Decision details

Experimental Motorcaravan Parking Restriction Scheme

Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report considers direct feedback from local ward Members, a petition signed by 11 people, 36 objections and 9 representations of support submitted during the statutory 6- month consultation period for the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) relating to Motorcaravan Parking, that was introduced on Coastal Drive and Kings Parade in July 2022. A plan detailing the measures introduced is attached in Appendix A to this report. Consultation summary results and key themes are illustrated within Appendix B of this report.


Resolved – That


(1)  the consultation feedback received on the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order relating to Motorcaravan Parking, that was introduced on Coastal Drive and Kings Parade, New Brighton in July 2022. and the officer’s responses as set out in Appendix B be noted; and


(2)  the introduction of a permanent Traffic Regulation Order be approved relating to


(a)  the prohibition of overnight Motorcaravan parking for Coastal Drive and Kings Parade, New Brighton in accordance with the process set out in paragraph 5.4 of this report; and


(b)  a prohibition on overnight parking by Motorcaravans on all sections of unrestricted carriageway on North Parade and Meols Parade to deal with Motorcaravan parking displacement in accordance with the process set out in paragraph 8.3 of this report.


(3)  Officers are requested to provide this committee with a future report on the Traffic Regulation Orders, reviewing their effectiveness in line with the new Wirral parking strategy, and analysing environmental, road safety, financial, financial concerns and facilities.



Reasons for the decision:

Whilst the concerns raised are noted, and considered, before the introduction of the ETRO, the parking situation with regards to motorcaravans in the vicinity of the New Brighton seafront was such that it is largely unregulated and motorcaravans were often parked sporadically about the area. Measures were felt necessary to regulate and control the location of this type of parking. The Council has a legal duty to maintain the safe flow of traffic on its network under the Traffic Management Act 2004.


The primary function of the public highway is to allow for free and expeditious passage for all road users and parking on the highway is an additional benefit afforded only where it can be safely accommodated. It should be noted that maintaining access to, from and along the public highway is a statutory duty of the local authority and this sometimes requires the introduction of parking controls and other traffic management measures.


The measures were also imposed to help to preserve or improve the amenities of the local area through which the scheme affects, as part of the aim is to manage waste and related issues generated largely by the motorcaravans and assists the existing Public Spaces Protection Order that operates in the area.


An ETRO prohibiting overnight parking for motorcaravans for North Parade and Meols parade has been proposed as per recommendation 2b to address the concerns raised by ward Members from Hoylake & Meols and local residents that motorcaravans are being displaced from Kings Parade and Coastal Drive and parking up overnight.


There are various viable options for progression, based on scheme monitoring and feedback from the public and ward Members

Alternative options considered:

To reduce the parking fee If the parking fee is to be amended, this will incur an additional cost of approximately £3,000 to advertise and amend the legal order and to change the wrap around sticker signage detailing fees and how to pay, which is currently located on posts on site . The majority of Members from the affected wards would prefer the charge be kept at £20 and not changed at the present time and are keen for the Council to find alternative sites for off road parking for Motorcaravans.


To remove the scheme and revert back to the previous state is an option. The cost of this will be approximately £5,500 for a legal advert to inform the public of the revocation of the scheme and the removal and disposal of associated signs and road marking material. This option is not recommended. The local ward Members believe that the scheme has been successful and that the majority of residents are more content.

Report author: Steve Atkins

Publication date: 05/12/2023

Date of decision: 05/12/2023

Decided at meeting: 05/12/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Effective from: 13/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: