Meeting documents

Area Forum (New Brighton and Wallasey)
Monday, 15th October 2007



PJ Hackett

Ward Councillors

WA Duffey, Paul Hayes, A Pritchard, Mrs LA Rennie, Mrs K Wood

Community Representatives

Rita Fraser (New Brighton Community Partnership)

Business Representative

Martin Revans

Lead Officer

David Green (Director of Technical Services)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Andrew Brannan

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Dr S Mukherjee

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Pat Higgins

Merseyside Police

Inspector Julie Fletcher, Sgt Mike Roberts

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Tony Mooney

Council Officers

Bob Little (Community Safety Team), Carol Sharratt (Community Engagement Assistant)


I Lewis , Mark Williams

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, Introductions and Apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor P J Hackett, welcomed Forum members and 32 members of the public to the meeting of the New Brighton and Wallasey Area Forum in Wallasey Village. Apologies were received from Ian Lewis and Mark Williams.

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Minute 2 - Area Co-ordinators Report - including: Matters Arising from June 2007

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator informed the forum that the meeting was to have a different format, with exhibition stands on Pride in our Promenade; Floral Pavilion; Conservation Area update for inspection at the end of the meeting instead of presentations, please take your time to look at these and ask questions. He then highlighted areas within the Area Co-ordinator’s report (copies of which were available for members of the public at the meeting), if there are any questions about the report please contact Andrew Brannan on 0151 691 8391:

The minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising were on page 4, this included issues raised with the Police. Inspector Fletcher introduced herself as the new Inspector for this area and gave the following further verbal update on issues around Perch Rock area. There were two safety campaigns that had led to a number of boy racers, many of which were on their parents insurance, being stopped and issued with fixed penalty tickets. Two further complaints were received on Tuesday evening relating to youths stopping people and trying to arrange fights. We are still aware of the problems and are keeping up a Police presence in the area. Two further campaigns area to be run in the near future.

Area Forum Funding - this is till available and the deadline for applications is 2nd November 2007. There is also funding available from the Primary Care Trust, to complement this, for health related projects - the closing date for applications is 14th November 2007. If you are aware of any groups looking for funding please ask them to contact the Community Engagement Team on 0151 691 8210.

Integrated Transport Block - the deadline for recommending roads for improvements is 16th November 2007. If anyone knows of roads which should be included for consideration please contact Andrew Brannan on 0151 691 8391. Councillor Pritchard asked for resurfacing of footways at Magazine Lane to Magazine Brow to be included.

Paul Lynch raised concern over the legitimacy of the New Brighton Community Partnership and its representation on the forum.
Area Co-ordinator - the Community Representatives were appointed for a three year term, the forum will be inviting people to apply to become community representatives in November 2007. The Chair requested that this be discussed in more detail with the Area Co-ordinator at the end of the meeting.

The Chair thanked the Area Co-ordinator for the thorough report.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. The Area Co-ordinator be thanked for his report
ii. That the Area Co-ordinator to include resurfacing of footways at Magazine Lane to Magazine Brow on the list for possible road improvements.

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Minute 3 - Public question time

Minute Text :

The following issues / questions were raised:

Resident of Molyneux Drive - groups of about 20 young men aged 12 to 20 are gathering in this neighbourhood (where there are many elderly residents) in the evenings, particularly at weekends, and drinking openly, throwing gravel at windows and cars. On 5 October 2007 my partner was getting into her car and a group slammed the door on her leg and gave her verbal abuse. We reported this at Manor Road Police Station, Officers drove round but the young men had left. We supplied their names, but this information was not enough. What can be done to stop this and prevent it resulting in a serious injury?

A. Chair - the Councillors will try to help to resolve this. Inspector Fletcher - emphasised with this, since taking up post four weeks ago has looked at the major issues for the area, with anti-social behaviour being the biggest. We are aiming to put a dedicated officer back on the beat and their contact details will be made available. The biggest area of concern is Seacombe, and since in post three warrants have been issued re; drugs. An anti-social behaviour co-ordinator is now in place and we have linked in with our partnership agencies to try and tackle this. Officers will come into the community to discuss issues and see what action can be taken. Inspector Fletcher agreed to discuss this in more detail at the end of the meeting.

Rita Fraser - could we have an update on St Georges Health Centre, Field Lane?
A. Dr Mukherjee - this has been through the planning stages and work should be starting within the next 12 months. There are two practices involved, one has decided to remain where they are.

Danny Doyle - why is there no security on the Field Road surgery site? The alarms go off and the Police are called but they have no contact details. There was an incident and the Police took two hours to arrive, it is chaos.
A. Dr Mukherjee - will raise this issue. Councillor Duffey informed the forum that a petition had been received about this. Councillor Pritchard reported that this had been highlighted in the papers recently, over incidents of gangs climbing on the roof. He suggested that a public meeting be held with the Police to discuss what can be done about this. Inspector Fletcher agreed to discuss this issue with Councillor Pritchard at the end of the meeting.

Dave Hanlon
1. Raised concern over community representatives political involvement and the frequent absence of community representatives at this forum. He expressed his admiration for Rita Fraser for her work as a community representative.
A. Chair - the community representatives are not involved in political parties and asked that this be discussed in more detail with the Area Co-ordinator at the end of the meeting.

2. Informed the forum that the bus stop outside the Queens Hotel has now been re-instated 30 yards further on from the original stop.

3. Reported that the goal posts around Wallasey need painting and are a hazard.
A. Chair agreed to follow this up with Roger Calvert, Cultural Services.

Rita Fraser - are there any truancy teams on Wirral, as many of the youths causing problems are under school age and not in school uniform and it is not clear who this should be reported to?
A. Councillor Duffey - incidents can be reported to the Anti-social Behaviour team, but there are no truancy officers and schools send disruptive pupils out of the schools.

Councillor Pritchard - there have been problems around Molyneux Drive and Tower Grounds. A meeting was held about this with the Community Support Officers (CSOs) who will monitor and try to resolve this issue.
A. The CSOs now have a number of names and are trying to take action on this.

Danny Doyle - the same youths are patrolling these areas, and it is the same situation at Field Lane, despite assurances to tackle these problems being given since May.
A. Sergeant Mike Roberts - truancy sweeps are carried out regularly, last Friday eight children were caught and enquiries were made at the schools to find out why they were absent. Please call the Police who will look into such incidents.

Cynthia Stonehall - the problems caused by gangs at Rake Lane Cemetery have just been moved on to other areas.
A. Chair - the Police have taken action and tackled the problem at Earlston Road Library with a number of successful initiatives over the Summer, including placing the Kontacta Bus from the Youth Service in the area. This is an ongoing problem that we will keep trying to resolve.

Resident of Molyneux Drive - Could a Section 30 Order be enforced in the area?
A. Councillor Wood - there are S30 orders running in Moreton and Seacombe, this means that the problem will be moved to New Brighton. Young people travel over from Liverpool and hide alcohol in the sand and come back for this later. Councillor Pritchard - the gangs that hang around the beach have been moved on from the parks.

Member of the public - Can something be done about off-licences selling alcohol to underage drinkers?
A. Inspector Fletcher - agreed to discuss this further at the end of the meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Dr Mukherjee to raise issue re: security at Field Lane Surgery site.
ii. Councillor Pritchard to arrange public meeting re: Field Lane Surgery site.
iii. Councillor Hackett to follow up painting of goal posts in Wallasey with Roger Calvert.

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Minute 4 - Partner updates - Community Safety, Fire Service, Wirral Primary Care Trust, Wirral’s Older Peoples Parliament & Merseyside Police

Minute Text :

Fire and Rescue Service

Tony Mooney gave the forum the following information:

- 700 homes have had fire safety checks since the last forum
- 300 electric blankets have been replaced and over 700 tested through the winter warm campaign, avoiding 300 potential house fires.
- a bonfire reduction strategy has been put in place to reduce nuisance bonfires, in partnership with the Anti-social Behaviour Team and the Probation Service. The Fire Service will supply the vehicles and equipment and will go and clear any hazards over the bonfire period (between 15/10/07 and 08/11/07). If anyone spots any hazards please report these to the Birkenhead Fire Station (0800 731 5958).
- a fireworks strategy that we believe will overcome issues / concerns raised previously is also in place, and daily briefings are held with partners to reduce ASB around Bonfire Night. There are limited periods when fireworks can be sold (starting today). If there are any concerns re: fireworks please phone the Police in the first instance.

The Chair thanked Tony for his update, and the following issues / questions were raised on this:

Members of the Public

1. Smoke alarms fitted by the Fire Service were out of reach and would go off in the middle of the night. When trying to remove these found they were super-glued to the ceiling and pulled off the plaster.
A. Will take further details on this at the end of the meeting.

2. All of the houses in my road except mine (No.29) were fitted with smoke alarms.
A. Will take further details on this at the end of the meeting.

3. Why are fireworks allowed to be sold before Bonfire Night?
A. the dates are defined in law and only Central Government can change these.

4. There was an incident at Kinross / Northcote Road, it sounded like a firework party that went on until late in the evening.
A. Sergeant Roberts - Northcote Road is being looked into, we are working with partners and taking action with trading Standards against fireworks being sold outside of the legal timeframes. The Chair agreed to discuss this issue in more detail with the Police at the end of the meeting.

Councillor Rennie - informed the forum of the Trojan Fire Engine used in problem areas. The vehicle has Police Officer in the back who can then catch and arrest people throwing bricks etc. at the vehicles. At Lingham Park in Moreton this was used and the perpetrators who smashed the window of the vehicle were arrested on the spot. This is a good initiative where partners are working together to tackle problems.

Wirral Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Dr. Mukherjee informed the forum of the following:

- The PCT are supporting the Community Initiatives Fund by making £5,000 available for this forum area for projects based on health. Application packs can be obtained from the Community Engagement Team (0151 691 8650 /
- The PCT are interested in your views or experiences - good or bad, please let us know via the Patient Advisory Liaison Service (PALS).
- The new Wirral PCT has seven emerging priority areas re: health which will be concentrated on over the next few years, the full strategy will be available on our website in the near future.
- The health care professionals in Wallasey invited councillors to exchange views on health care. The only way forward is to work in partnership.
- Heart of Wallasey is a patient involvement strategy allowing patients to have a direct input.

The Chair thanked Dr Mukherjee for his update and the following issues / questions were raised:

Member of the Public - how do the public go about attending the patient involvement strategy meetings?
A. A group is to be formed and this will be advertised through the forums.

Councillor Pritchard - When is St Georges Medical Centre due to open and how much have the changes delayed this?
A. The approval is still there and the finances are committed, but we now need to go back to the Strategy and performance Committee next month to see what affect the changes will have on the area. The delay will be probably be a few months.

Older Peoples Parliament (OPP)

Andrew Brannan - The OPP is nine months old, has eight sub-committees, and is an official partner of the forums. If anyone would like more information about the OPP please contact me on 0151 691 8391.

The following issues / questions were raised:

David Hanlon - a comprehensive report was given at the East Wallasey area forum, and such a report should be available at future meetings of this forum. David informed the forum that from next April there will be free transport on the buses for OAPs. Merseytravel plans will be issued in the near future.
A. Chair - there will be a full update on the agenda for the next meeting.

Merseyside Police

Inspector Julie Fletcher informed the forum that she has been in post for four weeks, and is still getting to know the staff and local councillors. She is from a response background and worked in Birkenhead prior to this posting. She will be restructuring the neighbourhood and will provide details of this once it is finalised. The Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAG) is recruiting new members, and if anyone wishes to come along, work in partnership with us, and become involved in helping us to set priorities the meetings are held about every six weeks at Wallasey Police Station.

Neighbourhood update - we have successfully argued against an extension to the licence for RJs Nightclub in New Brighton on Friday and Saturday nights, resulting in the extension to the licence being refused.

Sergeant Mike Roberts - the statistics from July to September for the area are very positive. There has been a 32% fall in crime; a 7% fall in burglaries; and a 48% fall in criminal damage. Thefts from vehicles has dropped from 27 down to 6 and Anti-Social Behaviour calls has dropped from 278 down to 170. However there has been a slight rise in violence offences. The following have taken place since the last forum meeting:

- Operation Safe Space, this targeted parks providing diversionary activities, sports coaches etc.. Harrison Park was given a bronze award.
- Wirral Show, only 1-2 arrests were made in the evening of this event, one of the biggest free events in the Country.
- BBC, a talent show was held at Harrison Drive dips and this was a successful event.
- Two men have been arrested, leading to nine offences being solved.
- Mischief / Halloween / Bonfire Night, we are working with partners to keep disturbance to a minimum. A Halloween disco will be held at Mosslands School and educational information has been given to off-licences and schools.
- The CSOs support the Friday Youth Club held at St Hilarys Church.
- Auto-crime Roadshows have been held at Asda
- A local off-licence has had a Mosquito alarm fitted to stop problems of congregating youths. The alarm broadcasts to people under the age of 20 who dislike the noise and leave, the alarms cost £4,000.

Councillor Wood asked if the Mosquito alarm had helped and Sergeant Roberts confirmed that it had.

The Chair thanked Inspector Fletcher and sergeant Roberts for their updates and the following issues / questions were raised:

David Hanlon - there were four youths drinking alcohol at the side of the football pitch during a match at Wallacre Park, could the Police have done anything about this if they had been called?
A. Sergeant Roberts- if they were under age or were in an alcohol free zone the Police could have seized the alcohol, but could only have them removed if they were causing anti-social behaviour.

Councillor Pritchard - should all of the Wirral become an alcohol free zone?
Chair - a report is going through Cabinet to look at making the whole of Wirral an alcohol free zone, however bye-laws in place will mean that car parks will be exempt from this.
Cynthia Stonehall - it is hoped that there will be sufficient resources to enforce this.
Dr Mukherjee - 30% of admissions are alcohol related. This is a big problem and drain on the health service, so hopes that the plans for the alcohol free zone go through.

Chair agreed to discuss this issue further at the end of the meeting.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust NHS Foundation Trust (WHT)

Pat Higgins informed the forum that information on the WHT, application forms for public members, and feedback results from patient survey were available at the meeting.

The Chair thanked Pat for her update and no issues / questions were raised.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

i. Tony Mooney, Dr Mukherjee, Inspector Fletcher, Sergeant Roberts and Pat Higgins be thanked for their updates.
ii. a full update on the OPP be included as an agenda item for the next meeting.

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Minute 5 - Future meetings and presentations - 20th February 2008 Venue to be confirmed

Minute Text :

The next meeting will be held on 20 February 2008 at a venue, to be arranged, in the New Brighton area. The Chair requested that if anyone has any suggestions for future presentations to let Andrew Brannan (0151 691 8391) know.

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Minute 6 - Any Other Business

Minute Text :

Councillor Pritchard - asked David Green when the boating pool is due to be re-filled?
David Green - this falls within Leisure Services, but will check this and contact you tomorrow.

As there was no further business the Chair closed the formal meeting at 8.10pm and the exhibition stands were made available.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that David Green to inform Councillor Pritchard of timescale for re-filling of boating pool.

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(Minutes Published: 18 November 2007)