Decision details
Financial Update on North Birkenhead Development Agreement
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The exempt report of the Assistant Director: Environmental Services provides a financial update on the North Birkenhead Housing Development Agreement, a partnership between Wirral Council and the Council’s selected development partner for this area, Keepmoat.
Resolved – That,
(1) the Global Appraisal Update, which identifies the financial position of the two completed projects in North Birkenhead at St Joseph’s Place and St James Gate, be signed off;
(2) the use of surplus funds generated from these first two schemes, owed to the Council by Keepmoat, to subsidise a further proposed scheme at Station and Tyrer Street which is currently showing a deficit due to ground conditions and contamination, be approved;
(3) the inclusion of the Shannon Street site as a ‘further site’ according to the conditions within the current Birkenhead Development Agreement with Keepmoat, which will increase the number of units which can be built in Phase 3 and improve the viability of the scheme, be approved.
Publication date: 28/11/2016
Date of decision: 28/11/2016
Accompanying Documents: