Meeting documents

Area Forum (Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie)
Wednesday, 27th June 2007



ED Prout

Ward Councillors

RL Abbey, C Blakeley, SR Mountney

Community Representatives

Barbara Epstein

Lead Officer

Russ Glennon (Head of Corporate Policy)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Tracey Smith

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Alistair Bardsley

Merseyside Police

Inspector Peter Kolokotroni

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

John Davies

Council Officers

Tara Dumas (Recycling Officer), Jim Lester (Head of Cultural Services)


Cllr Iris Coates, Bruce Martin (Faith Representative), Cllr Suzanne Moseley

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions

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The Chair, Cllr Prout welcomed forum members and 10 members of the public to the meeting and invited forum members to introduce themselves.

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Minute 2 - Apologies

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Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Moseley, Cllr Coates, Bruce Martin (Faith Representative)

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report • Minutes of last meeting and matters arising • Area Plan Update

Minute Text :

Tracey Smith, Area Co-ordinator, then asked if everyone had read through the minutes to see if there were any amendments to be made. The minutes were then agreed as a true record. She then covered matters arising pg 11 in the area co-ordinators report saying that Jim Edwards had raised the issue of lack of disabled parking at the side of the library in Moreton. Work has been carried out and two disabled parking bays have been placed in the car park at the side of the library. A letter has been sent to Mr Edwards to confirm this.

Tracey then pointed out there had been feedback from the presentation at the last forum on the Management of Leasowe and Moreton Commons. The questions and answers were all on pg 11.

Tracey then went onto explain that the rest of the report was split into the 4 main themes for the Local Area Agreement which is safer and stronger communities, healthier communities and older people, children and young people, economic development and enterprise and finally cross cutting across all themes.

She then highlighted various sections of the report Pg 25 the Wirral Teenagers Fund, Section 3 contained the Area Forum Funding Progress Report. Section 4 was the Local Area Plan update, Section 5 Streetscene update and introduced a new feature of Equality and Diversity in Section 6.

Tracey then gave a brief overview of the new Area Forum Plan which may be of interest to anyone living or planning to move into the Leasowe, Moreton and Saughall Massie area. She explained the report was split into various sections and people will be able to see what is going on in their area for example anti-social behaviour hotspots, information on house prices etc. The final section consists of local issues that have been raised through the forum.

As there are only fifteen copies being circulated, Tracey asked that they not be taken away, however the plan is available on the Council’s website. She then invited any questions however none were forthcoming.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Tracey be thanked for her Area Co-ordinator’s Report and the Area Forum Plan.

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Minute 4 - Older Peoples Parliament

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Margaret Testo introduced herself as the Older People’s Parliament representative and explained that the Parliament had recently been formed in association with the Senior Citizen’s Forum. The aim of the organisation is to enable older people, specifically over 50, to voice their opinions. There are currently 44 elected members representing the eleven area forums. The Parliament has an Executive Committee and 8 sub-committees, although is still in the early stages of development. Margaret explained that they want to identify issues that are important to older people. She drew the public’s attention to the newsletters which people were welcome to take away.

Barbara Epstein asked how people can join the Parliament and Margaret directed people to the newsletter and gave Sandy Cameron as the contact. John McCourt added that the information was available at libraries across the borough.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Margaret Testo be thanked for her update.

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Minute 5 - Public question time

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The Chair then opened the floor for public question time, an email had been received regarding Lingham Park and the state of the running track from Bob Seddon and a telephone call from Vera Beacroft also added there was a lack of benches in the park, also in and around Moreton

Jim Lester, Cultural Services responded by saying 'the running track in Lingham Park is no longer functional and will be removed and grassed over'.
In relation to the lack of benches he explained that his department is currently developing Management Plans to address local issues; however he is willing to look at any issues raised by local people regarding parks and open spaces.

At this point Cllr Blakeley raised the issue of Leasowe Common. George Thorpe, a local resident then presented a petition containing over 400 signatures of local people who are outraged at the decision to have no vehicular access to the common. He felt that it was just a minority who had spoiled the use of the common for other people. He also said the local café owner was willing to pay for the sign to stop quad bikes etc... George also felt that as there had been no accidents, this decision has not been made due to a safety issue. He pointed out that traffic now parked on both sides of the bend and encouraging people to park here, rather than on the common was very dangerous

Cllr Abbey understood that there is a need to prevent travellers using the land but could the area be more controlled if it was opened up to encourage more people to use it?

Jim Lester reminded the forum that the issue regarding the common were discussed at length at the last meeting and referred people to the Area Co-ordinator’s Report pg 8. Although he accepts there is a public demand to open up the common, the council has to consider their legal position. At the present time however, it will remain closed to traffic for the summer. The petition will be passed to the Scrutiny Committee for an eventual report. The overall view is that the police can’t guarantee public safety in the evenings and this is the main reason for the closure.

Chair asked police to comment so Sgt Smith again confirmed that due to limited resources they can’t ensure public safety in the evening.

Cllr Blakeley felt this argument could be used about any public place at night; however Sgt Smith re-iterated that the closure of the gates on the common had reduced the number of incidents. Cllr Blakeley stated he is opposed to the closure and felt that the area as a whole should not be giving into a small minority of people who cause a disturbance. He asked Jim to closely consider all local views and opinions.

Member of the public from Sandbrook Court wanted to raise concerns about the amount of anti-social behaviour outside the Plough public house.
Member of the public asked who deals with noise abatement and was referred to Toby Nolan in the Environmental Health department on 0151 638 7070.

Barbara Epstein was concerned that the recent “no smoking” leaflets had been issued with no contact details for the public to call. The lead officer, Russ Glennon will organise this.

Member of the public raised concerns about the Birkett overflowing and Cllr Abbey explained that certain measures had been introduced and both embankments had been built up to help reduce overflow problems

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:
(i) Jim Lester to consider all local views and opinions regarding vehicular access to Leasowe Common.
(ii) Russ Glennon to forward contact details for the “no smoking” team to Barbara Epstein.

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Minute 6 - Wirral Hospital Trust Engagement Strategy Presentation

Minute Text :

The Chair then introduced Alistair Bardsley from Wirral Hospital Trust who explained he was here to provide a brief update on who the trust are and why they are changing. He then gave the presentation entitled “A Change for the Better” which was based on feedback and public consultations.
In the presentation Alistair explained in the coming months the Trust will be talking – and listening – to Area Forums and community groups throughout Wirral on ways in which hospital services are changing. The overall aim of the trust is for a reduction in beds not a reduction in service.

The Trust values the contribution made by members and encourages members of the public to become public members or attend Assembly meetings – application forms were available at the meeting. Further information can be obtained from

Alistair then invited any questions from the floor.

Q Mr Epstein commented that having been a patient in Arrowe Park for 8 weeks his wife had to pay £120 to park. He felt this was a considerable amount of money to pay, almost 75% of his pension. Is it possible to introduce reduced fees for those people visiting relatives who are in hospital for a longer stay?

A Alistair thought that there was already reduced fee system already, however will check into this.

Barbara Epstein wondered after 4 weeks whether a free ticket system could be introduced

Q Cllr Blakely was concerned that if the trust needs to save 21.4 million what impact this will have on Social Services and will wards need to be closed to save money?

A Alistair recognised the current service provided is not as efficient as it could be and that the trust did need to save 21 M over the next 5 years. They would have to make some savings but this will not be taken out of other services.

Q Cllr Blakeley wanted clarification that the new efficiency programme, ensuring patients are seen within 18 weeks, applies to receiving treatment or just seeing a consultant?

A Alistair confirmed this is inclusive of being seen by a consultant to receiving treatment.

Q Margaret Testo was concerned people were parking in disabled bays when no badge was evident and asked if orthopaedic services would be moving to Clatterbridge.

A Alistair confirmed that these services would still be at Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge and only those patients with complications will go to Clatterbridge.

Q John McCourt wondered if the park and ride scheme had shrunk and with the increase in day patients and changes in clinics would services suffer?

A Alistair confirmed the park and ride scheme has reduced volume of traffic however no outside funding to pay for the service so the trust had to find it. Increasing the number of patients who are treated as a day case is align with national department of Health policy and as promoted by the Health Care Commission. In general terms patients preferred to be in as short a period of time as is safe and recover in their own home. Patient's safety will not be compromised.

The only planned changes in clinics are that patients may not be followed up for as long in hospital but by their GP. GP's have the option of referring back to Specialists if a patient's condition warrants. Services will not be compromised by this

Cllr Abbey queried if the trust can still charge for parking if they still keep the park and ride scheme, Cllr Blakeley felt that Frank Burns made it clear that parking fees were to be used to subsidise the park and ride scheme and if this isn’t the case then it goes against the original agreement.

Alistair confirmed he will report back to forum once he has investigated.
Mr Epstein asked about waiting times at clinics for particular services however at this stage Alistair informed the forum that there are no plans for any extra clinics and would continue to monitor day cases.

Q Barbara Epstein raised concerns about the no smoking policy at Arrowe Park yet patients can be clearly seen smoking outside the main doors.

A Alistair recognised that this is an ongoing problem however the trust is looking into ways to address this.

Q Member of the public asked Alistair to confirm a point from the presentation to cut beds and not services.

A This is reducing the number of beds by closing wards at Clatterbridge these services been moved to Arrowe Park.

Margaret Testo confirmed she had spoken to Frank Burns regarding the smoking ban and had been informed a shelter would be provided.
Cllr Abbey stated that to provide a conservatory is against legislation as the no smoking ban refers to anything with 4 walls and attached to a main structure.

Alistair recognised people need to be encouraged to stop with the help of smoking cessation programmes to alleviate these kinds of problems.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Alistair be thanked for the presentation and addressing concerns raised.
Alistair to report back to the forum regarding the parking fee system and if this is going towards subsidising the park and ride scheme also with the increase in day patients and changes in clinics would services suffer?

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Minute 7 - Partner Updates • Police • Wirral Primary Care Trust • Fire Service • Community Safety Team

Minute Text :


Peter Kolokotroni, Neighbourhood Inspector, then explained there are 3 wards for this area, Leasowe and Moreton East, Moreton West and Saughall Massie and West Moreton with each having a ward manager and 3 police community safety officers. He is based at Moreton Police Station.

Overall there has been an 8% reduction in crime in the area and then gave the following statistics:

Burglary 2%
Violence 24%
Theft of Motor vehicles 24%
Theft from a Motor vehicle 28%

Robbery 4%
(18 robberies in 2005/6, 26 robberies in 2006/7))
Criminal damage 11%

Operation Martin has been successfully launched to target those premises who sell alcohol to underage youths. This entails the police sending youths into licensed premises to try and buy alcohol Thursday to Saturday. As a result, fixed penalties have been issued and some licensees have been taken to court.

Inspector Kolokotroni stressed they want the police to be more approachable to the public, so are continuing with their surgeries. These are held at various venues in the area including Christ Church, Moreton One Stop Shop and St Mary’s Centre. Please refer to the www.merseyside.police. for further information.

He then gave a brief overview of activities in the area including Section 30 which has been successful on the Yew Tree Estate. This finished in February however the area will benefit from another order being introduced. Local residents have formed a group with councillors for the Orchard Park area to tackle anti-social behaviour. The Youth Service has been engaging with local children at Lingham Park and football coaching has been offered in the Yew Tree Estate.

He also highlighted that bogus callers have become a serious problem on Wirral and urged members of the public be vigilant, leaflets are available offering crime prevention advice.

Peter then invited questions from the floor:

Questions were raised from members of the public about other possible venues for these surgeries; Peter confirmed there will only be one per ward. Concerns were also raised as to how people can access these surgeries if they work in the day , Peter advised them to either attend the area forums or access local resident’s groups.

Cllr Abbey expressed concern that although the surgeries are held every 3 weeks there will be no police presence on the street, however the Inspector assured him only 1 officer attends. Cllr Abbey felt that incidents had increased once the Section 30 order was brought in on the Yew Tree Estate and asked if something different needs to be done. He does support the Section 30 order however.

The Inspector stressed that this order raises awareness and encourages people to call in incidents.

Cllr Mountney asked could the number to ring to report an incident be made more visible and be more clearly advertised. The Inspector confirmed that members of the public should call 999 only in an emergency and in the event of a non-emergency 709 6010 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Cllr Blakeley feels that local residents need to be reassured they are calling a local number rather than going through to Liverpool, however the Inspector re-iterated this is decision that was taken at national level and not just for Wirral.

Cllr Blakeley then highlighted a local resident’s misfortune at having their tyres removed whilst the car was parked in the Leasowe Park and Ride. No CCTV image was available and felt local police should be more involvement in this area. The Inspector stressed that the car park is on private land and therefore it falls within the local transport policing area. He recognised local patrol officers may turn around in the car park however they are not responsible for its policing.

Cllr Abbey confirmed he is on the Local Area Transport Committee and said that if any incidents happen at the station and in the car park these should be reported to the station, which is open all day. The Inspector would be happy to run joint operations with the Transport Police.

Barbara Epstein then asked for more signage to advertise what the public should do if they need to report an incident which Cllr Abbey said he would take to the next Local Area Transport Committee meeting.

Elaine Testo raised concerns about identity fraud: when using the telephone outside Moreton Police Station she felt anyone passing could hear her personal details being given. The Inspector advised that if anyone had concerns other options would be to call on their personal phone or go to Wallasey Police Station.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

John Davies then gave an update on some of the activities they are involved in. They have carried out 5300 home fire safety checks over the last 3 quarters and are specifically trying to target vulnerable groups such as older people and disabled people. He asked for any one who knows of any vulnerable people to whom they can offer appointments throughout the day and evening.

Other initiatives include “Drive to Arrive” to target 17-25 year olds, encouraging them to stay in within the speed limit and to drive more responsibly. The fire service have been visiting schools to raise awareness about the risks of starting fires as summer usually sees an increase in grass fires.

Margaret Testo felt that children should be encouraged to go on more courses to educate them on these risks however John stressed they can’t make children attend.

Barbara Epstein was concerned about the 20 tonne cherry picker positioned by the block of flats in Moreton, which is obstructing the building and asked John to speak to Wirral Partnership Homes to move it as she has had no success so far, which John will endeavour to do.

Cllr Abbey highlighted the “Your Choice” Conference run by Merseytravel which is putting the message across regarding anti-social behaviour.

Community Safety and Wirral Primary Care Trust
No representatives were present

Streetscene update

Tara Dumas had been invited to the forum to update on the recycling programme and also was happy to answer any Streetscene questions.

Cllr Blakeley felt that litter bins around the borough were slowing disappearing and hadn’t been replaced and where bins used to be there are now carrier bags especially in Grampian Way and Griffin Avenue. He did feel that the fortnightly collection was working reasonably well.

Tara advised that people need to identify traders and householder in this area who may be contributing to the problem.

Barbara Epstein wanted to know when residents in high rise apartments would be joining the recycling scheme. Tara explained that resident’s requirements may vary from each other so her department is looking to have one office that is dedicated to providing different solutions for tenants and residents in flats and apartments.

Tara then updated on the issue of graffiti on utility boxes, Technical Services are working with NTL and BT to identify certain hot spots in order to reduce the problem.

As for the recycling programme, the call centre took over 95% of calls from members of the public and advised people to call in the afternoon due to the volume of calls in the morning Tel 606 2004. The final programme has now been rolled out to all residents.

Member of the public had concerns about hygiene so Tara advised to wrap food well and use lids where possible. One resident was surprised that a block of flats in Leasowe had brown bins so Tara will check this and asked for details at the end of the forum.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Inspector Kolokotroni, John Davies and Tara Dumas be thanked for their updates.

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Minute 8 - Dates of future meetings/Presentations

Minute Text :

The Chair confirmed the next meeting on Monday 15th October 2007, venue to be confirmed. He thanked everyone for attending and as there was no other business, closed the meeting at 9.10pm

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(Minutes Published: 14 August 2007)