Decision details

Community Equipment And Telecare

Decision Maker: Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The purpose of the report is to request approval from Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to recommission the Wirral Independence Service (WIS) within quarter 2 of financial year 2023/2024. The current contract ends in June 2024 and there are no further contract extensions available.


This is a joint commission with NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (Wirral Place) (NHSCMICB) and is managed via the

Better Care Fund.


The WIS is inclusive of:

·  The provision of Community Equipment.

·  Technology Enabled Care and Response service.

·  Carers emergency card.

·  Falls Pick up service.

·  Falls prevention service.

·  Provision of Paediatric equipment.

·  Education equipment for schools.


The commission will support the following Wirral Plan objectives:

·  Sustainable Environment - working towards a clean-energy, sustainable borough that leads the way in its response to the climate emergency and is environmentally friendly.

·  Inclusive Economy - working for a prosperous, inclusive economy - helping businesses to thrive and creating jobs and opportunities for all.

·  Safe and Vibrant Communities - working for safe and vibrant communities where our residents feel safe and are proud to live and raise their families.

·  Active and Healthy Lives - working to provide happy, active and healthy lives for all, with the right care, at the right time to enable residents to live longer and healthier lives


Resolved – that,


1.  The re-commission of the Wirral Independence Service on a 5-year contract (with options for a 3-year, plus a 2-year contract extension) with a total contract value of £4.2m annually, up to £42m over 10-years be approved.


2.  The director of Adult Social Care and Health be authorised to award the contract to the most economically advantageous tenderer.

Reasons for the decision:

The Wirral Health and Care system must ensure that it has a fully operational and responsive community equipment and technology enabled care (TEC) service to meet local needs to meet its statutory duties.


The use of TEC forms a key part of the Councils approach to digital care and early intervention and prevention services.


The Council has a duty to ensure value for money and to tender will ensure that best value is sought.


A longer contract length of up to 10 years, will support the successful tenderer to invest in local infrastructure and support social value

Alternative options considered:

To not tender the service, would mean that the Council would not meet its statutory duty to provide community equipment.


To not proceed as a joint commission, would mean that procurement activity would be duplicated across the Wirral Health and Care system and not be efficient.

Report author: Nicola Peel

Publication date: 13/06/2023

Date of decision: 13/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 13/06/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Effective from: 21/06/2023

Accompanying Documents: