Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Wednesday, 6th February 2008



Dave Hawkins

Ward Councillors

Leah Fraser, Karen Hayes, Adrian Jones, Denis Knowles

Community Representatives

Margaret Allen (Seacombe Community Representative), Ken Harrison, Diane Ledder , Joseph Lee, Fr. Leon Ostaszewski, Carole Thomas (Liscard Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Mark Camborne (Health & Safety & Resilience Operations Manager)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Street Scene Manager

Chris Jones

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Tricia Moroney, Iain Stewart

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Jo Goodfellow (Div. General Manager for Women and Children)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Julie Fletcher

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Tony Mooney

Council Officers

Simon Fitzpatrick (Community Safety), Christina Jones (Education & Cultural Services), Sue Weldon (Corporate Services)


Tara Dumas (Recycling Officer), Cllr John Salter, Mrs Wendy Sheed (Governor - Wirral NHS Trust)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions & apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Dave Hawkins, welcomed forum members and 26 members of the public to the meeting of the East Wallasey [Liscard/Seacombe] Area Forum in Wallasey Town Hall. He also introduced two new community representatives to the forum - Joe Lee and Ken Harrison, and congratulated Ken on being awarded an MBE for his community work in Liscard.

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Minute 2 - Minutes & matters arising from previous October forum

Minute Text :

The Chair informed the forum that the minutes were included in the Area Co-ordinators report and asked if there were any specific questions / issues relating to these:

Page 11 - Father Ostaszewski:
Q3 - "from Clare Mount Road via St Hilary Brow" should read "from Penny Bridge, Clare Mount Road and Wallasey Road"
Q5 - crack in Belvedere Road / Wallasey Road is getting worse
Q6 - "roads through Egremont" should read "Egremont Kings Street area"

It was agreed that the minutes be amended re: questions 3 and 6. Chris Jones added that will note point raised re: Q6 and that the crack in Belvedere Road was due to an old gas re-instatement that is now out of warranty. This is being monitored and a permanent re-instatement will be carried out when we carry out planned road improvements on this section.

Page 11 - Diane Ledder - the keep clear markings at the entrance to Love Lane allotments has still not been repainted. Chris Jones agreed to take this matter up.

Page 14 - Dave Hanlon - provided the forum with further information on new free travel pass scheme and it was agreed that this would be added to the next Area Co-ordinators report. Councillor Knowles confirmed that all existing pass holders will receive a new concession pass. These will be issued in March for use from April onwards. It will be a plastic credit card size pass for use by over 60's on local bus services and will be issued automatically if you already have a bus pass (which will run until 14 April 2008). Merseytravel pass holders will still be able to travel on Merseyrail and Mersey Ferries. A question and answer sheet with more information on this was available at the meeting.

Margaret Allen added that would like more buses to go with these passes. Councillor Knowles added that the new Transport Bill will try to address this by introducing a franchise system (similar to the trains) to give more control re: timetables and fares.

Members of the public added that passes are not automatically issued as have received requests for new photographs to be sent to Hull.

Dave Hanlon asked what would happen re: disability pass as the new pass does not have the same rights as the disability pass. Councillor Knowles agreed to discuss this and any other specific issues at the end of the meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) the Area Co-ordinator to arrange for page 11 of the minutes to be amended to reflect points raised by Father Ostaszewski and attach the information publication to these minutes and for article re: new English Concessionary Travel Scheme to be added to the June Area Co-ordinators report.
(ii) the Streetscene Manager to note points raised by Father Ostaszewski and progress issue re: keep clear marking at Love Lane allotments.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator gave an overview of her report to the Area Forum:

Section 1 - Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising (covered under item 2 of the agenda).
Section 2 - Local updates.
Section 3 - Partner updates.
Section 4 - Local area plan, a copy of which was available for inspection at the meeting, copies of this can be requested by contacting Michelle Gray on 0151 691 8213 / This is being refreshed in June 2008.
Section 5 - Streetscene.
Section 6 - Equalities and Diversity
Section 7 - Funding, including funding available and awards for all funding.

All, or part, of the Area Co-ordinator’s report can be downloaded from the Internet at; alternatively, a paper version will be sent on request to any member of the public who wishes to attend a future meeting.

The Area Co-ordinator was thanked for her report.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area Co-ordinator be thanked for her report.

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Minute 4 - Sustainable Community Strategy

Minute Text :

The Chair introduced Sue Weldon, Sustainable Community Co-ordinator, who gave a presentation on the Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) and Local Area Agreements (LAAs).

Sue informed the forum that it is a statutory requirement to have an SCS which sets a strategic, long-term vision for the area. The Council, in consultation with it's partners, sets a framework for an action plan, with the LAA as the delivery plan. The aim of this is to enhance quality of life of local communities through actions aimed at improving economic, social and environmental well-being.

The SCS tells Wirral’s ‘story’ (people and places); highlights the differences between areas, the big problems and solutions; determines vision and what do we need to do achieve the long-term vision for Wirral. Wirral's long-term vision: A more prosperous and equal Wirral, enabling all communities and people to thrive and achieve their full potential.

Wirral’s ‘story’ / big problems:
- it is a borough of stark contrasts (25 areas are within the 3% most deprived but 7 areas are within 10% most affluent
- it has the worst health inequality in the North West
- has an underperforming economy and an ageing population
- has a significant inequalities including educational attainment; crime and worklessness.

How do we solve the problems?
- focus on right people and places
- shared local action (work in partnership, involve all agencies including the third sector and direct resources to where most needed)
- shared principles (community cohesion, sustainability and equality & diversity)

The Strategy belongs to and allows everyone to connect to the ‘big picture’. You can be involved by letting us know what people and places you think we need to focus on. A consultation document will be available, within the next few weeks, at If you would like more information on this or have this is a different format please telephone 0151 691 8030.

The Chair thanked Sue for her presentation and the following questions / issues were raised:

Q. Can this consultation be included on UK on-line centres?
A. Sue agreed to do this.

Q. This has the potential to reach every resident and if it does not then may end up being a sample survey rather than a full consultation.
A. The consultation is open to every resident of the borough, and will be advertised in as many ways and as widely as possible. All responses will be taken into account.

Q. Are the area forums taking positive steps to take positive action to ensure all views are taken into account (i.e. disabled, BME communities), is this measured and is positive action taken to enforce this?
A. Mark Camborne - the forums do try to encourage contributions form all areas, at the last meeting we had signers to assist a deaf person who wished to attend the meeting, and do engage with all recognised groups.

Q. Where is the forum meeting advertised, as this is the first meeting I have heard about, via a survey?
A. Michelle Gray - the forums are advertised on the internet, in libraries, one stop shops, Wirral Globe, doctors and dentists surgeries, and was even advertised on local radio last year. Michelle agreed to discuss this further at the end of the meeting.

Councillor Adrian Jones / the Chair advised the forum that all ideas / views on ways to publicise the forums would be welcomed and considered.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Sue Weldon be thanked for her presentation
(ii) Sue Weldon to ensure SCS is available at UK on-line centres

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Minute 5 - Streetscene/recycling/bins public question time

Minute Text :

Mark Camborne gave an update on recycling, as Tara Dumas was unable to attend the meeting:

Operation Joker - there was a list of roads covered by this at the meeting, that will be attached to the minutes. Mark agreed to provide more details on this at the end of the meeting.

Bins blocking pavements at Ladyewood and Silverbeech Road - will raise this at next meeting with Biffa, although there is no history of this being reported as an ongoing problem. Bins should always be returned to the point from which they were taken.

Marlowe Road URC - brown bin will be delivered by the end of the week.

Streetscene call centre - choices are available on the menu to speed up enquiries, press 1 for bin collections.

Discounted kitchen recycling bins - there are no plans at present to offer discounted kitchen bins to allow waste to be split into specific bins for recycling etc., but leaflets were available at the meeting for "Kitchen Caddies" to transport waste from kitchen to composter.

The following questions / issues were raised:

Q. Carole Thomas - there have been complaints re: the state of Liscard in general (the entries, rubbish, empty buildings, bad state of repair of properties over shops. Could alleygates be added to the entry in Kenwyn Road, as tyres and bin bags dumped there and it is used as a urinal by people leaving the public houses. This has been reported on numerous occasions but situation has not improved. Staff from the GPO opposite sit outside eating meals and dropping litter.
A. Chris Jones agreed to contact the environmental enforcement officers about this and follow this up with Carole directly. The issue of litter / dropping of cigarette stubs is being tackled, fixed penalty notices are being served. Will bring the issue re: GPO to enforcement officers attention.

Stan Thompson
1. Thanked Chris Jones, as the pot holes at Magazine Brow have now been repaired. The pot hole at the roundabout at Dock Road / Mill Lane has been filled in twice, but has re-appeared due to use by trucks / ferry traffic.
A. Chris Jones - we are aware of the defect at the Wallasey Bridge Road roundabout and are having to dig down to resolve the problem (on the early hours of Sunday morning). There are plans for major re-surfacing of the Dock Road and it is hoped that work will start on this mid March.

2. Gave appreciation for refurbishment work carried out on the Seacombe to New Brighton promenade. However within days the refurbished shelter was covered in graffiti. There is a CCTV camera to the north of the shelter - could this be re-directed onto the shelter?
A. Chris Jones - the view of cameras can be changed to try and observe / prevent damage, as have remote access. Chris agreed to pass this request to colleagues in charge of CCTV cameras.

3. Was anything done about parking on the corner of roads?
A. Inspector Fletcher - tickets have been issued and work has been carried out in partnership with council officers to try and get notices posted about this. PCSOs have been placing notices on windscreens. Chris Jones added that enforcement officers are targeting corners.

Diane Ledder
1. Bins - information was released last week, via the media, that the Government were advising Councils to clarify enforcement measures for bins left out or put out early. What would happen if householder is going on holiday and has no-one to bring the bin in, works shifts, or the bins are blown over?
A. Mark Camborne - there is a report due to go to Cabinet next week on the enforcement policy. Tara will update at next forum.

2. At the Wallasey Central Park Forum meeting the CSO commented that work was not to be carried out on the potholed roadway from Liscard Road to depot, even though a young child on a trike hit the pothole and went over.
A. Chris Jones - this is an unadopted road, but will try to find out who is responsible for this and highlight their responsibilities. If anyone comes across things that need urgent attention please contact the Streetscene call centre (0151 606 2004) where the call will be logged and sent electronically to Inspectors who can immediately pass this on to our contractors. We do need your help in dealing with such issues.

3. When planning permission is given for change of use from shops to residential can it be ensured that the job is finished and the property is given a reasonable front?
A. Mark Camborne - agreed to pass this request to planning officers and report back at the next meeting.
Q. Margaret Allen - why aren't persistent offenders carrying out fly-tipping in alleyways being prosecuted, as evidence (such as addresses) is usually left?
A. Chris Jones - we now have an enforcement section leader who is keen to tackle such issues. The enforcement team do look into this and carry out prosecutions, maybe we need to publicise this more.

Q. Roger (OPP)
1. Congratulated Streetscene on the removal of unauthorised adverts in Liscard, but have these been removed permanently?
A. Chris Jones - enforcement officers will have dealt with this and they have procedures in place to act quickly on this type of offence and issue fixed penalty fines.

2. Who is liable if someone falls over a bin?
A. Mark Camborne - this would be judged on individual case by case basis, if the bin had fallen over it would most likely be classed as an accident but if a bin was pushed into someone it would most likely be classed as deliberate. This type of issue will be dealt with in more detail by Tara Dumas at the roadshows planned.

Q. The issue re: Serpentine Road calming has been going on for 12/24 months - when will this happen?
A. Mark Camborne - the work has been planned and budgeted for, the signs have gone up and the work is due to start this week.

Q. David Hale - what is happening re: bin pick up points for terraced houses in Merton Road, Silverby Avenue, as this issue has been going on for three years?
A. Mark Camborne - will take this back and get an answer for the next meeting.

Q. Elderly people have difficulty taking bins along cobbled entries, if entries were resurfaced this would make it easier as bins would be less likely to tip / fall over.
A. Mark Camborne - education officers will be out to try and solve such problems, these types of issues will be dealt with in more detail at roadshows due to be held soon. Chris Jones - help is available for assisted pickups- please phone the Streetscene call centre and an officer will be assigned to look into this.

David Hale added that it would not be advisable to re-surface the entries as they would be used by skateboarders.

Q. Dave Hanlon - When is the orange phone box going to be removed from Liscard Way?
A. Chris Jones - the company that owns the phone box has gone into liquidation. Manweb and BT feed into this box and we have made major efforts to sort this, but there are Health and Safety issues. We are trying to get the feeds disconnected and restore the footway.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Mark Camborne to arrange for issue of bins blocking pavements at Ladyewood and Silverbeech Road to be raised with Biffa.
(ii) Chris Jones to raise issues in Liscard with environmental enforcement officers and follow this up with Carole Thomas directly.
(iii) Chris Jones to pass request re: repositioning of CCTV on the promenade.
(iv) Tara Dumas to give detailed report on bin enforcement policy at the June area forum.
(v) Mark Camborne to raise issue re: bin collection points for terraced houses in Merton Road and Silverby Road and report back on this at the next meeting.
(vi) Mark Camborne to raise issue re: planning permission for change of use from shops to residential and report back on this at the next meeting.

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Minute 6 - General public question time

Minute Text :

Stan Thompson -
1. Where is the Respect Bus stationed?
A. Inspector Fletcher - the bus is in the Poulton area (Sherlock Lane).It will be there every Wednesday for the next six weeks and is open form 7-10pm.

2. Thanked the Fire Service for fitting smoke detectors at Mariners Park.

The Chair requested that if anyone would like written responses please leave your name and address with Michelle Gray at the end of the meeting.

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Minute 7 - Partner Information

Minute Text :

Primary Care Trust

Iain Stewart informed the forum that the trust has been developing a commissioning strategy for the next five years (2008 - 2013) and identifying priorities for additional services to invest in and develop, on top of core services. The priorities over the next five years are to:

- improve health inequalities
- provide minor services more locally
- improve access to mental health and specialist services
- develop services for older people
- reduce the scale of alcohol misuse and alcohol related conditions
- work with the Council to improve our services for children and young people
- modernise community based services

We want to work with people and community groups to see if you agree with our priorities. Leaflets have been posted to households, events are taking place and focus groups have been arranged to enable everyone to get involved, ask for more information and feed in your views.

The Chair thanked Iain Stewart for his update and the following questions / issues were raised:

Q. How will the new initiatives put in place for older people affect private nursing homes?
A. The initiatives aim to have the right services and support packages available to NHS patients, to enable older people to retain their independance.

Q. New Mill Lane practice has led to patients having to change doctors, as not able to travel to new surgery for appointments / to collect prescriptions.
A. This was the most practical solution, and we are working with Merseytravel to get a public transport link to the centre - which should be available by the end of the year.

Margaret Allen added that many GPs now offer a service where prescriptions are automatically delivered to patients homes. Iain confirmed this and added that GPs can also arrange for prescriptions to be sent directly to local chemists.

Q. There are a fantastic number of wonderful carers in this country, who look aftre relatives at home, and without them existing nursing homes would not be able to cope. More respite care should be offered - how many wards are available for this?
A. This is a social care aspect, and we are working together to be pateint and carer focussed. Will get a response to the number of wards available for the next meeting.

Q. Government figures have shown that many older people leave hospital malnourished, why is this happening and what will be done to eliminate this? The national figures are grim and we fall within the top 10.
A. Jo Goodfellow - patients often come into hospital malnourished. When they are admitted a survey is done by nurses to look at how well they are eating and their body mass so can help them, refer them to a dietician and build them up. This can be difficult if they are not feeling well, so can be referred back to GPs / nurses when discharged. Will arrange for further information to be made available about this.

The Chair requested a formal response on this to be provided for the next meeting.

Councillor Knowles informed the forum that question re: drug outreach areas in the Wallasey area, to tackle drug misuse in Seacombe and Liscard, has been included on page 16 of the Area Co-ordinators report.

Tricia Moroney added that a new directory of drug and alcohol services will be available in the next few months.

Older People's Parliament (OPP)

Stan Thompson informed the forum that a full report was available on page 31 of the Area Co-ordinators report, and highlighted the following:

Wirral Integrated Services Project - this is being piloted in Wallasey later this year. This will involve services working closer together to organise needs quickly and without bureaucracy and help improve people's quality of life when things are tough. Consultations will take place with various groups, if you would like more information on this please the OPP on 0151 666 2220 /

The Chair requested that detailed information on this be passed to Michelle Gray for inclusion in the next report, thanked Stan Thompson for his update and the following issues / questions were raised:

Q. Grandparent carers do not get a national / state benefit whilst bringing up grandchildren, and would like to reach more people in this situation and improve help available for them. Foster carers receive £378 per child per week, but carers with residents orders receive nothing except for child benefit.
A. This is a big issue and there are different rules for different parts of the country, feel that the Government should look at this. The Older People's Parliament are looking for more members to become involved and help us to take up more issues, ( large and small) on behalf of older people, such as "See what you have missed" - a practical issue that the OPP is looking at to ensure that bus numbers are displayed on both the back and front of the buses. If you are interested in becoming part of the forum please contact us on 0151 666 2220 /

Councillor Knowles - agreed to raise this issue with the Merseytravel committee.

Dave Hanlon added that the advisory panel for Wirral Merseytravel has raised the issue of numbers being displayed on the back of buses. David Hale added that Neil Scales has confirmed that all parts of the bus should be visible. First buses have numbers on the back, but Arriva do not - they have been tackled about this a number of times. Father Ostaszewski added that this was first raised about four years ago and has still not been resolved.

Stan Thompson requested that Arriva's illuminated destination boards be changed, as can't be seen in the Summer (First buses signs are clearly marked).

Councillor Knowles agreed to raise this with the Merseytravel committee.

The Chair requested that public transport be added as an agenda item on / Neil Scales be invited to the next forum meeting.

Q. Father Ostaszewski requested that information be provided by Social Services about what is available for grandchild care.
A. The Chair agreed to pass on this request and report back on this at the next meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that:

(i) Iain Stewart and Stan Thompson be thanked for their updates.
(ii) Iain Stewart to report on number of wards available re: respite care.
(iii) Jo Goodfellow to provide a formal response re: malnourished patients for the next meeting.
(iv) Stan Thompson to forward detailed information on Wirral Integrated Services Project to Michelle Gray, for inclusion in the next Area Co-ordinators report.
(v) Councillor Knowles to raise issue re: numbers on back of buses / illuminated destinations board with Merseytravel committee.
(vi) Michelle Gray to add public transport as an agenda item / invite Neil Scales to attend the next forum meeting.
(vii) Councillor Hawkins to contact Social Services on services available re: grandchild care and report back on this at the next forum.

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Minute 8 - Date of next meeting

Minute Text :

The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 3 June 2008.

The meeting was closed at 9pm.

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Minute 9 - Operation Joker - list of roads in Liscard and Seacombe area (as per item 5)

Minute Text :





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(Minutes Published: 14 May 2008)