Decision details


Decision Maker: Director of Neighbourhood Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This report considers two objections submitted during the formal advertisement period of the proposal to introduce an evening Hackney Carriage Stand for two vehicles on Victoria Road, New Brighton. Further details of the originally proposed restrictions can be seen on plan No. Marine-TRO-03 in Appendix A to this report.


One of the key themes in the Wirral Plan 2025 vision is to provide safe and pleasant communities. By generally making roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, this scheme will contribute to the key priorities set out within the current plan by encouraging the use of public transport and therefore reducing parking congestion.


This matter affects the New Brighton Ward.


This matter does not require a Key Decision.




The Assistant Director for Highways and Infrastructure (Acting) has noted the objections received and the Officers’ responses and has decided to approve the proposal to introduce an evening Hackney Carriage Stand for two vehicles on Victoria Road, as shown on attached drawing No Marine-TRO-03 in Appendix A to this report

Reasons for the decision:

Whilst the objections are noted, and concerns considered, the introduction of an evening Hackney Carriage stand will help to reduce parking congestion whilst assisting the night time economy and reducing potential anti-social behaviour by transporting people out of the area when the restaurants and other entertainment venues close of an evening.


Alternative options considered:

Publication date: 15/07/2022

Date of decision: 15/07/2022

Accompanying Documents: