultation on school, early years and 14-16 funding for the period 2008-2011.

Chris Batman emphasised that the local authority's response would not necessarily have been the same as that of the Forum.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the response be noted.

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Minute Text :

Chris Batman reported that the provisional year-end accounts for 2006/07 indicated that there was a surplus of Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) of £527,000. That had arisen from:
- a difference between the estimated and final DSG of £441,000 (as reported on 7 June 2006 and included in the 2007/08 budget);
- a net underspend against central expenditure budgets within the overall schools budget of £86,000, details of which were explained.
A decision was required to determine if the underspend should be carried forward into 2007/08 or 2008/09 and how it should be applied to the budget.

He also referred to the current levels of balances held by schools. The total sum for all schools at 31 March had been £9,932,000, an increase of 42% over the previous year's total, with secondary schools having increased by 70%. That was a significant increase at a time when there were rising concerns about the level of unspent reserves. The full position would be analysed over the summer and reported to the next Forum meeting.

Steve Hyden stated that as far as he was concerned, secondary schools were holding the money to meet the costs of large projects. The Chair asked whether such funding was committed at the current time. Chris Batman accepted that those schools involved in PFI would be in that position but he was disappointed at the overall increase. Neil Dyment suspected that, because of the complex situation in relation to PFI, most of the increase would be related to costs associated with it.

Ken Frost asked for more detail in the figures, so that what was actually committed could be shown. He also queried the procedures for clawing back excessive surpluses. The Director explained that the schools budget made up approximately half of the overall Council budget but that the Local Authority's balances only amounted to £4m compared with the £10m held by schools. That put councillors under pressure with regard to requests for additional funding in relation to children's services. However, it was hard to evaluate the total without more detail. The Director also accepted that schools involved with PFI could be excused for holding off expenditure until their financial position became clearer. With regard to the ability to claw back balances, that had been reinforced in the latest Education Act, though there was already authority to recycle such money. If there were no special circumstances to explain the surplus, or if a school had not followed its agreed plan, he would use those powers and report on the available funding to the Forum. Chris Batman added that he understood that Liverpool City Council had clawed back some £2m, whereas so far Wirral had only clawed back £18,000 to date. There was a reluctance to do so, but it was as well that schools were reminded that the power existed.

Les Maxim explained the position at the school with which he was concerned - it had been on course for a zero out-turn, but unforseen circumstances had occurred late in the year, resulting in a sudden surplus of £235,000.

Minute Decision :

Resolved -

(1) That the Forum agrees to the unspent DSG of £86,000 being carried forward into 2007/08 and used to increase central schools specific contingencies as a one-off resource.

(2) That the Director report in more detail on the precise reasons for the increase in balances held by schools.

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Minute Text :

Andrews Roberts, Head of Accountancy, reported in connection with the final DSG allocation. He reminded the Forum that for 2006/07 Wirral had received an additional £440,000 as the final settlement, which it had agreed should be carried forward to the following year. Whilst Wirral had yet to be told the final adjustment figure for 2007/08, indications were that it would be less - in the region of £250,000. However, it would be necessary for the Authority to advise the DfES, before the next meeting of the Forum, what it intended to do with the money.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the final adjustment allocation for 2007/08 be carried forward into the financial year 2008/09.

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Minute Text :

Peter Edmondson reported that the working group had held a number of meetings and was proving very effective; the penultimate meeting had been held earlier that afternoon. Its deliberations had brought forward a number of options for consultation in September, though further work was needed on the issue of delegation. The working group had been keen to support upgrading the value of the SEN unit.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the report be noted.

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Minute Text :

Chris Batman circulated notes on the deliberations of the Deprivation Working Group and, in particular, pointed out that consideration was being given to alternatives to free school meal statistics as indicators of deprivation; and that any changes in funding should be accompanied by appropriate protection and transition arrangements so that any intended increase in resources came from growth and was not made at the expense of existing resource provision at other schools. The findings of the working group, as with those of the SEN working group, would be incorporated into the Autumn consultation with schools.

Ken Frost referred to the fact that the Government had requested the review of deprivation criteria and the impact of funding, but since schools in deprived areas already received a higher level of funding, he queried why performance appeared to be going down. Before any further resources were committed, the reasons for that should be identified. The Chair suggested that the main reason might be that the current level of funding was still insufficient, as the Government were prepared to put more money in place, it was appropriate that they would want to see how the local authorities would spend it.

Paul Haywood asked what schools the Local Authority might be focusing on. Chris Batman replied that it would look at catchment areas and the Government's concern about the reduction in social mobility - despite improvements in educational performance overall, the gap between the best and worst performers was not closing, and even, within a single school, the more deprived pupils were doing less well than the better off. More was needed to help them to realise their potential.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the report be noted.

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Minute Text :

Chris Batman reported on further items which it was proposed to include in the autumn consultation because of the likely impact on schools' budgets: staff time spent on jury duty, where it was proposed to let schools reclaim the cost, and maternity leave - that was currently paid for out of the centrally held budget, which was under increasing pressure and was principally intended for meeting the needs of children that could not be met in school.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the proposal be noted.

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Minute Text :

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the date previously agreed for the next meeting - 26 September - be confirmed, and further dates be agreed at that time.

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Minute Text :

The Chair referred to the fact that a number of headteachers serving on the Forum would be retiring at the end of the summer term.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the Forum record its sincere appreciation of the contribution made to its work by Barry Dawson, Evelyn Moir and Tom McBeath together with its best wishes for a long and happy retirement.

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(Minutes Published: 1 September 2007)