Decision details
Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The second item requiring approval was in relation to the appointment of committees.
On a motion by the Civic Mayor, seconded by Councillor Janette Williamson, it was –
Resolved – That
(1) the formation of those Committees set out in Part 3(B) of the revised Constitution be agreed and seats on the Committees be allocated as set out in Appendix 1.
(2) the Monitoring Officer be authorised as proper officer to carry out the wishes of the Leaders of Political Groups in allocating Members to membership and substitute membership of the committees or other authorities, and to appoint those Members with effect from the date at which the proper officer is advised of the names of such Members.
(3) the appointment of sub-committees, panels and statutory/advisory committees be delegated to the appropriate parent Committee of Council.
(4) Authority be delegated to the Director of Law and Governance, to appoint Members to the Regulatory Panel of the Regulatory and General Purposes Committee and appoint Members to the Licensing Panel of the Licensing Committee, in consultation with the Chair and Spokespersons of these Committees, to enable meetings of either, or both, of these panels, if required, prior to their appointment at the first meetings of each of these committees.
Publication date: 25/05/2022
Date of decision: 25/05/2022
Decided at meeting: 25/05/2022 - Council
Accompanying Documents: