Meeting documents

Area Forum (Oxton and Prenton)
Wednesday, 15th June 2005



FM Doyle

Ward Councillor

Mrs F E F Anderson, A Bridson, SA Holbrook, SE Kelly, Mrs P M Williams

Community Representatives

June Foster (Wirral Fed. of Tenants & Residents Assocs.), Patrick Toosey (Oxton Society)

Lead Officer

Bob Beresford (Deputy Director of Housing & Environmental Protection), Alan Stennard (Director of Regeneration)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Maxine Joynson

Birkenhead & Wallasey PCT

Richard Jones (Birkenhead and Wallasey Primary Care Trust)

Merseyside Police

Sgt J Garthwaite

Council Officers

Derwent Derbyshire (Deputy Director of Technical Services), Derek Howard (Environmental Health), Mark Traynor (Streetscene Manager), Mike Walker (Community Safety Officer)


Gary Cummings (Area Streetscene Manager), Alan Dollery (Prenton Tenants & Residents Assoc.)

Index to Minutes


Minute Text :

Cllr Frank Doyle (Chair) welcomed everybody to the meeting of the Oxton and Prenton Area Forum. He informed the audience that for the benefit of those using a hearing aid, a loop system was in operation. There were approximately 37 members of the public present.

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Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that the matters arising from the previous meeting were dealt with in the Area Co-Ordinator’s Report under Section 1 Local Issues. He explained that if any members of the public were dissatisfied with the explanations provided, they would have an opportunity to raise these later in the evening. However, he had been specifically asked by Alan Dollery to bring up the issue of Palmwood Close. Cllr Doyle asked whether any residents were present from the Close and, as there were none in attendance, he briefly mentioned that the matter of traffic problems were the subject of continuing discussions between himself, the residents, Council Officers and Sainsbury's.

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Minute Text :

Maxine Joynson, Area Co-Ordinator, explained her Report contained local updates from issues raised at the last Area Forum. She also confirmed that it contained local updates on issues raised at the last Area Forum and local updates on the following:

- Working Partnership – Developing Skills for Neighbourhood Renewal;
- Local Transport Plan 2 Consultation (presentation to be given later);
- Proposed new play area (presentation to be given later);
- Highways Maintenance Programme 2005/2006;
- Handyperson Scheme;
- ABC Together;
- Oxton Walks.

It was suggested that the former Metropolitan College site on Borough Road be a regular agenda item for the next twelve months due to the problems encountered on the site. This was agreed by the Forum. She also notified the Forum that there was a meeting with the local residents and the developer on 23rd June 2005 at 4.00p.m. with regards to Borough Road.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - that the former Metropolitan College site on Borough Road be included as a regular agenda item on the forum agenga for the next twelve months.

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Minute 4 - AREA PLANS

Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that the Area Plan has now been compiled and copies were available for members of the public to read at their leisure. Background information on Oxton has been supplied by the Oxton Society and similar information on Prenton had been supplied by Alan Dollery. Cllr Doyle explained that the Prenton background information was based on the former Prenton Ward as were the statistics and at some point in the future both the statistics and the background information would have to be updated. Maxine Joynson explained that the document would be refreshed in December in order to reflect the four new themes within the Community Strategy. These themes are; Worklessness, Access and Equity, Cohesive and Sustainable Communities and a Quality Environment. A sub-group would need to be formed in order to address the issues section of the plan. She asked that members of the public who had any interest in being part of the sub-group contact her. She went on to explain that the report contained aims for the Area Forum and how these could be achieved together with supporting information. Cllr Doyle realised that people had not had chance to read the document in the time available this evening and suggested that once they had had chance to review this, they either contact one of their local councillors or Maxine Joynson with their suggestions. Maxine’s phone number is on Page 1 of the Area Plan.

Cllr Ann Bridson pointed out that her initial reaction that the section headed “Improved Opportunities for Young People” and in particular the sub-section “Provide Diversionary Activities for Young People” did not reflect provision for young people, in that Prenton has no facilities for this age group apart from church groups; she feels there is a need for facilities to re-direct them from vandalism and under-age drinking. This is a main target and should be included in the Plan.

There were no other comments on the plan.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - that an Area Plan sub-group be set up.

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Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that this year there are two additional elements of funding. The first is the Community Safety Fund, specifically ring-fenced funding for initiatives for tackling crime and nuisance, and this is set at £3,000 per Forum. There is also an amount of £1,500 for environmental funding; this is provided by Local Agenda No 21 for community based projects aimed at improving or maintaining the local environment. In addition, there is also the previously allocated £11,000 from the Community Initiatives Fund together with a carry forward of £1,882.66. This gives a total sum of £17,382.66 for allocation by the Forum for 2005/6.

Maxine Joynson explained that the funding would be advertised in the local press on 6th and 20th July with a closing date of 15th August 2005. The panel will meet on 5th September at 2.00 p.m. in the Prenton Drop-In Centre, to make recommendations on the applications received.

Cllr Doyle asked if there were any comments and a member of the public asked if it would an open meeting and if it would be minuted.

Maxine replied that it is a closed meeting of the panel, and Cllr Doyle explained that the final decision lay with Cabinet and these minutes are available to the public on the website.

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Minute Text :

Cllr Doyle explained that there had been a number of questions raised, some of which had been received prior to the meeting and a couple had been received on the night.

However, before the main questions were addressed, Cllr Pat Williams said she would like to read out a note from Kath Byrne regarding the recent fire in Woodchurch Road in which she praised the emergency services and social services for their efforts on the night and afterwards. She still had personal concerns over safety due to inadequate security at the building site adjacent to her home. Mr Neale asked for a comment from the Police representative, Sergeant Garthwaite; however, he felt unable to comment due to insufficient notice of the issue. It was suggested this be included in the next Report.

Jean McCarthy - local resident from Prenton

Ms McCarthy raised the following concerns re. Mount Estate:
- rats;
- youths disturbances (in particular in the copse); and
- the non-collection of recyclable waste.

With regard to the rat problem, Rob Beresford agreed to liaise further with her and take the matter up with Pest Control, and to arrange a meeting with her on site.

With regard to the problem over the youths, Mrs McCarthy explained that she had difficulties in contacting the Police. There then ensued a discussion concerning problems generally over Police accessibility. One suggestion from a member of the public was that when Police stations such as Well Lane or Upton were not manned, that phone calls be automatically diverted to Birkenhead Police Station which is manned 24 hours per day. Alan Stennard asked for the Forum’s perseverance until the next meeting as there were ongoing discussions with the Police concerning response times. He suggested that a senior police officer be invited to the next Forum. Cllr Doyle thought that this was a good idea but councillors still needed to address and look at the suggestion made by the member of the public concerning the diversion of calls. He also felt that given the level of questions at previous meetings concerning law and order and policing, that the majority of time at the next meeting should be given up to this subject and this was agreed by the Forum.

Mrs McCarthy’s final point concerned the collection of recyclable waste, and the problems faced by elderly people being unable to carry heavy bags of waste paper down to the main gate. Derwent Derbyshire from the Technical Services Department agreed to take her details after the meeting and review the position. There is an arrangement for elderly people to receive help with their wheelie bins and this should also apply to the blue bag scheme.

Mrs Mooney local resident from Prenton

Mrs Mooney requested an explanation as to why the provision of visitor parking permits had not been resolved. She explained that visiting members of her own family were not allowed to park there at certain hours of the day without incurring a parking fine and that this is a ludicrous situation which has gone on far too long. Councillors seemed to be attending meetings on the matter but no progress is being made.

Derwent Derbyshire explained that when NCP had been awarded the contract, and this had been moved out of Police control, that they were obliged to fully enforce the system and that there is no way of part-enforcing it. He explained that members were also concerned about the Wirral-wide issue of traffic orders and had resolved to hold a special meeting to discuss this. It was recognised however that there is a problem and until matters were resolved, wardens would have to continue enforcing the regulations.

Mrs Mooney pointed out that workmen could not park vehicles outside her home without incurring a parking fine. Derwent Derbyshire explained that in some areas of the borough, residents were complaining that the Council were not enforcing the regulations enough.

A member of the public (Mr Neale from Prenton) commented that the situation is ridiculous and there is no consistency. He thanked the local councillors for the work that they had already undertaken but in his road, for instance, there was no problem with visitor parking but in adjacent roads there was. In addition, small shops in Woodchurch Road are losing business because of the strict enforcement by traffic wardens.

Mrs Mooney explained that they used to be able to leave a note in their car and wondered why this couldn’t work again.

Cllr Bridson explained that each road has a different situation. The review which is going to take place will be Borough-wide, and this will involve a substantial amount of manpower and resources in ascertaining exactly what local residents wanted.

Cllr Holbrook pointed out that the Company were doing, under the contract, what they had been asked to do but this has thrown up a lot of anomalies. He commented that there should be statistics available to show which areas had received the highest number of complaints and this could be used to prioritise which areas need to be consulted and acted upon first. Elm Road North has had a lot of complaints, so the system is obviously not working well there.

Cllr Kelly commented that he had been party to the original Cabinet decision to award the contract to NCP. At the time, he had expressed his concerns to Officers that there would be problems and was informed by them that these would be dealt with as they arose. He felt personally disappointed and misled by Officers.

Alan Dollery

Alan Dollery raised issues concerning noise pollution around the Durley Drive Estate and M53 roundabout and pavements behind the shops in Prenton Hall Road. As they had only been received that day, Maxine is to take these questions on board and report back.

Cllr Doyle said that the following questions had been raised, which have been dealt with / replied to:

Mr Grainger - concerning parking issues at Lookers
Mr Dowling - concerning selection procedures for grammar schools
Andrew Taylor - concerning traffic calming figures
Mr Neale - concerning parking issues and the impact of privatisation on Council services

Mrs Stott

Mrs Stott raised concerns over youths congregating on the Arno. She explained that gangs of youths congregate particularly on Friday evenings, and she has tried to speak to them herself and asked them to leave. Over the last two years she has asked the Police to show their presence in the area but nothing has been done, the problem has started again this summer with local residents feeling intimidated. She has spoken to Cllr Pat Williams who promised that the Police would come, Mrs Stott said they did arrive but didn’t get out of their car, they spoke to the youths who then left but then came back later. She wanted to know why there is not more Police on the beat in this area.

Cllr Pat Williams said she has spoken to the Police about this problem and has been advised that they will be monitoring the situation regularly on Friday evenings. She believes that the Police and the local councillors have got a responsibility to divert these young people into other activities.

Mr Eddie Clark asked how many Police are out on the streets at the moment?

Cllr Frank Doyle proposed that a senior officer from the Police be invited to the next meeting of the Area Forum to answer questions of this nature. Cllr Freda Anderson sympathised with Mrs Stott’s problems but pointed out that a large number of the Police are in the Birkenhead Town Centre on Friday evenings. She feels that the problem might be resolved by members of the community receiving training to help to police the area and a ‘No Drinking In This Area’ notice in the Arno might help.

Sergeant Garthwaite informed the forum that the Police are currently running an operation, which covers anti-social behaviour, in this area and central Birkenhead and that they will be targeting hotspots with high resources. Also Birkenhead and Upton are to be designated as ‘No Drinking in the Street’ areas. He pointed out that the Arno is a difficult area to police as there are several ways for people to avoid them.

Mrs Beryl Colbreck

Mrs Colbreck raised concerns over the noise levels on the Durley Drive estate, there has been a problem caused by traffic and large vehicles going past the estate. She asked if there is any legislation on the type of business that can be conducted so close to residential housing, referring specifically to the double glazing firm which has recently moved there. She complained of having to continually suffer the noise of breaking glass with a detrimental effect on her quality of life.

Cllr Frank Doyle said there has been similar queries from other residents on the estate.

Rob Beresford said the estate is governed by Planning Regulations as to the type of businesses that can set up there. He offered to meet Mrs Colbreck for a separate consultation to have a look at what is available to alleviate her problem.

Cllr Simon Holbrook stated that following assessment of the problem a Noise Abatement Notice could be served on the company. They may be asked to change their working practices, and the Council might be able to act as a mediator to do something about it.

The following issues were also raised re: the Durley Drive estate

Member of the public - complaint about the articulated lorries coming past the estate and concern over the affect this has on housing foundations.

Mr Cannon - feels that Council officers don’t realise the scale of the problem of noise on the estate and that he is receiving different explanations from different departments of the Council. He felt that a wall of trees might cut down on the noise and act as a sound barrier.

Cllr Frank Doyle assured him that these complaints have been noted and promised to arrange a separate meeting to discuss these problems more fully.

Mr Eric Dade

Mr Dade raised concerns over the construction work on the site of the old College on Borough Road. His complaints were concerning lack of security on the site, allowing unauthorised entry, together with the dust pollution causing health problems such as asthma.

Cllr Frank Doyle confirmed there is a meeting next week with the construction company, Wimpey.

Derek Howard confirmed that the site manager had promised removal of a large pile of rubble at a recent meeting, and that Maxine had had discussions with the site owners who have promised two extra security guards.

A member of the public who lives in the adjoining housing stated that she has suffered abuse from children playing on the site, who have been throwing stones at nearby houses.

These problems will be discussed further at a meeting on 23rd June.

Cllr Pat Williams said that she felt it totally irresponsible to have a large pile of rubble so close to people’s houses.

Following the complaints of the health effects, Cllr Frank Doyle said he will be speaking to the Head of Woodchurch Road School to see how many children have been affected.

Cllr Stuart Kelly asked the officers whether we, as a local authority, have enforcement powers to make sure that the site was secure.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - that:

i. Sergeant Garthwaite prepare a statement on the security of the building site at Woodchurch Road for inclusion in the next Area Co-ordinators Report.

ii. Rob Beresford to arrange a site meeting with Ms McCarthy with regard to the rat problem and to meet with Mrs Colbreck with regard to problem created by double glazing firm near her home.

iii. A senior police officer be invited to the next Forum to discuss issues raised at this and previous meetings on police accessibility, law and order, and policing. And that the majority of the next meeting should be given up to this subject.

iv. Derwent Derbyshire review the position re: the collection of recyclable waste.

v. Maxine report back on issues raised concerning noise pollution around the Durley Drive Estate, M53 roundabout and pavements behind the shops in Prenton Hall Road.

vi. A separate meeting be arranged to discuss the problems on the Durley Drive Estate more fully.

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Minute Text :

Paula Coppell gave a presentation to the forum on the Local Transport Plan 2 for Merseyside. The Plan looked at transport in its wider context, concluding that congestion is a growing problem. There Plan includes a vision and a set of objectives with a set of emerging priorities for transport improvement.

The following questions were made from members of the public.

Mr Garrett

Mr Garrett asked about the electrification of the Bidston to Wrexham line and the new railway station and wanted to know if the councillors are still committed to this project.

Paula Coppell replied that the whole network is being looked at and the electrification of this line is seen as a priority, although there are no guarantees that this will get cars off the roads. They are trying to plan to give people more choice in transport.

On behalf of the Oxton and Prenton councillors, Cllr Stuart Kelly stated that they are committed to this project and have been assured that it is going ahead.

Mr Eddie Clark

Mr Clark asked if the noise level of a new station near the Durley Drive estate would affect the residents.

Cllr Simon Holbrook commented that a new station near the motorway will lead to a major redesign of that junction and a look at the wider environmental issues in that area.

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Minute Text :

Lance Farlam gave a brief outline of where this project is up to, explaining that money has been made available for a children’s play area and a site at the Storeton Road Playing Fields has been chosen.

The views of residents and local people were obtained through questionnaires and two drop-in sessions to discuss the options and problems with the local community, with a map of the area provided for people to choose where they would prefer the play area to be sited. Lance reported that 35 replies were received which were mainly split into two distinct areas. However, the consensus of opinion was that the favoured area was behind the Kwik Save shop. The reasoning behind the decision was there is ample parking, it is near the pathway and there is a CCTV camera sited on Woodchurch Road. People were asked their opinions on the best type of equipment and the most popular were climbing frames, swings and a roundabout. The area is only to be used by younger children, although there are concerns about vandalism and older children gathering there. Lance said there would be no high fence around it, litter bins, a dog-free area and ball game facilities would be provided and he showed the Forum a board of photos of equipment which represented the best value for money.

The following issues were raised:

A member of the public asked about the policing of this area following the problems in The Arno with youths.

Cllr Frank Doyle replied there is a CCTV camera covering this site. He also mentioned that there is £3000 available for crime and nuisance and invited people to put in bids for money to possibly site a camera permanently on the play area. Lighting was also suggested. It is hoped that the project will be completed before March next year.

Sergeant Garthwaite said he does not feel there will be a problem, and mentioned that there is a similar play area in Prenton Dell and there have been no problems there since it was taken on board by the local residents association.

Lance Farlam agreed that play areas do not make the problem any greater or any less.

Mrs Gill Edwards, a local resident who lives on the boundary of the playing fields, said that she felt there would be problems with vandalism and youths and questioned whether 35 replies was a true representation of local opinion.

Lance Farlam offered to meet with her separately to discuss her concerns.

A member of the public said she had collected a number of signatures on a petition from people who were opposed to the project and said that many people do not want it, again stressing the problem of youths.

Cllr Pat Williams said people have been asking for a play area in the Oxton area for many years, it has been well publicised locally and she is hoping that the youth service will get involved to help young people in this area.

Cllr Simon Holbrook pointed out that it would be wrong to allow the bad behaviour of a few people stop us doing something that would benefit local people and that we need to deal with the root cause of the problem.

Minute Decision :

Resolved - that Lance Farlam to meet with Mrs Edwards to discuss potential problems with vandalism and youths at the play area.


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Minute Text :

In view of the fact that many community safety questions had already been addressed at the meeting, it was decided not to take any further questions as the meeting had already overrun its scheduled finishing time.

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Minute Text :

Richard Jones of the Primary Care Trust reported that the main news was the decision to close Wards 6 & 7 at Victoria Central Hospital on 7th June. It has been opposed and is going to the Secretary of State for a final decision. He also reported that they are currently awaiting the outcome of the Healthcare Commission review of the star rating. We are the only PCT in the area with a three star rating and Wirral Hospital Trust also has three stars. As it is the last year of star ratings, they would like to meet this target. The Trust has run a successful smoking cessation service, they are the first PCT in the country to hold a General Practices Award and Wallasey Heart Centre won an award for treatment and prevention of heart disease. He reported on investment plans for Victoria Central Hospital to move G.P. practices into a new building near the new walk-in centre and that there is continuing investment on this site.

Cllr Frank Doyle thanked Richard Jones for his report and it was agreed that the PCT report should be higher up the Agenda for the next meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Richard Jones be thanked for his report.

ii. The Primary Care Trust update be placed further up the Agenda for the next meeting.

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Minute Text :

The dates of the next two meetings have been agreed, and are as follows:

Wednesday, 12th October 2005
Wednesday, 15th February 2006.

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Minute Text :

Possible future presentations included the Children and Young Persons department, Development of Cycle Networks and Wirral Healthy Communities.

However, following tonight’s meeting, it might well be that law and order is taken as the only presentation because of the high level of questions which appear to be coming up at public question time.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.

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(Minutes Published: 27 July 2005)