Decision details
Proposal to Consult on Selective Licensing Scheme
Decision Maker: Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report sets out a proposal to consult on a Selective Licensing Scheme in Wirral through re-designating two Selective Licensing areas that have been in place since 2019 and are due to end on 31st March 2024 and extending the scheme to include two further new areas, both in East Wirral based on a robust evidence base for selection.
Selective Licensing is a scheme to improve private rented sector homes within specific designated neighbourhoods by requiring private landlords to obtain a license and comply with certain agreed conditions. A Business Case which supports the extension of the scheme and relevant appendices are attached to this report. Members are asked to agree that this evidence is the subject of a 10-week statutory consultation exercise to seek wider views on the proposal.
1. The draft proposal for Selective Licesning be approved in the following four areas from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2029:
· Birkenhead West
· Seacombe St Paul’s
· Bidston and St James West
· Egremont North;
2. The Business Case set out in Appendix One to this report as the basis for the rationale for wider consultation on Selective Licensing be approved;
3. The consultation plan as set out in Appendix Three of the Business Case be approved; and
4. The Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to undertake any minor amendments to the Business Case should further evidence be made available which should be included in the consultation.
Reasons for the decision:
There is clear evidence within the Business Case on the rationale for commencing with a ten-week consultation process on the proposed continuation of Selective Licensing in two of the existing designated areas in the borough which commenced in 2019 and the introduction of Selective Licensing in two further areas. There is a requirement to undertake a consultation exercise with those stakeholders affected. The consultation will obtain the views of tenants, residents, landlords and stakeholders and is a requirement of the approval process required by the Department of Levelling up, Housing and Communities. Consultation will take place through press releases, individual letters, events, and forums to enable all relevant parties to have a number of mechanisms to have their say. A Consultation Plan is attached in Appendix 3 of the Business Case
At the end of the consultation period Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee will be provided with a further report summarising the outcome of the consultation exercise. This report will be used to determine any final recommendations for Members on the future of a Selective Licensing scheme in the proposed areas.
Report author: Lisa Newman
Publication date: 18/07/2023
Date of decision: 17/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 17/07/2023 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Effective from: 22/07/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- Proposal to Consult on Selective Licensing Scheme PDF 485 KB
- Appendix 1. Selective Licensing Business Case PDF 2 MB
- Appendix 1.1 Evidence Base 2023 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 1.2 Maps and Address Lists PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 1.3 Consultation Plan 2 PDF 396 KB
- Appendix 1.4 Licence Conditions Amended PDF 518 KB
- Appendix 1.5 Risk Register PDF 197 KB