Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Monday, 18th October 2004



DE Roberts

Ward Councillor

JR Cocker, George Davies, S Foulkes, Ann McLachlan, H Smith

Community Representatives

Rev. Pat Billsborrow (Prenton Churches Together), Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group), Ms C Maddaford (Director of Nursing and Quality), Collette McDonagh (Slatey Road Area Residents Association)

Lead Officer

Kevin Miller

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Merseyside Police

Inspector Mark Smith

Council Officers

Gary Cummings (Area Streetscene Manager)

In attendance:

Cathy Newman ( Community Safety Team), Margaret O'Donnell (Principal Officer, Licensing), Mindy Rutherford (Head of DAAT), Jim Thompson (Crime and Disorder Project Officer)


Alison Moulder (Bidston Community representative)

Index to Minutes


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The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, welcomed members and public to the first meeting of the Bidston & Claughton Area Forum, being held in the Discovery City Learning Centre, Noctorum Avenue, Claughton, Wirral.

39 members of the public attended this meeting.

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Michelle Gray, Area Co-ordindator, updated the forum on this document which was an ongoing report, highlighting activities in the area covered by this Forum.

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Minute 3 - AREA PLANS

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Michelle Gray indicated that the key task for each of the Area Forums was to develop an Area Plan, representing the local needs and priorities of each area. Area Plans would provide Forums with a ‘to do’ list of actions to help improve the environment for the local communities. The Area Plan was currently out to consultation with comments/input requested by the next Area Forum meeting, scheduled for February.

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This fund currently stands at £11,259.32. The money from the fund was to benefit projects within the Bidston & St James/Claughton district. Adverts go out in the press around November time to enable any groups, business, partnerships to apply for this funding to benefit their area. Background information on Area Forums and this funding was available for the public to take away and think about for future forums. Anyone wanting further information on funding can contact the Team on 0151 691 8266/8069

Pat Landsborough proposed that each CIF application should be judged on its merits and a decision made before moving on with the agenda. Following discussion on the process, it was agreed that Youth and Crime would still be priorities, but that each individual application would be considered on its own merits. It was noted that bids could not be accepted from individuals or secular, religious or political groups. Groups should also be aware of the possibility for match funding.

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A member of the public asked what happened in the event of people not receiving the free newspapers, who could, therefore, miss out on the opportunity to apply for this type of funding. Agreed that the Forum needs to ensure information is passed to them and suggestions for distribution round groups was requested. One idea was for an A4 poster to be designed and distributed round groups and also a list of successful bidders in the last round to be circulated to give an idea of what to aim for. Discussion on whether to stay with particular themes, such as Youth and Crime which were the key focus items for last year, or whether to keep it open. The Area Forum has been successful in getting the money out there into the community.

The Forum’s attention was drawn to the problem of youths riding motor bikes in the area and a question raised of whether any funding could be made available for a facility to be set up for motorbike maintenance. Reference was made to the excellent job/operations being carried out by the Police, who were happy to take names and addresses and follow up.

A member of the public, on behalf of Wirral Transport Users Association, referred to the electrification of the Wrexham line and a proposed new station to serve the Beechwood Estate and asked what progress had been made and whether it was possible to move forward as soon as possible. Councillor Harry Smith agreed to approach the Director of Technical Services to check on feasibility and feedback before the next Forum.

The issue of regeneration was raised, with people in the Thorneycroft Street vicinity unclear about proposals in their area. Councillor George Davies briefed on the consultation process, part of which had involved 4 open meetings, all of which were poorly attended. He would raise the consultation process with the Director of Housing and Environmental Protection and look to widen and include everyone in the area. This could be done by door knocking and using the community groups to deliver information. Councillor Davies explained the timescale for consultation, with a report coming back to community groups in January 2005. Councillor Davies would respond to an individual question tomorrow.

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Cathy Maddaford, Director of Nursing and Quality, Primary Care Trust, updated the forum on the work of the PCTs. Views of local residents and users of the Health Service had been incorporated in the newly established Patients Forum. Cathy also briefed on the well established Patients Advice Service which was moving shortly when the new Lauries Project opens, making it more accessible. An annual guide to local health services has been produced, which was going to be dropped to every household during October. A website was available providing information on the services provided and how the public can be involved in influencing them. Cathy updated the forum on the massive Government agenda around Health, with one of the key themes being around choice. From December 2005 anyone referred to a hospital or any other service should be given a choice of 4/5 providers. Proposals included:
§ A programme to develop a firm system you can start to pick appointments and developing information systems to enable that to happen.
§ Making services more localised and looking to relieve difficulties in parking.
§ Already started to develop cardiac/orthopaedic clinics.
§ Looking to develop more modern and user friendly environments and accommodation, with a new walk-in centre at VCH early December this year.
§ GP surgery developments, looking at the consultation around new GP practices and more modern surgeries.
§ Local Authority services for Older People to enable them to be more independent.
§ The development of Children’s Centres.
§ Looking to improve the health of the local population, just produced an annual Public Health report involving the local communities.
Cathy would provide contact details for anyone requiring further information. Noted that the consultation process for the closure of the 2 wards at VCH commences today.

Questions raised:

The lack of public transport amenities in getting to hospitals, particularly Arrowe Park and VCH was discussed. A suggestion was made to locate walk-in centres more locally and Cathy agreed to feedback the accessibility issue. Reference was also made to the fact that the x-ray department shuts at 5.00 p.m. at VCH and Cathy would also feed that back.

Car parking difficulties were discussed, particularly in reference to Arrowe Park Hospital. Councillor Foulkes reported that, as part of ongoing discussion with the Hospital and Council about the car parking at APH, a task had been set to come out with a way forward to ensure that day time visiting was monitored and something done about managing the car parking issue. A decision has been agreed, in principle, which should enable greater provision of car parking spaces. It was essential to ensure that the park and ride scheme continues and residents parking scheme operates in the immediate area. Agreed that if bus services were improved more people would use public transport. Noted that part of the Area Plan refers to transport links with primary medical services and the Transport Plan takes all measures into account, including looking at car sharing for staff in hospitals.

Question raised: - Ownership of a piece of land in Duke Street. Councillor McLachlan had some information and would feedback to individual following the meeting.

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Margaret O’Donnell, Principal Officer, Licensing gave a presentation on the implications of the new Act, which cites major changes to licensing legislation starting next year. The Government was looking to streamline the process and Margaret briefed on the fundamental changes to the way licenses would be issued. All existing licenses will be transferring into a whole new system administered by the local Council. Copies of the draft policy were available to take away and read. The timescale for the process was tight. Government passed legislation in July last year, but only published guidance in July this year. The Licensing Policy had to be in place by 7 January next year, which means the consultation period would finish early November, report presented to Licensing Committee on 22nd November and to Council on 20th December.

Questions raised: - Issue of why fireworks aren’t licensed. This was an issue for the Government, however new legislation has come into force re fireworks and Trading Standards would be undertaking tests. Anyone suspecting a shop of selling fireworks to anyone under 18 should report this to Trading Standards.
The structure of the new Licensing Committee – this would consist of 15 Council members, together with a sub committee made up of 3 members of that 15. There would be an appeal process in place.

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Jim Thompson reported to the Forum on the Wirral Crime & Disorder Audit 2001-2004. The Wirral Community Safety Team is a central point of contact for all crime reduction agencies and co-ordinates the crime reduction activities of the 3 lead agencies - Police, Council and PCTs in Wirral. Jim produced maps of the wards after 2004 and Police Neighbourhoods covering each, with contact names highlighted. He also produced comparisons between wards on incidents of burglary and violence across the Borough. Priorities identified from the audit were violence, primarily alcohol related and domestic/anti social behaviour/motor vehicle theft. Noted that questionnaires had been sent out to the public.

Mindy Rutherford, Co-ordinator for Wirral Drug and Alcohol Action Team, shared some of the work DAAT were currently undertaking. Mindy provided a general overview of DAAT and went on to talk about what it does, its achievements over the last few years and what it hoped to achieve in the future. She also briefed on how Wirral was performing against some of the Government’s targets.
The local DAAT plan highlights all activity. All programmes being developed would be evidence based and, as part of that developing planning process, we are required this year to carry out an audit review of the nature and scale of drug use on Wirral. This should be completed by the end of December and would guide our plans for the next 3 years and Mindy offered to come back and report on the final review. Noted the Government Department has commended Wirral for its effective treatment service.
A questionnaire was available to fill in and inform of any concerns. Contact details were on the form.

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Kevin Miller provided an update on the Wirral Unitary Development Plan. A report of alterations to the UDP was placed on deposit for public consultation over the summer. The period for objections to this first stage now complete. Economic Regeneration and Planning Strategy Select Committee received report on 12th October, summarising the objections and would consider issues raised at a meeting scheduled for January 2005. Following this meeting the plan will again be placed on deposit for further public consultation, when fresh objections can be made. If Council cannot agree with objectors, a Public Inquiry will be held in October 2005. The final plan has to be adopted by the Council before 21st July 2006. Kevin highlighted the major changes within the plan affecting Bidston & St James and Claughton wards.
There was an opportunity to comment/register concerns and details were available on the Council’s website or by contacting Richard Lewis on 0151 691 8222 or Andrew Fraser on 0151 691 8218. or via email or

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Minute 10 - OPEN SESSION

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The Chair indicated that there were only a few minutes remaining and asked if anyone had any urgent issue to raise.

Bidston Preservation Trust were concerned about proposed alterations to UDP and highlighted the need, within Wirral, for an Archeological Resource Unit.

Under the UDP item concern was raised amount of brown belt that we have got owned by Merseyside Docks & Harbour Board in the docks area, with a request to discuss future plans with MDHB.

Comments were made on the colouring scheme for new library at St. James’s.

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The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 2nd February at Out Lady’s Social Club, Claughton.

The Chair thanked the Learning Centre for the use of the room, the speakers for their presentations and everyone for attending the meeting.

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(Minutes Published: 17 November 2004)