Decision details


Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the Director of Regeneration and Place has approved:

1. the re-designation of the Hoylake Community Planning Forum as the statutory neighbourhood planning forum for the Neighbourhood Area of Hoylake shown in Appendix 3, subject to the proposed constitution attached at Appendix 2; and

2. the publication of the decision to re-designate and the associated documents in Appendices 1 to 3, in accordance with Regulation 7 and Regulation 10 of the Neighbourhood Planning General Regulations 2012, as amended.

Reasons for the decision:

To fulfil the Council’s statutory duties for the administration of applications to establish a statutory neighbourhood planning forum and a statutory neighbourhood area boundary for an area identified by the local community at Hoylake.

In the absence of any decision being made in respect of the neighbourhood area application within the statutory timeframe it will be deemed to be approved as made.

As the 13-week deadline to determine the application expires before the next available meeting of the Economy Regeneration and Housing Committee on 18 June 2024, this decision was taken by the Director of Regeneration and Place in consultation with the Chair and Party spokespersons of the Economy Regeneration and Housing Committee.

The Chair and Spokespersons of Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee were consulted on the report and the Chair was content with the proposals.

Alternative options considered:

The Council can refuse to designate a forum where it does not meet the conditions set out in the relevant legislation and must publish the reasons for refusing any application. This is not recommended as it is considered that the forum meets the statutory conditions for designation.

The Council can refuse an application to designate a neighbourhood area if it considers that the area is not appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area, but the Council must publish a statement of the reasons for refusing any application and must ensure that at least some or all of the specified area forms part of the area to be designated. This is not recommended as it is considered that the area that is the subject of the proposed forum is appropriate.

Publication date: 23/05/2024

Date of decision: 23/05/2024

Accompanying Documents: