Meeting documents

Area Forum (Liscard and Seacombe)
Tuesday, 3rd June 2008



Leah Fraser

Ward Councillors

Karen Hayes, Adrian Jones, James Keeley, Denis Knowles

Community Representatives

Diane Ledder , Fr. Leon Ostaszewski, Carole Thomas (Liscard Community Representative)

Business Representative

Joseph Lee

Lead Officer

Mark Camborne (Health & Safety & Resilience Operations Manager)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Street Scene Manager

Chris Jones

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Jo Goodfellow (Div. General Manager for Women and Children)

Merseyside Police

Brian O'Hare

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Tony Mooney

Mersey Society for Deaf People

Paul Bargery, Joanne Tambourne

Council Officers

Emma Degg (Head of Tourism and Marketing), Tara Dumas (Recycling Officer), Jim Thompson (Community Safety Team)


Margaret Allen (Seacombe Community Representative), Inspector Julie Fletcher, Ken Harrison, Christine Jones (Children and Young People), Cllr John Salter

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions & apologies

Minute Text :

The newly elected Chair Councillor Leah Fraser of the East Wallasey Area Forum, introduced herself and welcomed forum members to introduce themselves. There were 32 members of the public at the meeting in Wallasey Town Hall.

The Chair welcomed members of Merseyside Society for Deaf People and the interpreters, Joanne Tambourne and Paul Bargery. She rescheduled the agenda to accommodate input by the group during the early part of the meeting.

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Minute 2 - Minutes & matters arising from previous February forum

Minute Text :

Matters arising would be dealt with under general public question time.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of East Wallasey Area Forum of 6 February 2008 be confirmed, subject to the amendment of Kemlyn Road to read Kenwyn Road.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinator update

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator presented her report to the Area Forum.

All, or part, of the Area Co-ordinator’s report can be downloaded from the Internet at; alternatively, a paper version will be sent on request to any member of the public who wishes to attend a future meeting.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: To thank the Area Co-ordinator for her report.

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Minute 4 - Merseyside Society for the Deaf

Minute Text :

The Chair explained that immediately prior to the start of the meeting she had been made aware of a request for members of Wirral Deaf community to express concerns about the loss of their social/leisure centre in Grange Road. It appeared that the alternative accommodation at The Lauries Centre does not meet the needs of the Deaf community, and they are seeking other suitable premises in Wirral.

The Chair invited members of the Deaf Society to address the Area Forum through interpreters Joanne Tambourne and Paul Bargery. A summary of the points raised.

The Deaf Club has about 200 members. The former premises are for sale. The proceeds from the sale should be spent on the deaf community – perhaps by providing a bus or another form of transport, and for a social life. This would make it easier for visitors from Wirral and Liverpool to use the club. They need somewhere in Wirral that is accessible for all users, including those with other disabilities, with similar facilities to those available previously, and for club members to be their own landlord.

The Chair stated that Councillor John Slater has been in discussion with Mary Riley and with the Area Co-ordinator Michelle Gray, John Salter was unable to attend the meeting this evening due to being on holiday. She invited the Lead Officer, Mark Cambourne, to give an initial response.

Mark Camborne said he would discuss the matter with Councillor John Salter and Mary Riley, present all the information to the relevant Department, and ensure that an answer is given.

The Chair thanked members of the deaf community for attending the meeting and presenting their case. She apologised for the misunderstanding about their expectations at the start of the meeting and hoped that it would be possible to provide the services required for the deaf community in the future.

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Minute 5 - Area forum funding DVD launch

Minute Text :

The Area Co-ordinator commented that most people who attend area forum meetings raise issues and receive information about their local area. Some people may not be aware that each area forum receives a grant of £20,000 - £15,000 from Wirral Council and £5,000 from Wirral Primary Care Trust – for local community initiatives.

Working on a programme offered by the Learning Lighthouse, students from six Wirral Secondary Schools have produced a promotional film in DVD format to illustrate how money has been allocated to projects in the past for the benefit of local communities. The purpose of the promotional film is to give ideas and encouragement to community groups to apply for funding.

The Chair invited the area forum to watch the DVD.

Minute Decision :

That the students involved be congratulated on producing an excellent DVD to promote opportunities for Area Forum funding.

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Minute 6 - Tall Ships Parade of Sails

Minute Text :

The Chair invited Emma Degg, Head of Tourism and Marketing, to update the Area Forum on the plans for the Parade of Sails on 21 July. Further information will provided for local residents and businesses nearer the date of the event.

Emma Degg thanked the Area Forum for the opportunity to explain the plans that have been made so far. She would be pleased to hear of any concerns that people may have, particularly about the day itself, so that appropriate arrangements can be built into the planning process. The main aim is to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the Wirral side and that everyone has an enjoyable day.

The focus of activity between 18 - 21 July will be on the Liverpool side, with an event on the Wirral side on 21 July. The use of the M53 will be monitored closely, but it is not expected that any particular traffic issues will arise on the three days.
On 21 July, the first ships will leave the River Mersey to travel to Norway. The fleet will assemble in the Mersey at 9 am, but the convoy will not start until 2 pm. At 4 pm, the last ship will pass Perch Rock on the way to the North Sea.

The number of spectators expected on the day will depend on the weather. Wirral offers the most advantageous viewing positions along the promenades, and if the weather is fine, potentially there could be up to 200,000 people assembled on the Wirral side.

A full traffic management plan is being devised and the event will be managed by a team comprised of representatives from Wirral Council, Merseyside Police, MerseyTravel, and Merseyside Ferries. The main objective is to encourage as many people as possible to use public transport, including the ferries. Train services will be increased on the day and ten buses will provide a shuttle service between Hamilton Square and Seacombe. There will be capacity for about 8,000 cars near New Brighton for those who travel by car.

Some schools will be closed on the day, some will be open and some have organised a staff training day. Staff will be talking directly to Headteachers over the next few weeks to encourage schools to become involved in what will be a great opportunity for the children.

Mobile toilets will be hired for the event, and franchises for food and drink are currently being let. The emergency services have identified a route that will allow access by extra emergency vehicles that will be deployed to keep the area as safe as possible. Parking restrictions will be in place on some roads. Local residents will be given as much advance information as possible and every effort will be made to reduce inconvenience to residents. The expectation is that the extra traffic will be cleared by 6 pm,

Minute Decision :

Resolved: To thank Emma Degg for the update.

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Minute 7 - Streetscene public question time

Minute Text :

Issues raised by members of the public –

Q Alleygates. How do people go about getting them?
A Alleygates are not part of the Streetscene remit. They come under the Anti Social Protection Team at the Old Court House. Mike Walker is Head of Service. The scheme ended when the funding expired on 31 March 2008. There is a small amount of funding to repair and maintain the 1000 plus alleygates that have already been installed. The Council will apply again if government funding is announced for another alleygate scheme. Alleygates cost between £1,500 and £2,000 each, and individuals have the option to pay for alleygates themselves.
Q I know there have been a few problems, but when will be speed humps in Serpentine Road be finished?
A There has been a problem with drainage which has prevented rainwater drawing away at that location. Information has been received today that the specialist contractor is working on another job and his next job will be to finish the speed humps in that location.

Q We got our brown bins on Saturday and a neighbour asked for a small bin, but it has not been delivered.
A A standard size brown bin should have been delivered. The bin replacement team works at weekends and the change-over of bins will normally take a week or two. The neighbour should use the larger bin in the meantime.

Q I have noticed traffic going the wrong way down a one-way street – Burns Avenue.
A Police will make sure that the traffic signs for that location are in place and are correct, and then appropriate action will be taken against motorists who contravene the regulations.

Q Parking on Mill Lane. It would help if parking could be prohibited on the approach to Poulton Bridge Road. Also there is dangerous place where large Dutch vehicles are parked – it is outside the boutique on Wallasey Road. The vehicles are as wide as buses, and buses try to get past the crossing and park on the zigzag lines.

Q Rubbish bins with a key lock need another sort of handle because the bin emptier open the doors and leave them open. This causes a major hazard between Cecil Road and the Italian restaurant, especially for buses trying to turn round, because there are bollards there as well.
A A Police presence will be put in the area. A check will be made to ensure that all the signs are correct and are in place and fixed penalty notices will be issued if there are any infringements.

Q Can anything be done about the condition of many litter bins?
A There are many different types of litter bins, and some are in a poor condition. Streetscene has a maintenance budget and priority is given to health and safety. The particular bins mentioned will be looked at.

Q When will you be dealing with the condition of Belvidere Road?
A Dangerous defects in Belvidere Road will be dealt with as and when needed. It will not be a permanent job until the resources are available to re-surface the road completely.

Q When are you going to raise the height of the guardrails in Kelvin Road where the motor way is? People are using it to jump off and it is known locally as Suicide Bridge.
A [Chris Jones]; I will speak to the bridge engineers tomorrow and ask what their plans are for the bridge. I will take your details and get back to you.

Q Where do we find out about getting signs about fly tipping outside the allotments in the park? Who is responsible for clearing up the debris and rubbish that is dumped on the allotments?
A [Tara Dumas]. The Reinforcement Team in Technical Services is responsible for monitoring fly tipping on the highways, and they can look at doing something to help outside the allotments, but it is difficult inside. I will take your concerns back to the Parks Department and get a response for you.

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Minute 8 - General public question time

Minute Text :

Q Can we have an update on Liscard Hall [page 10 of the area co-ordinators report for June 2008).

Chair: Two developers have applied to develop the Hall and the Council has asked them to alter their plans slightly and re submit. This has caused caused a hold up.

Q Malnourished patients discharged from hospital. The Chair explained that the figures quoted on the number of cases discharged from Wirral University Teaching Hospital with a diagnosis of malnutrition were taken from the Parliamentary Hansard Record. It was noted that Mr Monaghan’s reply on page 11 of the minutes is positive in terms of what is now being done for patients.

Q Following on from the discussion on the new bus pass for senior citizens, would the Area Co-ordinator invite Neil Scales to attend the next meeting.
A The Area Co-ordinator has approached MerseyTravel in the past and is working with them for a representative to attend area forums which have regular transport issues. MerseyTravel have their own forum meetings and public engagement events.

Councillor Knowles is a representative on MerseyTravel. Neil Scales has given him a personal assurance that, if asked, he would be happy to attend an area forum meeting.

Councillor Knowles offered to invite Neil Scales to the next meeting.

Q Councillor Knowles had agreed at the last meeting to raise the issue about numbers on the back of buses and illuminated destination boards with a Merseytravel.committee. We have not had any feedback on the outcome of the enquiries.
A [Councillor Knowles]: I Chair the MerseyTravel Bus Committee. There was a meeting yesterday when the bus operators were in attendance and I raised the question on behalf of the Forum. First Bus said they were happy with the illumination of their buses and ARRIVA stated that their bus signs are quite clear already. When the contracts are re-let, MerseyTravel will specify the two requirements in the new contract.

Q A question on Diversity and Equality prompted a lengthy dialogue between a member of the public, the Area Co-ordinator and Chair. The Area Co-ordinator offered to discuss a reply given by email, on a number of issues raised by the member of the public, but the member of the public chose not to accept the offer. The Chair gave assurances that the email provided answers to all the questions raised and made it clear that she had no knowledge of a request to the previous Chair for Diversity and Equality be put on the agenda. The member of the public expressed his dissatisfaction with the responses given. The Chair intervened and brought the meeting to order.

Q I have asked at previous meetings whether the possibility can be looked at of turning the bus station in the middle of Liscard Way into a smaller bus station to avoid clogging up the traffic system for five days a week. I also mentioned the timetables.
A [Councillor Knowles] MerseyTravel are looking into the matter and would like to relocate the bus station. Ideally, the taxi ranks should be moved as well.

Q I don’t get notification of the Area Forum meeting by mail any more. I only heard of it by word of mouth. Other people are in the same position.
A [Chair] There are notices in the libraries and advertisements in the local Press. The Area Co-ordinator will investigate the reasons why people have not received notification by post.

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Minute 9 - Partner updates

Minute Text :

Merseyside Fire and Rescue: Tony Mooney drew attention to the comprehensive report on pages 24/26 of the Area Co-ordinator’s report. Further information is available by visiting the website addresses given in the article.
Councillor Karen Hayes thanked and paid tribute to a crew from Green Watch who had attended her home and fitted smoke alarms.

Community Safety: The Community Safety Team, which incorporates the Police, Fire Protection and Health, are all working together and achieving some spectacular results. Wirral was a safe place in 2000, now it is a very safe place. On average there are 20 burglaries per thousand households; in this area the figure is nine burglaries per thousand households. Car crime has reduced. The three areas being concentrated on are anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and alcohol related violence. The key message to everyone is you live in a very, very safe Borough and you are ahead of most of Merseyside, thanks to the Council and our partners.

NHS Trust – Jo Goodfellow. The Foundation Trust is inviting people to become Public Members and advise the Trust how it should deliver its health services. There are about 200 public members in this area, and more would be welcome. Application forms and information sheets were distributed at the meeting.

Q Community Representative, Carole Thomas, raised a question about mixed sex wards at Arrowe Park Hospital. People are expected to tolerate conditions in 2008 that were unacceptable in Victorian times. People remain on mixed wards for two/three days and they can be seen by other patients when they are being attended to.
A [Jo Goodfellow]. As we develop wards, we are trying to turn them into single bedroom areas where patients would have their own bedroom and bathroom. The main areas where there are mixed beds are intensive care areas. I will go back to my colleague who covers that work and ask her to write a formal report. .
The Chair suggested that the report should include the number and average length of time that people remain patients in mixed wards.

Q What is the purpose of the new building in Mill Lane Hospital?
A Will pass on question to my Primary Care colleague who will provide an answer for you.
A [Wendy Sheen] As a Public Governor for Liscard, I have been made aware that some of the building work is on doctors’ surgeries that are moving on to that site.

The Chair requested a report on building developments on Mill Lane Hospital site to be brought to the next meeting.

Older People’s Parliament: Roger Cliffe-Thompson - Member of the Executive Committee. We have an interest in dignity of care, particularly for people in residential homes, and we have a big drive to promote quality and standards for residential homes. I am making a plea tonight to anyone who wants to join the OPP to get in touch via Age Concern. We welcome applicants from all members of society. We are particularly interested in Quality and Diversity.

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Minute 10 - Next meeting will be in October 2008 date & venue tbc

Minute Text :

Future meetings will be held on Monday, 13 October 2008, and Wednesday, 11 February 2009.

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Minute 11 - Other business

Minute Text :

Recycling: This week is National Recycling Week. As part of the week, Wirral has launched free re-cycling wheels that advise people which bin to use. The wheels are available in all Wirral libraries and one-stop shops.

Wirral’s outturn figure for recycling in 2007/08 is 31.67%, an increase from 14% in the previous year. This represents the most improved authority in the country. Recycling increased by 34.9% in April 2008. Preparations are in hand for another round of roadshows in the Autumn. . A trailer is being prepared for siting in supermarket car parks etc, at the Wirral Show and other community events.

Garden Waste Bins: The final roll out of garden waste bins has been completed. Anyone who has a garden but has not received a bin should inform Streetscene.

Recycling in Seacombe: A doorstep activity in Seacombe in July will raise awareness of the recycling scheme and to answer questions from residents there and then. The problems of bins being left out on pavements will be addressed.

Graffiti: The East Wallasey area is being targeted for the removal of graffiti. The route from Seacombe to Liscard is now graffiti-free. A team is also working in Seacombe to clear up unadopted land.

The Chair closed the meeting. However, Diane Ledder asked to speak before the meeting was formally closed and congratulated the Chair on the way in which she had conducted the meeting this evening. It had been distressing to witness some of the behaviour demonstrated by certain members of the audience, but the Chair and the Area-Coordinator had coped admirably and were to be congratulated.

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(Minutes Published: 15 August 2008)