Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Monday, 31st March 2008



D Hawkins


A Bridson, WJ Davies, Karen Hayes, Sarah Quinn, SL Rowlands

Independent members

Brian Cummings, Ken Jones


Ken Harrison MBE

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

The members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any of the items on the agenda and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest. No declarations were made.

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Minute 36 - MINUTES

Minute Text :

The Committee was advised that the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 28 January, were accepted by the Council on 18 February.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the minutes be received.

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Minute Text :

No matters raised.

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Minute Text :

Further to minute 30 (28/1/08), the Committee's considered the report of the Director of Children's Services that had been prepared for the Children's Services and Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18 March. That Committee had resolved:
" (1) That the report be noted and the draft 'Policy and Procedure regarding Children Living with Family and Friends as Carers' be endorsed.
(2) That, whilst the Committee is satisfied with the actions taken in response to the Ombudsman’s recommendations, officers of the Department are urged to take note of the concerns expressed by members.
(3) That the offer of a progress report to the next meeting be accepted and the Department's Complaints Officer be requested to attend to explain in more detail the process for handling complaints."

Julia Hassall, Head of Children's Social Care Branch, reminded the Committee of the circumstances of the case and the action taken in response to the findings (reported to the previous meeting). In addition she had circulated a copy of the revised document "Policy and Procedure regarding Children living with Family and Friends as Carers".

Tracey Coffey, Strategic Service Manager, explained the particular the problems in progressing the Stage 3 complaint within the former Social Services Department and the complex nature of cases involving kinship carers. The Department had responded immediately to the particular case by revising procedures in 2005. That, together with the new Integrated Children's System, coming into operation on 1 April, would establish a system of automatic alerts ensuring that regular reviews took place and were monitored at managerial level. In addition, proposed legislation was likely to lead to powers to extend the financial support that the local authority could offer. With regard to the audit of emergency placements, requested by the Ombudsman, all such cases that had arisen since June 2006 (a total of 71) had been re-examined, rather than the recommended ten. In addition, social work teams had been asked to review all cases involving placements with friends or family. Only two cases were found involving a child that would have been more appropriately designated as 'looked after', and the appropriate action had been taken in respect of them.

In discussing the matter, members continued to express concerns particularly about the failure to carry out the necessary checks and the delay in dealing with Mr C's complaint. However, they acknowledged the great deal of work that had been carried out in response to the Ombudsman's report. In turn Julia Hassall replied that the failures had been acknowledged. Though they were due in part to the then serious shortages in the social worker establishment (which had led to the introduction of special recruitment initiatives), it had also been necessary to take certain disciplinary action. It was hoped that the range of corrective action taken in response would ensure that there were sufficient safeguards to maintain regular contact with children and carers, to monitor compliance with timescales and to give high priority to the handling of complaints.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That Julia Hassall and Tracey Coffey be thanked for their informative report - this Committee welcomes the various actions taken in response to the Ombudsman's recommendations and is re-assured that more robust procedures are in place to prevent a recurrence of what happened in this particular case.

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Minute Text :

The Acting Monitoring Officer and Proper Officer reported the latest position in relation to the introduction of new arrangements under the revised ethical framework for local government. He reminded members of the proposed changes and the implications:
• standards committees would be responsible for receiving allegations and deciding whether any action needed to be taken (referred to as ‘local assessment’);
• standards committees must be chaired by an independent member;
• standards committees would report periodically to the Standards Board;
• standards committees would be allowed to enter into joint working arrangements with the standards committees of other authorities;
• the Standards Board would be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the effectiveness of local arrangements, including supporting authorities that might be experiencing difficulties and driving up their performance.

However, the Council had still had no indication from the Government of the date on which the new arrangements would come into operation or when guidance would be published. The latest information suggested 'early May', and the Committee was alerted to the possible need to hold a special meeting before the next scheduled meeting (30 June). The issues to be addressed, as a matter of urgency included:
- the requirement for an independent chair;
- the requirement to set up panels to consider local assessment (it was likely that at least two separate panels would be needed and, subject to the outcome of the consultation there may need to be three). Each panel would have to be chaired by an independent member of the committee;
- the need for training for members on local assessment; and
- the possible financial implications for the Corporate Services Department, to enable it to respond to the requirements of local assessment.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That the report be noted and the need for a special meeting be accepted.

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Minute Text :

The Committee was advised that the seventh Annual Assembly of Standards Committees would be held in Birmingham on 13/14 October 2008.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - That places be booked for three elected members, one independent member and the Acting Monitoring Officer and Proper Officer.

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(Minutes Published: 11 April 2008)