Meeting documents

Area Forum (Oxton and Prenton)
Wednesday, 13th June 2007



FM Doyle

Ward Councillors

A Bridson, SA Holbrook, SE Kelly, Mrs P M Williams

Community Representatives

Alan Dollery (Prenton Tenants & Residents Assoc.), June Foster (Mount Estate Residents Association), Patrick Toosey (Oxton Society)

Lead Officers

Bob Beresford (Deputy Director of Housing & Environmental Protection), Alan Stennard (Director of Regeneration)

Street Scene Manager

Gary Cummings

Area Service Co-ordinator

Louise Harland-Davies

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Pat Birt

Merseyside Police

Sgt. Dave Westby

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Sara Lawton

Council Officers

Abi Davey (Senior Research and Information officer), Mike Walker (Community Safety Officer)


Joyce Hayward (Older Peoples Parliament), Reverend Wayne Lautenbach, Councillor PM Southwood

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

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Cllr Doyle welcomed 30 members of the public to the meeting, introduced the various members around the table and drew attention to the loop system in operation. Apologies were received from Reverend Wayne Lautenbach, Councillor Paula Southwood and Joyce Hayward (Older People’s Parliament representative).

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Minute 2 - Minutes and matters arising from previous February forum

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Louise Harland-Davies introduced herself, having taken over as Area Co-ordinator from Maxine Joynson. Further to the last meeting, she announced that the funding for the Ormond allotments, repairs and work have been carried out – details can be found on Page 12 of her report. Louise had written to Merseytravel to invite a representative to attend this forum meeting, however received a reply from Alan Stillwell, Director of Operations saying due to there being over 42 various forums across Merseyside they are not resourced enough to attend all these meetings. He did go on to say they would be happy to consider future requests for a representative to attend a forum meeting if there was a specific need.

Mr Stillwell also confirmed the withdrawal of bus route 71 and 72, which was raised at the last meeting. This was due to the fact that on average only five people were using the service and therefore was not proving cost effective.

The minutes were agreed as a true record.

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Minute 3 - Area Co-ordinators Report • Area Forum Plan

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Louise briefly highlighted certain aspects of the Report including Page 13 which gives contact numbers for the Wirral Federation of Tenants and Residents Association and advised they are holding a conference in September on anti-social behaviour and local tenants and residents are welcome to attend. Page 21 highlighted details of a Wirral teenage fund however applications for a share of the fund must be received by 25thJune. Page 27 contains an update of Community Initiative Funding for the Oxton and Prenton areas; if anyone is interested in applying for this funding, the deadline is Friday 15th June. Page 30 contains a Streetscene update and Page 35 gives an update on the Integrated Transport Block. Louise invited people to put suggestions forward for any roads in need of traffic calming measures and to see her at the end of the meeting, these would then be passed on to Geoff Bell, Technical Services

Louise pointed out that at a previous forum meeting, Mike Beckett of the Old Parkonians had made an offer for use of their facilities and the forum was reminded that this offer is still available.

Louise then passed over to Abi Davey, who gave a brief overview of the new Area Forum Plan which may be of interest to anyone living or planning to buy a house in the Oxton and Prenton areas. With the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, she highlighted the various sections including names of forum members, contact numbers, information on local places of interest. There is also an area profile so that people can see what is going on in the area, for example, anti-social behaviour hotspots, life expectancy data, information on house prices and access to parks and open spaces. There are also comparisons with other areas of the Wirral. The final section consists of issues that have been raised through the forum, both this year and last year. New issues will be added as they arise. Abi invited any questions from the floor, adding that people were welcome to approach Louise after the meeting. There were two comments from members of the public querying the validity of the statistics.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Louise be thanked for the Area Co-ordinators report and Abi Davey for the Area Forum Plan.

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Minute 4 - Public Question Time

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Cllr Doyle announced there were several questions which had only been received within the last couple of days making it difficult to provide a full and comprehensive response.

Q. The first issue was raised by Mrs Fairweather, Calverley Close, regarding anti-social behaviour in and around this area. She reported that there have been ongoing problems with youths, in particular over the Easter holidays and despite numerous telephone calls to the police, local residents do not feel that sufficient action is being taken to solve the problem.

A. Sgt Westby said that he has been sent information regarding this. Mrs Fairweather went on to say that there are problems with youths almost every weekend and that there has been no police support officers in the area since April. Sgt Westby disputed this, saying there have been eight PCSOs in this area, however, he promised to feed back to Inspector Harrison and agreed that there should be more contact with the PCSOs. He also advised keeping a diary of any incidents and Mrs Fairweather stated that she has been doing this. Also, if individuals can be identified, this could be useful.

Mrs Fairweather complained that if police cars arrive, the youths just run off and she wondered if a plain car could be used. Sgt Westby stated that these suggestions would only be short-term solutions and the problem of youths drinking and behaving anti-socially is an ongoing issue across the Borough. It is a social issue and more work through education needs is required.. Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are attempting to address the issue but these are lengthy procedures and more diversionary tactics are needed.

Cllr Kelly reported that he has seen the problems in the area and said he would have a chat to Mrs Fairweather after the meeting. He also felt that there does need to be a stronger police presence and more communication with the local residents and Cllr Doyle suggested that Inspector Harrison attend future forums.

Cllr Pat Williams added that she telephoned Laird Street police station following discussions with Mrs Fairweather and although she was told that someone would contact her, there was a lengthy delay before she received any contact. She has referred the problem to the youth outreach workers in an effort to engage with the youths involved.

Q Member of the public, Mr Deely, raised the issue of the lack of parental responsibility.

A. Mr Andrew Taylor reported that there has been some success with this problem in the Borough Road area which was achieved by local people getting together with the police and community outreach workers to find solutions. He feels that the police response to telephone calls is very poor and needs more resources; he would like to see more police on the beat as opposed to just passing in cars and asked if this could be taken back to Inspector Harrison.

Alan Stennard said he would liaise with the Anti Social Behaviour Team and the police and he would ensure that a representative from the police would call to see Mrs Fairweather.

Q. Alan Dollery questioned why the Police were holding a surgery in a local supermarket and not a proper forum as this would only target shoppers.

A Sgt Westby replied that he was open to suggestions for other venues.

Member of the public, Mr Morgan, suggested Mrs Fairweather contact Area Commander Colin Matthews, however she had tried that route and had no success.

Cllr Doyle reported that Commander Matthews had attended a public meeting when residents in Borough Road were experiencing similar problems. The forum had written to ask him to attend this area forum but he had declined, suggesting that the first line of representation of the police were his Inspectors. Cllr Doyle stressed that with no disrespect to the current representative, Sgt Westby, the forum did need to have an Inspector present and hopefully this will be addressed in the future.

Q. The next issue was raised by Mr Geoff Irlam concerning recycling and confusion over what people can put in their grey recycling bins. He felt there were inconsistencies in different areas and that the public are not being properly informed about any changes or given feedback.

A. Cllr Doyle pointed out that at the previous two forums there had been a representative from the recycling team but unfortunately they had not been able at short notice to get someone along to address the issue. However they had received a full and detailed reply to his email, which would be forwarded to him the next day by Louise.

In addition, Gary Cummings from Streetscene was in attendance and he had been briefed on the issues and that Cllr Bridson was the Liberal Democrat spokesperson for the issue.

Cllr Bridson accepted there had been issues with the roll-out programme, but explained that food waste being mixed with the garden was a pilot scheme and the decision had been taken not to continue with it. The problems lay with the In Vessel Composter which had been tested by the Veterinary Service and had not met the required standard. She also explained that certain items being collected in the grey bin were causing the equipment to jam. Cllr Holbrook said that it was essential to get things right and as recycling is continuously evolving items that are currently not recyclable could be in two years time. Mr Irlam pointed out it was essential to get the publicity right and thought that as food waste was now going in to the green bin, it was essential that weekly collections were made.

Q The next question was in the form of an email from Richard Neale of Cambridge Road concerning Residents Only parking in Curzon Road. Unfortunately Mr Neale was unable to attend the meeting.

A Cllr Doyle explained that he had discussed the matter with Mr Neale who is now satisfied that the matter is in hand and did not need to air the matter in the forum unless members of the public specifically did.

A member of the public did have concerns as he lived in Curzon Road but requested that Cllr Doyle discuss the matter with him personally after the meeting.

Q Mr Neale had also asked another question concerning the shopping experience outcomes in Prenton which had featured in the previous area plan.

A Cllr Doyle explained that by shopping experience it meant the shops in Prenton Dell, Borough Road, Oxton Village and Woodchurch Road, but it was the Woodchurch Road element that was giving cause for concern. Cllr Doyle explained that one side of the road was in Oxton and the other half in Prenton. There were concerns from the residents and some of the traders that the area was falling in to decline. Cllr Doyle suggested that he would arrange a meeting between councillors, and council officials and see if a plan for the area could be put together. It would then be discussed with the public and traders and hopefully he could report on progress at the next forum meeting.

Cllr Doyle then invited questions from the floor:

Q Mr Walter Chapman of Holmlands Drive, raised the issue regarding the piece of land near his home which is used by youths to congregate and play football and has ended up with damage to property and vehicles.

A Cllr Pat Williams told the forum she had been dealing with the issue and had received a draft of a letter and questionnaire from the council which will go out to local residents seeking their views on what should happen to the land.

Mr Chapman asked who owned the land and who was responsible for its maintenance. Cllr Williams explained that she believed that Wimpey still owned the land but that the council were responsible for the maintenance. Mr Chapman felt that as it was part of the highway it was illegal to play ball games on it. Cllr Williams pointed out that she had previously arranged for “No ball games” sign to be put up, which Mr Chapman pointed out had been pulled down.

A member of the public said he had rung 60 to 80 times about the anti social behaviour of the youths in the area. Sgt Westby was aware of the problems and pointed out that wherever possible they worked with the youths to address the issue.

Q Alison Buckley, resident from Balfour Road, complained that she is experiencing problems with children playing ball games in the road and the area surrounding the Williamson Art Gallery, together with noise nuisance. Her car has been damaged several times and after speaking to Mike Walker, the police, community officers and local parents, she feels not enough is being done.

A Andrew Taylor suggested Victim Support can help by the installation of CCTV cameras although Mike Walker said this is usually done for burglary reduction.

Cllr Doyle ended public question time by inviting anyone to speak after the meeting if they did not wish to speak in public.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:
(i) Alan Stennard to contact the anti-social behaviour team to address issues raised by Mrs Fairweather.
(ii) Louise to contact Neighbourhood Inspector to ensure attendance at future forums.
(iii) Cllr Doyle to arrange a meeting with council officers and councillors to discuss the shopping experience in Oxton and Prenton.

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Minute 5 - Older People’s Parliament

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Joyce Hayward had sent her apologies, so in her absence Andrew Taylor reported that the Older People’s Parliament is coming together and is using funding to pay for a full-time working post at Age Concern. The Parliament has an Executive Committee and various sub-committees and although in the early stages, one of the key issues they will be looking at is the cancellation of buses, as well as looking at other issues which affect older people, e.g. abuse. He hopes that relevant issues will be brought into the forum to be taken up and Cllr Doyle confirmed that this will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Andrew Taylor be thanked for the information.

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Minute 6 - Wirral Hospital Trust - NHS Engagement Strategy

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There then followed a presentation by Pat Birt from Wirral Hospital Trust entitled “A Change for the Better” which was based on feedback from patient and public consultations. The presentation consisted of statistics for Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge Hospitals and an explanation of the five year plan which is in line with Government targets and the aim of efficiently providing high quality patient care. Planned changes to services and the reasons for these changes were explained, including reduction in the length of time people spend in hospital and working in partnership with PCT colleagues in order to deliver services closer to peoples’ homes. The emphasis was on reduction in beds, not reduction in services. Ms Birt detailed how members of the public can become involved giving contact and website details; there are currently about 6000 public members but it is hoped that this number will increase to 13000.

She then invited questions from the floor:

Q Andrew Taylor queried the percentage of hospital beds which will be lost.

A Although Ms Birt could not give him a definite answer, she reiterated the aim of reducing beds not services and agreed to find out and let him know.

Cllr Hollbrook made the observation that large organisations such as the NHS are accountable to the public and as Wirral Hospital Trust serves 400,000 people, there should be 400,000 public members not 13,000 and that local accountability has the ability to change the service.

Q Cllr Bridson queried the demand for people wanting side rooms, due to the hospital’s policy of mixed wards.

A Ms Birt replied that more side rooms are in use on the Medical Admissions Unit but that it is difficult to have single sex wards as it would mean longer admission waiting times and this would not equate to high quality service.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Pat Birt be thanked for her presentation.

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Minute 7 - Partner Updates • Merseyside Police • Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service • Wirral Primary Care Trust

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Community Safety

Mike Walker reported that £25,000 has been granted for the installation of eight talking cameras. This means that operators can intervene and inform people that they are being monitored and watched. The alleygating scheme is now complete in Oxton and Prenton and is moving on to other areas.

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service

Sara Lawton had brought some figures to give an update on home fire safety checks. She reported that in the last 3 quarters 5,300 home checks have been carried out across the Wirral, with 137 in Oxton and 142 in Prenton. She also gave a brief update on other initiatives in which the Fire & Rescue Service is involved including the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, working with the PCT around smoking cessation and Wirral Partnership Homes as well as a strategy for the summer to reduce the number of grassland fires. There are a number of fire officers in the area trying to engage with local communities to let people know that they can request a home visit at any time.

Wirral Primary Care Trust

There was no representative from the PCT present therefore no PCT update was available.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that Mike Walker and Sara Lawton be thanked for their updates.

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Minute 8 - Any other business

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Cllr Doyle reminded the Forum that at the previous forum, they had asked their partners to consider tendering for funding for up to £5000 for a project to benefit young people in the Oxton and Prenton areas in the summer of 2007. Two bids were received, one from an amateur boxing club in Birkenhead and the other from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service called The Blaze Project. Although the amateur boxing club was to be commended on addressing anti-social behaviour, the forum felt the Blaze project offered a more direct approach of tackling the issue as the project hopes to engage with young people aged between 11 and 16 in practical and theoretical activities. Offering 240 places, 20 at a time, it will run throughout the summer holidays at Birkenhead Fire Station. They have also acquired six climbing walls, one at each station, and are currently looking for qualified instructions. Cllr Doyle asked if the Forum wished to go ahead with this bid by the fire station. It would also fit in with the issues already discussed earlier of engaging with young people and providing diversionary activities they could become involved in. The Forum voted unanimously for this project.

Cllr Pat Williams reported that she has been trying to form a “Friends of The Arno” group; she has approximately 5 people interested but would like to encourage anybody else who may like to join the group She has information packs on forming a friends group and would very much like to see this develop.

Cllr Doyle drew the public’s attention to the information on the siting of polling stations and invited everyone to collect a form on their way out. The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.

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Minute 9 - Date of next meeting Thursday 11th October 2007 venue to be confirmed

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Date of next meeting Thursday 11th October 2007 Tranmere Rovers Football Club- 7pm

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(Minutes Published: 7 August 2007)