Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Thursday, 3rd February 2005

Location Map

Venue : Committee Room 1 - Wallasey Town Hall

Item 1 - Welcome and introductions

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Item 2 - Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

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Item 3 - Area Co-ordinator's Report

Attachments: (click on an attachment to view it)

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Item 4 - Community Initiatives Fund

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Item 5 - Area Plans

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Item 6 - Public question time

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Item 7 - Community Safety update

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Item 8 - Presentation on Community Support Officers - Inspector John Hogan - Merseyside Police

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Item 9 - Presentation on Egremont Shopping Strategy - David Ball, Head of Regeneration & Housing

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Item 10 - Primary Care Trust update

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Item 11 - Date of next meeting

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Item 12 - Any other business

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Agenda Published: 25 January 2005