Decision details
Wirral Plan: A 2020 Vision - Underpinning Strategies: Leisure
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Information Only
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
“Wirral is a fantastic place for people to live, work and enjoy their leisure time. I am extremely proud of the diverse opportunities available in our borough and I am delighted to introduce this five-year leisure strategy developed in collaboration with a range of partner organisations.
This leisure strategy is designed to help us deliver our ambition to secure a range of quality and diverse leisure activities for our residents and visitors to enjoy for many years to come.
In the Wirral Plan we set out the following pledge: We will encourage more people to enjoy the wide range of leisure, culture and sporting opportunities on offer across Wirral. We will listen to residents’ ideas and requests, and by 2020, will have increased access to events and activities to all our residents, regardless of age or income.”
CouncillorChris Meaden |
Reason for Decision:
The Leisure Strategy had been developed to deliver the Wirral Plan pledge to encourage more residents and visitors to enjoy leisure and culture opportunities on offer across the borough.
The strategy had been developed with residents, partners and stakeholders to ensure that there had been extensive engagement in the development of the strategy and its priority areas.
That the Leisure Strategy be approved.
Councillor Chris Meaden introduced a report which provided Cabinet with the Leisure Strategy: a key strategic document that articulated ambitions related to the Wirral Plan Environment Priority:
“Wirral has an attractive and sustainable environment, where good health and an excellent quality of life is enjoyed by everyone who lives here”.
The Wirral Plan: A 2020 Vision sets out a shared vision to improve outcomes for Wirral residents. Delivery of the priorities and outcomes described in the Plan were underpinned through the development and implementation of a set of key strategies.
Publication date: 07/04/2016
Date of decision: 21/03/2016
Decided at meeting: 21/03/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 15/04/2016
Accompanying Documents: