Meeting documents

Area Forum (Heswall and Pensby & Thingwall)
Tuesday, 27th February 2007



AC Hodson

Ward Councillor

IJ Mackenzie, SL Rowlands

Community Representatives

J Birch (Pensby and Thingwall Community Representative), A Garrett (Heswall Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Chris Batman (Head of Branch, Planning and Resources, Children and Young People's Department)

Area Service Co-ordinator

Tracey Smith

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Andy Mills (Wirral PCT)

Merseyside Police

Inspector Kate Cunningham

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Sara Lawton

Council Officers

Fergus Adams (Technical Services), Phil Miner (Street Scene Area Manager), Mark Smith (Head of Service, Streetscene and Waste), Jim Thompson (Crime and Disorder Project Officer)


Steve Beal (Youth representative), Mrs J McKelvie, MG Redfern

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome and introductions

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Cllr. Hodson said that he would like us to remember Janet Triggs, who had been the Co-ordinator of the forum and who sadly died earlier this year. Cllr. Hodson asked Chris Batman to say a few words in remembrance.

Chris said that he remembered Janet as a great colleague, who worked with him, and always did a good job. When turning up to chair meetings, everything was always prepared and presented well. Sadly, Janet left a husband and three children, and our thoughts are with them, and she will be missed by all who knew her. The audience stood for a minute's silence in remembrance of Jan.

Cllr. Hodson asked all those present to introduce themselves, and reported that he would be chairing the meeting, as Cllr. McKelvie is not well.

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Minute 2 - Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

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Query regarding deadlines for comments on planning applications. Chris Batman reported that a deadline had to be published when a proposal was first put in. Sometimes the period is extended, as the process continues. However no one is disadvantaged by an extension to the deadline.

Mr. Garrett reported that the 276 bus which was reprieved until January 2007 has now gone, but that Mersey Travel is at present doing a full review. Recently reported in the Wirral News 171 and 172 buses have disappeared. Michelle Gray said that she had heard about disabled people being refused access on to a Bus at Greasby, but apparently there is a form somewhere which tells you what to do in this situation.

Library opening times – suggestions to stagger
Chris Batman reported that he had been in touch with the Head of Libraries, and this would make cover much more difficult, but they will consider it again.

Cllr. McKelvie had not reported on the refurbishment of Heswall Railway Station, and this would be checked.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators Report

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Tracey Smith Community Engagement Officer, presented a comprehensive report that consisted of the following

Section 1: Minutes of the previous meeting.
Section 2: Local updates on various issues under the following headings:
(a) Safe and stronger communities;
(b) Healthy communities and older people;
(c) Children and young people;
(d) Economic development and enterprise;
(e) Cross-cutting issues.
Section 3: Details of schemes funded through the Area Forum and of the progress that they were making.
Section 4: Update on the Local Area Plan.
Section 5: Youth issues.
Section 6: Update on Streetscene and waste issues and progress report on the Transport Capital Programme for 2007/08, which included the opportunity to put forward suggestions for local traffic schemes.

Copies of the Area Co-ordinators report had been posted on the Council website at Paper copies were available for members of the public at the meeting. The Area Co-ordinator invited the Forum to consider the report, section by section.

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Minute 4 - Streetscene Update

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Street Scene Update. Pages 43 to 48 of the Minutes of the previous meeting ~there are a large number of items being dealt with. They are also looking for new powers to stop people parking on pavements and verges. Street peddlers are to be taken out of certain areas. Also shop keepers putting their provisions on the pavements or highway for sale - this is being looked at. Cllr. Hodson reported that there are still cars being advertised for sale on the side of the road. Phil Miner stated that these vehicles will be lifted off the highway.

Sue Proudlove reported again the dreadful state with dogs fouling the pavements. Fergus Adams reported that this is being looked at and Mark Smith stated that the Council views this the same way as litter, and it has to be removed; People are fined for not removing this from the pavements, but it is very difficult to prove.

Val Curtis from Thingwall stated that there are many little footpaths (particularly between Mill Lane and Sparks Lane) where there are bags that people have used to clear the pavements, and then thrown them in the hedge or they are hanging in the trees.

John Patlin, Youth Worker in Pensby said he does not understand why they bother using a bag, and then throw it.

Mr. Garrett reported that there are many areas, including the car park at the bottom of Banks Road, where this is happening.

Mr. Frank Kinlan reported that there is still a great deal of speeding traffic on Pensby Road, particularly near the Greenbank Drive exit - he reckons that 98% going past are speeding, and this makes trying to get out there very difficult. Inspector Kate Cunningham reported that a great deal of work has been done on several areas which have been targeted, and Pensby Road is one of them. In the last week in excess of twenty tickets have been given out, and they are constantly trying to find other ways of slowing down the traffic. Cllr. Hodson reported that the Council recently agreed that many side roads should have a 20 mile per hour speed limit.

Sandy Cameron, who lives in Mostyn Avenue, reported that Broad Lane is getting very busy, and that it is classified as a Bridle Path and there is no speed limit sign anywhere. Inspector Cunningham reported that a Bridle Path would not have speed limit, as they are not normally used by many cars. It was pointed out that with the new medical centre currently being built means that there are many vehicles coming along the lane, and there is no lighting at all. Inspector Cunningham said that she would look into it

Mr. Garrett reminded everyone that the water tankers regularly go down to Target Road and many heavy vehicles. He also asked whether they would be entitled to a rebate because the bins were not emptied for one week and a day during the snow.

David Hall suggested that if more people recycled more, there would not be a problem. He has a family of five, and could manage with his bin being emptied every five weeks, due to recycling wherever possible.

Val Curtis asked whether there had been any developments regarding the collection of bins from multiple occupancy dwellings. Mark Smith reported that he is carrying out an audit of all the communal and multi-purpose properties, and this should be completed shortly, hopefully for May. Fergus Adams reported he has had meetings with various companies who have had talks with the Council and have started schemes, which are not always working very well, and it is not worth carrying these any further.

Frank Kinlan has been on a course for driving, and asked whether there are any CCTV cameras at the traffic lights in Heswall, as many people jump the lights. It was reported that as they have to be special cameras, and to be positioned where they could achieve an accurate picture this would cause an obstruction on Lloyds corner. Inspector Cunningham said that the cameras are very expensive and there are many rules for the siting of such cameras, but she will take the idea away and discuss it with the road traffic department.

The question was also asked whether there will be any exception for parking on grass verges, as the W omens' Institute, and many others, use the lay-by in Barnston Road when attending meetings, but there is not always sufficient room. Phil Miner said that they will be holding trials, and Barnston Road will probably be one of them, but that people will be fined for parking on the pavements and grass verges.

A gentlemen pointed out that the end of Sparks Lane is closed and the diversion sign is not very good, and people are still coming through and driving over grass.


Mark Smith, Head of Service, Streetscene and Waste reported on Page 48, Item 4 Allocation of Funding. All the Area Forums had made their decisions, and
only two had decided they wished to manage their own - Heswall Pensby and Thingwall and Bromborough and Eastham. This money will be available from April to April 2008, and it must be used in that time span. There will be no "carry over" if it is not all spent.

Cabinet have decided that the amount will be £16,500.00. for both Pensby and Eastham. It is therefore important to decide how this money is to be spent, and the Council will wish the work to be carried out in the summer, when the weather is better, and it should, therefore, mean that all work is completed by April 2008. It was reported that a Councillor from another area was disappointed that these two Forums had decided this way, because it does mean that it will exclude them from larger schemes. If all the money is kept at the centre, it is possible to put forward a plan for a larger scheme, although you do not know when you may be chosen.

There were several suggestion put forward - pedestrian dropped crossings (these would cost approximately £6,000., per crossing. Pedestrian refuges. Footway requests. Some grass areas to be covered with tarmac, but this is quite expensive. Parking lay-bys might be possible, but these schemes can also be quite expensive. A welcome to Heswall at each road, with DRIVE CAREFULLY, might be an idea.

It was pointed out that if the total was split into the five areas - Pensby, Heswall, Thingwall and Barnston, it would only be about £4,500 for each area. Cllr. Hodson suggested that the Councillors often knew from their contacts with constituents what is needed, and also that the Road Safety Team should be consulted.

Val Curtis asked how many Councillors would make the choice. Chris Batman suggested that all ideas be submitted to Tracey Smith, and the Councillors could then discuss with the Road Safety and the Technical Services Department. Proposals could then be brought to the Meeting for any final comments before the work was put in place.

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Minute 5 - Presentation on Age Concern

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Presentation by Jan Evans on Wirral Pensall House. Jan reported on the new services that Age Concern are bringing to Pensall House, which is off Kylemore Drive, in Fairview Way. She had brought with her a pack of leaflets showing the current programme and what is being set up in Pensall House. This is the site of the development, and Jan wants to hear from the people in the community because they want the programme to reflect the ideas of the people here and to meet their needs. Jan's role is Information and Advice Officer, and she will be at Pensall House between 10 o'clock and 1.30, and there is no need to have an appointment.

All these services are available to people of 50 and over, and there are fact sheets detailing information about local housing, residential care and benefits, which have been produced by Age Concern. They are able to offer a service to older people to make sure that they can get all the benefits they are entitled to. Last year, they claimed over one million pounds for people on Wirral. Apart from the various leaflets produced by Age Concern, we have a local Area Sheet, reporting on clubs etc. in the area, and also Wirral Trading Standards List of Approved Workmen. Whatever the query, they can always help in some way Cases are dealt with entirely confidentially, and all free.

Chris Kenny, Senior Manager Care Services came to talk of day care and active age activities - chair based exercises, social group, computer use, reading, craft courses and therapies (have to book for therapies). This is aimed at people who
are socially isolated and anyone with dementia. Pensall House has been asked to take over this work by the Council. There will be bathing services five days a week and care services with a fully trained staff.

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Minute 6 - Primary Care Trust Update - Public Health Annual Report

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Andy Mills from the PCT apologized, and said he was only brought in at the last minute. He had brought a presentation with him, and would willingly stay at the end to show anyone who was interested in the Wirral Public Health Report. He just wished to highlight one or two things - the first is that England will become smoke free on 1st July 2007. This will cover virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England, including pubs, restaurants, bingo halls and shopping Centres. All must display no-smoking signs, and there will be penalties for breaking the law.

The Wirral Hospital Trust are also trying to get out into the local community and find out what is happening. It was pointed out that there is an invitation to the Hospital Trust to come to the next meeting. He asked for questions.
Mr. Garrett asked whether the West Wirral practice has found a site yet, and are the Warrens Nurseries going to be used. It was reported that there is to be a special meeting on 20th March to discuss the Warrens. This will be held at St. Michael's Hall, and there will be a drop-in session between 4.30 and 6.30 and discussion between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. There has been a motion put forward by Michael Redfearn, Liberal .Democratic Councillor looking at the re-opening of the Nurseries for an Adult Training Centre.
The conservatories have been. Lengthy discussion followed that people had not been informed about this meeting, and that decisions affecting Arrowe Park should not be made without much more public consultation. Val Curtis reported that she had formed Friends of Arrowe Park, and one meeting had been held. There will be another one at the Arrowe Park Hotel on 7th March at 7 p.m. Anyone is welcome to attend. As this is such an important matter, Val Curtis asked whether she could give a presentation at the Special Forum meeting, and Cllr. Hodson agreed that this would be possible, and that it should last for about ten minutes.
Peter Buckley asked whether bus shelters are no-smoking areas. Fergus Adams replied that it is all to do with the construction of the building (how many sides etc.) Most bus shelters will be classed as no-smoking areas.
Graham Ashdown asked whether anything could be done to implement the no-smoking area at Arrowe Park Hospital. The buildings and grounds should be non-smoking, but some patients are addicted. They are offered tobacco patches but it is very distressing that they make their way to the front of the hospital to smoke. The staff are doing their best to try and stop patients and relatives visiting who still smoke.

Sandra Tripp had recently had a major operation, and was horrified to see so many people smoking outside. She went to the Reception desk, and told them about it, but no-one wanted to know. Andy Mills was disappointed to hear that was the response, and he will go back and investigate. Cllr. Mackenzie reported that at least 50% of his patients are seen because of smoking or alcohol, and he has personally been assaulted when he has tried to tell people to stop, also one of his nurses.

Mr. Kinlan also reported that he has seen people smoking at The Royal.

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Minute 7 - Partner Updates - Fire & Rescue Service, Police and Community Safety

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Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Sara Lawton, from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service. Heswall Fire Station have fitted 366 home fire smoke alarms. They are continuing to approach residents about the fitting of smoke alarms. They have also been in discussion with the PCT with regard to smoking in bed, which leads to deaths. They are also working with youngsters who have been showing anti-social behaviour, and are teaching them to grow vegetables etc.
They have been at Pensby Boys School and demonstrated how to remove people from a car after a road traffic accident. The gym at Heswall is now open again. The ladies from Age Concern and the PCT are particular, and like to use the Fire Station for local community groups to raise funds. Cllr. Rowlands said that the work done by the Fire Brigade was a world beater.

Inspector Kate Cunningham sent out 175 forms asking what people's priorities are. It would seem to be speeding for the next three months. Youth disorder (and under-age drinking) tends to be less at this time of the year and Inspector Cunningham would expect these to remain priorities.

With regard to speeding they are gaining a lot more information than previously, and the roads have to be a priority. Also putting information in where they know it will do the most good. The aim is to reduce car crashes and people injured or killed. This is quite high on the Wirral. The first two Speed Watch volunteers have started in Heswall. They will be out using the speed gun and a big yellow jacket, but if there are reports of vehicles going through too fast the Police will go and look at the area and prosecute.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 606 5448 There is a need for additional community support officers - only had two - another three this week, and another two in six months time, which will make it (per ward): 2 Heswall, 2 Pensby, 3 Greasby. There is a need for 6 per ward, and this will make a much more physical presence on the streets.

Community Safety
Jim Thompson - Community Safety Team. This is a multi-agency unit - Police officer, Probationary officer, Health Worker. To put things in perspective we live in a very safe area - Wirral- and this is one of the safest parts of Wirral. Heswall policing averages four recorded crimes per day (target 3.6). Wirral is probably outperforming everyone else. Crime and Disorder Partnerships - Wirral is No. 1 in the North-west. Six years ago the percentage of residents who thought they were safe was 81 %, now it is 88%. Gun crimes dropped by 20 compared to the same period last year. Car and burglary down by 13% on last year. Average 3 to 4 a month, many areas have none. Wirral is actually leading the way in the North-west on domestic violence.

Mrs. Byrne said that she was at a meeting in Heswall Hall last night, and was very frightened by youngsters knocking on the windows, and hovering outside when people were leaving. She felt very intimidated
Concern was also expressed that there was a rumour that Weatherspoons were coming into Kwik Save. This is not true, and the Planning Moratorium is still in force that you cannot build more than one house on a site where there is now only one house.

Mr. Garrett asked whether they were still keeping an eye on Heswall Railway Station. There is evidence of bottles and cans in the shelters, graffiti and vandalism, but this is covered by British Transport Police. Mr. Garrett pointed out that the Heswall Police do have the right to go up there.

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Minute 8 - Public question time

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A lady wished to say that Age Concern working out of Kylemore Drive are doing a very good job, but a sign would Be helpful to indicate where they were. Phil Miner said he would investigate.
David Hall said that in the last year, the Council has spent £1.1 million on the traffic lights at Arrowe Park. There is a Need for a pavement crossing at Irby Village. Also outside Pensby Girls School is extremely dangerous, and he has seen Drivers speed up when approaching the area, and there have been several accidents. The children sometimes falter, and If you stop to let them cross, the people behind hoot their horns. He has written to local Councillors and Mr Hyden, the Head teacher, but nothing has been done. Road traffic lights are the only way to stop the traffic before a child is killed.
Inspector Cunningham replied that they are looking at the problem, but the accidents that have been reported state that the girls just walk across in front of cars and lorries. There are lists of registration numbers taken, and whilst Inspector Cunningham agrees that it is a problem, they have been talking with the Council. A set of red traffic lights with a crossing would cost in the region of £35,000.

Mark Smith, the Council does have money it spends on road crossings, and they are trying to get school children to use the roads safely, and the Council do introduce engineering methods where necessary. They are working with the Head Teacher and the Police. They will report back
Sarah Quinn asked about the closure of Barnston Road to HGV lorries. They are driving down Barndale Avenue. The Police would like to have registration numbers and the time anyone sees a vehicle driving here so that a prosecution can be started.

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Minute 9 - Dates of Future meetings/Presentations

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Monday, 18th June 2007 at 7 p.m. Venue to be arranged.

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Minute 10 - Any other business

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Special Area Forum meeting to be held at St Michaels Church Hall, Pensby Road Pensby to look at proposed PCT Plans for the new Health Centre at The Warrens site. This meeting will be held from 7.00 - 9.00 pm.

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(Minutes Published: 12 April 2007)