Meeting documents

Finance and Best Value Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 19th February 2007

Location Map

Venue : Committee Room 2 - Wallasey Town Hall



The members of the Committee are asked to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any of the items on this agenda and, if so, to declare it AND state the nature of such interest.

Members are reminded that they should also declare, pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, whether they are subject to a party whip in connection with any item(s) to be considered at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the whipping arrangement.

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On 24 January the Cabinet recommended a number of budget savings, which are set out in minute 225. Within the recommendation was a request for the Council to approve those items where there was all-party support, and, where there was no such agreement on a particular item, the Council was asked to refer that item to the appropriate overview and scrutiny committee for discussion and subsequent referral to the budget meeting of the Cabinet. Two objections were subsequently lodged, affecting a number of the proposals, and the fact that they were lodged meant that there was no unanimous agreement to those parts of the minute, with the result that, in accordance with Paragraph 2(b) of the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, they are now referred to the relevant committee.

A copy of the whole of minute 225 is attached together with the two objections. Only those items that are highlighted in the minute require consideration. This Committee is requested to look at the following savings proposal(s):

£50,000 saving - reducing the cost of democracy by:
(i) returning to six Overview and Scrutiny Committees and eight Area Forums (matching the police beats as before);
(ii) limiting train travel to a maximum cost of no more than the standard second class ticket;
(iii) monitoring taxi use to ensure essential use only;
(iv) limiting attendance at conferences, with first preference to portfolio holders and scrutiny committee Chairs and bookings for guaranteed attendance only.

The Committee is asked to note the fact that the Council, in respect of a separate objection, voted to reject the proposal to alter the number of scrutiny committees and area forums.


That the Committee's views on this matter be forwarded to the budget meeting of the Cabinet.

Attachments: (click on an attachment to view it)

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Agenda Published: 15 February 2007