Decision details
Decision Maker: Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report provided an update regarding the work undertaken to progress the Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) Movement Schemes in Birkenhead. The schemes are:
· Charing Cross / Grange Road, Birkenhead; and
· Conway Street / Europa Boulevard, Birkenhead
The report requested that Members note the progress made in the development and design of the schemes and seeks approval to undertake public and stakeholder consultation and engagement in relation to both schemes.
The FHSF Movement Schemes will support all five themes of the Wirral Plan 2021-26: Inclusive Economy, Safe & Pleasant Communities, Sustainable Environment, Brighter Futures and Active & Healthy Lives.
Appendix 1 of this report contains information which is exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972
This matter affects the wards of Birkenhead and Tranmere.
This matter is not a Key Decision.
Resolved – that
the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to:
(1) in consultation with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the Chair and Spokespersons of the Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee and the Chair and Spokesperson of the Environment, Transport and Climate Change Committee, the extent, alignment and design of the Future High Street Movement Schemes at Charing Cross / Grange Road, Birkenhead and Conway Street / Europa Boulevard, Birkenhead which will be the subject of the stakeholder and public consultation and engagement be agreed;
(2) the approach to consultation as set out in paragraph 3.8 of this report be approved and implemented.
Reasons for the decision:
To enable the development of the transport projects which will support the delivery of several key catalyst projects and neighbourhoods identified in Birkenhead 2040, and the wider regeneration of Birkenhead town centre.
To ensure that the Council achieves successful development and delivery of movement projects within the Future High Street Fund programme. FHSF is a wider programme of schemes and interventions.
To ensure that the Council supports schemes which will deliver increased levels of sustainable travel as set out in the emerging Local Plan and to support action required to address the Climate Emergency and the target in the Cool2 Strategy to ‘a complete transition to fossil fuel free local travel by around 2030’.
The FHSF Movement Schemes will deliver high quality active travel infrastructure and support the Council and the LCR to address climate change and work towards net zero. Improvements to active travel infrastructure will support the sustainable regeneration of the Borough as identified in the emerging Local Plan and the Birkenhead 2040 Framework. The proposed schemes will increase the use of active sustainable travel modes, therefore reducing the reliance on the private car.
Alternative options considered:
The Council could decide not to progress with the development and consultation of the FHSF Movement Schemes. This is not considered to be appropriate as delivery of active travel projects is part of the wider transport strategy to support sustainable regeneration and successful delivery of the Birkenhead 2040 Framework and the emerging Local Plan.
The Council could decide not to progress with the development of the FHSF Movement Schemes. This is not considered an appropriate option as failure to deliver improved walking and cycling infrastructure could result in reputational issues for the Council in terms of its commitment to active travel and achieving net zero which could result in future funding allocations being reduced against wider transport, regeneration, and environment programmes. This could also result in the reputational damage with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities which administers the FHSF programme as well as financial implications regarding the loss of FHSF grant associated to Movements Schemes as well as impact on the wider FHSF programme.
Publication date: 19/10/2022
Date of decision: 19/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 19/10/2022 - Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee
Effective from: 27/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: