Decision details
Contract Award: Community Migrant Wellbeing project
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Director of Public Health approves the
award of a 3 year contract, with effect from 1 April 2024 at a
total value of £381,461.40 (£127,153.80) per annum), to
Wirral Multicultural Organisation to engage local Ethnic Minority
communities by providing active outreach into communities with a
particular focus on supporting the resettlement programme with
Asylum Seekers in Wirral and helping address the health
inequalities that exist amongst the migrant population.
Reasons for the decision:
This is a new service to manage the increased
demand within the local migrant community and Asylum Seekers.
Health protection risks are of particular concern due to the
potential for disease spread within contingency and dispersed
accommodation settings or within the wider community –
particularly where there is significant mixing and crowding.
Identifying and managing infectious diseases is complex in asylum
seeker hotel settings. Proposed increases to hotel occupancy over
coming months creates an increased likelihood/risk of infectious
disease incidence and spread in these settings, as well as greater
practical challenges in preventing, identifying and managing cases
or outbreaks of infectious disease, and further pressure on the
healthcare system in providing for the health needs of these
A procurement exercise has been completed in accordance with
Council Contract Procedure Rules. The contract will be awarded to
Wirral Multicultural Organisation who were the highest scoring
tenderer in accordance with the Most Economically Advantageous
Tender criteria. The new contract will be in place on 1st April
Alternative options considered:
It is necessary to commission the service
highlighted in order to comply with Public Contract Regulations and
the Council’s Contract Procedure rules. Other options related
to contract length and contract value have been considered and
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
The decision has been taken under Part 3 Section C - Overview and Scheme of Delegations of Authority to Officers as the decision is not reserved to a Committee or Sub-Committee and the Director is satisfied that paragraphs 2(a) to 2(c) apply.
Background Papers
Corporate Procurement Invitation to Tender (ITT) Scope and Contract Specification (ITT Tenderer Information) for the supply of the Migrant Community Wellbeing Project.
Publication date: 04/04/2024
Date of decision: 18/03/2024