Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bromborough and Eastham)
Tuesday, 23rd October 2007



T Harney

Ward Councillors

GD Mitchell, SAM Niblock, RK Moon

Community Representatives

Mrs M Hall (Eastham Community Representative), Ms J Smith (Eastham Community Representative)

Lead Officer

Marie Stacey, Head of Learning and Achievement

Area Service Co-ordinator

Louise Harland-Davies

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Jane Harvey (Director of Public Health for Wirral)

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Jeff Pemberton

Merseyside Police

Inspector Andy McKeown

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Sarah Patterson

Council Officers

Dennis Jones (Community Safety Team), Brian Smith (Technical Services)


Ann Brocksom (Bromborough Community Representative), MA Craig (Bromborough Community Representative), Cllr PN Gilchrist, Cllr Alan Taylor

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions and apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Harney welcomed area forum members and 14 members of the public to the meeting in Bromborough. He drew attention to the fire exits and the hearing loop system in operation. He also welcomed Marie Stacey, the new lead officer to the forum. Apologies were received from Cllr Phil Gilchrist, Cllr Alan Taylor, Ann Brocksom and Mark Craig (community reps)

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Minute 2 - Minutes and matters arising from previous July forum

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The Chair then asked if anyone had any issues or unanswered queries relating to the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were then approved as a true record.

Louise Harland-Davies then introduced herself and gave details of how she can be contacted. She highlighted matters arising on pg 14 of her report including the go-kart track at Hooton Park. Environmental Health have investigated noise complaints; however on the days they have attended meetings, weather conditions have meant the noise was within regulations. The track has certain planning conditions attached to it and the Planning team are monitoring the situation. Members of the public can contact Steve Lacey for further information on 606 2114.

She also explained that Wirral Partnership Homes are proposing internal works on certain properties in Eastham; tenants will be consulted and kept informed.

Louise then read out a response to a query raised at the last forum regarding parking charges at Arrowe Park Hospital. She then explained there is a patient leaflet available at each of the cash offices and is also available on the Trust’s website.

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Minute 3 - Area Co-ordinator’s Report

Minute Text :

Louise then highlighted items of particular interest in her report, including local news issues, Wirral Older People’s Parliament, Wirral Youth Service, and appeal for public views on the Licensing Act 2003 Policy. Also news on the Local Transport Plan and the Community Initiatives Fund which gave details of how funding has been spent and the progress of groups which have received funding in the past. She also then drew attention to the Local Area forum plan update containing issues which may require public feedback, together with the Streetscene update and issues relating to the council’s new equalities and diversity policy.

Louise also advertised the Merseyside Environmental Awards and encouraged local schools, businesses and community groups to apply, the closing date being November 2nd. She gave contact details as Sue Weldon, Sustainable Communities Co-ordinator 691 8030. Website is

She also advised the forum is looking for community representatives and said this would be publicised on the council’s website and would be advertised in the local newspaper shortly.

Louise then advised the forum had money left to give to community groups through the Community Initiative Fund and asked members of the public if they knew of any local groups to encourage them to apply. The closing date for this round of funding is November 2nd. She then concluded her report by asking for suggestions for roads and pavements which are in need of repair and complete a form, located on the signing in table, so these can be included for the Highway Structural Maintenance Programme 2008/2009.

Member of the public then advised about the pavement cafes in Bromborough, which was also mentioned in matters arising in the report.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that the Area co-ordinator be thanked for her report.

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Minute 4 - Future Activities

Minute Text :

The Chair then gave a brief update on the two proposals that were raised at the previous forum to carry out consultation exercises in the Mill Park estate and youth provision in the area. These proposals are still at an early stage so further updates will be provided at future forum meetings.

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Minute 5 - Public Question Time

Minute Text :

The Chair then invited questions from the floor:

Member of public then raised concerns about congestion around schools, cars parking on the pavements.

Brian Smith from Technical Services then explained the council is working closely with schools to encourage walking to school initiatives.

Member of public asked where are all the traffic wardens? Another member of the public stressed the situation around Grove Street Primary School is getting very dangerous, cars park anywhere making it very difficult to pull out of the road.

Inspector McKeown advised police can patrol the area however felt that this is only a short term solution as this won’t change the situation of parents driving their children to school.

Member of public stressed that Morland Avenue is very dangerous and is an accident waiting to happen. The problem being cars park on both sides of the road, even if they were to park on one side it would improve situation.

Cllr Mitchell then asked how long the roadworks by Eastham Rake were going to be there as United Utilities have had trenches there for over 6 weeks. Brian Smith responded by saying the delay is due to BT who need to come and move the ducts and hopefully this will be in the new year.

Cllr Mitchell then responded to concerns regarding traffic congestion around schools to say that each authority has to devise a travel plan to educate staff, children and parents and encourage walking to school schemes. This is now legislation from government. Wirral council is looking at the situation and is looking to get parent governors and police on board.

Member of the public: why park on double yellow lines by Iceland when there is a car park further along the road?

Inspector McKeown ensured that if his officers see an obstruction they will move people on; however he stressed that they would like to sort out practicalities. Unfortunately they have a gap in resources to be able to do this.

Member of the public: the play area in New Ferry is in a very poor state, broken glass is everywhere. Young families try to use these facilities however it is impossible to do so safely. Have reported it however it continues to happen.

Inspector McKeown reported that they weren’t aware of problems in New Ferry for a while however it may be that the success of the policing operation in Bebington has passed the problem of young people congregating in groups to New Ferry. We need to look at the bigger picture and address situation in general.

Cllr Harney (Chair) then highlighted that youth provision is the focus for the area forum which is looking at ways to provide long term solutions and to provide diversionary activities

Liz Hawkins (Area Youth Worker) represents the Youth Service in the South Wirral area. Her team work with police and fire service and run activities on a Friday evening which are very successful. They are running a bowling night on Mischief Night to encourage young people off the streets. Funding is always an issue so they need to find out local needs and apply for funding to be able to deliver projects locally.

A member of the public then stressed a lot of problems are caused by young people drinking when they are underage. Need to identify those businesses who are selling them alcohol.

Dennis Jones, Community Safety, stated that working with other agencies, his team are trying to raise the necessary resources to be able to look at long term solutions and perhaps introduce more alcohol free zones.

Inspector McKeown highlighted that two businesses have been prosecuted for selling alcohol to underage drinkers and on the spot fines have been issued; however his team do not have enough resources to cover the whole area. He then explained that any calls made to police control room are graded by priority, number one being highest.

Member of the public: I have reported a young person riding a motorbike; however there was no answer at Bromborough Police Station. Who should we ring in that instance?

Inspector McKeown stressed that these kinds of calls will always be a low priority and then explained how a response number is created and how calls are answered.

The member of the public was concerned that this would mean all low level disturbances won’t be addressed. Inspector McKeown then explained other systems have been tried and tested; however the new Deputy Chief Constable feels the current system is working by passing every call through the control room.

Inspector McKeown then went back to the original comment: there would have been no reply as he insists on all his officers being out on patrol so normally there will only be one or two staff in the station. Cllr Mitchell then stressed he will call the Inspector each time to report any incidents.

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Minute 6 - Partner Updates - Older People’s Parliament - Merseyside Police - Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service - Wirral Primary Care Trust

Minute Text :

Older People’s Parliament
Frank McCoy, a representative from the Older People’s Parliament explained they are looking for volunteers over 50 to join the group; he felt concerned that they had only one application from the Bromborough and Eastham area. He went on to say there are four meetings a year, first Friday of March, June and September and December. An executive committee has been appointed and sub committees have been created. The Parliament has raised concerns surrounding local issues such as the Capital of Culture and the welfare of elderly residents in care homes.

Sub-committees already set up include transport and education and currently a crime committee is being looked at.

Community Safety
Dennis Jones then gave an brief overview on some of the issues affecting the area. His team who work out of Manor Road, Wallasey are responsible for running local safety initiatives through themed groups and are aiming to be a one stop shop to tackle local problems such as anti-social behaviour. They are taking the lead on crime prevention initiatives and are working with other partners including parking wardens on the Smartwater project to protect personal property.

He also highlighted the work done by the Drugs and Alcohol Action Team who are working with other partners and agencies to reduce crime.

Cllr Niblock queried how effective CCTV is with speakers. Dennis responded that where this system is in operation majority of public stop what they have been reprimanded over; the scheme is going through a period of evaluation. He also stressed that CCTV is a useful tool to record things and especially useful for directing community patrols to large scale disturbances

Merseyside Police
Inspector McKeown, Neighbour Inspector for Bromborough introduced himself and reported that overall crime for the area is down, although reports of anti-social behaviour have gone up.

Cllr Niblock asked if the Inspector was able to address the issue of the public drinking in New Ferry Precinct. Inspector McKeown stressed that people should not be bringing bottles out of the pub. Warnings have been issues to pubs in the area. Cllr Niblock asked if the Inspector could work with his colleagues and target this area.

Cllr Mitchell then asked if the acting Area Commander would be lenient about Section 30, to which he replied that Mr Yip is completely behind this order.

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Sarah Patterson then gave a brief update on local schemes the fire service is running at the moment. They are currently running a winter warm campaign to test electric blankets. They have also carried out home fire safety checks.

With the probation service to identify bonfire materials which need to be removed and urged the public to contact them where necessary.

They are still working with local schools in order to educate young people and to prevent attacks on firefighters.

Sarah then highlighted that Bromborough Fire Station is changing status and will become Centre of Excellence for Hazardous Training.

Member of public then asked if it is legal to sell fireworks all year round to which the Inspector confirmed shops can do this; however it is illegal to set a firework off in the street and is an arrestable offence.

Wirral Primary Care Trust
Jane Harvey then introduced herself and highlighted the PCT were giving Bromborough and Eastham forum a small grants programme of £5,000 to give to community groups who were running projects which would address 4 health themes: Wirral taste for health, Wirral active, Smoke free Wirral and Damage Limitation, explained in more detail in the area co-ordinators report on pg 30.

She pointed out that the PCT is aware this is already going on in the area; the PCT is looking for further good ideas and suggestions for projects. Contact details are as in the report.

She then updated on the Orchard Surgery, the planning application has been submitted. Jane then promoted a public consultation through leaflets urging the public to “Have your say”, to gain public’s views on health services being offered. The PCT is currently developing a five year plan and are aiming to visit local community groups.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Jeff Pemberton introduced himself, highlighted the Trust’s new name and explained that the Trust is now joining the area forum so will have a representative at each meeting. The team is responsible for the care patients receive whilst in hospital. He had put some information packs out before the meeting containing general information on the Trust including recent improvements made following feedback from patients, an update on some of the positive things which are going on at the hospital and information on new services being offered. Jeff also encouraged members of the public to become a member of the Trust, details on how to join are in the information packs.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: That all partners be thanked for their updates.

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Minute 7 - Any other business

Minute Text :

There was no other business to be discussed therefore the Chair thanked everyone for attending.

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Minute 8 - Date of next meeting

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The Chair confirmed the next forum meeting on Wednesday 6th February at Grove Street Primary School, New Ferry. The meeting closed at 8.50pm

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(Minutes Published: 7 January 2008)