Decision details

All Age Disability Review Implementation

Decision Maker: Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of this report is to present the progress to date on the implementation programme following the All-Age Disability Review that was approved at the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee on the 13 June 2023.


The Assistant Director of All Age Independence and Provider Services presented the report of the Director of Care and Health which provided the progress to date of the implementation programme following the All-Age Disability Review that was approved at the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee on the 13 June 2023. The implementation programme covered high level thematic areas and included starting earlier at age 14, improved accessibility and relevant information for parents and carers.

Each work stream in the work programme was interlinked and part of a continual improvement journey. It was reported that each area within the workstreams had made significant progress and some of the workstreams had been completed or were on target for completion. The co-production of the strategy had been included in a report and completed and a co-production preparing for adulthood transitions protocol had been produced and was scheduled to be completed by early March 2024. The real time story board of Thomas demonstrated the benefits of personalisation and systematic transition from one service to another.


Progress against the education, health and care plan provided a snapshot of 25 plans of 14-18 year olds to establish a base line of current practice and included an analysis of cost of care, support packages for improved outcomes and the forecast of potential opportunities for cost avoidance and covers plans for training, volunteering and employment and plans for housing options for18 year olds. The analysis projected that with good preparing for adulthood planning 15 of the 25 individuals could be supported into employment and 17 of those could be supported into housing options. The report was comprehensive with its own set of recommendations that were to be taken forward in the preparing for adulthood collaboration with stakeholders. In July 2024 a further report will detail opportunities to support people into employment and keep them there. We will look at the current service model for young people moving into adulthood and enable them to flourish. The coproduction of the pathways from the Education Health and Care Plans was to be in the summer of 2024. This report was to be presented at Children’s, Families and Education Committee on 6 March 2024.


Resolved – That the significant progress to date of the implementation programme following the All-Age Disability Review as in Appendix 1 be noted.

Report author: Jean Stephens

Publication date: 28/03/2024

Date of decision: 05/03/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/03/2024 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Accompanying Documents: