Decision details


Decision Maker: Director for Children's Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy


during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that:


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officer consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.






(a)  That a grant scheme of up to £350,000 be established for childcare providers that are experiencing cashflow hardships whilst awaiting financial support or because they do not qualify for other financial support schemes.


(b)  That the Director for Children, Families and Education administer the grant scheme and to:

(i)  provide grants of up to £10,000 per provider on an exceptional circumstances basis;

(ii)  establish qualifying criteria to meet exceptional circumstances; and

(iii)  set evidence requirements to be submitted with applications that qualify for grant funding


Reasons for the decision:

As detailed in the attached report.

Alternative options considered:

Alternative Option 1:

Apply a £-per-child financial support package for those Key Worker children/ vulnerable children reported as attending registers, including private, voluntary and independent sector (PVIs) and maintained nursery schools, but excluding schools-based nursery provision


Alternative Option 2:

Defer nursery providers from the Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) of £10,000, to the Retail and Hospitality Rate Relief (RHRR) of £25,000.


Publication date: 05/05/2020

Date of decision: 05/05/2020

Accompanying Documents: