Meeting documents

Area Forum (Bidston and Claughton)
Tuesday, 12th February 2008



Cllr Denise Roberts

Ward Councillors

John Cocker, George Davies, Steve Foulkes , Harry Smith

Community Representatives

Jean McIntosh

Older People's Parliament Representative

Edith Niblock

Lead Officer

John Webb (Director of Adult Services)

Street Scene Manager

Gary Cummings

Area Service Co-ordinator

Michelle Gray

Wirral Primary Care Trust

Dr Abhi Mantgani (Medical Director)

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Joyce Magennis

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service

Ben Ryder

Council Officers

Jan Johnson (Minute Taker)


Pat Landsborough (Claughton Community Group), Cllr Ann McLachlan, Alison Moulder (Bidston Community representative)

Index to Minutes

Minute 1 - Welcome, introductions & apologies

Minute Text :

The Chair, Councillor Denise Roberts, opened the meeting and welcomed forum members and eight members of the public to the Bidston & Claughton Area Forum meeting in St James Centre. A loop system was available for anyone with hearing impairment. There would opportunities for people to ask questions and the agenda would be adjusted to facilitate public question time at the end of the meeting for people to raise any other issues.

The Chair welcomed John Webb, Director of Adult Social Services, as the new Lead Officer who had taken over from the previous Lead Officer, Kevin Miller. The Chair then invited forum members to introduce themselves.

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Minute 2 - Minutes & matters arising from previous October forum

Minute Text :

The minutes of the Area Forum meeting of 5 June 2007 had been incorporated into the Area Co-ordinator’s report and agreed as a true record.

Under matters arising page 10, following a query from a member of the public, information had been provided on the testing and replacing of electric blankets in areas of Wirral. Michelle had a full copy of the Wirral Warm Campaign Outcomes Analysis if anyone was interested.

Minute Decision :

Resolved that: Minutes of the Forum held on 2 October 2007 be agreed.

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Minute 3 - Area co-ordinators report

Minute Text :

Michelle Gray gave an overview of her report:

Section 2 - provided information about current services and raised awareness of local Council initiatives
Section 3 – would be a regular feature for all 11 Area Forums and would include written updates from all partner organizations
Section 4 – update on Area Plans consisted of local statistical information/who’s who/places of interest and was a really useful document for the forum and members of public. This was due to be updated in June
Section 5 – recent activities carried out by Streetscene
Section 6 – update on Equality & Diversity which gave information about our current working streams and what initiatives were taking place around equal opportunities
Section 7 – transport and travel
Section 8 – press releases re grant funding available to support Wirral’s voluntary and community groups

Forum papers could be downloaded from the internet on and, for those with no computer access, could use local library or One Stop Shop facilities. Michelle would be happy to provide copies prior to the meeting if anyone requested this. or 0151 691 8213.

Minute Decision :

Resolved: To thank the Area Co-ordinator for the report.

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Minute 4 - Sustainable Community Strategy

Minute Text :

Sue Weldon, Sustainable Community Co-ordinator, Department of Corporate Services attended the Forum to provide information on what the strategy means to you.

This was a requirement from Central Government, setting out a strategic long term vision for the area, in consultation with all partners. The Local Area Agreement (LAA) is the delivery plan for the Sustainable Community Strategy and set out priorities for our Borough. Its primary aim was to enhance the quality of life of local communities, with actions to improve economic, social and environmental well-being of the area.

The Strategy tells Wirral’s story; what makes it unique; the differences between areas; and the problems that Wirral has to deal with. It also looked at solutions, as these would determine the long term vision, and developed an action plan.

Wirral was a Borough of stark contrasts, with 25 areas in 3% of the most deprived, but 7 areas in 10% of the most affluent. Significant inequalities included educational attainment, crime and worklessness. Solutions to solve the problems would look at focusing on right people and places, shared local action and shared principles.

They were broken down in themes such as: Strong local economy, Safer communities, Health & wellbeing, Living and working environment, Life changes for children and young people, Sustainable appropriate housing, plus educational priorities. Each had a number of priorities for improvement underneath it.

Sue went on to talk about how people could get involved and gave examples of how local actions could connect to strategic priorities. Each Area Forum had a list of actions going on which fits into those themes. The consultation document would be launched on the internet within the next couple of weeks and we would be advertising as widely as possible – press/community centres/One Stop Shops etc. hard copied would be available and if anyone wanted one just pass their contact details to Sue tonight and she would arrange.

Councillor Foulkes commented on the Council’s just written new Corporate Plan, This was a wider document, with aims similar to those within the Sustainable Community Strategy and would look to the creation of more jobs in Wirral. It had set an ambitious target of getting 10,000 people into the world of work, with schemes being announced aimed at bringing higher paid jobs into Wirral. Both documents link together with one aim of improving quality of life.

Pauline Cocker remarked that might be difficult to get a good response to yet another public consultation and it might be better to go out into local community groups that exist and talk to people. Sue confirmed that they would be doing that as far as resources allowed.

Don Charlton fed back on eight themes of sustainability from a recent presentation he had attended at New Beginnings meeting.

Pauline Cocker asked whether it would be possible to have print off of presentation. Sue Weldon asked for contact details and she would email a copy.

Councillor Roberts asked how long was the consultation period?

It was 12 weeks and Sue Weldon would come back to later Area Forums to update on the results.

Councillor Foulkes referred to comments above and that it was fundamental to everything the Council does to communicate with everyone to ensure all feel included in what is going on. If anybody had a bright thought about how we get to large numbers of people simply and quickly please let us know.

A suggestion of connected to large social gatherings, with a survey of some simple questions was noted.

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Minute 5 - Partner Information

Minute Text :

Older People’s Parliament (OPP)

Edith Niblock highlighted that Wirral Senior Citizen’s Forum/Wirral OPP open forum would be held on 20 February between 10-12.30.

Fire and Rescue Service

Ben Ryder provided information on the implementation of the Hazardous Materials Incident Response Pump at Bromborough Fire Station. This resource, although Wirral based, would provide cover throughout Merseyside and was due to be implemented early this year.

Front line fire fighters were still doing home fire safety checks and providing smoke detectors and fire alarms. Reference was made to a road traffic collision scheme which was being piloted on Wirral. A proposal to start bringing front line fire fighters to these meetings was welcomed by the Forum, who noted they would have greater depth and knowledge of local issues.

Pauline Cocker – are you still looking for volunteers for the World Fire Fighter Games in Wirral?
Yes. This will be a massive event in the Capital of Culture year. Anybody who wanted to get involved should forward contact details to Ben who would pass them on. There were many events being held in Wirral and Ben would bring full schedule to the next meeting and also email Michelle in order to get out to everybody in advance.

Councillor John Cocker stated that one of things the media picks up is attacks on the Fire Brigade. Was there any update on that?
Unfortunately we have got incidents of violence involving firefighters. This effects other services too, police, nurses etc and is something that we are all working hard to combat. Firefighters are now embedded into schools in order to educate, but it would be a long task to capture hearts and minds. However, although Ben had personal experience of a couple of violence incidents, he had many more positive experiences to relate.

Councillor Smith asked whether this applied to primary schools as well.
Ben responded that they were trying to as it would be the best place to start, however it was a continuous loop as there were issues also with those in secondary schools.

Community Safety

Dennis Jones from the Community Safety Team updated on their work. Progress continued to be made, with one of the main areas of contention with being Anti Social Behaviour. Pantha vehicles were being used to help combat car crime. Hot spot areas for burglary and shed breaks were being looked at to try and bring down figures. Although figures are good compared to across the country, we are working to improve that all the time.

The Community Safety Team (CST) was made up of Wirral Council, Police, Merseyside Fire & Rescue, PCT, NHS. Neighbourhood Watch and Vehicle Watch schemes help with the fear of crime and getting communities involved in various projects. Nearly every school on Wirral has got property marked by Smart Water, this was a tracking system to recover property.

Dennis referred to Police initiatives which CST had assisted with including Operation Hawk. They were helping with the expansion of late night buses in order to get people home safely and an extensive project involving CCTV. Involved in improving car park security, including railways stations and their immediate vicinity.

Copies of Safer Wirral leaflet were available for people to fill in as part of a survey in conjunction with the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership and could be returned by post or email to

Wirral Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Abi Mantgani, Clinical Director and also local GP, gave a presentation on two consultations being undertaken on behalf of the whole health economy. The Forum noted the Health Services Journal award to Wirral PCT for best PCT in the country.

In order to ensure that Wirral health economy is sustainable and strong needed to think about long term planning, in consultation with the people of Wirral, partners and other stakeholders. Health for All, Have your Say is a 5 year commissioning strategy 2008-2013 looking at health needs/demographic assessment, mortality rates and health experience, providing services differently and financial resources.

A graph highlighted demographic changes with age 75+ going to increase by 50% in next 20 years. The scale of relative social deprivation on Wirral was also illustrated, showing life expectancy in some case 11% less than in other areas. These areas, therefore, need a lot of input. The strategic objectives were listed over the next 5 years, in conjunction with social services, hospital trust, etc and a listening exercise, running from January to mid April is being undertaken in a bid to know what people think about it. This has already had an excellent response. We have already written to everyone over the age of 16 registered with a GP and would be going to have engagement sessions with some focus groups through specialist groups such as Salvation Army, WMO, Churches Together etc. Also as the PCT employ 1300, with a high percent living in Wirral, we feel they should have their say and could act as advocates to encourage patients and clients to ‘have their say’ too. Our intentions are to listen/feedback/tell you what we have done about what you have told us and would report back to our Board in June 2008.

The Forum where informed of a Family Fun Day being held at St James Centre on Saturday, where engagement would be made with members of the public.

Councillor George Davies reported that, in terms of alcohol related illnesses, he had recently noted figs of 48% people dependent on alcohol which is a serious concern. Dr Mantgani agreed it could be an inappropriate use of beds etc.

Ben Ryder referred to Liverpool PCT who have a scheme called Fire-fit Kids, where firefighters to into schools to do fitness programmes with them. He thought it would be good to introduce this to Wirral but would need funding for it.
Dr Mantgani suggested writing to either himself at Wirral PCT to Marie Armitage, Joint Director of Public Health at Wirral PCT and also any voluntary groups on Wirral with other ideas/schemes to improve health.

Councillor Foulkes mentioned that the no smoking ban had been a very effective policy. Did Dr Mantgani think that a similar piece of legislation that would have a direct health impact?
Dr Mantgani thought it was too early yet but would see the impact in a couple of years. The numbers taking up the stop smoking help has increased considerably. Two major areas for public health are alcohol and obesity. He referred to food initiatives and quoted that in 2000 there were 10,000 diabetics on the register, this figure today had increased to 16,500.
Peter Wong from PCT Public Health commented that the raising of the age limit to 18 for people to be sold cigarettes would be helpful.

Pauline Cocker referred to the strategic objectives and that reduction of alcohol misuse did not have as much budget around it as some of the other objectives.
Dr Mantgani commented that it was a question of balance, with the alcohol population being small. And that the presentation was about direction of travel. Individual details could be provided once finalised. The Lead Officer also referred to investment last year as well by the PCT on prevention.

Councillor Harry Smith reported that a recent regional survey about people who drink in pubs showed a 30% reduction in smoking.

Don Charlton asked whether the £7m for modernising services was capital expenditure?
Dr Mantani replied that this was general, across the board, and couldn’t be classified under a particular category. Capital was not included in that but he could come back and report on that at another Forum.

A member of the public queried whether it was appropriate to ask a question about the Ambulance Service and recent poor responses where it had taken over an hour to get an ambulance.
Dr Mantgani confirmed that the PCT commissioned the Ambulance Service and the Lead Officer asked for the concern to be raised here. Details to be forwarded and this would be followed up.

Jean McIntosh was concerned about communication around community centres etc. The area had major alcohol problems which caused a lot of anti social behaviour. It would be helpful to have a drop in at St James and leaflet drop around the ward.
Dr Mantangi would take that on board. Leaflets would come on everybody’s doorstep and the idea was to bring services closer to the patients.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital (NHS)

Dr Joyce Magennis briefed the Forum on recent developments at WUTH. Concern was reported around infection in large acute hospitals, where rates were rising. However they were doing a lot to try to reduce those figures and make hospitals as safe as possible, thereby keeping people safe and helping the health economy.

Dr Magennis also reported that waiting times were coming down dramatically. GP’s can now refer to 5 different centres, depending on where people want to go and have funding from the government to do that.

WUTH scored well in the annual health check and were spending lot of money this year to undertake some virtual leaps forward. £3.1m was being spent on various large schemes, including a system for x-rays being visible on computers, new initiative for local treatment of Macular Degeneration. WUTH had also been designated as a centre for various cancers and would sub- specialize in uncommon cancers. Leaflets were available if anyone would like to take one.

Merseyside Police

Inspector Paul Harrison from Merseyside Police, based at Laird Street, updated the forum. The section (p27-28) in the Area Forum Co-ordinator’s report gave a taste of recent activities and Inspector Harrison would be happy to answer any questions.

Every crime category had reduced and he would be happy to produce figures. Inspector Harrison updated on the neighbourhood action groups for each of the three areas of the ward - Ballantyne, Beechwood, Bidston and St James. Each ward now has own individual group of local people to deal with local problems who are involved in setting the priorities for each particular neighbourhood and in trying to find solutions.

Done a lot of work in relation to drugs enforcement and education. This included an exercise around eviction of a crack house recently. Currently running anti social behaviour weekends exercise as this was a big blight on everybody’s lives. Working on an initiative in Noctorum/Oxton area where great results are being achieved. This weekend got 2 days when would be going to undertake the same operation in Bidston/St James area with hopefully the same results. Any questions?

Jean McIntosh – questioned whether people that drive around with children in the front of bikes, wearing no head protection, would get punished for that as well?
This would depend on the circumstances. If people were driving dangerously then Police would take appropriate action.

Q – can we give you the times when bikes come on to Bidston Rise.
A – yes inform the dedicated team.

Councillor George Davies commented that the Home Secretary would be announcing a new scheme whereby everyone would know the name of their local police officer. Is that a scheme that we have had for past 2 years? Have we been one of the pilots?
A – the Chief Constable would like everybody to know their dedicated officer, although this was not always possible. The Laird Street website link has all contact details.

A query was raised about who to contact if an incident happened at night. This referred to an arson incident.
Inspector Harrison confirmed that they should contact the Control Room. Dedicated officer were not on 24 hours, so you could either go on website, email, tel no, leave message for Dedicated Officer, or go through control room, where other officers available. Calls are given graded number, depending on what the issue is.

Ben Ryder requested details and he would ensure they were passed to the Arson Reduction Team. This worked in partnership with the Police and did a lot of good work in getting people prosecuted.

Edith Niblock – reported on smoking of illegal substances by people standing in foyer of local pub, smoking drugs right by the police station. People should be aware of this as there were children nearby.
Inspector Harrison confirmed there was an issue around public houses and drugs misuse, particularly in this area and they were working continuously to combat this and seizures were made.

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Minute 6 - General public question time

Minute Text :

Q – to the officer from Street Scene. This referred to the footpath in Noctorum and the question was whether Street Scene had responsibility for cleaning such paths?
A – if it forms part of highway then it would be on the same cleaning route as the roads.
The member of the public wanted to report broken glass on the path.
A – would find out frequency and type of cleaning for this particular one and get back to you.
Q – side roads don’t seem to get the same attention. Who is responsible for areas around sub stations?
A – these are leased by Scottish Power. Forward details to Streetscene Officer and he would ensure they passed to the right source.

Councillor George Davies reported on the recent closures of 7 local public houses and put forward that it would be beneficial to see a law established that said owners had to have 6 months training from a brewery.
Sergeant Harrison would pass on this idea to licensing section and get somebody to contact Councillor Davies.

Q - from a member of the public re the closing off of a footpath, and progress on that?
Councillor Davies confirmed this was coming to Committee on 27 Feb, writing to all residents tomorrow.
Q – will it be concluded or just keep on thinking about it?
A – may have found a way forward through alley-gating.

A question was raised about the poor attendance from the public at Area Forums and how this could be improved. Councillor Foulkes confirmed the Council was working on ideas to make it more interesting, possibly by developing budgets and giving the Forum greater remit.

The Chair thanked people for attending and St James’ Centre for the use of the venue.

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(Minutes Published: 14 March 2008)