Decision details

Wirral Growth Company LLP Proposed Governance Arrangements

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report of he Director for Governance and Assurance recommends to the Leader the arrangements by which the Council is represented on the Board of the Wirral Growth Company Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and the means by which the relationship between those representatives and Leader and remainder of the Cabinet and Council are governed.


Resolved -


1.  That:


(a)  the Member for the time being holding the Cabinet portfolio of Deputy Leader;

(b)  the Member for the time being holding the relevant Cabinet portfolio for jobs and growth;

(c)  the Assistant Director: Finance and Investment; and

(d)  the Corporate Director for Children’s Services

be appointed to the Board of the Wirral Growth Company Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) as the Council’s four Representatives and that those persons (and their successors) remain so appointed until they resign, are removed by subsequent decision or until they cease to hold such a role within the Cabinet or post as officer of the Council. 


2.  That a Partnership Shareholder Board be established as a separate decision making body to the Companies Shareholder Board, with suitably amended terms of reference and membership, at which the Leader (or delegated Cabinet member) will make decisions on matters pertaining to the LLP, including recommendations to full Cabinet and committees of the Council.


3.  That appointment of observer status, at both the Partnership Shareholder Board and meetings of the LLP, be considered in respect of non-executive Members.


4.  That senior representatives, to attend formal meetings under the Partnership Agreement between the Council and Muse Development Ltd and to make or recommend decisions accordingly, be appointed at such time as they may considered to be required.

Reasons for the decision:

To ensure that the business of the LLP and its relationship with the Council be established on a proper footing so that its business can be despatched expeditiously but in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.

Publication date: 20/03/2019

Date of decision: 20/03/2019

Effective from: 28/03/2019

Accompanying Documents: