Decision details
Weed Control
Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee approved the Council’s Weed Control Measures Options appraisal in September 2021 for a one-year contract with a further one-year extension. This report seeks approval for the one-year extension to allow time for officers to further investigate and action alternative methods of weed control. It is proposed that the extension to the current weed control contract will run from January 2023 until December 2023.
This updated report provides Committee with an overview of the appraisal exercise undertaken to consider options for future weed control across the borough
On a motion by Councillor Liz Grey, seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes, it was -
Resolved – That
(1) the current weed control contract with ManCoed Ltd at a cost of £260,000 for one year be extended.
(2) the continued exploration of alternative options for weed control be endorsed, including the provision of an ‘in-house’ multi-disciplinary service and a further report including options and costs be brought to a future committee.
(3) the Director of neighbourhoods be requested to engage residents in relation to the issue of ideas for controlling weeds.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council recognises the importance of reducing the use of Glyphosate and the need to identify alternative methods of weed control to assist with this reduction. There is currently no other identifiable viable method of weed control which is financially sustainable therefore officers will require more time to continue searching for other alternatives that can be used. By extending the weed control contract by one year this offers the opportunity to further explore the marketplace, identify new and innovative approaches to weed control including alternative methods to the use of Glyphosate, and put in place a plan to adopt this alternative approach.
Alternative options considered:
In March 2021 a working group made up of officers from a range of service areas considered several methods for weed control including Glyphosate, Acetic Acid (Vinegar Based), Foam (Heat) & Community involvement via hand weeding. The outcome of these investigations was reported to the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee in September 2021. The Committee agreed that a contract for Weed Control, using Glyphosate, be put out to tender for one year with the option to extend for a further year if required. Committee directed that to take up the option of extending this contract for a further year that officers return to the Committee for consideration of this request.
In addition, the Committee asked that officers continue to explore alternative options for weed control. The Committee was particularly interested that officers develop an ‘In House’ service that could provide the weed control service and address a number of other issues, such as alleyway clearances. The Council has continued to identify alternative weed control measures as part of the objective and commitment to reducing the use of Glyphosate, once a viable and affordable alternative is found
Report author: Matthew Humble
Publication date: 01/12/2022
Date of decision: 30/11/2022
Decided at meeting: 30/11/2022 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee
Effective from: 07/12/2022
Accompanying Documents: