Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bebington and Clatterbridge)
Wednesday, 31st October 2007

Venue : Bebington Civic Centre - Civic Way, Bebington

Item 1 - Welcome, introductions & apologies

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Item 2 - Minutes & matters arising from previous June forum

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Item 3 - Area co-ordinators report update

Attachments: (click on an attachment to view it)

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Item 4 - Partner updates - Merseyside Police - Merseyside Fire & Rescue service - Wirral Primary Care Trust - Older Peoples Parliament - Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

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Item 5 - Public open forum/Public Question Time

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Item 6 - Suggestions for future presentations

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Item 7 - Date of next meeting will be 25th February 2008

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Item 8 - Any Other Business


Cloning of Credit Cards. Inspector McKeown reported that the Police have received a number of calls about the cloning of credit cards. There have been a number of incidents recorded nationally about cards being cloned and the proceeds used to fund international terrorism. He emphasised that the problem had not re-emerged in this area. If people find that money has been taken from their account it is more likely to be due to an error in the banking system.

About 23 petrol stations have been targeted in this area, and although a number of arrests have been made, only two people have been charged with fraud. All the cloning equipment has been seized and the people who lost money are being refunded. All the finance companies are working closely with the Police and if anyone has any queries at all they should contact the Police control room.

A member of the public commented that he had been told that credit card fraud has been decriminalised and that he could not report it to a Police Station.

Inspector McKeown stated that is entirely untrue. The credit card companies and the banks deal with the financial elements of the investigation internally and decide whether a refund has been substantiated. Credit card theft or fraud is a criminal offence, which the Police investigate in terms of either theft or fraud.

In closing the meeting at 9.10 pm, the Chair thanked everyone for their time and attention.

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Agenda Published: 9 October 2007