Decision details

Proposed 20MPH Speed Limit Scheme - Phase 1

Decision Maker: Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report considers objections and comments of support submitted during the statutory consultation period for Phase 1 of the 20mph speed limit implementation project, which consists of 15 zones. The proposed 20mph speed limits apply to areas that are predominantly residential, retail, or educational. The zone boundaries for the relevant areas included in Phase 1 are included within Appendix A to this report. The list of individual roads and parts of roads affected are included within Appendix B. Consultation summary results and key themes with officers’ responses are illustrated within Appendix E of this report.


One of the key themes in the Wirral 2021-26 Plan is to provide safe and pleasant communities. By generally making roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, this scheme will contribute to the key priorities set out within the current plan.


On a motion by Councillor Liz Grey, seconded by Councillor Steve Foulkes it was-


Resolved – That the proposal to introduce 20mph speed limits on all of the roads listed in Appendix B to this report be approved and officers be thanked for their hard work that went into the planning of this and future phases.


Reasons for the decision:

Whilst the concerns raised by consultation respondents are noted and have been considered, the proposed 20mph speed limits will focus on creating safe and healthy street environments, which work well for all people and help them live active, healthy lives in areas of good air quality. It is anticipated that bringing in more 20mph speed limits on roads in the borough will help perception of improved road safety for all road users. 20 mph speed limits also reduce greenhouse gas emissions contributing to the Council’s net zero objectives as part of its Climate Emergency declaration and can help make residential streets more pleasant and attractive places to live. The proposed scheme will also address the priorities of the Liverpool City Region Road Safety Strategy, the Council’s Road Safety Working Group, Wirral 2021-26 Plan and climate emergency declaration.


The objective of the scheme is not just about introducing 20mph speed limits, it is also intended to provide better access to cycling and walking and creating quiet neighbourhoods with lower traffic levels. Local authorities may have historically planned transport schemes with vehicle use as a main consideration and this may have encouraged people to use cars. However, transport planning emphasis and government policy has now shifted towards making road networks more attractive for walking and cycling and safer for all road users.

Alternative options considered:

Allocate the funding to a different scheme in the Borough. This is not considered appropriate as the introduction of widespread 20mph speed limits was identified as a key priority by the Council’s Road Safety Working Group.


Do nothing. This is not considered an appropriate option given that the proposed scheme will address the priorities of the Liverpool City Region Road Safety Strategy, the Council’s Road Safety Working Group, Wirral 2021-26 Plan and climate emergency declaration.

Report author: Simon Fox

Publication date: 31/01/2023

Date of decision: 30/01/2023

Decided at meeting: 30/01/2023 - Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Effective from: 04/02/2023

Accompanying Documents: