Decision details


Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


In July 2020 the government announced its intention to accelerate £5bn of capital investment to support jobs and economic recovery and make an immediate impact in towns. The capital investment has been made through Towns Fund - a government programme with the ambition of creating jobs and building stronger and more resilient local economies and communities.

Eligible town centres were invited to submit proposals for capital spend against indicative allocations. The Council responded to this invitation on 13th August 2020with a proposal for interventions totalling £1,000,000. On 24th September 2020 the Council was informed that the submission had been successful, and the funds were received as a grant under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003. It is a stipulation of the grant that the monies must be spent on projects which are in line with the Towns Fund Intervention Framework and can be delivered by the end of this financial year – 31st March 2021.

The proposal provides Towns Fund compliant interventions that will contribute towards the revitalisation of Birkenhead and provide enhanced connectivity between key character areas of the town. The projects focus on public realm enhancements around Birkenhead’s waterfront, as well as the emerging creative quarter in the Argyle Street area. They include public realm interventions such as landscaping, wayfinding and lighting.


That the Director of Regeneration and Place

(1)  Accept the MHCLG grant of £1,000,000.


(2)  Takes the necessary steps, including commissioning of external support, to develop and implement proposals that are in line with the Towns Fund Intervention Framework and as set out in the funding submission made to Government on 13th August.


Reasons for the decision:

1.1  The grant has been provided to the council for projects that will make an immediate impact in towns. The proposals for utilising the grant have taken in to account the Towns Fund Intervention Framework, key themes and proposals that are emerging from meetings of the Town Deal Board, as well as the council’s emerging Birkenhead Regeneration Framework. Delivery of the grant will bring about an immediate benefit to businesses and residents in the area to which the grant is applied.

1.2  The grant forms part of government’s accelerated capital programme for economic recovery with a requirement for disbursement of funds no later than 31st March 2021.

Alternative options considered:

The council could choose not to accept the grant and return it to MHCLG.

Publication date: 04/11/2020

Date of decision: 04/11/2020

Effective from: 10/11/2020

Accompanying Documents: